Newsletter No 8 Thursday, 19 March 2015 SPECIAL EVENTS REGIONAL SWIMMING Onallthe Congratulations to theropes swimmers who competed at the Regional Swimming Championships on Friday last week. All students swam really well in the heats and they all qualified for the finals. The final results for the Regional Finals were: Chris F 2nd Breaststroke, Yong Feng J 3rd breastroke, Alanah S 4th breastroke and the boys relay team came 8th. Cassie Kemp PE/Sport Coordinator DISTRICT TENNIS Congratulations to the following students who made the MWPS Tennis Team. Sean F, Mineth N, Alex P, Ella H, Hannah R, Rachelle P. All students played really well at PLC yesterday. Overall Mount Waverley came 1st,which is an outstanding result. The following students made it through to Division Tennis which will be held next term and were also selected as School Tennis Captains—Sean F, Mineth N and Ella H. JUNIOR CROSS COUNTRY Congratulations to the following students for their outstanding running in the Junior School Cross Country. 4&5 year old boys – 1st Harry , 2nd Oliver, 3rd Harin 4&5 year old girls – 1st Scarlette, 2nd Alana , 3rd Lucy 6 year old boys – 1st William , 2nd Max , 3rd Rowan 6 year old girls – 1st Frances, 2nd Sunny, 3rd Amabelle 7+ year old boys – 1st Shion , 2nd Matthew , 3rd Kellan 7+ year old girls – 1st Ji-Ni , 2nd Cate , 3rd Alicia Thank you to all our wonderful junior school parent helpers who were out marshalling the track and working hard calculating the scores. Well done to every child in Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 who completed either a 500m or 1km course. The house results were as follows. 1st Goulburn – 401 2nd Barwon – 298 3rd Murray – 289 4th Glenelg – 187 Thank you to all the parents and teachers for their assistance and participation. Thank you also to all those parents who have taken the time to get a Working with Children Check so they can participate in such events. If you do not have one yet please take the time to complete a Working with Children application so that you can be involved in swimming or athletics later in the year. Merryn Ashcroft P.E Teacher 5 year old boys 5 year old girls 6 year old boys 6 year old girls 7+ boys 7+ girls Cassie Kemp PE/Sport Coordinator Mount Waverley Primary School, Park Lane, Mount Waverley 3149 Ph: 9807-1480 I Fax: 9888-1495 I Email: [email protected] I Web: PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE SCHOOL COUNCIL On Monday night at the Buildings and Grounds Subcommittee Meeting several potential projects were discussed and then presented to School Council. One major project under consideration is the installation of synthetic turf in between the two main buildings and under the playground next to the portables. A final decision has not yet been made as we investigate referees of the companies we have obtained quotes from and decide how we will fund the project. We also discussed the urgent need to fence off the large eucalyptus tree on the western fence line to protect the root system, as per the recommendation from our tree audit last year. We definitely do not want to lose this magnificent tree. Council have asked me to obtain a further quote before we proceed. Finally, we also discussed the need for some new playground equipment along the eastern boundary of the oval and options are currently being investigated. Perhaps the students might like to come to me with some suggestions or it could be discussed at Student Council . QUALITY LEARNING Last Thursday Dr Jane Kovacs convened an evening with parents who accepted the invitation to our forum to contribute feedback to the future educational vision of Mount Waverley Primary School. Many topics were discussed and I was very impressed with the positive vibe in the room. I would like to thank the following parents for attending and contributing to the future educational decisions of this school: Ella Pontiac, Kerrie Richards, Kathy Rintoul, Emily Johnston, Shilpa Sudhakar, Natasha Baroudos, Renee J Lu, Tina Fitzgerald, Dan Fitzgerald, Indika Ambegoda and Huei Eow. Teachers have been completing similar feedback tools with students and yesterday we commenced collating all of the feedback from staff, parents and students. Dr Jane Kovacs will meet with my leadership team early next term to analyse the information and commence … and we celebrated creating a: Mount Waverley Primary School Purpose Harmony Day Statement, Vision Statement, set of Values, Principles of Learning and Teaching and a Year 6 Graduate Profile. It is an exciting time for our school as all stakeholders are being provided with an opportunity to forge a future educational vision for our school. Greg Paine PRINCIPAL IMPORTANT SCHOOL DATES 26 March Racquetball Clinic Yr 6 27 March LAST DAY OF SCHOOL Early Dismissal 2.30pm 13 April CURRICULUM DAY (No students at school) 14 April Students return to school 17 April SCHOOL PHOTOS— Class, individual & siblings REMINDERS Permission forms & payments: Yr 6 Camp deposit overdue Yrs 3&-6 House Cross Country due 20 March Prep—Yr 3 Swimming Program due 27 March ICAS due 23 March EARLY FINISH Remember that school finishes at 2.30pm on the last day of this term, Friday 27 March. SCHOOL STARTS The first day of next term, 13 April, is a Curriculum Day. Students return to school on Tuesday 14 April. LATE ATTENDANCE There are a large number of students who are regularly late for school. This disrupts the child’s smooth start to the school day and impacts on the teacher’s organisation of activities in the morning. We are asking that parents/guardians please make a concerted effort to ensure their child/ren are at school prior to 9am. ACHIEVEMENTS TENNIS HOT SHOTS Thank you to all those parents who have registered their children for our in school Tennis Hot Shots program that we do during P.E lessons. All participants who have register receive a free t-shirt which is due to be delivered before the end of term. Thank you to all our Prep parents for registering your children. I have been notified your children’s free t-shirt and tennis racquet are on the way and we hope to receive them before the end of term. If you have not yet registered please go to , enter your child’s details and Mount Waverley Primary School as the delivery address. For every child registered our school receives $2 worth of tennis equipment. Thank you especially to all our Prep parents, as due to our huge number of registrations we have also received a bonus box of 30 racquets for the Prep and Year 1 children to use during their P.E lessons. It is not too late to register as the next delivery will be during May. Merryn Ashcroft P.E Teacher Congratulations to the following students who attained Silver and Gold Certificates in recent weeks! Hi, I’m Earnest and I care about the environment. GOLD Kenul E, Sagarika A, Nicholas S, Xavier T, Yvonne D, Jack A, Amelia G, Melinda M Remember to switch the lights off when a room is empty and try not switching them on during the day. SILVER Evan K, Alyssa L, Benji T, Erica D, Kiara A, Danny O, Frank W, Christine T, Chris L, Shreya N, Seo Young L, Jaiden L, Jason H, Emma L, Jishnu S, Lucas H, Connor S, Thehan L, Roger M, Nihaal P, Sam T, Kai S, Eldrick H, Julian M, Liam S, Nudara L, Finlay D, Leah S, Anna S, Siddhant S, Mia L, Harry B, Raymond Z Rubbish Free Lunch Day Winners Week 7 Term 1 Congratulations to our winning classes for last week’s Rubbish Free Lunch Day. The winning prep class was with Prep A with 100% rubbish free lunches in their class. The winning junior school classes were 1C and 2C with 95% rubbish free lunches in their class. The winning middle school class was 3B with 100% rubbish free lunches in their class. The winning senior class was with 6A with 100% rubbish free lunches in their class. Our winning classes are rewarded with 15 minutes extra recess! Congratulations! CLASS PA SCORE 100% CLASS 1C SCORE 91% CLASS 3B SCORE 100% CLASS 5A SCORE 53% PB 89% 1D No result 3C 96% 5B 85% PC No result 2A 86% 3D 95% 5C 82% PD 75% 2B 86% 3/4Y No result 5D 95% PE 94% 2C 91% 4B Camp 6A 100% PF No result 2D 86% 4C Camp 6B No result 1A 88% 2E 85% 4D Camp 6C 92% 1B 84% 3A 92% 4E Camp 6D 84% GENERAL INFORMATION 6A and 6B Make The Mulch Pile Magically Disappear! THE 5 CENT COLLECTION! Remember to look for 5 cent pieces around the house, in cupboards or in cars. The money goes to Y-GAP (Y Generation Against Poverty) a NOT-FOR-PROFIT organisation run by volunteers and is used to help people who need it for basic living necessities. Please support this cause by handing in any stray 5 cent pieces you have and send with your child to put in the class collection jar. Thanks for your support. SCHOOL PHOTOS SECOND HAND UNIFORMS The Second Hand Uniform shop will be open again in Term 2, on Monday 20 April 9.10-9.30am. Prices range from $3-$8 so please bring small denomination as we are unable to change large amounts. We are located in the in the foyer of the Hall. Volunteers are most