MERCY MINISTRY CANNED FooD DRIVE The Briarwood Weekly Briarwood Presbyterian Church 2200 Briarwood Way Birmingham, AL 35243-2923 Address Service Requested { } Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit # 2143 Birmingham, AL Sun., Apr. 19 to support support Daniel Daniel Cason Cason Ministries Ministries to Leave bags of canned goods and non-perishables behind your car to be picked up while you are in church. Over the past five years much time, energy, focus and money have been invested in the Coming Generation. During Holy Week I traveled to Nicaragua with the Briarwood Christian School (BCS) Missions team of 31 students and 9 adults. These 31 students chose to invest their spring break by getting out of their comfort zones, serving others and taking the Gospel to a different country. BCS has developed a wonderful short term mission’s model which, includes medical and eye care, pharmaceutical supplies, site improvement, and children’s ministry—all used to share the gospel in a partnering relationship with a number of churches in and around Managua, Nicaragua. Under the oversight of professionals, the students led worship, took vital signs, conducted eye exams, painted, dispersed medicine, played with children and spread the love of Christ to people with far fewer worldly possessions than we enjoy. What a personal blessing and encouragement to observe these students sharing, serving, and evangelizing. Throughout the week, the team provided medical and pharmaceutical care to 579 people and fitted 528 people with glasses. The local churches prayed with 560 people and reported 60 adult and 33 youth professions of faith. Hallelujah! Rev. Cheely often stated that there are more positive ministry activities happening in the world than our national and world news reports, and based on my experience during Holy Week with BCS students, I agree. Be encouraged…this side of heaven, you will not hear of the impact these students made in one short week while reaching out to over 600 people in Nicaragua nor about the 93 new Christians. I observed the Lord working through them first hand and their actions and witness bring me hope and confidence in our Coming Generation. Matt Moore Church Administrator The Briarwood Weekly April 17, 2015 phone: 205.776.5200 • fax: 205.776.5241 • email: [email protected] • website: Sunday Morning – 8:00 and 10:55 a.m. XLVI. Matthew in Biblical Perspective The Kingdom of God and the Word of God “An Overview and an Introduction” Matthew 13 Dr. Harry L. Reeder III Pastor Reeder’s second Q&A session on eschatology (end times) will be in the Chapel following our last MidWeek dinner on Apr. 29. L.O.V.E. needed—Ladies and Gentlemen are invited to deliver beautiful flowers and the love of Christ in order to encourage our assisted living and at-home members. Meet Monday mornings at 9:30 in our Flower Room and then go out in pairs with freshly-made arrangements. For more information, contact Pam Stracner at 995-1426 or [email protected]. Family Album • We rejoice with Jim and Amy Pattillo on the birth of their son, Andrew Forrest, on Apr. 2. • Our love and sympathy to Sharon Mumm and family on the death of her stepmother, Jerry Lou Powell, on Mar. 31; and to Rob Allen and family on the death of his grandfather, Thomas David Children’s Choirs Spring Concert “Table for Five…Thousand!” Serving in the Nursery – Sun., Apr. 19 Kingdom Builders (243 babies loved last week) Scott David&&Jayne LydiaCuidon Taylor Campus Inland Mission Crusade for Christ Croatia Africa Worship Center free admission Caregivers of Dementia Patients Support Group—Join us every third Tues. of the month from 11:00 a.m.–noon in A201 to share concerns and practical strategies for dealing with behavior problems and communication difficulties of dementia patients. Call 776-5320 with questions. ESOL teachers needed for the coming year! Call if you would like to find out more or sign up for this great outreach to internationals in our own city. We will train you and we teach in teams so you have backup. Contact Laura Danner at 776-5343. Friendship Partners needs fifty Briarwood families this year to reach out to all our interested students. Sign up to enjoy an international student as a friend to you or your family! For information and orientation meeting times, call Laura Danner at 776-5343. Thursday Precept classes—Join the 11-week Bible study on Revelation from 9:30–11:30 a.m. in A205 or 6:30–8:30 p.m. in E008, now underway. Buy workbooks ($25) in the Women’s Ministry Office or in class. Register at Today InPerspective airs weekdays at 1:00, 5:15 and 9:00 p.m. on WLJR, 88.5 FM, and at The week of Apr. 20 Pastor Reeder and host Tom Lamprecht will discuss “Eschatology—Are These the Birth Pangs?” Graduating from college? The Briarwood Fellows program trains recent college graduates to reach and impact the marketplace and public arena for Christ through paid marketplace internships, biblical worldview discipleship and leadership training. Apply online at Job Openings—1) The Global Missions Ministry seeks a full-time admin. assistant to serve our new Missions Pastor, the Global Missions Team, and as office manager of our Missions Ministry. Send resumes to [email protected]. 