Recipe Contests - Colorado Farm to School

Kid’s Create Recipe Contest Guidelines and Entry Form
March 1 - 31, 2014
Think, Experiment, Create, and WIN!
Put on those aprons and create a fun and delicious new dish that can actually be used in your school
cafeteria! Celebrate National Nutrition Month by entering the Kid’s Create Recipe Contest.
Contest Guidelines
1. Open to any San Diego Unified student, grades K-12. Individual or small groups may enter the contest (maximum of 3 students
per group). Parents and/or teachers are permitted to assist individuals or teams.
2. Create a recipe that can be served in your school’s cafeteria using either whole grain brown rice or whole grain tortillas.
3. Add a source of protein (not more than 2 ounces). Choose from chicken, turkey, cheese or beans (black, pinto, kidney or garbanzo).
4. Add additional ingredients but keep it simple. Think fresh, healthy and delicious! Recipes may contain no more than 10
ingredients including the grain, protein source and seasonings.
5. Recipes should be easy to prepare in a school kitchen. No grilling, barbecuing or frying.
How to Enter
Create a recipe, fill out this entry form, include a photo, video or drawing and send to the Kid’s Create Recipe Contest one of three ways:
1. Mail to Kid’s Create Recipe Contest, 6735 Gifford Way, Room 5, San Diego, CA 92111.
2. Email to: [email protected]. You can send the entry form along with a photo, drawing or video as attachments.
3. Put it in an envelope and turn it into your school cafeteria. Put Kid’s Create Recipe Contest on the outside of the envelope.
Do not send food. All entries must be in English and received or postmarked by March 31, 2014.
Prizes will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners in two grade categories (K-5 and 6-12).
Only one prize will be awarded for each winning recipe.
Judging will be based on appearance and taste; creativity and originality; composition and
nutrient content; and simplicity of preparation/ease of production in school kitchens.
1st Place: A Kindle Fire, plus star in your own cooking demo video and have your recipe served
on your school’s menu
2nd Place: $60 Amazon gift card
A special thank you to
Uncle Ben’s for providing
3rd Place: $30 Amazon gift card
the Kindle Fires for the
first place prizes.
Recipe Contest
Food and
Nutrition Services
Official Entry Form
Due March 31, 2014
Parent Helper______________________________
Recipe Name:
Photo/Illustration Here
Step by Step Instructions: