PARISH STAFF Parish Administrator Clergy Secretary Admin. Assistant Receptionist Music Director Parish Custodian Bob Johnson (x103) Juanita Rodriguez (x117) Alma Tamayo (x122) Rosa Lopez-Wicker (x101) Ademar Chavana (x114) David Martinez Welcome to our Community of Faith PASTOR: Fr. Kirby Garner RELIGIOUS EDUCATION DEACONS email: [email protected] Director of RE Jo Anna Rubio (x138) Assoc. Director of RE Delia Blanco (x129) Adult RE & Faith Enrichment Lupita Bodony (x137) Youth Ministry Arianna/Andie/Edgar (x108) Ben Garcia SCHOOL CONTACT INFORMATION School Phone School Website School Address Principal Secretary 512.312.2137 PO Box 160, Buda, TX 78610 Susan Flanagan Leticia Gonzales LITURGY & SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday/Sábado.................................................................................5:30p ENG Sunday/Domingo................................................................................8:30a ESP 11:00a ENG 5:00p ENG Daily Masses/Misas Diarias Please see inside the bulletin for details Para más detalles favor de leer el boletín Penance/Confesiones Saturdays 4:00-5:00p or by appt. Sábados: 4:00-5:00p o por cita Rey Garza Rodolfo Gonzalez John Kerrigan OFFICE HOURS HORARIO DE OFICINA Monday - Friday: 9:00a - 5:00p Office Closed Saturdays and Sundays La oficina esta cerrada 1100 MAIN STREET PO BOX 187 BUDA, TX 78610 phone: 512.312.2520 fax: 512.295.2034 bulletin: [email protected] email: [email protected] Cuarto Domingo de Pascua Santa Cruz Church, Buda, Texas Mass Intentions: April 25 - May 3, 2015 DAY DATE Sat 04/25 Sun 04/26 Mon 04/27 Tue 04/28 Wed 04/29 Thu 04/30 Fri 05/01 Sat 05/02 Sun 05/03 TIME 5:30 PM 8:30 AM 11:00 AM 5:00 PM 3:45 PM 3:45 PM 7:00 AM 7:00 AM 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 5:30 PM 8:30 AM 11:00 AM 5:00 PM ENG/ESP Eng Esp Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Esp Eng Eng LOCATION Church Church Church Church Chapel Chapel Chapel Chapel Church Chapel Church Church Church Church MASS INTENTION † Victor Maresh Por la familia Vásquez-Soto † Charles & Marian Monroe All Parishioners of Santa Cruz † John Bacak † Dorothy Maresh † Olean Ginn † Carmelo Torres † Arturo Hernandez † Teresa Martinez All Parishioners of Santa Cruz † Juanita & Jayme Bonifacio † Michael & Georgia Valko † Theodoro & Juanita Verver Note that a Mass in English is celebrated at 12:00 Noon on Tuesdays at the Seton Hays Chapel. Part Time Bookkeeper Position for Parish and School Santa Cruz Parish and School are looking for an intelligent and self-motivated part-time bookkeeper. The ideal candidate should have a thorough knowledge of bookkeeping and generally accepted accounting principles. A minimum of five years of bookkeeping/ accounting experience including two years of QuickBooks Pro experience required. Salary will be commensurate with experience and education. Submit resume along with references to Bob Johnson, Administrator at Santa Cruz Catholic Church, P.O. Box 187, Buda, TX 78610. Welcome! ~ ¡Bienvenidos! / New Members to Santa Cruz! We are so grateful for our New Parishioners. If you know them, please help us welcome them! Below are the New Members for the previous weeks: Démosles las bienvenida a nuestros nuevos miembros: Moises & Maria Lourdes Ramirez James & Lorraine Tello PARISH FINANCES/FINANZAS April 19th Collection Weekly Budget....................................................$25,865 Actual Collection..................................................$25,837 Variance (UNDER)........................................... (–$28) New FY 2015 Year to Date Budget...................$1,086,330 New FY 2015 Year to Date Collection...............$1,056,273 Year-to-date Budget (Under Budget)......