2) Parttime admin. assistant for Briarwood Intl Outreach—primarily serving international congregations. Send inquiries and resumes to [email protected]. 3) Foundations Early Learning and Family Center in Fairfield seeks a full-time Program Director. The position offers a competitive salary and some benefits. If interested, please apply at [email protected]. VBS June 1–5: • Register your child online now at VBS is open to all children who will be enrolled in K5–6th grade in the fall. • Preschool VBS/Nursery is open to children of VBS volunteers only. To register contact Raleigh or Alison for link. • Donate cardboard rolls from paper towels for a Nursery VBS craft. You can deliver them to a box in the Mailroom. • Donate old magazines for a VBS craft. Please leave them in the VBS mailbox. • Shepherds needed for rising K5–6th grade. See all volunteer needs at • Shepherd a Nursery VBS class. To see needs, click on the VBS volunteer link at Camp Briarwood registration— Spots are available for all six weeks of camp. Visit for more information and for a registration form, or call 776-5237. Camp is a great way to help your children make memories this summer that will last for many years to come! This beautiful hardcover book describes the 50-year history of Briarwood Christian School and is filled with pictures and interesting facts. On sale for $34.95 online in the webstore and in the Bookstore. This Sun., Apr. 19, purchase before and after Sunday School Church Revitalization Brazil Pray for the Embers to a Flame Conference in Vitoria, Brazil, May 12-14. Pray for safe travel and good health for Harry Reeder and Lynn Downing as they lead this conference and for the pastors and church leaders attending. May this Conference be used to strengthen and revitalize His church. Jay & Cindy Jackson Donna Greene Wales Goebel Community Min. for Girls Alabama Cosmo & Susette Tomaselli Dave Culmer Church to Resource Ministries Mission the World Romania Bulgaria Byron& &August Kim Johnson Luke Griffith Campus Outreach Outreach Campus Georgia Alabama Alex & &Lena Travinkov Demps Kristy Dempsey Campus Outreach Crusade for Christ Campus Ukraine Brazil Mack Chris Griffith Allen&McCammon Mission to Deacon North America North Carolina Briarwood TUESDAY Chris Clete && Mary KarenGranberry Hux Sacred Apologetics Road Resource Ministries Ctr. Washington Alabama Sunday, April 19 6:00 p.m. MONDAY Lee McCarty Briarwood Elder Children’s Choirs Spring Program SAVE YOUR STUFF— July 24–25 is the 7th Annual Briarwood Flea Market. Vendor registration opens May 1. Contact [email protected] or call 776-5311. Proceeds to benefit Urban Hope Community Church in Fairfield. Missions Prayer Focus Tom Jackson Briarwood Elder SUNDAY SATURDAY FRIDAY Fendley, on Apr. 10 Lasagna, Steamed Broccoli, Chicken Sandwich, Green Salad, Garlic Roll, Fish Sandwich, Chips, Coleslaw, Dessert Dessert For reservations, For reservations, visit visit or call call 776-5238 776-5238 by byTuesday Tuesday at at noon. noon. or Sunday Evening – 6:00 p.m. The sacrament of the Lord’s Supper will be celebrated Sun., Apr. 26 in the morning service. Members of the congregation are invited to prepare their hearts to receive Communion. An alms offering for the mercy ministry will be received. Officer nominations—Deacon and Elder nominations for the Class of 2018 will be accepted from the congregation during the month of May. Nominating forms will be available on Sun., Apr. 26 at the various information stations throughout the church. The deadline for nominations is Sun., May 31. MidWeek Mar.22 25 MidWeek Dinner Dinner Apr. Charles & Carol DeWitt Joe Medlock Mission to Deacon the World Spain Briarwood at special book tables. THURSDAY It’s not too late—Come to the evangelism/discipleship training by The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association Apr. 20 and 27 from 7:00–9:00 p.m. in the Worship Center. This is in preparation for Franklin Graham’s Festival of Hope, coming Aug. 14–16 to Bartow Arena. For more details, go to LORD’S DAY WORSHIP SERVICES John Gerald Bentley Jowers Elder Briarwood Briarwood Deacon Jim WillBlackmon Ratcliffe Elder Briarwood Briarwood Deacon WEDNESDAY Pastor’s Inquirers’ Class for newcomers and prospective members begins Sun., Apr. 19. It includes two Sunday morning classes (Apr. 19 and 26), Wed. night (Apr. 22) plus a Sat. morning (Apr. 25). By attending, you are not obligated to join. For information or to sign up, call 776-5208. Seth ScottRichardson Hannah Dir. of Briarwood Leadership Team Fellows Leadership Team Briarwood Shepherd’s Fold Mission Birmingham Ministry
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