Newsletter No 12 Thursday, 30 April 2015 SPECIAL EVENTS On the ropes YEAR 5 CAMP AT BEECHWORTH P&F SHARE AND CARE PROGRAM Thank you to those families that have returned the Care and Share volunteer forms. We now have sufficient volunteers for the program to commence. We have invited a representative from another primary school to visit MWPS one evening to share how this program works at their school and will advise of the details as soon as they have been finalised. If you would like to become a volunteer and haven’t filled out the form there are more available at the Office. Mount Waverley Primary School, Park Lane, Mount Waverley 3149 Ph: 9807-1480 I Fax: 9888-1495 I Email: [email protected] I Web: PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE STAFF CAR PARKS In coming weeks additional signs will be posted on gates and walls around the staff car parks reinforcing that these areas are for staff only. To prevent a potentially embarrassing situation, I urge community members to please adhere to this restriction. Our staff must be able to use our facility freely and be able to arrive and leave the premises for meetings and appointments at any time of the day without their space being taken by a member of the community. Apart from staff not being able to access a space in their work place, it has also concerned me that some parents are accessing the staff car park at an unacceptable speed. Signs with speed limits will also be displayed as our staff are aware of the acceptable 5km hour speed limit in their workplace car park. The only exception to this rule is out of staff business hours before 7.30am and after 5.00pm. Car parks are dangerous places and should be avoided by pedestrians at all times. I urge our community to please use the paths provided and refrain from walking through or loitering in our staff car parks. Greg Paine Principal APPROVAL OF STUDENT ABSENCES Parents/Guardians please ensure that you approve your child’s absence on COMPASS. SRI CHRISTIAN INSTRUCTIONS SRI Christian Instructions will be commencing next week (week 4). If you would like your child/children to participate in SRI Christian Instructions, please return the Parent Consent Form with the payment of $10 to cover the cost of the student books. WORKING BEE DATES Term 2: Saturday 16 May Term 3: Saturday 1 August Term 4: Saturday 7 November IMPORTANT SCHOOL DATES 1 May Year 6 Winter Sport Commences 4—15 May Prep & Yr 1 Swimming 6 May Year 3 Scienceworks 7 May Year 4 Scienceworks 8—20 May Book Fair 12/13/14 May NAPLAN Yrs 3 & 5 12—15 May Yr 6 Camp 13 May Yr 2 Kitchen Chemistry 18—29 May Yrs 2&3 Swimming 19 May ICAS Computer Regional Tennis 20 May Yr 1 Kitchen Chemistry 26 May District Cross Country 29 May State Tennis 3 June ICAS Science 5 June Division Cross Country WILD ONESIE DAY 8 June QUEENS BIRTHDAY HOLIDAY 15 June ICAS Writing this week 16 June ICAS Spelling REMINDERS Permission forms & payments: Yr 6 Camp final camp payment overdue Religious Instruction Permission overdue Yrs 3&4 Scienceworks overdue Yr 6 Winter Sport overdue Yr 1&2 Kitchen Chemistry due 4 May ACHIEVEMENTS/CURRICULUM SWIMMING CARNIVAL - PREP AND YEAR 1 On Friday 15th May all students participating in school swimming lessons will be able to join in our Junior School Swimming Carnival. All swimmers will be involved in some novelty events and swimming races to earn points for their house. Each class will participate during their normal swimming lesson time. If you have a current CPR certificate and a Working With Children Check and would be happy to get in the water and have fun, email [email protected] We require 4 parent helpers in the water to be able to run this event. There will also be a Swimming Carnival for Year 2& 3 on Friday 29 May. Merryn Ashcroft P.E Teacher Congratulations to the following students who attained Silver and Gold Certificates in recent weeks! GOLD Michelle V, Eugene Y, Gianna Z, Thehan L, Christian F. SILVER Vishnu S, Ashley W, Maria P, Sagarika A, Jacob G, Jishnu S, Kenul E, Cameron G, Thisumi M, Kiara W, Tanya S, Gaho L, Hitani C, Joshua F, Mihir G, Evan K, Annika L, Ameesha W. Library News The Book Fair is coming! Week 5 and 6! Every year the MWPS Library runs a Scholastic Book Fair. This fund raiser for the Library is used to provide not only books, but also furniture and equipment, which is used and appreciated daily in our Library by the children. Books, ipads, our book spinners, alphabet mat, some shelving, our ever-popular cushions, our non-fiction book display carousel, signage and many other bits and pieces that give our Library its vibrant and welcoming atmosphere, are funded by the Scholastic Book Fair. The Scholastic Book Fair is enthusiastically embraced by the children at MWPS and the strong support given by so many parents every year is the reason for its continuing success. Please look out for the form coming home tomorrow and see if you can help out! Thank you! Jacqueline Griffeth The MWPS Writers’ Short Story Competition 2015 Students in Years 3-6 have been invited to take part. To do so they will download the entry form and instructions, which have been emailed to them. Students in P-2 can ask their class teacher for an entry form. Rubbish Free Lunch Day Winners Week 2 Term 2 Congratulations to our winning classes for last week’s Rubbish Free Lunch Day. The winning Prep class was Prep E with 100% rubbish free lunches in their class. The winning Junior School classes were 1C and 2B with 95% rubbish free lunches in their classes. The winning Middle School classes were 3B and 3C with 100% rubbish free lunches in their The winning Senior class was 6A with 100% rubbish free lunches in their class. Our winning classes are rewarded with 15 minutes extra recess! Congratulations! CLASS PA SCORE No result CLASS 1C SCORE 95% CLASS 3B SCORE 100% CLASS 5A SCORE Camp PB 77% 1D 72% 3C 100% 5B Camp PC 76% 2A 86% 3D 95% 5C Camp PD 84% 2B 95% 3/4Y 87% 5D Camp PE 100% 2C No result 4B 68% 6A 100% PF No result 2D No result 4C 88% 6B 96% 1A No result 2E 91% 4D 95% 6C 96% 1B 87% 3A 92% 4E 96% 6D 95% SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT UPDATE MWPS CONTINUES TO SUPPORT EARTH HOUR Our Environmental Sustainability policy encourages all members of the school community to be active and responsible in their actions towards the global environment. The overarching theme of our whole school curriculum is: It’s Our Choice! In an effort to minimise our ecological footprint, MWPS has chosen to implement regular Earth Hours at school and asks the school community to support this event at home and even, if possible, at work. This event has been created to take a stand against the greatest threat our planet has ever faced. Earth Hour uses the simple action of turning off the lights for one hour to deliver a powerful message about the need for action on global warming. All you need to do is turn off all of your lights for one hour. Easy! We will be supporting this program at school again on Friday, May 1st by switching off all the lights in the school and any unnecessary electrical equipment in each classroom for one hour between 2.30 and 3.30pm. As the official Schools Earth Hour Day was on the last day of Term 1 it was decided that we would postpone it until tomorrow. Throughout the year, there will be many more Earth Hours celebrated in our school in an effort to make a difference and to making Earth Hour part of our everyday lives at school, home and at work. WWF(World Wildlife Fund) invites Australians to walk, bounce or hop back into the wildlife spirit this June, with the much-anticipated return of Wild Onesie Week 2015. WWF is challenging Australians to head off to work and school and go about their day dressed head-to-toe as an animal during WILD ONESIE WEEK (which includes World Environment Day on June 5). MWPS Senior Environment Team is challenging our school to participate in this event by holding a WILD ONESIE DAY on FRIDAY 5 TH JUNE. Students are asked to dress in wild onesies, dress like an animal or wear their favourite pjs on the day. A GOLD COIN donation is requested. The funds raised will go towards our sponsored animals (which include koalas, a bilby, an orangutan, a Tasmanian devil and a now critically endangered Leadbeater’s possum.) See our sponsored animals page on the Sustainability Blog for more details. Imandie, Ella and Chanuth Sustainable Environment Captains Loretta Leary Sustainable Environment Co-ordinator Change The World In Minutes The challenge is to recycle as many mobile phones and mobile phone accessories as possible. Please bring to school any old phones and accessories for recycling. These will be collected TOMORROW by Mobile Muster as part of our commitment to Zoos Victoria to help save endangered gorillas in the wild. For more information on this program go to GENERAL INFORMATION SECOND HAND UNIFORM Hi, I’m Earnest and I care about the environment. Earth Hour is this Friday . Switch off lights and computers. The second hand uniform shop will be open on Monday 4th May, 9:10-9:30am. Prices range from $3-$8. Please bring small denominations as we are unable to change large denominations. We are located in the foyer of the Hall and volunteers are most welcome. For those parents who put their name on the CAP Form to volunteer please meet me in the foyer. Mechelle G Coordinator Keep your recipes rolling in! This week we have had many great and varied multicultural recipes submitted online to the school Cookbook - THANK YOU TO THOSE WHO HAVE SUBMITTED! We are still only about half way to the minimum amount of recipes we need - so please keep them coming in. The recipes don't have to be fancy - just good wholesome food that your family enjoys, from any culture! Looking at our spread of recipes so far we can see that we especially need more recipes from the following highly represented groups at our school - Indian, Chinese, Sri Lankan, Greek, Malaysian, Korean, Vietnamese (we have no Vietnamese recipes yet), American, German, New Zealand, Indonesian and Russian. If you have any recipes from these cultural backgrounds we would LOVE to have them included in our Cookbook. We also need to boost the 'Breakfast' and 'Lunch' chapters, so if you have a favourite recipe for either of these then we'd love to have them. We really need everyone’s support to make this cookbook a success so please keep your recipes coming in ASAP! Kerrie Richards and Narelle Bethune, Cookbook Coordinators To submit your recipe go to Click on the “Submit recipe” tab near the top of the screen. This will take you to a page where you can select Mount Waverley Primary School in the drop down box. Once you have selected our school simply click on the ‘click to access recipe form’ tab and follow all