(–$30,057) SECOND COLLECTIONS/SEGUNDA COLECTA This Week...........................................Seminarians/Priests Next Week...................................... Parish Debt Reduction PARISH ATTENDANCE/ATENDENCIA Church Attendance: 04/19/15.................................2,527 (Saturday: 5:30 PM: 267; Sunday: 8:30 AM: 805; 11AM: 1,001; 5PM: 454) You can find the Reflection of the Week posted at: Usted puede encontrar la Reflexión de la Semana en: READINGS FOR THE WEEK Mon: Acts 11:1-18; Ps 42:2-3; 43:3, 4; Jn 10:1-10 Tue: Acts 11:19-26; Ps 87:1b-7; Jn 10:22-30 St. Peter Chanel; St. Louis Grignion de Montfort Wed: Acts 12:24—13:5a; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8; Jn 12:44-50 St. Catherine of Siena Thu: Acts 13:13-25: Ps 89:2-3, 21-22, 25, 27; Jn 13:16-20 - St. Pius V Fri: Acts 13:26-33; Ps 2:6-11ab; Jn 14:1-6 or (for the memorial) Gn 1:26—2:3 or Col 3:14-15, 17, 23-24; Ps 90:2-4, 12-14, 16; Mt 13:54-58 St. Joseph the Worker; First Friday Sat: Acts 13:44-52; Ps 98:1-4; Jn 14:7-14 St. Athanasius; First Saturday Sun: Acts 9:26-31; Ps 22:26-28, 30-32; 1 Jn 3:18-24; Jn 15:1-8 LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Hch 11:1-18; Sal 42 (41):2-3; 43:3, 4; Jn 10:1-10 Martes: Hch 11:19-26; Sal 87 (86):1b-7; Jn 10:22-30 San Luis María Grignon de Montfort; San Pedro Chanel Miércoles: Hch 12:24—13:5a; Sal 67 (66):2-3, 5, 6, 8; Jn 12:44-50 - Santa Catalina de Siena Jueves: Hch 13:13-25: Sal 89 (88):2-3, 21-22, 25, 27; Jn 13:16-20 - San Pio V Viernes: Hch 13:26-33; Sal 2:6-11ab; Jn 14:1-6 o (por la memoria) Gn 1:26—2:3 o Col 3:14-15, 17, 23-24; Sal 90 (89):2-4, 12-14, 16; Mt 13:54-58 San José, obrero; Primer viernes Sábado: Hch 13:44-52; Sal 98 (97):1-4; Jn 14:7-14 San Atanasio; Primer sábado Domingo: Hch 9:26-31; Sal 22 (21):26-28, 30-32; 1 Jn 3:18-24; Jn 15:1-8 Lunes: PRAYER REQUESTS / PETICIONES DE ORACIÓN Please pray for the following parishioners who are ill at this time: Favor de orar por estos feligreses que están enfermos: Maureen Banks and baby Christopher Noah Martinez Please pray for our parishioners who are serving in the military: Favor de orar por nuestros feligreses que están en el servicio militar: We continually update our list of parishioners serving in the military. Please call Alma Tamayo in the church office so that we can have an accurate list of active military personnel who are parishioners at Santa Cruz. Thank you. Aaron Mitchell, son of Craig and Carolin Mitchell, Zachary García, son of Carlos & Christina García, Joshua Snoddy, son of Charles Snoddy, Rolando Ríos, Jr. son of JoAnn Ríos, William Banks, son of Maureen Banks, Dion Cortez, husband of Tanya Cortez, Llajaira Patino, daughter of Luis & Carmen Patino, Neil Dodson, son of Scott & Sandy Dodson, Eddie Xavier Díaz Conde & Bobby Joe Díaz, Jr., grandsons of Marie Gamboa, SSG Juan M. Solano Jr. & Seaman Recruit Sierra R. Solano, Meghan Ramos, daughter of Onofre Ramos Please pray for the faithfully departed, especially for: Favor de orar por nuestros difuntos, especialmente por: Ava Silva, Jorge Luis Azmitia and Santos Ester Reyes Fourth Sunday of Easter April 25 & 26, 2015 / 25 & 26 de abril, 2015 April 25-26, 2015 Fourth Sunday of Easter Abril 25 a 26 de 2015 Cuarto Domingo de Pascua Whom do we follow and to whose voice do we listen? This Sunday as we continue to unpack the meaning of our Baptism, we hear Jesus call himself the Good Shepherd whose sheep hear his voice and follow his lead. That way of Jesus is the way of love and unity. We are truly blessed to be loved so much and because we have been given so much, we must in turn live lives of generous love toward all. Are there some in our world we believe are undeserving of love or respect or generosity? Jesus gave his life for them, how shall we respond? ¿A quién seguimos y a la voz de quien hacemos caso? Este sábado mientras continuamos descubriendo el significado de nuestro Bautismo, escuchamos a Jesús llamarse a sí mismo el Buen Pastor cuyas ovejas escuchan su voz y siguen su liderazgo. El camino de Jesús