April 13th, 2015 Dear Fellow Republican Women, The time has come to nominate new officers for the Indiana Federation to serve two year terms commencing on September 13th, 2015. These candidates will be voted upon at the IFRW State Convention on August 8th, 2015. If you know of a qualified candidate who is willing to serve as a statewide officer for the IFRW, please pass this letter and application along to her. Completed applications will be accepted from now until Friday, June 5th, 2015. All women applying should be aware of the duties of the office she wishes to hold and be willing to meet those criteria. Those duties are included in the IFRW Bylaws and are summarized as follows: President: The President shall represent IFRW locally, statewide, and nationally; preside over all meetings; appoint committee chairs; co-sign checks. First Vice Presidents: Perform Presidential duties in the absence of the President and all other duties as assigned by the President. Secretary: The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all IFRW meetings, including those of the IFRW Board and Executive Committee. Treasurer: Custodian of all funds; co-signed checks; provide for annual audits; make written reports of receipt and disbursements made. If you have any question about the nominating/voting process, please contact any of the members of the nominating committee: Chairwoman Beth Boyce [email protected] (317 )882-3995 Secretary Renee Cox [email protected] (317) 576-8260 Marcia McCracken [email protected] (812) 265-2852 Kristine Schutte [email protected] (317) 443-2262 Megan Umlauf [email protected] (317) 242-8289 INDIANA FEDERATION OF REPUBLICAN WOMEN CANDIDATE FOR IFRW STATE OFFICE NOMINATION FORM Women interested in running for IFRW office, please complete and return By June 5th, 2015 To: Beth Boyce 845 Richart Lane Greenwood, IN 46142 317-882-3995 [email protected] NAME: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ CITY: ZIP: COUNTY: _______________________________________________________________________________________ HOME PHONE #: ___________________________________ CELL PHONE #: _______________________________ LOCAL CLUB: _______________________________________________________________________________________________ (Use extra sheets if needed) ANY IFRW STATE OFFICE OR COMMITTEE HELD STATE OFFICE SEEKING LOCAL CLUB OFFICES / COMMITTEES HELD OTHER POLITICAL ACTIVITIES (include dates) COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES (include dates) NAME & ADDRESS OF LOCAL NEWSPAPER(S): (A brief biography of candidates will be sent to the clubs prior to the convention.) 4/2015 KS
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