Become the center of their Instagram

The Groundbreaking and Customizable Instagram Print Experience
Become the center of their Instagram
conversation and turn their favorite event
moments into a #momento
Leading-edge on-site solution for generating engagement
with branded Instagram and Twitter #hashtags
Instant sticker and photo printing, overlaid with a personalized
branded watermark
Head turning event hub with a unique user experience and
several customization points
Cater to events large and small by adding as many #momento
hubs as you need.
Provide more than a print - give users a unique and memorable
brand experience.
Coming Soon: Custom user flow with options like opt-in, survey,
video display, and additional social sharing.
User takes a photo using
their own device and posts to
Instagram using event
User goes to Hub onsite and
scrolls through hashtag
aggregator to find their
(now branded) photo
Learn More
Photo is selected and User
presses ‘Print’
[email protected] | 617.607.3293
Photo is now printed as a
‘mini’ photo sticker for User
to enjoy