Kindergarten Registration dates set for 2015-16 school year

Kindergarten Registration dates set for 2015-16 school year
FORT BEND ISD – Kindergarten registration dates for the 2015-2016 school year have been set for Fort
Bend ISD elementary schools. From March 26 through April 10, parents of eligible kindergarten students
can begin the first step of the enrollment process using the new student online registration system.
A link for online registration will be provided on the District’s website beginning March 26. Parents are
able to complete step one from their home computer, their mobile device, a public library computer or a
computer that will be made available at the campus. To access the new student online registration
system, parents will need to have an email address to quickly create the account.
After completing online registration, parents must then contact their zoned campus to set up an
appointment to finish the enrollment process. All enrollment appointments will be held throughout
the week of April 6-10 during elementary school hours (8:10 a.m. to 3:10 p.m.). As a convenience
to parents and guardians, evening appointments will be available on April 7 from 5:00 p.m. until
7:00 p.m. In order to ensure adequate staffing, resources and student placement, it is imperative that
you register your kindergarten student during this enrollment window timeframe.
To register for kindergarten, a child must be five (5) years of age on or before September 1, and parents
must bring the following required documents:
Child’s birth certificate or its equivalent
Immunization records
Social security card (If unavailable, a state ID number will be assigned)
Proof of residence, including a deed, lease or mortgage agreement
A current utility bill (gas, water or electric)
A government issued photo ID of the student’s parent or guardian, which provides their FBISD
address (Current TX Driver’s License/ID Card)
For students who are zoned to attend Elementary School 46, which opens in August 2015, registration
will be held at Bowie Middle School (700 Plantation Drive, Richmond, 77406) during the same dates and
times, as the new school is under construction. For kindergarten enrollment appointments for Elementary
School 46 (17727 Abermore Lane, Richmond, 77407), parents may call Drabek Elementary at (281)3272740.
For more information regarding kindergarten registration, contact the school in which your child will
enroll. Please use the School Finder link at
on the FBISD website to determine your zoned campus.