es el camino del amor y la unidad. Somos verdaderamente bendecidos por ser amados tanto y por qué se nos ha dado tanto, nos toca entonces, vivir vidas con amor generoso hacia todos ¿Hay alguien en nuestro mundo que creemos que carece de amor, respeto o generosidad? Jesús dio su vida por ellos ¿Cómo debemos responder? THE GLORY OF GOD The glory of God is humanity fully alive. —St. Irenaeus LA GLORIA DE DIOS La gloria de Dios es el hombre viviente. —San Irineo First Saturday of the Month is this saturday - A Mass in honor of the Blessed Mother will be offered on May 2nd. Mass begins at 9:00 a.m. in the San Juan Chapel and Marian devotions will follow immediately with the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. Everyone is invited to participate. Dedicación del primer sábado del mes: - La legión de María invita a cada uno que participe en la dedicación del primer sábado al “Corazón Inmaculado de María” el 2 de mayo. La Misa comienza a las 9:00 a.m. en la Capilla de San Juan e inmediatamente siguen las dedicaciones del rosario con la exposición del Santísimo. Weekly Schedule The schedule below lists events that all parishioners are generally invited to. To reserve your parish event, contact Barbara Pecuch at (512) 422-1485. For a more complete schedule, please view our calendar online at: or check the day’s events posted at our parish office. MONDAY, APRIL 27 MOMS Group/Bible Study........... 9:00 am-12:00 p.m....PAC301 & PAC321 Chapel Wedding......................... 10:00 am-11:00 a.m..San Juan Chapel San Juan Chapel Cleaning......... 2:00 pm-3:00 p.m......San Juan Chapel SCCS after School Care.............. 3:30 pm-5:30 p.m......Deane Hall RE Monday Session I.................. 3:45 pm-5:30 p.m......Education Bldg. RE Monday Session II................. 5:45 pm-8:00 p.m......Education Bldg.; Deane Hall; PAC301, 313, 320 & 321 Legion de Maria.......................... 7:00 pm-9:00 p.m......Church cryroom TUESDAY, APRIL 28 SCCS Class Activity/Tutor........... 8:00 am-3:00 p.m......PAC321 (SHMC Room) Construction meeting................. 9:30 am-11:00 a.m....PAC313 SCCS Music Class...................... 2:30 pm-3:30 p.m......Choir Loft SCCS after School Care.............. 3:30 pm-5:30 p.m......Deane Hall; PAC301 & 321 Boy Scouts.................................. 6:00 pm-9:00 p.m......ED206 & 207; Deane Hall Altar Society............................... 7:00 pm-9:00 p.m......PAC301 (K.O.C. Room) GriefShare................................... 7:00 pm-9:00 p.m......PAC313 Spanish CHRP............................. 7:00 pm-9:30 p.m......PAC301 (K.O.C. Room) Grupo de Oración El Buen Pastor......................... 7:30 pm-9:00 p.m......Church WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29 SCCS Class Activity/Tutor........... 8:00 am-3:00 p.m......PAC321 (SHMC Room) SCCS Music Class Activities....... 9:00 am-12:00 noon..PAC301 (K.O.C. Room) San Juan Chapel Cleaning......... 2:00 pm-3:00 p.m......San Juan Chapel SCCS after School Care.............. 3:30 pm-5:30 p.m......Deane Hall RE Monday Session I.................. 4:00 pm-5:30 p.m......Education Bldg. RE Monday Session II................. 5:45 pm-8:00 p.m......Education Bldg.; Deane Hall; PAC301, 313, 320 & 321 Backup Choir.............................. 7:00 pm-8:00 p.m......ED118 (Music) English Choir............................... 7:00 pm-9:00 p.m......Church Singing Rosary........................... 7:00 pm-8:00 p.m......San Juan Chapel THURSDAY, APRIL 30 That Man is You!......................... 5:00 am-7:00 a.m......Deane Hall SCCS Class Activity/Tutor........... 8:00 am-3:00 p.m......PAC321 (SHMC Room) SCCS Music Class Activities....... 9:00 am-12:00 noon..PAC301 (K.O.C. Room) Deanery meeting........................ 10:30 am-12 noon.....PAC320 (Breakroom) SCCS after School Care.............. 3:30 pm-5:30 p.m......Deane Hall; PAC301 & 321 Youth Choir practice................... 