The Briarwood Weekly Briarwood Presbyterian Church 2200 Briarwood Way Birmingham, AL 35243-2923 Address Service Requested { } Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit # 2143 Birmingham, AL I have absolutely no idea who initially decided many years ago to schedule the Global Missions Conference at Briarwood just weeks before Holy Week. Maybe it was just the best time in our church calendar to host the conference or it could have been strategically placed near the first of the year for financial reasons, or very simply that it was just the season for Missions Conferences in churches. Whatever the reasoning, I thank our Lord for connecting these two weeks in my heart and mind. Each of these weeks provides large church-wide gatherings that help keep us on mission as a church family. However, during and after each of these weeks, I am always drawn to specific personal applications God has for me. Both weeks fan into flame my heart’s desire to see family, friends, neighbors and those I will never meet or know come to our Lord Jesus Christ for salvation. As I hear and celebrate what God is doing through our missionaries in places I will never even visit, I am overwhelmed with joy and compelled to personally invest in the opportunities He has given to us as a church. Each year this challenges and stretches my faith as I seek to trust Him through my Faith Promise. Then as I walk through Holy Week devotionally and together with you through the special services, I am consistently overwhelmed by His work of grace in my life and compelled to walk in a manner worthy of the Gospel, eager to share that story of grace with others. This, too, is used by our Lord to stretch my faith as I seek to trust Him with the evangelistic relationships He has provided. So for all of us I pray that God will use these weeks to take us to a deeper level of trust in Him and to specific personal applications of investing His resources and our lives in the proclamation of the Gospel, that others may hear and believe. Bruce Stallings Executive Pastor The Briarwood Weekly March 20, 2015 phone: 205.776.5200 • fax: 205.776.5241 • email: [email protected] • website: The sacrament of the Lord’s Supper will be celebrated Thurs., Apr. 2 in the Maundy Thursday service. Members of the congregation are invited to prepare their hearts to receive Communion. An alms offering for the Mercy Ministry will be received. LORD’S DAY WORSHIP SERVICES Sunday Morning – 8:00 and 10:55 a.m. John Croyle will speak at the Trailblazer Breakfast Seminar on Tues., Apr. 14 at 9:00 a.m. in the FH sharing grandparenting ideas. John played on the 1973 Alabama National Championship football team and is founder of Big Oak Ranch. $5 tickets are available in the Bookstore and at Sunday Evening – 6:00 p.m. IX. Timeless Truth for Timely Topics in Biblical Perspective What Does the Bible Say? “Now, What About the Anti-Christ?” II Thessalonians 1:5–2:12 Dr. Harry L. Reeder III Bluegrass Fellowship—Last Thurs. of the month from 7:00–9:00 p.m. in the Choir Room. If you like to play or sing bluegrass, country or mountain music, come join us. All levels welcome! Call Jim Blackmon at 532-9491. Holy Week—Make plans now to attend the special services during the Week of Passion, and join in the daily devotions, Love to the Uttermost. Go to for complete details. Thursday Precept Classes—Join the 11-week Bible study on Revelation from 9:30–11:30 a.m. in A205 or 6:308:30 p.m. in E008 beginning Apr. 9. Buy workbooks ($25) in the Women’s Ministry office or in class. Register at Volunteer at VBS June 1–5: • Shepherds for rising K5-6th grade are still needed. See all volunteer needs at • Grab a friend and come shepherd a Nursery VBS class. Volunteers are needed for many positions—click on the VBS volunteer link on the website at TRAILBLAZERS Travel— Sept. 27–Oct. 6, tour scenic western Canada, exploring Lake Louise, Banff, Victoria and Vancouver in “Resorts of the Canadian Rockies.” For a brochure, go to or call 776-5320. Add the Shortcut Icon to Your Mobile Device Mar. 20 at 7:00 p.m. Mar. 21 at 2:00 and 7:00 p.m. Tickets: $10/adult & $5/students; now on sale at the High School or by calling 776-5908. Praise the Lord! Our website,, is now being accessed half the time by mobile devices…phones, tablets and iPads! If you haven’t already, take advantage of the valuable tool by adding the