Newsletter Nabiac Public School 25th February 2013 Term 1 Week 5 “The best little school...anywhere” Dear families, students and staff, SRC First Meeting A week ago nominations were held in 6G’s classroom to decide the 2013 leaders of the SRC. The Student Representative Council elected Zara Horsburgh alongside Bryson Williams to represent them as their presidents at their first meeting. They will be supported by the Secretary; Paris Ramsay, and Treasurer; Jackson Martin. Each class has two SRC members who meet on a regular basis to discuss fundraising ideas and other important issues raised. The class members include the following: K\1B: Rahnee Cole & Brodie Perrim 3\4J: Karmen Reardon & Maverick Fardell K\1E: Zoe Penfold & Cody Nowlan 4\5M: Jackson Martin & Paris Ramsay 1\2B: Beth Kauter & Dillan Pemberton 6G: Zara Horsburgh & Bryson Williams 2\3D: Maggie Chapman & Bailey Went Message from the Principal... Thank you to the parents and caregivers who were able to attend the parent information meeting which was held last Wednesday Night. 43% of families were represented at the meetings. Please note that teachers will be contacting parents towards the end of the term for an informal chat regarding their children. Thanks also to the parents who attended the band information night. This is a great opportunity for Nabiac Public School. If anyone missed that meeting and would like more information please contact the office. We have been working consistently over the last 3 years to make a difference in the teaching and learning of Literacy and Maths at Nabiac P.S. This includes using Accelerated Literacy practices in the teaching of reading and writing to improve children’s understanding of what they read and to improve their writing. In numeracy we have worked hard to deliver Balanced Numeracy sessions which have very structured components including a focussed session that develops automatic recall of facts, problem solving in every lesson and customised learning opportunities so children work at their level in Maths. Last year we also introduced small group support in reading and maths with trained School Learning Support Officers. We are entering the third year of Quicksmart, which is an intervention program for identified students in Maths. The following graphs and tables in Reading and Numeracy show the work that we have been doing in these areas is making a difference for our children. The average growth for students in years 3-5 in 2010 – 2012 is above state and above groups of similar schools. We continue as a school to develop lessons that are of the highest quality to ensure your children have the best learning opportunities. Thank you for supporting your children in their enthusiasm to learn. Average progress in Reading between Year 3 and 5* 2008-2010 2009-2011 2010-2012 School 59.5 44.6 83.7 SSG 80.2 78.7 82.2 State DEC 83.7 74.0 79.2 Have a great week. Mrs Cavanagh, Principal Clarkson St Nabiac 2312 6554 1247 Average progress in Numeracy between Year 3 and 5* School SSG State DEC 2008-2010 2009-2011 2010-2012 76.2 85.3 109.3 83.2 90.1 97.6 89.6 95.8 98.2 Email: [email protected] Web: Calendar March 8 Clean up Schools Day 13 P&C AGM and Meeting 20 Canteen Meeting 22 Ride to School Day 22 Cross Country 28 Easter Parade 29 Good Friday (Public Holiday) April 1 Easter Monday (Public Holiday) 3 P&C Meeting 11 ANZAC Day School Assembly 12 Last day of Term 1 29 Staff Development Day 30 Staff Development Day Assembly Assembly this week will be conducted by 3/4J on Friday at 2.15 in the school hall. All welcome. Happy Birthday to the following students who will celebrate their birthday this week ... Ellise Russell-Mather…6/3 Lachlan Harvey…6/3 Tamara Menser…9/3 Mitchell Black…10/3 Thought for the Week... “No amount of talents, skills or charisma can sustain us the way integrity, character and attitude does”. ~ Sidney Mohede ICAS School Competitions (UNSW) All students in Years 3-6 received a note for the school competitions today. If your child/children want to compete in some of these competitions please return the note and money to the office no later than Friday 15th March, 2013. Kind Regards, Kim Arandale Assistant Principal. Soccer Coach The school requires a new volunteer to assist with the coaching/training of the school soccer teams. If you are available to help, please contact the office. It involves conducting training sessions one lunchtime a week during the knockout competition and being able to attend these games. Free Access for 12 Months Parents, for 12 months you can access a terrific educational website for free. It is created with a focus on learning for fun. It has great activities, games and puzzles for school children. Log on to . Mrs Dana Smith Knitting Nanas Needed The Primary children are very excited about our Knitting Group. We will be meeting twice a week at lunchtimes. We would like to invite any Grandparent, Parent or Community Member to help out to keep this wonderful crafting skill alive. We also would appreciate any donations of all wool no smaller than 12 ply and knitting needles. In such an electronic world, we would like to teach the younger generation a wonderful life long skill. Easter Hat Parade Easter is fast approaching and once again we will be holding our annual Easter Hat Parade for the children in years K-2, and our Egg Character Competition for the children in Years 3-6. These wonderful creations are