SP2, Voice Activity 9.04

Voice Activity 9.04
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After you study all of the tabs from this lesson, you will be able to:
 use airport vocabulary to describe the steps needed for an air travel
→The purpose of this Voice Activity is to express the
sequence of events from the time you arrive at the
airport until you board the airplane, in complete
Spanish sentences.
You will be graded on accuracy and pronunciation. Provide a minimum
of 4 sentences. Since you will be stating what people DO at the airport,
you must use the Present Tense of the verbs you include.
Make sure to use the ‘AIRPORT ’ Vocabulary discussed on lesson
9.04. Study the paragraphs provided on the Lección tab, and listen to
the audio flashcards!
el aeropuerto
The airport
To check in …( the luggage)
el equipaje
The luggage
pasar por…
To go through…
la puerta de seguridad
The security gate
To wait
la puerta de embarque
The departure gate
El mostrador de la línea
The airline ticket counter
El asiento
The seat
El documento
The document
El pasaporte
The passport
El vuelo
The flight
Estar en fila
To be in line
La tarjeta de embarque
Boarding pass
Example in English, of the type of information I expect you to
discuss IN SPANISH:
"To travel by plane I go to the airport. First, I
check in my luggage at the airline ticket
counter. I receive my boarding pass. Then, I go
through security. Next, I wait at the gate. Finally,
I board the plane.”