Briarwood icon to your device. Family Album On Apple products: Launch your Safari browser, go to and tap the share button (that’s the rectangle with an arrow pointing upward). Choose “Add to Home Screen.” The Briarwood icon appears and will launch directly to the website. Drop off to the Women’s Ministry office by Mon., Mar. 23. Questions? Email [email protected] Christian Medical Ministry Missions—Children’s vitamins without iron needed for mission trip to the Dominican Republic. Drop off no later than Wed., Apr. 8. Call the CMMA office with any questions at 776-5470. Today InPerspective airs weekdays at 1:00, 5:15 and 9:00 p.m. on WLJR, 88.5 FM, and at The week of Mar. 23 Pastor Reeder and host Tom Lamprecht will discuss “What Happens After I Die?” with special guest Dr. Michael Rogers. Job Opening—Full-time Maintenance/ Custodial Manager. Call 776-5230 or send resume to [email protected]. On Android: Launch your Chrome browser and open Tap the menu button (that’s the 3 dots in the corner of the screen) and choose “Add to homescreen.” The Briarwood icon appears and will launch directly to the website. For other devices, go to Ed & Teree Solomon Alabama Peter && Janet BoydTomaselli Cosmo Susette Grace Church ChurchPresbyterian Resource Ministries New Zealand Romania Byron &&Kim Johnson Michael Maegan Cody Campus Outreach Outreach Campus Georgia Alabama Alex&&Sue LenaBurch Travinkov John CampustoCrusade for Christ Mission the World Ukraine U.S./Intl Melody Copenny Allen McCammon Cru Deacon Florida Briarwood TUESDAY Jay &&Cindy Don EstherJackson Clements Presb. WalesEvangelistic Goebel Fellowship Virginia Alabama MONDAY Ed and Teree Solomon with Child Evangelism Fellowship minister to military children throughout the country. Pray for the Solomons as they meet with Chaplains, DREs and other ministries, that God would grant them opportunities to have an impact on the lives of military children. SUNDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Wayne David &&Lydia Amelia Taylor Botha Christian Inland Mission Reformed Church South AfricaAfrica Bring filled Easter baskets or donations for Daniel Cason’s evangelistic inner city outreach. Missions Prayer Focus Dave Giddens Briarwood Elder Justin Clete && Elizabeth Karen Hux Clement Reformed Apologetics Univ. Resource Fellowship Ctr. Georgia Alabama Children's Easter Baskets are needed Women Impacting the World, Teambuilders (259 babies loved last week) BCS has limited space availability in K4 and K5 fall classes. Contact Kelly Mooney, Admissions Dir., at [email protected] for further information or 776-5812. John Hedlund Briarwood Elder For reservations, visit or call 776-5238 by Tuesday at noon. Serving in the Nursery Sun., Mar. 22 Hey Nursery Families…we are now on Facebook! Like our page and be sure to hover over the button and click to get notifications! Our love and sympathy to Beth McRae and family on the death of her father, Charles Frederick, on Mar. 11; and to Joe Morgan and family on the death of his sister, Barbara Thompson, on Mar. 12. Lasagna, Steamed Broccoli, Green Salad, Garlic Roll, Dessert Gary & Jackie Burnett Joe Medlock United World Mission Deacon Colombia Briarwood Access the Apps to Pastor Reeder’s radio programs. Click on this QR Code or go to THURSDAY Briarwood College Graduating Seniors—If you will be graduating this spring or summer or know a Briarwood member who is, contact Meagan at 776-5269 or [email protected] by Mon., Apr. 6 and provide your full name, school and degree so we may recognize our graduates’ achievements. MidWeek Dinner Mar. 25 John Fred Holladay Bentley Elder Briarwood Briarwood Deacon Jim SteveBlackmon Mace Elder Briarwood Briarwood Deacon WEDNESDAY All 12th grade church members—Contact the Student Ministry Office by Mon., Apr. 6 to let us know your full name, your school, and your plans following graduation. We would like to effectively recognize and minister to you. Contact Meagan Snow at 776-5269 or [email protected]. VI. Thy Word Is Truth in Biblical Perspective The Supremacy and Sufficiency of God’s Word “What Does the Son of God Say About the Word of God?— ‘It Is Spirit and Life’” John 6:60–71 Dr. Harry L. Reeder III Bobby Parks Scott Hannah CMMA Director Leadership Team Leadership Briarwood Team Shepherd’s Fold Cornerstone School Ministry Birmingham
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