made by the children at home then brought in on the day. The parade will be held on Thursday 28th March starting at 1.00pm. The categories for the Hat Parade will be: * Funniest Hat * Bunny Hat or Mask *Colourful Hat *Australian Easter Hat *Creative /Innovative Hat *Recycled or Inexpensive Hat *Chicken Hat. The Egg Competition will be judged in class groups by a panel of judges. Entries will need to be at school prior to recess on Thursday 28th March. So start thinking creatively! Zone Swimming Results Junior Boys Backstroke Junior Girls Backstroke Junior Girls Backstroke 11 yr old boys backstroke 11 yr old girls backstroke 12 yr old boys backstroke 12 yr old boys backstroke 12 yr old girls backstroke 11 yr old boys butterfly Junior Boys Breaststroke Junior Boys Breaststroke 12 yr old boys breaststroke Boys 100m freestyle Boys 100m freestyle 8 yrs boys freestyle 8 yrs boys freestyle 9 yr boys freestyle 9 yr boys freestyle 9 yr girls freestyle 9 yr girls freestyle 10 yr old boys freestyle 10 yr old boys freestyle 10 yr old girls freestyle 11 yr old boys freestyle 11 yr old boys freestyle 11 yr old girls freestyle 11 yr old girls freestyle 12 yr old boys freestyle 12 yr old girls freestyle Junior Boys Relay Junior Girls Relay Senior Boys Relay Senior Girls Relay First Name Jackson Sarah Amber Max Gabrielle Mitchell Bryson Jasmine Max Isaac Jackson Surname Martin Higgins Jones Lynch Selfe Black Williams Black Lynch Smith Martin Mitchell Bryson Max Macauley Jye Ben Lane Macie Amber Kye Jackson Sarah Will Max Isabelle Gabrielle Black Williams Lynch Morris Casey Kirk Phegan Phegan Jones Went Martin Higgins Hawkins Lynch Phegan Selfe Mitchell Sarah Black Ryall Time 54.7 59.85 1.17 57.59 54.38 47.53 51.2 52.66 51.87 55.83 1.00.39 Heat 4th 2nd 6th 4th 4th 1st 4th 2nd 2nd 2nd 3rd Final 5th 13th 19th 10th 13th 6th 11th 18th 2nd 9th 5th 56.05 5th 1.39 1.14 1.11 51.83 51.76 1.07.22 1.08.81 47.96 49.85 50.61 55.02 42.08 43.57 47.43 4th 4th 6th 1st 2nd x x 1st 4th 5th 5th 2nd 3rd 6th 8th 11th 10th 16th 13th 13th 14th 23rd 25th 8th 11th 22nd 25th 3rd 16th 28th 45.61 54 4th x 1st 2nd 5th 23rd 31st 4th 9th 4th 12th The Zone Swimming Carnival was held on Wednesday, 27th of February. We were lucky to have a beautiful, clear but extremely hot day. Thanks for the parents and the grandparents that attended on the day and did a fantastic job cheering on our kids. Unfortunately, we didn’t have any children qualify for the next level of competition. The children represented themselves and Nabiac School superbly. Special thanks to the parents that helped in the capacity of timekeepers: Vanessa Hawkins, Rosa Black, Kerry Martin and to Cathy Kirk and Shalon Patterson for making sure that children were ready for their races. Thanks to Kerrie Martin and Vanessa Hawkins for assisting with transport. Mr Dawson School Banking with Holiday Coast Credit Union As the new school year has started we are excited to introduce school banking with the Holiday Coast Credit Union here in Nabiac. Your banking day is: Every Wednesday starting 13th March. Easter Raffle Traditionally the P&C in conjunction with our families conduct an Easter Egg Raffle Fundraiser. We ask our families to donate Easter Eggs which we pool together and then raffle into gift size bundles. Boxes have been placed in each classroom awaiting collection of the egg donations. Any donation of baskets, Easter gift bags/ boxes would also be appreciated. Raffle tickets books are sent out in March and the raffle will be drawn during the Easter Parade. A prize is given to the class to donate the most eggs. Thank you. Nabiac School P & C Committee P&C AGM and Meeting The AGM for the P & C is set for Wednesday 13 th March, 2013 at 5:45pm for registration and then 6:00pm start. To become a P & C member it will cost you $1. The P & C has lost a number of valuable members with the recent batch of year 6 kids moving to High School. P & C is required to have a certain number of members in order for everything to run. So if you can spare 1 hour a month please come and join the P & C. We are considering alternating between Day and Night Meetings so even if you can only attend every second meeting that would be a great help. To be on the P & C you do not have to take on a role (ie president, secretary or treasurer) you can just be a member. You get learn a lot about what happens at the school and also to decide where the hard earned/raised money is spent and how it can benefit your children. CANTEEN ROSTER Week 5 Tuesday 5 March C Atkinson & M Panos Wednesday 6 March M Webber, K Styles, K Dower Thursday 7 March R Simpson, V Johnson Friday 8 March C Atkinson, S Paterson, G Ryall Week 6 Tuesday 12 March C Atkinson & J L Eason Wednesday 13 March M Webber, L Harper Thursday 14 March R Simpson, G Ryall Friday 15 March C Atkinson, C Kirk, K Dickson NabiPatch Garden Roster Thursday Weeks: 8, 11 6G Thursday Weeks: 6, 9 1.30 – 2.00 2.00 - 4/5M 1/2B 2.30 2.30- 3/4J 2/3D 3.00 Volunteers Welcome! Thursday Weeks: 7, 10 K/1B K1/E Celia Lashlie “The Power of Mothers” & “Growing Gorgeous Boys into Good men” Is coming to Gloucester for an information session. Please see the ‘Miller Message Board’ for details. Any Parents with children in Year 3 or older and would like to participate in the Sacramental Program due to run in the Nabiac/Krambach Parish please contact Deacon Vince Ryan on 6559 1848 ASAP.
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