Invitation to Exhibit 2015 Idaho Veterinary Medical Association The Idaho State Veterinary Medical Association invites you to display your products and services at our 2015 State Meeting. The meeting will be held in Sun Valley, ID June 7-10, 2015. If any of these sponsorships appeal to you, please indicate what you would like to sponsor on the registration form or feel free to contact us and we will be happy to make the arrangements. Vendor Space Vendor Setup Schedule Sunday, June 7, 2015 1pm—5pm………………...…………...……Exhibits setup Monday, June 8, 2015 7:30am—5pm……………………..…..……Exhibits open Tuesday, June 9, 2015 7:30am—4pm…..……………….....….….Exhibits open 4pm…………………………………..….Exhibit breakdown Your investment includes: Two exhibitor name badges ($120/additional) One 6 foot exhibit table and two chairs Electricity Conference meals and break refreshments for two registered exhibitors Booth placement in the same room where all meals and breaks will be served Two and a half days of exhibiting, allowing for plenty of contact time with attendees (about 150 people) Company listing on signage at conference Company listing in conference proceedings List of conference attendees One CD of conference proceedings per booth Listed in two IVMA newsletters as well as on the IVMA meeting website and blog Each exhibitor MUST be an employee of the company exhibiting. Booths will be placed in a locked room to provide a more secure environment for vendors. While there have been no incidents with theft/damage in the past, vendors are encouraged not to leave valuable items at booths after exhibiting hours. Neither the IVMA nor Sun Valley Inn assume responsibility for lost/damaged items. Pricing The cost for vendor space at the IVMA State Meeting will be $550 per booth with 2 exhibitors per booth ($120/additional exhibitor). Opportunities for Sponsorship By sponsoring a meal, your company will be recognized with signs and announcements as well as a with a note of gratitude in the meeting proceedings and two newsletters. By contributing to “Meeting Bags” (received by each attendee) you can gain recognition with promotional items. Popular items are note pads, pens, highlighters, brochures, etc. Vendors are encouraged to bring a raffle item to be raffled off throughout the conference during meal and break times. (Booth spaces are assigned on a 1st-come 1st-serve basis) Refund Policy 100% refunds will be offered prior to May 9, 2015. 50 % refunds will be offered after May 9, 2015. No refunds on or after May 30, 2015. Subs encouraged. Hotel Information Sun Valley Inn The hotel is extending special room rates for those attending the meeting. Be sure to mention you will be attending the meeting with the IVMA. IVMA Sleeping Room Rates: (Not including taxes) Single . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $165.00 Double . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$165.00 Suite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . call for prices Make reservations by calling: 800-786-8259 by May 7, 2015. Be sure to identify yourself as part of the IVMA group. For shipping exhibits: Exhibitor Name; Idaho VMA Meeting; June 7-10, 2015; Sun Valley Resort, 2 Sun Valley Rd, Sun Valley, ID 83353; # of packages in shipment; any special instructions no more than 3 days prior to event setup. IVMA Contact Information Vicki Smith Executive Director 1841 W Secluded Court Kuna ID 83634-1273 Phone 208-922-9431 Fax 208-922-9435 Email [email protected] IVMA Vendor Registration Form Company Name:_______________________________________________________________________________ Exhibitor Names: Exhibitor #1____________________________________ Exhibitor #2____________________________________ Additional Exhibitor(s)($120)______________________________________ Phone:_________________________ Address:______________________________________________________________________________________ City:_____________________________________State:_____________ Zip Code:_________________________ Fax:__________________________ Email:_________________________________________________________ In 25 words, explain the type of products for your exhibit:______________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Any special needs/considerations:_________________________________________________________________ Type of Sponsorship Meeting Bags = approx. $350____ Note Pads = approx. $300____ Pens = approx. $250____ Breakfast = approx. $20/attendee____ Lunch = approx. $25/attendee____ Break (specialty or not) = approx. $7.75/attendee____ For the IVMA meeting, June 7-10, 2015 the cost per booth is $550. This includes meals and name badges for two people. Additional exhibitors may be added for $120 each (meals and a name badge included). Amount Enclosed: Sponsorship: Total Amount: $__________ $__________ $__________ Register early to confirm space availability!! Payment Type Check______ Credit Card______ Send Payment to: IVMA Annual Meeting c/o Vicki Smith Executive Director 1841 W Secluded Court Kuna, ID 83634 Fax 208-922-9435 Credit Information Name on Card:_____________________________________________________________________________ Card Number:__________________________________________________________________ Exp:_______ Billing Address:_____________________________________________________________________________ Signature:_________________________________________________________________________________ Please note that your credit card statement will report a charge from R Future Management, Inc. Thank you!
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