6:00 pm-8:30 p.m......ED115 Men/Women Spanish CHRP....... 6:30 pm-9:30 p.m......ED200, 203 & 204 Backup Choir practice................ 7:00 pm-9:00 p.m......ED118 (Music) Evangelización de las Familias-Kerigma............... 7:00 pm-9:30 p.m......Deane Hall & PAC321 Spanish Choir practice............... 7:00 pm-9:00 p.m......Church Grupo Preciosísima Sangre de Cristo...................... 11:00 pm-3:00 a.m....San Juan Chapel FRIDAY, MAY 1 SCCS Class Activity/Tutor........... 8:00 am-3:00 p.m......PAC321 (SHMC Room) SCCS Music Class Activities....... 9:00 am-12:00 noon..PAC301 (K.O.C. Room) Mystical Rose Rosary makers.... 2:00 pm-4:00 p.m......PAC301 (K.O.C. Room) San Juan Chapel Cleaning......... 2:00 pm-3:00 p.m......San Juan Chapel School Adoration........................ 2:00 pm-2:45pm........Church SCCS Music Class...................... 2:30 pm-3:15 noon....Choir Loft SCCS after School Care.............. 3:30 pm-5:30 p.m......Deane Hall Spanish Rosary........................... 6:30 pm-9:15 p.m......PAC313 Grupo Juvenil Planning meeting.................... 7:00 pm-9:00 p.m......PAC workroom Movimiento Familiar Cristiano.... 7:00 pm-9:30 p.m......ED201 & 202, ED205-207 Talleres de Oración..................... 7:00 pm-9:00 p.m......ED200 & ED203 SATURDAY, MAY 2 RE Eucharistic Workshop............ 7:00 am-3:00 p.m......Church; Deane Hall; kitchen; PAC301 & PAC321 Lector Planning Team................. 8:30 am-11:30 a.m....PAC313 KC Golf tournament/ award ceremony..................... 3:00 pm - 11:00 p.m..Deane Hall; PAC301 & kitchen Grupo Juvenil.............................. 7:00 pm-9:00 p.m......ED205 SUNDAY, MAY 3 RE Sessions I.............................. 7:45 am-12:15 p.m....ED Bldg.; Deane Hall; school Wrkrm;PAC301, 313, 320 & 321 CT session.................................. 10:00 am-2:30 p.m....PAC Workroom RE Sessions II............................. 12:15 pm-1:15 p.m....ED Bldg.; School workroom; PAC301, 313, 320 & 321 Bingo.......................................... 2:00 pm-5:30 p.m......Deane Hall; PAC301 & kitchen Middle School Youth night.......... 6:00 pm-8:00 p.m......Deane Hall; PAC301 & 321 Santa Cruz Church, Buda, Texas Cuarto Domingo de Pascua RELIGIOUS EDUCATION/EDUCACION RELIGIOSA: K-12 ~ YOUTH ~ ADULT RE & FAITH ENRICHMENT RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE HOURS/HORARIO DE EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA April 27 - May 3, 2015 Mon. & Wed. (Lunes & Miércoles):.................... 1:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. Tues. & Thurs. (Martes & Jueves):..................... 1:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. Fri. & Sat. (Viernes & Sábado):..................... Office Closed/Cerrado Sunday (Domingo):.......................................... 8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. We are also available by appointment outside of the posted hours. Please contact us at (512) 312-2520 to make arrangements. YOUTH MINISTRY Youth Coordinators: Arianna Martínez, Andie Rodríguez & Edgar Osorio Important Upcoming Youth Dates: April 26th - Family Youth Night May 3rd - Middle School Youth Night May 17th - High School Youth Night May 31st - Family Youth ADULT RE & FAITH ENRICHMENT Coordinator: Lupita Bodony Adult Faith Enrichment - Please come join us during all RE Sessions (Sunday 9:45 a.m. and 12:15 p.m.; Monday 6:30 p.m. and Wednesday 6:30 p.m.) for our Book of Matthew bible study. We will offer classes in both English and Spanish. Classes are open to all adult parishioners. The class is free but cost of the book is $7. Enriquecimiento de fe para Adultos - Por favor, únase a nosotros durante todas la sesiones de Educación Religiosa (domingos a las 9:45 a.m. y 12:15; lunes y miércoles a las 6:30 p.m.) para nuestro estudio bíblico del libro de Mateo. Ofrecemos clases en inglés y en español. Las clases están abiertas a todos los feligreses adultos. La clase es gratis pero el costo del libro es de $7. CHURCH ORGANIZATIONS / ORGANIZACIONES PARROQUIALES The rosary makers group, Mystical Rose, will meet Friday, May 1, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. in the Knight of Columbus room. Participation in the rosary makers group is a wonderful opportunity to practice our faith and stewardship by sharing our talents and our treasures with the truly needy in many remote parts of the world. For additional information, call Middy Munoz at (512) 312-9940, Sandy Dodson at (512) 213-4554; or Dolores Montemayor at (512) 280-3625. All are welcome to join us. SACRED HEART MEN’S CLUB The Sacred Heart Men’s Club Scholarship applications are available for downloading. For more information about this, please visit the Santa Cruz Catholic Church website. The deadline to submit these applications is Thursday, April 30th @ 5:00 p.m. CLUB DE HOMBRES DEL SAGRADO CORAZON Las aplicaciones para las becas escolares del Club de Hombres del Sagrado Corazón ya están disponibles en la página de internet de la parroquia Santa Cruz. Favor de visitar la página de internet para más información. La fecha límite para entregar estas solicitudes es el jueves, 30 de Abril, 2015 a las 5:00 p.m. RELIGIOUS ED (K-12TH GRADES) Coordinators: JoAnna Rubio & Delia Blanco Important Upcoming RE Dates: • April 25th / 26th - All RE children attend mass with their families. Remember to use your envelope for attendance. • April 26th / 27th / 29th - Regular RE Classes meet • May 3rd /4th / 6th - Regular RE Classes meet (Last day of classes.) Pre-Registration for 2015-2016 Religious Education - All families that are currently participating in Religious Education classes can come by the RE Office, during posted office hours, and pre-register for the upcoming 2015-2016 year. Your family’s current year fees must be paid in full or arrangements must be made with a member of the RE Staff. Pre-inscripción a Educación Religiosa para el año 2015-2016– todas las familias que actualmente están participando en clases de Educación Religiosa pueden pasar por la oficina, durante las horas de oficina publicadas y pre-registrarse para el próximo año, 2015-2016. Los honorarios para su familia de este año deben estar pagados en su totalidad o al menos hacer arreglos con una encargada(o) de Educación Religiosa para terminar de pagarlos. Registration will be open to all parish families in August. You must be currently registered and actively participating in the parish to register for Religious Education. Parish-wide registration will begin on August 2, 2015. Las Inscripciones estarán abiertas a todas las familias de la parroquia en agosto. La familia debe estar actualmente registrada y participando activamente en la parroquia para registrarse en Educación Religiosa. Las inscripciones se abrirán a todos los miembros de la parroquia el 2 de agosto, 2015. Last Day of RE Classes - Please note the last day for Religious Education classes and Adult Formation is May 3rd / 4th / 6th. Please be sure you come by and pre-register for next year! Also, remember that formal religious education in the classroom is only part of your child’s faith formation. Please continue to pray, participate in weekly Mass and serve God as a family. Último día de Educación Religiosa - por favor tome en cuenta que el último día de clases de Educación Religiosa y de formación de adultos será el 3, 4 y 6 de mayo. ¡Por favor asegúrese de venir a pre-registrarse para el próximo año! También recuerde que las clases formales de Educación Religiosa son solo una parte de la formación en la fe de su hijo(a). Por favor continúe rezando, participando en la Misa semanal y sirviendo a Dios como familia. OUTSIDE ORGANIZATIONS MARRIED COUPLES: Spring is here! It’s the season of rebirth, new life, when nature seems to take a fresh start. Why not wake up your marriage this Spring as well? Remind your spouse that he or she is still number one in your life. Make a Marriage Encounter Weekend and re-discover the romance of your relationship. The next Marriage Encounter Weekend in the Diocese is May 15-17. See for info and to apply, email [email protected] or call (512) 677-WWME (9963). Apply early to ensure a space. Para información en español llamar al (512) 635-1036. Fourth Sunday of Easter April 25 & 26, 2015 / 25 & 26 de abril, 2015 SANTA CRUZ CATHOLIC SCHOOL/ESCUELA CATOLICA News from the Principal’s Desk Noticias del Escritorio de la Directora Our first ever Carnival along with our Cardinal Run and Wellness Fair was an overwhelming success. We had 268 runners participate in the 5K and 1K runs, which was a 45% increase. The Carnival was great fun and brought in close to $9,000 in just five hours. Overall, with the run pledges, sponsorships, and carnival, we saw a 313% increase in revenue over last year! Many thanks to Michelle Quintanilla, Tanya Trevino, Coach G, Trish Bridges, Jennifer Beck, the Knights of Columbus, our sponsors, and all of our volunteers for giving your time, talent, and treasure to this event. Be sure to look for our Santa Cruz Catholic School Fresh Baked Cookie Booth at the Weiner Dog Races this weekend. We will be selling cookies baked right on site all weekend long. Open enrollment for the 2015-2016 school year is now available. We are accepting students in grades PreK-3 through 8th grade. Have a blessed week, Mrs. Flanagan Nuestro primer carnaval junto con nuestra carrera Cardenal y Feria de la Salud han sido todo un éxito. Tuvimos 268 corredores participando en las carreras de 5K y 1K, este aumento registró 45% más que el año pasado. El carnaval fue muy divertido y produjo cerca de $9,000 en sólo cinco horas. En general, con las promesas que se hicieron a los corredores, patrocinios y el Carnaval, tuvimos un incremento de 313% en los ingresos comparado al año pasado. Muchas gracias a Michelle Quintanilla, Tanya Treviño, entrenador G, Trish Bridges, Jennifer Beck, los Caballeros de Colón, nuestros patrocinadores y todos los voluntarios que donaron su tiempo, talento y tesoro a este evento. Asegúrese de buscar nuestro puesto de galletas patrocinado por nuestra escuela católica Santa Cruz en el evento de las carreras de perros salchicha, este fin de semana, en Buda. Venderemos las galletas hechas allí mismo en el puesto todo el fin de semana. Ya está abierta la inscripción para el año 2015-2016. Estamos aceptando inscripciones para estudiantes en los grados del PreK-3 hasta el 8vo grado. Bendiciones, Sra. Flanagan Non-Discrimination Policy Schools within the Diocese of Austin do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin in: (i) the admission of students; (ii) the offerings of rights, privileges, programs, or activities generally made available to their students; or (iii) the administration of educational policies, admissions policies, loan programs, athletic programs, employment practices or policies, or other school-administered programs. Reglas de Imparcialidad En las escuelas dentro de la diócesis de Austin no se discrimina a base de raza, color, origen nacional o étnico en: (i) la admisión de estudiantes; (ii) derechos o privilegios que se ofrecen, programas o actividades generalmente a disposición de sus alumnos; o (iii) la administración de normas educativas, pólizas de admisión, programas de préstamos, programas atléticos, prácticas o reglas laborales u otros programas administrados por la escuela. TUITION RAFFLE 2015-2016 Now is your chance to win one year’s tuition to Santa Cruz Catholic School! There is no limit to the number of tickets you can purchase. You can designate your winnings to a specific student or put it towards the SCCS Tuition Assistance Program, which helps multiple students every year. You may get your tickets in the school office. You do not need to be present to win! A limited number of tickets will be sold from April 20th to May 29th. Buy 1 ticket for $100 and get the second for $25. The odds are great! We will announce the lucky winner at the Awards Ceremony on May 29th. You may contact Dawn Brunkenhoefer, Chair of Marketing & Development Committee, at [email protected] or 512-785-3042 with any questions. RIFA DE MATRÍCULA 2015-2016 ¡Ahora es la oportunidad de ganar una matrícula para todo el año a la escuela Católica Santa Cruz! No hay límite en la cantidad de boletos que se pueden comprar. Las ganancias se pueden designar a un estudiante en específico o se pueden donar al programa de la escuela SCCS para la asistencia en matrículas que ayudan a varios alumnos cada año. Usted puede obtener sus boletos de rifa en la oficina de la escuela. ¡No tiene que estar presente para ganar! Solo un número limitado de boletos se venderán del 20 de abril al 29 de mayo. Si compra el 1er boleto por $100, el segundo solo le costara $25. ¡Las probabilidades de ganar son muchas! Anunciaremos al ganador en la ceremonia de premiación el 29 de mayo. Usted puede comunicarse con Dawn Brunkenhoefer, Presidente del Comité de Desarrollo & Marketing, a: [email protected] o al (512)-785-3042 con cualquier pregunta. We wish to THANK all the Santa Cruz Parishioners and surrounding communities who attended our recent Wellness Fair & Carnival on Saturday April 11, 2015. In addition, we extend our warmest gratitude to the 65 sponsors who contributed to this event and assisted in the great success. Santa Cruz Catholic School also wants to convey our deepest appreciation to Mr. Al Garza and the Knights of Columbus at our parish for donating all the hot dogs and hamburgers to sell at our event. They sold out at the end of the evening! Our school surpassed our goals and expectation with a 45% increase in participants for our 1K and 5K run. In addition to this good news, our net profit for this event thus far is over $34,000, a major increase of over 300%! Your contribution and generosity made it possible for our school to achieve this success. Our students, teachers and staff are extremely appreciative of your support. We wish you, your families and your businesses many blessings! Sincerely, Santa Cruz Catholic School Cardinal Run, Wellness Fair & Carnival Committee Cuarto Domingo de Pascua Santa Cruz Church, Buda, Texas CHURCH ORGANIZATIONS / ORGANIZACIONES PARROQUIALES On May 2nd and 3rd the Santa Cruz Pro-Life Committee will be asking for pledges in support of Texas Alliance for Life WALK FOR LIFE that will take place on May 9th. We have raised over $3,000 every year for Fr. Kirby to walk two miles for this event. Through the efforts of Texas Alliance for Life, two abortions facilities have closed their doors in the city of Austin and out of 45 facilities in the State of Texas only 17 remain open. We will have volunteers in the Narthex on the 2nd and the 3rd of May taking pledges. THANK YOU! El 2 y 3 de mayo el Comité Pro-vida de Santa Cruz estará solicitando promesas monetarias en apoyo de la Alianza de Texas para caminar por la vida, que se llevará a cabo el 9 de mayo. Hemos recaudado más de $3,000 cada año en apoyo de las 2 millas que el Padre Kirby camina en este evento. A través de los esfuerzos de la Alianza de Texas por la Vida, las instalaciones de dos centros de abortos han cerrado sus puertas en la ciudad de Austin y sólo 17 permanecen abiertas de las 45 instalaciones en el estado de Texas. Tendremos voluntarios en el nártex de la Iglesia el próximo fin de semana, 2 y 3 de mayo, para proveer más información y aceptar sus compromisos monetarios. ¡Gracias! Please join the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist on May 4th, 2015 for our Annual Open Wide the Doors Golf Tournament, