Please choose one site and one session (circle)

CitySprouts Summer Youth Program
at the Cambridge Upper Schools
Session One is July 6 to July 31
Session Two is August 3 to August 21
All sessions run MONDAY through FRIDAY 9am to 1pm
The CitySprouts Summer Youth Program is a 4-week internship for kids 11 to 14 years old. The CitySprouts
Summer Youth Program is free. Students must be available for the entirety of session one or two.
As a CitySprouts intern, students will:
• Grow and cook food from the garden
• Team-building, leadership skills and making a difference in their community
• Field trips to supermarkets, farms and food relief agencies
• Upon completion of the session, each intern is awarded $100
For parents/guardians
Student Info
Parent/Guardian Info
Birthdate __________ Age ____________
Current grade _____________
Home Tel _________________________________
M or F (circle)
School Child Currently Attends____________________ Cell Phone ________________________________
School Child Will Attend Fall 2015_________________ Email Address_______________________________
Please choose one site and one session (circle)
SESSION ONE, July 6 to July 31
SESSION TWO, August 3 to August 21
Parent/GuardianSignature _____________________________________
Applications are due by May 15th. Interns will be notified of acceptance
by May 29th. Please bring the completed application to your school library OR mail to
CitySprouts, 678 Mass Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139. For more information, please call (617)
Summer Youth Program
Application 2015
Students, please read the list below and be sure you have completed everything on the
__I have read all of the information on this application
__My parent or guardian completely filled out the “parent/guardian” part of the application
& signed the application form
__ I wrote a paragraph about why I would like to be a CitySprouts intern (below)
__I am available to participate in the entire session (please check dates)
__ I understand, if accepted as an intern, I must sign and follow the Rules and Expectations
__Return this application to your school library by May 15th
Growing food in the garden is fun, but it is also hard work! Are you ready to work outside?
Show up on time and be part of a team? Go on field trips to farms and food relief agencies?
Teach other kids and adults how to grow food and make healthy things to eat? Please write at
least one paragraph about why you want to be a CitySprouts intern.
Applications are due by May 15th. Interns will be notified of acceptance
by May 29th. Please bring the completed application to your school library OR mail to
CitySprouts, 678 Mass Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139. For more information, please call (617)