welcome. Mechelle G Coordinator Advanced Life Photographers will be at the school on Friday 17 April to photograph all classes, siblings and individual students. This is the first Friday after school resumes for Term 2. Instructions for ordering photos online have been sent home with the youngest students. Orders can be done online. Order envelopes will be sent home on the first day of next term for those who have not completed online orders. It is important to note that Sibling Photo orders must be in by 15 April, 2 days prior to School Photo Day. Please read the instruction sheet carefully. PARENT CLASS REPRESENTATIVE CONTACT FORMS Please remember to return the Parent Representative Contact List permission forms to class teachers as soon as possible. PRINCIPAL’S AWARDS CITIZENSHIP ACHIEVEMENT Prep A Irene Y for coming to school with a smile on her face. Charlotte M for remembering to put her hand up when she wants to contribute to class discussions. Prep B Naomi S for always being a fantastic friend to everyone in the class. Keep it up! Mikey D for your huge improvement in writing. You should be extremely proud of yourself, well done! Prep C Natalie T for making good choices in the classroom and working well with lots of different children. Angus N for having a go at all classroom activities, especially his writing. Great effort Angus. Prep D Hiren A for being a fantastic classroom helper. Hiren always ensures our classroom is neat and tidy. Sophie L for working hard to do her best handwriting to complete a fantastic 'Fruit Skewer' poster. Prep E Matthew Z for his determined efforts to adhere to classroom and school rules and ensure his classmates do the same. Atia J for her consistent efforts when writing. Atia endeavours to write messages using her letter/sound knowledge, as well as locating words from around the room. Prep F Emily E for being such a kind member of our class. We like the way you help others so easily. Thank you. Zachary C for having a go. We really like the way you think about what you need to do. You are very brave. 1A Tristan G for always being a kind and caring friend. You are a real asset to 1A! Amabelle L for always writing so many pages of interesting writing. Well done! 1B Crystal M for being such a delight to have in our classroom. Crystal is always kind and polite. Damien T for the incredible improvement in his reading and writing. Well done Damien! 1C Ken D for striving to produce his neatest work and for co-operating beautifully in class. Erica D for taking her role of Junior School Council representative so seriously and for reporting information back to class efficiently. 1D Randuli M for being a lovely, well mannered, diligent student who brings a smile to everyone's face. Ellie A for working really hard with her daily reading and making excellent progress so far. Well done Ellie! 2A Penny T for always thinking of others before thinking of herself. Angad P for his insightful comments shared during class discussions. 2B Kellan B being kind and helpful towards his classmates. Well done. Mia J always working to the best of her ability. Well done. 2C Rowan B for being a very responsible and reliable student council representative for our class. Sagarika A for always being polite and friendly to your class mates and teacher. Well done. Tori L for logging on to Microsoft Office 365 without any assistance and sending me an email. Well done Tori! Nelini W for having a great positive attitude to school and her learning. Isabella K for presenting an item explaining how to stay safe for our safety unit. Isabella used the correct voice volume and made eye contact with her audience. 2D 2E Lucas H for the care you take with all you work, it is always neatly presented. Well done Lucas. COMMUNITY NOTICEBOARD MT WAVERLEY SECONDARY COLLEGE OPEN DAY & NIGHT 145 Stephensons Road, Mt Waverley Open Day Tours Junior 9.15—11.15am Senior 11.15 am —1.15pm Open Night 4.00—7.45pm Information Sessions 5.00—7.45pm PAINTING AND SKETCHING CLASSES 8-12 years Waverley Community Learning Centre Fridays 4.30-5.30pm Starts 24 April Cost $100 Bookings 9807 6011 or [email protected] WAVERLEY HOCKEY CLUB Grades 5&6 Term 2 16 April to 18 June 4.30—5.30pm Term 3 16 July to 6 August at Waverley Hockey Club, Winbirra Parade & High Street Road Ashwood Contact Kate Zuccala 0404 047897 ASHWOOD CHILDREN’S CENTRE Kinder Open Day Saturday 21st March 10am—12pm 8 Yooralla St, Ashwood
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