the prompts. Before submitting your recipe - please check out the list of recipes we have already received. You can access the recipe list by logging into Compass (see the link under ‘MWPS Cookbook’ in the ‘News’ section) or by going onto the MWPS website (go into and click on the ‘MWPS Cookbook recipes’ link under the Forms section on the left hand side). COMMUNITY NOTICEBOARD ‘WHEN GREAT MINDS DON’T THINK ALIKE’ 25 MAY 7.00PM A FREE seminar for parents and teachers of children with learning difficulties. Mt Waverley Library 14 Miller Crescent Bookings Essential Ph: 9875022 [email protected] PARENTS VIC ONLINE CONFERENCE FREE Message boards open Mon 18 May to 21 May 6.00am—11pm Register HOST FAMILIES NEEDED World Education Program Australia invites volunteers to host international students in July 2015 Contact : 1300884733 [email protected] PARENTS AND FRIENDS ORDER NOW>> For every Entertainment™ Book and Entertainment™ Digital Membership we sell, $13 goes to our fundraising! The more Memberships we sell, the more we raise – so please forward this to family and friends. The new Memberships are available now and packed with thousands of up to 50% off and 2-for-1 offers. For just $65, you'll receive over $20,000 worth of valuable offers. CONTACT: Use just a few of these offers and you'll more than cover the cost of your Membership! Mt Waverley Primary School THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT! 0418516902 Rosy [email protected] MOTHERS DAY STALL Mother's Day is just around the corner! We are going to be having a stall next week on Wednesday and Thursday. Each class will be given a time to come and visit the stall, so keep a look out for your notice tomorrow. The stall will also open on Friday during lunch time for anyone that may have missed out. This year we're offering some great new products for Mum, just have a look below! Key Rings and Metal Pens $3 Cera Aromatherapy Socks & Glass Tumbler $5 Soy C andle Gift boxe d $16 u mic M hS g wit poon $7 Light Up Lip Gloss & Ear Buds $6 MU M Jut e Sh ould er B ag $ 8 Speaker with music dock $20 Phone Power Bank & Fleece Blanket $15 Pho to F rame $12 Soy Candle & Cable Knit Scarf $10 PRINCIPAL’S AWARDS CITIZENSHIP ACHIEVEMENT Prep A Eunice for helping other people when they are upset. Oliver for making connections between different objects during a sorting activity. Great thinking! Prep B Mitchell C for having more confidence to share your ideas with the class. Keep it up! Grace C for your hard work and persistence on your Magic 100 Words. It has paid off! Prep C Anaya H for being a great friend inside and outside the classroom, by showing kindness to everyone. Mikayla L for her excellent work during computers, listening beautifully and doing her best work. Prep D Elora C for always following class instructions and doing exactly what is asked of her. Zane L for working hard during all ICT sessions. Zane always completes all activities to a high standard. Prep E Indy A for being prepared to have a go and contributing her ideas and opinions with growing confidence. A great job Indy. Ethan C for the depth of his explanations about what living things are and what they need to continue to grow. Super work! Prep F Stephanie P for being kind and thinking of others. You are so quick to jump up and help. Thank you for showing us how to behave at school. Eesha K for knowing how to read your Magic 100 Words. Being able to read them really helps with your reading and writing. We love how enthusiastic you are about school. 1A Andreas A for always playing so nicely in the yard. Miss Willcox is very proud of you. Well done! Alyssa L for getting all your spelling words correct. What a great effort! 1B Tanya S for always kindly helping others. Tanya's caring nature is an asset to our class. Aritha J for the fantastic improvement in his reading. 1C Ramit K for settling quickly into class following an extended overseas trip. Well done Ramit! Aneeha S for taking such a keen interest in all classroom activities. Aneeha willingly contributes and is always attentive! 1D Min S for being a kind and considerate student and for being respectful to all the other class members. Mia A for taking her school work very seriously and finishing off everything in a neat and tidy manner! 2A Kiah C for always being willing to help her classmates and teachers. Jasper W for making an excellent brochure using Publisher. It was creative and insightful. Well done! 2B Ava B for being an attentive listener at all times. Lalita A for always making a conscientious effort with the presentation of her work. 2C Emma L for always displaying lovely manners and a caring attitude towards others. Daniel C for making great progress in Maths this term. Well done! 2D Emma G for a fantastic start to Term 2 at Mount Waverley Primary School. You are a kind and generous class member. Well done and keep it up. Nathan S for showing a great improvement in his attitude and efforts towards his work. Well done and keep it up! 2E Audrey E for being a fantastic helper in the classroom. Audrey sees something that needs to be done that isn't her responsibility but does the task anyway. Well done Audrey! Hayley C for taking care and really trying with her Maths work, as well as taking an interest in the topic by answering questions. Good work Hayley!
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