26th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Sep. 29, 2013 “We, who are many, are One Body.” 1 Corinthians 10:17 Our Mission We, the people of St. Anthony of Padua, are a joyful Roman Catholic Community. We believe Our Lord calls us beyond membership to become His true disciples and live as One Body in Christ. Therefore, we choose to use our unique gifts to build a welcoming, interconnected gathering of the faithful that will be a beacon, a light to the world. St. Anthony Adopted on September 8, 1998 Birthday of Our Lady Stephen Wilson, Stained Glass Artist MASS SCHEDULE: ESPAŇOL: Monday & Friday: 9AM Tuesday & Thursday: 9AM & 6:45PM Wednesday : 6AM & 9AM Saturday: 10AM (Daily), 5PM (Vigil) Sunday: 7AM, 9AM, 11AM, and 6PM(Life Teen) Horario de misas en español: Todos los domingos a la 1PM. Holy Day Vigil Mass: 7PM (the evening before) Holy Days: 6AM, 9AM, 7PM (times may vary, please refer to our website) Rosary: Mon.—Fri. at 9:45AM (Church) Liturgy of the Hours: Mon.—Fri. at 6:30AM (Church) Sanctuary: Open daily from 8:30AM until 10:00PM Reconciliation: Saturdays from 8:30AM-9:30AM and Wednesdays from 6:30-7:30PM Baptism: Please see our Faith Formation page. Marriage: Please contact the Parish office at least nine months prior to your desired wedding date. Reconciliación en español: Todos los sábados en la capilla del Santísimo 3-5PM. Misa de quinceañera: Se pide a los padres que se registren en nuestra parroquia, de manera que se inicien los preparativos a los 14 años recién cumplidos. Bautizos de niños: Es necesario que los padres y padrinos asistan al curso de preparación. Nuestra parroquia ofrece cursos en español durante el año, el cual, es válido para los siguientes tres años. Para mayor información, habrá que contactar la oficina parroquial o visitar la página STAOPTW.ORG Los miércoles de 10AM 12PM, habrá la posibilidad de contar con un servicio en español para resolver las dudas que se tengan con respecto a la vida y actividades parroquiales. 7801 Bay Branch Drive, The Woodlands, TX 77382-5312 — STAOPTW.ORG 281-419-8700 281-296-2800 (metro) 281-296-7238 fax 26th Sunday of Ordinary Time, September 29, 2013 CLERGY: Pastor: Rev. Tom Rafferty Pastor’s Assistant: Carol Doutel Parochial Vicars: Rev. George Vattappara, M.S.F.S. Rev. Jaison P. Thomas, M.S.F. Legionnaires of Christ: Fr. Rodolfo Caballero (bilingual) Deacons: Charlie Duck Robert Keller Mike Mims Mike Mort Ralph Risk Leo St. Aubin (retired) Tom Vicknair g Seminarian-in-Residence: Preston Quintela g PARISH LEADERSHIP TEAM: Director of Pastoral Life: Dn. Tom Vicknair Director of Education: Renee Nunez Director of Administration: Robert Rios Director of Parish Faith Formation: Barbara Beale Director of Spiritual Life: Sue O’Connell Director of Communication & Resources: Catie MacKrell PARISH COUNCILS: Pastoral Care: [email protected] Finance: [email protected] Stewardship: [email protected] Education: [email protected] gg PARISH CONTACT INFO: Parish Office Local Line: 281-419-8700 Parish Office Metro Line: 281-296-2800 Parish Fax: 281-296-7238 Parish Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30AM-4:30PM Evening Receptionist: Mon-Thu 4PM-8PM Weekend Receptionist: Sunday 8AM-1PM Little Saints: 832-381-2093 (Early Childhood Program) Assistance Ministries: St. Vincent DePaul: 281-466-1920 St. Anthony’s Bread: 832-482-4210 MASS INTENTIONS: READINGS: Saturday, September 28 10AM †David Jester 5PM Dn. Leo & Lerry St. Aubin THIS WEEKEND: Am 6:1a, 4-7 1 Tim 6: 11-16 Lk 16: 19-31 Sunday, September 29 7AM †Bob Minieri 9AM †Paul McLean 11AM Our Parish 1PM †Sofia Mendez 6PM Barbara Kwiatkowski Monday, September 30 9AM †Dorothy Dunnican Tuesday, October 1 9AM †Robert Owen 6:45PM Mary Feldman Wednesday, October 2 6AM Nicholaus & Christopher Tyler 9AM †John J. Spokes, Jr. Thursday, October 3 9AM Sam Ifeanyi 6:45PM Chijioke Family Friday, October 4 9AM The Iloabachie Family Saturday, October 5 10AM †Oziel Lamas 5:00PM †Rosemary Frigar THIS WEEK: Monday, Sept. 30 Zec 8: 1-8 Lk 9: 46-50 Tuesday, October 1 Zec 8: 20-23 Lk 9: 51-56 Wednesday, Oct. 2 Neh 2: 1-8 Mt 18: 1-5, 10 Thursday, October 3 Neh 8: 1-4a, 5-6, 7b-12 Lk 10: 1-12 Friday, October 4 Bar 1: 15-22 Lk 10: 13-16 Saturday, October 5 Bar 4: 5-12, 27-29 Lk 10: 17-24 NEXT WEEKEND: Hb 1:2-3; 2: 2-4 2 Tm 1: 6-8, 13-14 Lk 17:5-10 Please remember the following in your Prayers FOR THE SICK: Max Trainor, Shirley Sims, Jacqui Gillispie, Mary Litton, Eileen Meier FOR THE DECEASED: Marcheta Huerter, Rolando Benitez, Ronald Petit, Maria Elena Biondi, Michael Epton and Carlos Granadillo PRAYER LINE EMAIL [email protected] Events This Week Sunday, September 29 Faith Formation Classes Bishop Sheltz Hall: Scout Pop Corn Sales 9:30AM RCIA Children Easter 2014, PLB #202 10:30AM ACTS—Men Spanish Retreat Brunch Gym 4PM Older Children Sacramental Prep., PLB #213 6PM AA Meeting, PLB #209 7PM TGA ACTS, PLB#202, 204, 205 7:15PM Cornerstone Leader Mtg., PLB #203 7:30PM Life Teen Night, AMR & Youth Ministry Room Thursday, October 3 9:45AM FITF Prayer Group, Cry Room1 10AM TGA EPIC, PLB #203, 204, 205 12PM Pequenia Comunida de Fe, PLB #202 1PM TGA Facilitator Meeting, PLB #203 5PM Children’s Choir Rehearsal, Music Hall 7PM Al-Anon, PLB #105 7PM RCIA CTK & Easter, PLB #205 7PM RCIA Easter Sponsor Meeting, PLB #203 7:30PM Bronze Bell Rehearsal, Church Monday, September 30 Faith Formation Classes 9:30AM Catholic DVD Series, PLB #204 10AM Divine Mercy Cenacle Meeting, PLB #209 1PM TGA Facilitator Meeting, PLB #203 7PM TGA BTL PLB #105, 108, 202 7PM Church History, PLB #205 7PM Cornerstone Bible Study, PLB #203, 204 7PM DOL Meeting, PLB #209 7PM Spirit Song Rehearsals, Music Hall Friday, October 4 5:30AM TMIY, PLB #201, 202, 203, 204, 205 9:30AM Free Style Friday Bible Study, PLB #209 10AM TGA – Matthew, PLB #203, 204, 205 10AM TGA BTL Small Group, PLB #202 Tuesday, October 1 Faith Formation Classes 10AM Cornerstone Core Team Mtg., PLB #202 10AM TGA Exodus, PLB #203, 204, 205 6PM Squires Meeting, PLB #209 6:30PM ACTS Women Spanish, AMR 6:30PM Grief Support, PLB #203 6:30PM RCIA Middle School, PLB #208 (PERC) 7PM Edge, Hall, GYM, Youth Ministry Room 7PM Education Council, PLB #204 7PM Knights of Columbus Meeting, PLB #205 7PM Taller de Oracion, PLB #202 7:30PM First Saturday Devotion Meeting, PLB #105 7:30PM Faith in the Fire, Time of Prayer, Cry Room1 7:30PM Stewardship Council, PLB #209 Wednesday, October 2 6:30AM Scripture Reflection and Coffee, AMR 10AM Cornerstone Bible Study, PLB #202, 203, 204, and 205 12:30PM TGA – ACTS, PLB #202, 203, 204, 205 6PM AFF Committee Meeting, Break room 6:30PM Reconciliation, Confessionals 1 & 2 7PM TGA – EPIC, PLB #105, 203, 205 7PM Confirmation Teacher & Assist. Mtg., Youth Ministry Room 7PM First Reconciliation Parent Meeting, Church 7PM MBC – The 3rd Option, Bishop Sheltz Hall 7PM Divorce Survival Guide, PLB #107, 204 7PM Confirmation Classes 7PM St. Anthony Choir Rehearsal, Music Hall 7:30PM Men’s Familia, PLB #209 Saturday, October 5 7:30AM Men’s Prayer Group—Gospel, Cry Room1 8:30AM Reconciliation, Confessionals 1 & 2 8:45AM Baptism Class (Spanish) PLB #209 9:30AM Rosary—First Saturday Devotion, Church 10AM Daily Mass– First Saturday Devotion, Church 10AM Chant Choir Rehearsal, Music Hall 11AM 1st Saturday Meditation & Procession, Church 11AM to 4:30PM 1st Annual Fall Festival 3PM Reconciliation (Spanish), Confessionals 1 & 2 7PM Family Rosary (Spanish), Day Chapel Fundraiser Cruise with Pastor Tom Rafferty Celebrate with Friends, Family & Parishioners 7 Nights: December 8—December 15, 2013 Departing Port Galveston Grand Cayman—Falmouth—Jamaica—Cozumel $1045.55 Balcony—$825.55 Oceanview—$655.55 Inside Above pricing is per person & early booking rates Prices are subject to change based on availability (includes all taxes ($271.50), meals, entertainment based on double occupancy) (plus $35 donation pp. for fundraiser) (does not include gratuities ($84) or insurance) Call Strickly Travel, Tom and Carol Stricklin (281) 580-5793 or (281) 923-8772 The Gift of Treasure / Administration WEEKEND COLLECTION September 22, 2013 Offertory $ 50,548 SAB $ 3,615 SVDP TOTAL 832 $ 54,995 Registered Families 5,184 DEBT REDUCTION CAMPAIGN Through September 8th, 2013 As the summer has come to a close, many of our ministries are starting up again this month. The most convenient and secure way for your weekly offering to fund and support our Parish’s ministries is eGiving through Faith Direct. During this especially busy time when school is starting, allow Faith Direct to save you time and ensure St. Anthony of Padua receives your offerings. Pledged $ 6,012,689 Collected and Applied $ 4,885,358 Go online to FaithDirect.net and use our Parish code TX503 or fill out an enrollment form from the Parish office and mail the form to Faith Direct. $ 1,127,131 God Bless you and your family during this new school year! $ 3,050,000 Toward Parish Debt Pledges Outstanding PARISH DEBT As of September 8, 2013 Archdiocesan Loan 1 DIOCESCAN SERVICES FUND (DSF) Through September 23, 2013 Parish Goal $ 300,000 Parish Amount Pledged 320,322 Parish Contributions 292,850 Number of Participants Avg. Participant Pledge 729 $ 440 UPCOMING SECOND COLLECTIONS Propagation of the Earth Oct 20 Campaign for Human Development Nov 24 Retirement Fund for Religious (Sister’s Collection) Dec 8 CONTRIBUTIONS BY CHECK Please remember to list your four digit parishioner ID on your checks to ensure that you are properly credited for your offering. Your parishioner ID is located on your contribution envelopes OR can be obtained by contacting the Parish office. As part of the Archdiocese’ commitment to ensure the safety of our children, the Archdiocesan Safe Environment Program requires that clergy, staff and volunteers (ages 18 and above) who have regular contact with children and youth are required to attend a VIRTUS workshop. Upcoming Protecting God’s Children (PGC) workshops at St. Anthony: PGC—Saturday, October 19th, 1pm, AMR Upcoming Keeping the Promise Alive (KPA) “Refresher” workshops at St. Anthony: KPA—Saturday, October 12, 9AM, AMR KPA—Saturday, October 26, 9AM, HALL Notes: “Refresher” workshops are required for those who completed PGC in 2008 or prior. VIRTUS workshops can be taken at any location throughout the Archdiocese. Please visit our website at STAOPTW.ORG for a list of VIRTUS workshops in our area and for more information about the VIRTUS Program. Special Parish Event Spiritual Life / Liturgy As Catholic Christians we are a part of the Church founded by Christ himself and therefore as the one, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, we are Christ to the World. We are his disciples and therefore we follow Him. Not His concept but Him, the incarnate Word of God, fully God, fully man. As his disciples, each one of us is called to a Vocation—it not as a Priest or Religious woman or man, then as a lay person. Each one of us has a vocation/apostolate uniquely set aside from the beginning of time by our Triune God. If we are open to God’s call and listen to His voice, then we are able to discern what that vocation is and act upon His selection. If we listen and become aware of His call through discernment, then as a participant in our vocation we will become the “best version of ourselves.” In our correct vocation, we are joyful, welladjusted and find a sense of well-being and fulfillment. If one receives the unique call to become a priest, brother, sister, or deacon then one is blessed with the charisma necessary to live a full life completely dedicated to Christ. They must be willing, along with their families to be open to this special call and respond to the call. For many others, the call may come as a single or married person who responds as a lay person to be focused upon a ministry that serves Christ in Christian Education, counseling, Church administration or other professional Church capacities. For others the call may be as a faith formation catechist, a council member, a faith formation teacher or a Spiritual Director. For many of the rest of us lay people who spend our day in the secular world, we are blessed by God in our homes. As lay people we are each called to be Christ to others and so many of our “others” need Christ. We have such a wonderful opportunity to witness to a broad spectrum of people that, due to their focus and dedication, our clergy are unable to reach. But we can do the reaching and we can be His disciples, each and every one of us! To aid all of us in our Parish to discern our vocation and the nature of our call by God, there will be a multiple-year effort to bring a “culture of vocations” to our Parish. This means that vocations are an integral part of the life of our Parish and is known as such to the members of the Parish family as well as those external to the Parish. The Parish will keep before us, through bulletin prayers and articles, seminars, vocation activity alerts, youth and school messaging, website information and through social media, what it means to discern one’s vocation and how to respond to the call. Exploring with those who can help us discern and understand God’s call should be an easy effort in our Parish. Please look forward to different vocations prayers in each week’s bulletin and monthly articles on discernment and vocations. The Vocations Committee and our clergy are always available to assist you in your discernment, i.e., finding the answer to the most important question in your life. Spiritual Life / Liturgy Director of Spiritual Life: Sue O’Connell Coordinator of Liturgical Ministries: Charles Giardina Spiritual Life Assistant: Jeannie Halbach LITURGY OF THE HOURS—MORNING PRAYER All Are Invited Each Weekday in the Church on behalf of our Parish for the petitions, praise & thanksgiving to God of those in our Parish community. Morning Prayer starts promptly at 6:30AM and is completed by 7AM to ensure we all have time to get to our daily concerns. On Wednesdays, Morning Prayer follows the 6AM Mass and ends no later than 7:15AM. We use the Breviary or Christian Prayer in their bound forms as well as the personal device downloads to cell phones, etc. provided by Laudate and Divine Office. We are all asked to embrace the Liturgy of the House as the “Church’s Prayer.” It’s a great way to start and orient our day to God. PERPETUAL ADORATION Adoration begins Sundays at 7:15PM and ends Saturday at 10AM. The Chapel is open for visitors between 8AM and 8PM daily. We are always in need of more committed adorers to make this 24-hour Adoration possible. Please contact Rae Switzer (281) 296-9209 or via email at [email protected] Below are the hours where we are MOST in need of additional adorers: Sunday: 9PM Monday: 1PM, 3PM, 5PM Tuesday: 1PM, 2PM, 8PM Wednesday: 7AM, 8AM, 7PM Thursday: 1PM, 6PM, 8PM Friday: 12PM, 1PM, 6PM, 8PM, 9PM, 10PM LITURGY EVENTS—OCTOBER/NOVEMBER Saturday, Oct. 12 Sunday, Oct 27 Thursday, Oct 31 Friday, Nov 1 Healing Service following the 10AM Mass 12PM Outside Fatima Rosary Healing Service following the 6PM Mass All Saints Day Vigil Mass 7PM All Saints Day (Holy Day of Obligation) Masses: 6AM, 9AM, 7PM HEALING PRAYER SERVICES Saturday, Oct 12 following 10AM Mass Sunday, Oct 27 following 6PM Mass HOLY HOUR IN THE CHAPEL The monthly Holy Hour schedule has changed. The Holy Hour has moved to a quarterly schedule and will not necessarily meet on the last Monday of the month. The remaining 2013 Holy Hour schedule is: Monday, Nov 25, 7-8PM in the Chapel VOCATIONS Vocations Awareness Sunday is Oct 13 Please continue praying for our Priests, Deacons, Seminarians, all those in religious life, and pray for an increase in religious and lay vocations. In the most remote corner of the world, at times in the midst of persecution and at great personal risk, your missionaries preach your Gospel to those who have not heard of you. They endure loneliness, fatigue and misunderstanding, yet they bear it all with love, so long as they can see your love take root in the hearts of those people to whom they reach out. Lord, send us courageous men and women missionaries to serve your Church. Amen. The Secret of the Secret of Fatima Thursday Oct 10th 7:30PM Sheltz Hall THE COMMUNAL 1ST SATURDAYS Join us on Saturday, October 5 for 8:30AM Reconciliation, 9:30AM Rosary, 10AM Mass, 10:45AM Scripture Meditation, 11AM Procession & Reception of the Pilgrim Virgin Stature of Our Lady and Brown Scapular enrollment. Refer to our website for more info, or contact Katrina Leyden via email at [email protected] All are welcome to attend. Parish Education | Excellence Strengthened by Faith JOIN THE FUN! REGISTER TODAY! St. Anthony of Padua Catholic School 13th Annual Golf Tournament Friday, Oct. 25, 2013 Woodforest CC and make a difference! THIS WEEK AT SAOPCS… “Bullying Awareness Week” Mon. 9/29—PTO Sponsored Rosary Group, 8AM Thurs. 10/3—PTO Sponsored Rosary Group, 2:30PM Fri. 10/4—Staff Development: Archdiocesan Catholic School Seminar No Classes for Students, BAASP Closed Sat. 10/5—Parish Fall Festival 11AM—4:30PM MARK YOUR CALENDARS… Oct. 25—PTO/Booster Club Golf Tournament Dec. 6-7—PTO St. Nick’s Market March 1—SAOPCS 13th annual Auction Gala Jan. 26-Feb 1—Nat’l Catholic Schools Week 2014 Please visit the school website, www.staopcs.org, for a complete schedule of up-coming events. Don’t forget to “like” us on Facebook too! Each and every member of our parish plays an important role in the ministry we call St. Anthony of Padua Catholic School. Your participation in the Annual Golf Tournament provides funding for the PTO and Booster Club. It allows our students to achieve success in the areas of athletics, fine arts, extracurricular activities and ongoing educational programs. Thank you for your support as a player, donor, and/or sponsor. Visit www.staopcs.org for more information and registration forms. CALLING ALL VENDORS! PTO ST. NICK’S MARKET Friday, Dec. 6th, 10AM-4PM Saturday, Dec. 7th, 10PM-5PM Visit www.staopcs.org and click on Santa for more information and registration forms. Don’t miss out on this popular holiday event! SAOPCS is seeking two knowledgeable, enthusiastic and passionate individuals as Middle School Boys Basketball Coaches. The practices and games usually occur weekdays after 3:30pm. Some Saturday Tournaments are scheduled. Practices will start in late October. This is a stipend coaching position only. If you love basketball and are looking for a rewarding challenge – please contact Athletic Coordinator, Dale Quickel at (281)296-2800 ext. 181 or e-mail at [email protected] for more information. SCHOOL ZONE! FIND US ON FACEBOOK! SAOPCS students enjoyed sharing and learning during our 1st Quarter “Paduan Pods” activity. Our 8th graders are assigned to lead groups of students from grades K-7 in faith-based activities. “LIKE” us on Facebook to keep up with all of the amazing ways our students and staff are practicing discipleship and growing in our Catholic faith. SAOPCS has been working to address the traffic situation on Kuykendahl and Bay Branch during school hours. There has been a greater police presence in the past few weeks and we hope it will continue. The officers enforce the limits and laws with all vehicles, including school and parish staff and families. Everyone’s safety is our greatest priority. Thank you! Parish Education | A Foundation Nurtured by Faith The Archdiocese Safe Environment Department requires that all school volunteers who have frequent, ongoing or recurring contact with students complete the VIRTUS-Protecting God’s Children workshop. ******** School volunteers that attended Protecting God’s Children over 5 years ago are required to attend a VIRTUS-Keeping the Promise Alive refresher workshop. ******** You can register for workshops on the VIRTUS website at www.virtus.org. If you have questions, contact Cathy Russell at [email protected] UPCOMING DATES TO KEEP IN MIND… Oct. 4—No School: Archdiocese Early Childhood Conference Oct. 8/9—School Pictures Oct. 24 & 25—Harvest Fun Days OFF TO A GREAT START! VIRTUS WORKSHOP INFORMATION Upcoming Keeping the Promise Alive refresher workshops at St. Anthony of Padua Parish: Sat., Oct. 12 Sat., Oct. 26 9AM, AMR 9AM, AMR Upcoming Keeping the Promise Alive workshops in the surrounding area: Wed., Nov. 6 7PM at Sts. Simon and Jude Tue., Dec. 3 6:30PM at St. Martha St. Anthony of Padua Catholic School Reneé B. Nunez, Director of Education, Principal Assistant Principal: Susan Leddy Phone: 281-296-0300 Website: www.staopcs.org Accredited by the Texas Catholic Conference Education Department Little Saints Early Childhood Program & Nursery Coordinator: Katie Kozak Phone: 832-381-2093 Website: www.staoptw.org Licensed by State of Texas Child-Care Licensing Division We have had a wonderful beginning to our school year! The children are all settling in nicely to their new classroom routines, meeting new friends, and exploring their new learning environment. Thank you to all of our parents for helping your children with this major transition. PARENT SUPPORT TEAM Thank you to all who attended the Meet and Greet last week. Please be on the look out for more info about upcoming volunteer opportunities. You will receive emails from your room parent. PARISH NURSERY The nursery is open for the Sat. 5PM Mass, and Sunday Masses at 9AM, 11AM, 1PM, and 6PM. Children ages 9 mos.—3 yrs. old are welcome in the parish nursery, located in PLB #102. No reservation is necessary, but space is limited to the first 18 children. Children must have a sippy cup with water, diapers/wipes, and may bring a small snack such as pretzels or goldfish if they’d like. Parents must sign children into the nursery and all items must be clearly labeled with the child’s name. Children must be picked up immediately following Mass. Children’sYouth Faith Formation Ministry News & Sacraments Director of Parish Faith Formation: Barbara Beale Children’s Sacrament & Formation Coordinator: Kristine Marlow Elementary Faith Formation Administrator: Mary Jo Vogel Preschool Faith Formation Administrator: Carolyn Bennett Infant Baptism: Charles Giardina Administrative Assistant &Registrar: Rhonda Woodward Parish Faith Formation Office: 832-482-4147 We had a wonderful First day of Elementary Faith Formation classes! Over 1300 Students are attending. THANK YOU to all of our Catechists, Volunteers, and Parents for your help in making this a fantastic start to the year! We are still accepting registrations for Elementary Faith Formation classes. You must come into the Faith Formation Welcome Center M-F, 9AM-3PM to register. First Communion & First Reconciliation for 2nd-6th graders is accomplished through the Sacramental Preparation program. Registration has begun for the 2013-2014 school year. Please review the requirements below: Your child must have completed Faith Formation or attended Catholic School the previous school year (2012-2013). If your child attended Faith Formation or Catholic School someplace other than St. Anthony of Padua you will need documentation from that Parish stating that your child completed catechesis for the (2012-2013) school year when you register your child for the (2013-2014) school year. Sacramental Preparation is a 2-year program, the first year is grade-level catechesis. 2. Sacramental Preparation is a SEPARATE registration and session other than the grade level Faith Formation class held each week. If you plan to prepare for First Communion/First Reconciliation you must fill out TWO SEPARATE registration forms (one for Faith Formation (unless in Catholic grade school) and one for Sacramental Preparation.) 3. Your child must also be registered for and attend weekly Faith Formation classes at St. Anthony of Padua or attend a Catholic School for the 2013-2014 school year. 4. Bring a copy of your child's Baptismal Certificate to registration. Registration is not complete without this document. This needs to be turned in even if your child was baptized at St. Anthony of Padua. If you do not have a copy of the Baptismal Certificate please contact the church of Baptism for assistance in obtaining a copy. We look forward to partnering with you to prepare your child to receive First Reconciliation and First Communion! We are excited to be introducing the “Alive in Christ” curriculum to our Elementary Faith Formation Students for the 2013-2014 school year. 1. Infant Baptism is for children from birth through 6 years of age. All children 7 years of age and older who have not been baptized will receive their sacraments through the Rite of Christian Initiation, adapted for children. The Sacrament of Baptism is held once a month on Sunday afternoon at 3pm. Baptism classes for parents and godparents are also held one Saturday a month 8:45AMNoon. See Parish website for monthly dates. Call the Parish Office at 281-296-2800 for questions about the Sacrament of Baptism or to register for classes. Baptismal packets are available in English and Spanish. Youth Ministry: Edge & Life Teen For all the latest Youth Ministry information Please visit: StAnthonyYM.org Life Teen Youth Minister: Jonathan Cardinal Administrative Assistant: Maureen Halbach Confirmation Coordinator: Shelly Wilson EDGE & 20somethings Coordinator: Kathleen Cardinal THIS TUESDAY 7PM YOUTH ROOM We are now joining up with the North Houston Group: John Paul II Catholic Young Adult Ministry (JP2CYAM). JP2 is a great group with many young adults and at least two events each week. This is a great way to meet other Catholic young adults and to grow closer to God with them. If interested contact Kathleen Cardinal [email protected] For more info, visit their Facebook Page “JP2Cyam” CONFIRMATION CLASSES begin this Wed., October 2nd from 7-8:30PM in the Youth Room. Class Topic: Being Catholic We will discuss what it means to be Catholic and discover how our faith is handed on to us through Scripture and Tradition. The Catholic Church is not just one of many Christian denominations to “choose” from. It is the Church that Jesus founded! The Catholic Church alone contains the Fullness of Christian truth. As Catholics our mission is to Know our Catholic Faith, Live our Catholic Faith, and Spread our Catholic Faith! ***Every teen preparing for their Confirmation will be given their own personal copy of The Catholic Faith Handbook and a LIFETEEN Bible.*** Upcoming Service Projects for Confirmation Teens Sat., Oct 5th—FALL FESTIVAL at St. Anthony Sat., Oct 12th—PRO-LIFE DAY of PRAYER at Catholic Charismatic Center & Planned Parenthood (Parent Drivers are Needed!) Contact Shelly Wilson at (832) 482-4138 to volunteer for one of these Service Project Events. FIRST PARENT LIFE TONIGHT! Parent Life is a joint project between Youth Ministry and Adult Faith Formation to build a bridge between you and your teenager’s faith formation. We will meet once a month at the same time that Life Teen is meeting (7:30PM-9PM). Open for any parent with any age child! There is no cost. There is no obligation to attend. There’s no guilt trips here. Only an invitation to connect with your teens, with other parents and with your parish home. Come and see. Our first Parent Life night is presented by Mike Gormley. LIFE NIGHT TONIGHT! 7:30PM-9PM—Join us as we continue our semester on Theology of the Body. LIFE TEEN FALL RETREAT OCT. 18-20 Sign up now! Deadline Oct. 6th! Adult Faith Formation ADULT FAITH FORMATION: WWW.STAOPTW.ORG/AFF Adult Faith Formation Coordinator: Michael Gormley Administrative Assistant: Nadine Romero Director of Parish Faith Formation: Barbara Beale, Saint Anne’s Society: Time: First Mondays, 9:15-11AM Place: The Woodlands Children’s Museum Contact: [email protected] Website: www.staoptw.org/sas Sep 30th: Book Club Meeting That Man is You (TMIY) Time: Fridays, 5:30am—7:00am Place: PLB #205 Contact: Kevin Williams [email protected] Website: www.staoptw.org/TMIY Church History Class Time: Mondays, 7:00pm – 9pm Place: PLB #205 Contact June Mabry [email protected] Website: www.staoptw.org/HISTORY Cornerstone Catholic Scripture Study Time: Evening Study, Mons, 7– 9PM Place: PLB #203 Time: Morning Study, Weds, 10AM– Noon Place: PLB #205 Contact: Donna Esslinger [email protected] Website: www.staoptw.org/CORNERSTONE The Great Adventure: Scripture Series Website: www.staoptw.org/TGA The Bible Timeline Monday from 7pm-9pm Matthew Fridays from 10am-12pm Acts Sun., 7:30pm-9pm; Wed. 12:30PM-2:30PM EPIC Wed. from 7-9pm; Thurs 10AM-12PM Exodus Tuesday from 10AM-12PM. Pillars The Creed, Thursday from 7PM-9PM. Catholicism Series: The New Evangelization Time: Mondays, after Mass, 9:45 to 11AM Place: PLB #204 Contact Colleen Stokes, [email protected] Website: www.staoptw.org/CATHOLICISM Freestyle Bible Study Time: Friday, 9:30AM to 11:30AM Place: PLB #202 Contact: Tina Araujo [email protected] Website: www.staoptw.org/FREESTYLEFRIDAY THE RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS Something powerful happens on Sunday, September 29th at the 9AM Mass. About 25 adults, and 20 children and teens, begin their formal discernment to enter into the fullness of the Catholic Church. Get excited! This first Rite (or liturgical ritual) is called the “Rite of Acceptance” for the unbaptized catechumens, and the “Rite of Welcoming” for the baptized candidates. Through this they start the Catechumenate, a fancy Greek word that means “period of intense study.” For the next 7 months these men and women of all ages and background will study, pray, and connect with our parishioners. It is a beautiful process. The RCIA Team does not initiate these people into the Church. You do. Our entire parish is responsible for their initiation, welcoming, and their engagement in the life of our parish. Cover them in prayer, grace and love. Find God. Love Christ. Become Catholic. PARENT LIFE Time: Sundays, monthly 7:30PM-9PM (during Life Night) Place: Youth Room Contact: Mike Gormley [email protected] www.staoptw.org/PARENTLIFE (September 29, TONIGHT) Part One | Body of Truth When was the last time you heard a homily on sex or intimacy? They aren't popular topics in church, but because of this silence, even faithful Catholics are clueless on Church thinking about sexual relationships. It's time we get the Gospel's view of sex, marriage, and happiness. We need more than abstinence or even chastity. We need a grand vision of human love that says "Yes" to the beauty, truth, and goodness in human love, and is practical to my life, my marriage and my parenthood. Welcome to the Theology of the Body. Marriage & Family Spiritual Life—Outreach Director of Spiritual Life: Sue O’Connell Spiritual Life Assistant: Jeannie Halbach Coordinator of Outreach: Paul Castello For more information on any of our Service Ministries, please visit our website, STAOPTW.ORG ST. ANTHONY’S BREAD We appreciate all those who donate food, and use the blue envelopes to help feed the needy. Currently the Pantry is in need of canned Chili, canned Soup, and canned Meats. Want to volunteer in the Pantry? Please contact Paul Castello at (832) 482-4210 or [email protected] ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY The St. Vincent de Paul Society is dedicated to providing emergency financial assistance on a person-to-person basis to residents in our area who have an urgent need. Many of you contribute to SVDP through our “Black Bag” collection on the last Sunday of each month. Your donations go a long way to helping those who have critical needs. The SVDP Society is always looking for additional volunteers to respond to telephone calls during weekdays as well as making home visits (usually in the evenings). We meet on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month at 10:15AM in PLB #205. If you would like to help, please contact our President, Brandey Porter at [email protected] HABITAT FOR HUMANITY We are pleased to announce our next build, in partnership with Sts. Simon and Jude, will be in October. Start date coming soon. There will be a Hard Hat collection on Nov 9-10. Our new campaign of $55 from 1000 parishioners will secure funds for this and future builds. You can donate to this house through FaithDirect. We thank you for your support! INTERFAITH The Fall Caregivers Conference will be held on Sat. Nov 2 from 8:30AM-2PM at Christ Church United Methodist. Respite services are provided with registration, which is available online at WoodlandsInterfaith.org SECOND FAMILY The Second Family Care Team, in partnership with Interfaith CarePartners, reaches our to those who are elderly, or physically disabled and need just a little help to remain independent. Many of those we assist have no family members close by and our volunteers help meet such basic needs as transportation to doctor appointments, the grocery store, or to Mass. DIGNITY OF LIFE Please remember the 40 Days for Life campaign Sept 25 through Nov 3 The Dignity of Life Ministry addresses all Life issues with an emphasis on Prayer & Worship, Healing & Outreach, Education, and Legislative Change. COURAGE: Courage was founded by His Eminence Terence Cooke of New York in response to the great need of persons with homosexual desires. Call Fr. Mike at (713) 468-9555 or Dr. Colbert at (713) 741-8728 CRISIS PREGNANCY: Contact The Gabriel Project at (713) 741-8728, OR Birthright of Conroe at (936) 7563220 provides caring nonjudgmental counseling and emotional support by those distresses by an unplanned pregnancy. Birthright offers positive alternatives to abortion. POST ABORTION STRESS: Regardless of your age or how long ago the abortion occurred, if you need a safe place to share your experience and seek healing please contact Project Rachel at (713) 7418728. This is a pastoral care ministry for men and women. All calls to programs listed above are Confidential GRIEF SUPPORT: Hope (Helping Our Pain Ease) is a 7-week long adult informative grief support group which helps in processing and learning how to cope with the death of a loved one lost recently or in the distant past. There is no cost to attend. The sessions are limited to 10 participants. To register, call the Grief Support voicemail at (832) 482-4227. Oct 22, Jan 7, and Mar 4 Music Ministry | Natalie & Charles Giardina, & Elizabeth Rickard CORO LUZ Y SAL Spanish Choir rehearses Sundays at 11:30AM in the Music Hall to sing for the 1PM Mass. CORO DE NIÑOS Is the children’s choir in Spanish that will sing once a month during the 1PM Mass. For more info, please contact Elizabeth Rickard at [email protected] CHORISTERS CHILDREN’S CHOIR Welcome to Dr. Lindsay Medina, new director for our Choristers. New Season has begun! Children Grades 3-8. Rehearsals are on Thursdays from 5-6PM. Coro Luz y Sal BRONZE BELLS HANDBELL CHOIR Rehearsals are on Thursdays, at 7:30PM. The ability to read music is required for this group. 11AM CHOIR Rehearsals are on Wednesdays, 7-9PM in the Music Hall. Singers high school age and older can join this SATB Choir. CHANT SCHOLA The University of St. Thomas, St. Basil School of Chant is forming a Chant Schola in our area. Participants learn to sing the Liturgical chants of our Roman rite, sing timeless Russian chants in English and will have opportunities to sing at liturgies here and in surrounding parishes. Rehearsals are held in our Music Hall on Saturdays 10am-Noon For more info, call 281-855-2358, or visit the web site at www.gregorianchantschool.org. SPIRIT SONG Contemporary Ensemble plays twice a month at 9am mass and rehearse two Mondays a month, 7-9PM in the Music Hall. Minis†erio Hispano | [email protected] MENSAJES DE LA COORDINACION DEL MINISTERIO HISPANO: Se invita a todos los feligreses a registrarse en la parroquia. Esto le dará grandes beneficios como estar informado de todas las actividades que ofrece San Antonio y a la vez, ayuda a la parroquia a planificar las actividades requeridas por la comunidad. Primeros sábados comunales: El primer sábado de cada mes se celebra los Primeros Sábados Comunales. El próximo será el 5 de Octubre Iglesia Católica San Antonio de Padua. Las devociones antes y después de la Misa estarán en español y en inglés. El horario será el siguiente: A las 8:30 por la mañana – Confesión, a las 9:30 – El Rosario, a las 10 – La Misa con Eucaristía, a las 10:45 – acompañamos a nuestro Señor y nuestra Señora por 15 minutos con una meditación comunal de los Misterios del Rosario usando las escrituras, a las 11 – procesión y la recepción de la imagen de la Virgen Peregrina, inscripciones para el Escapulario. Rosario en Familia: El primer sábado de cada mes se rezará el Rosario en familia en la capilla de la parroquia. El siguiente se llevará a cabo el sábado 5 de Octubre a las 7PM. Coordinación de Bautismo El próximo curso de preparación para Bautismo en español será dictado el sábado 5 de Octubre, de 8:45AM a 12PM. Favor pasar por la oficina parroquial para recoger la información e inscribirse. El siguiente curso será el 2 de Noviembre. Senior Pals Knights Korner Senior Pals Mission Statement We, the Seniors of St. Anthony of Padua, under the guidance of Our Lord, gather as a support group for each other by interacting at meetings, on trips, at luncheons, and other activities. Council Meetings for October: Tuesdays, Oct. 1st and Oct. 15th in PLB #205. Meetings begin at 7:30PM, but come early to visit with your brother Knights. We will have a light meal before the meeting of Oct. 15th at 7PM. Greetings again to all of our Seniors! Our next meeting is on Saturday, October 12th, at 10:30AM in Bishop Sheltz Fellowship Hall. We are delighted to have Elizabeth Jensen PHD, PD from The Planetary Institute present the program! She will discuss outer space and how the weather out there affects our planet. All of you weather buffs should especially enjoy her insights. Following her presentation we will share a light buffet lunch prepared by members and coffee and tea, so stick around for some socializing and get to know some of your fellow parishioners better! Parish Fall Festival: We will be running the BINGO Room at the Festival on Saturday Oct. 5 from 11AM until 5PM. We need Knights willing to work 2 hour shifts, to help distribute Bingo cards, and assist in making sure everything goes smoothly. If interested in helping out with this event, please contact Barry Sinclair ([email protected]). Future trips and Activities are: November 6th (Wednesday) “Bernhardt Winery” in Plantersville for a tour, wine tasting and a luncheon. Cost is $50, which includes everything, including the bus, driver, and gratuity. We will meet the bus in STAOP parking lot at 10:15AM for a 10:30AM departure and return at 2:30PM. Call Arlene McGuire at (936) 271-0315 with any questions. Your checks MUST be in at the meeting or call Arlene for her address to mail them. Corporate Communion: Scheduled on Sunday Oct 6th at the 9AM Mass. Knights and their families will meet in the front of the church before Mass (so please come early). We will process in together and sit in reserved pews. All Knights are invited to join us. After Mass, we are planning to go to breakfast together at Skeeters’ Restaurant in the Cochran’s Crossing shopping center. Please contact Deacon Bob Keller ([email protected]) if you would like to join us for Mass, breakfast, or both. November 16th (Saturday Matinee) “Chicago’ the musical at The Hobby Theater in Houston. The cost is $85, which includes tickets, bus and driver gratuity. Call Mary Laskowski at (281) 516-2150 to sign up if you are interested because show tickets always go quickly! Shepherd’s Cup Golf Tournament: Cardinal DiNardo’s annual golf tournament will be Monday Oct 7th at The Clubs of Kingwood. Our Council is helping financially sponsor the event, and STAOP Knights are running the putting contest. If you are interested in playing, or if you are interested in volunteering to help, please contact Brandy Snipp ([email protected]). December 12th (Thursday evening) “The Houston Symphony’s Christmas Concert” at Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion. This will be the same performance that will be presented Downtown, and here it will be in our very own venue! More info to follow! December 15th (Sunday) “Bake Sale” to benefit Faith Formation Scholarship Fund! Nidia Drewery is our Chairlady and she will need lots of HOMEMADE goodies. Please keep this wonderful service activity on your calendar. CONTACT INFORMATION: President: William Lessman, (281) 681-0300 Sunshine Lady: Mary Silvestri (936) 242-1043 Trip Chair: Carmela Parisi, (936) 271-4682 Hospitality: Mary DeLeo, (281) 681-1380 Program Chair: Mike Arnold (281) 744-8997 Tamale Sale: The next sale will be Oct. 5–6th following all Masses until we are sold-out. We need HELP at our sales tables after all Masses. If you can help , please contact John Bundscho (281) 719-0093 or ([email protected]). Interested in joining the Knights of Columbus? We are a fraternal organization of more than 1.7 million members world-wide. Our members are men of good moral character and faith who strive to serve their church, build their community, and strengthen their families. There will be an Information night on Thursday evening Oct 24th. Contact Larry Pellerito at (281)224-3728 Parish Life & Around the Archdiocese CIRCLE OF FRIENDS Catholic Singles Ministry We are a volunteer group dedicated to supporting individuals through personal fellowship, educational events and fun activities. Membership is open to all adults who are single, widowed, divorced or separated. This ministry is not a dating service. While members are not discouraged from dating, it is not the primary purpose of this ministry. People from other Parishes and Faiths are invited to participate with the group in its activities. COF events occur on an ongoing basis, please visit the parish website for details on all events. September Event: Sep. 28, 7PM—MASS & MEAL, to be held at St. Joseph’s New Waverly, TX ACTS WOMEN'S SPANISH RETREAT The Women's STAOP Spanish ACTS Retreat dates have changed! ACTS Sisters that speak Spanish, we need your help for our St. Anthony of Padua ACTS retreat in January 9-12, 2014. Our first discernment meeting was held on September 17th. If you weren’t able to make the first meeting, don't worry! Contact Rocio Phelps at (210) 394-0944, or [email protected] STAOP DINNER CLUB—FALL 2013 Have you been looking for an opportunity to meet and socialize with other folks in our church? If so, becoming members in the St. Anthony of Padua Dinner Club is your opportunity to meet other couples in our St. Anthony community. The concept of Dinner Club is simple. Over a sixmonth period four couples take turns hosting a dinner while the other couples bring the appetizer, salad and dessert. The group decides how formal the dinner, what to serve and when to meet. This is a great way to meet and enjoy the company of other families in our St. Anthony community. The Dinner Club will start again in the Fall of 2013 so if you would like to sign up contact Zeke & Ashley Metzler at 281-703-0146 or [email protected] for details. Once sign ups are completed you will be notified for our “kick off mixers party” to get started. Parish Council Discernment The Parish is now accepting nominations for three Leadership Bodies: 1. The Pastoral Council, 2. The Stewardship Council, and 3. The Education Council. We are in need of parishioners interested in serving on these Leadership Bodies who have the following qualities: A desire for spiritual growth in themselves and the Parish, An enthusiasm about the future direction of the Parish, A willingness to listen, to speak honestly and to work toward consensus, The ability to inspire and empower others, and A flexibility and openness with people and ideas. Nominations can be submitted on our website, staoptw.org or emailed to Deacon Tom Vicknair at [email protected] October 1, 7PM—Discernment Info Session October 10, 7PM—Discernment of New Members If you are celebrating a birthday or anniversary this week, please see one of our priests to receive a special blessing. ADVERTISER OF THE WEEK April Sound—Lots for Sale (936) 900-9040 www.tazdecor.com [email protected] 399124 St. Anthony of Padua Contacts: Margaret 832-482-4114 (cell-281-253-9104) Marie 281-296-2800 (cell-936-499-2491) [email protected] [email protected] Catie MacKrell, Director of Parish Communication & Resources 832-419-8700 (ext. 362) 832-482-4062 (direct) 832-703-7135 (mobile) [email protected] Software Using: Win 10 Publisher 2010 AAX Pages Sent 1-17 Please increase the number of bulletins produced to 2100. Thank you, Catie MacKrell, Marie Crandell & Margaret Powers Special Instructions:
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