Weekly Newsletter March 20-26

Weekly Newsletter
March 20-26
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April 30, 2015
Do you know an outstanding
Aboriginal teacher? Nominate them
for the Prime Minister’s Awards!
Connaissez-vous un enseignant autochtone
exceptionnel ? Présentez sa candidature
pour les Prix du Premier ministre !
Awards are worth up to $5,000
and national recipients are honoured
by the Prime Minister.
Les prix peuvent atteindre jusqu’à 5 000 $
et les lauréats nationaux sont reconnus
par le Premier ministre.
Celebrating Excellence
in Education!
Célébrons l’excellence
dans l’éducation !
Please spread the word, and help ensure that more
outstanding Aboriginal teachers receive the recognition
they deserve!
N’hésitez pas à passer le mot afin que des enseignants
autochtones exceptionnels puissent être reconnus à
leur juste valeur !
Visit www.pma-ppm.gc.ca to download the
nomination package today!
Visitez le site Web www.pma-ppm.gc.ca pour télécharger
la trousse de mise en candidature dès aujourd’hui !
Deadline: April 30, 2015
Date limite : le 30 avril 2015
Need inspiration? Take a look at the 2014 recipients
by visiting www.pma-ppm.gc.ca.
Avez-vous besoin d’inspiration ? Jetez un coup d’œil aux
lauréats 2014 en visitant le site Web www.pma-ppm.gc.ca.
Did you know?
You can sign up for email updates on our
website to get the latest news about
the Prime Minister’s Awards.
Le saviez-vous ?
Vous pouvez vous inscrire à notre liste de diffusion sur
notre site Internet pour recevoir des mises à jour
au sujet des Prix du Premier ministre.
Prime Minister Awards | Prix du Premier ministre
[email protected]
Angelina Fabien
2013 Certificate of Excellence Recipient
Lauréate d’un Certificat d’excellence 2013
Deninu School
Fort Resolution,
Northwest Territories
Deninu School
Fort Resolution (Territoires du Nord-Ouest)
Only spoken fluently by a
handful of elders and older
parents, Chipewyan
language was clearly in a
natural state of decline.
Angelina brought enthusiasm
and excitement to learning
the language in a way that
has spawned its true revival
beyond her classroom walls.
Parlé uniquement par
quelques aînés et parents
plus âgés, le chippewyan
connaissait manifestement
un déclin naturel.
L’enthousiasme et l’emballement qu’Angelina a démontrés pour l’apprentissage de
la langue a provoqué une
véritable renaissance du
chippewyan à l’extérieur des
murs de sa classe.
Subjects and grades taught:
Chipewyan Language /
N.W.T. for Kindergarten to
grade 12
Années et matières
enseignées : Chippewyan /
T.N.-O, de la maternelle
à la 12e année
Tanya Leary
2012 Certificate of Excellence Recipient
Lauréate d’un Certificat d’excellence 2012
Waabgon Gamig
First Nation School
Georgina Island, Ontario
Waabgon Gamig
First Nation School
Île Georgina (Ontario)
Combining First Nations
cultural traditions with
computer technology and
outdoor environmental
education, Tanya Leary helps
the students in her remote
community access quality
learning materials and equal
opportunities for success.
Jumelant les traditions
culturelles des Premières
nations aux technologies informatiques et à l’éducation
de l’environnement en plein
air, Tanya Leary permet aux
élèves de sa communauté
éloignée de disposer d’un
matériel pédagogique de
qualité et d’avoir des chances
égales de réussir.
Subjects and grades taught:
All subjects for junior
kindergarten to grade 3, arts
for grades 4 and 5
Années et matières
enseignées :
Toutes les matières de la
prématernelle à la 3e année,
arts en 4e et 5e années
Jamie Leduc
2014 Certificate of Achievement Recipient
Lauréat d’un Certificat d’honneur 2014
Sisler High School
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Sisler High School
Winnipeg (Manitoba)
Mr. Leduc uses video conferencing, bring you own devices
(BYOD) and online collaborations to provide students with real
life learning experiences. He developed Digital Voices, a vocational media course for students interested in Indigenous Education, to document and digitalize cultural stories and artefacts.
M. Leduc se sert de vidéoconférence, du concept Apportez votre
équipement personnel de communication (AVEC) et de
collaborations en ligne en vue d’offrir aux élèves des expériences
d’apprentissage concrètes. Il a conçu Digital Voices, un cours
multimédia de formation professionnelle pour les élèves
s’intéressant à l’éducation autochtone, afin d’étayer et de
numériser les histoires culturelles et les artefacts.
Subjects and grades taught: 2D Animation, 3D modelling, Web
Design & Graphics for grades 10 to 12
Années et matières enseignées : Animation 2D, modélisation
3D, conception de sites Web, graphisme de la 10e à la 12e année
Black Spruce Forest Phase II Project
Monday, March 30, 2015
Fort William First Nation Community Centre
6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry and Resolute Forest Products
Canada Inc. in the Thunder Bay District are in the midst of planning operations for
the second five-year term (Phase II) of the 2011-2021 Black Spruce Forest
Management Plan. Phase II of this Forest Management Plan will be prepared under
the direction of the 2009 Forest Management Planning Manual. Phase II Planning
will consist of the preparation of prescriptions for harvest, renewal and tending
areas identified for the second five-year term (2016-2021), and if necessary
identifying new areas. Road corridors will also be confirmed or modified as
required. The Forest Management Plan will also specify management activities on
values, including Aboriginal Values.
The purpose of this Information Centre is to provide project information to Fort
William First Nation community members. The Ministry of Natural Resources
would like to work with Fort William First Nation to update the community’s
Aboriginal Background Information Report, identify values, and provide a report
on the protection of identified Aboriginal values to members.
Refreshments will be provided.
Women’s Rela onship Building Program TOPICS •
Handling stress Anger management Conflict resolu on strategies Rela onships & boundaries Moving forward using strengths to set goals 6 Weeks: March 24 to April 28 Tuesday A ernoons from 1:30 to 3:00pm Register by phoning Jodi at 626‐7856 Ask about childcare, it may be offered for this program NorWest CHCs is located at 525 Simpson Street Web: www.norwestchc.org Women’s
Relationship Group
Jodi 626-7856
Relationship Group
Jodi 626-7856
Relationship Group
Jodi 626-7856
Relationship Group
Jodi 626-7856
Relationship Group
Jodi 626-7856
Relationship Group
Jodi 626-7856
Relationship Group
Jodi 626-7856
Relationship Group
Jodi 626-7856
Relationship Group
Jodi 626-7856
Relationship Group
Jodi 626-7856
St. Anne's 5th Sunday of Lent - Mar. 22, 2015
1st Reading: Jeremiah 31:31-34. The prophet Jeremiah tells a shattered
people that God will not forsake them. The day is coming when he will make a new
and more intimate convenant with his people.
2nd Reading: Hebrews 5:7-9. This speaks of the pain and anguish Christ
endured during his life and especially during his passion. In this way he not only
gave us an example but became for us the source of eternal life.
Gospel: John 12:2)-33. Jesus talks about his imminent death -- how he fears it,
yet desires it, for the hour of his shame will also be the hour of his glory. He talks
also about how his followers will have to die to themselves.
Divine Mercy Devotions: Every Sunday at 3 pm, The Relic will be at St. Peter's
from April 1-13
** The Priest that will be here for weekend Masses at St. Anne's is Fr.
Jerin Louis (March 21-22, 28-29) .
- Parish Finances: Sunday Offerings, Mar.15; $ 725.70
** I know that parishioners have been trying to call me, sorry with all kinds running
around, and just the other day fell on ice, please be patient will get back to you! Thanks
St. Anne's Bake Sale:
March 29th after the 10:30 Mass. Anyone wanting to
donate Baking towards this cause to Raise Money towards
St. Anne's Parish
Please see Shirley Salt or Esther Diabo
Mar 28, Sat., Reader - Louis Pelletier;
Pat Pervais; Leanne Angus;
Mar 29, Sun., - Readers -1. Shirley Salt. 2. Lionel Haigh
Hosts - Gene Bannon; Cup - Linda Bannon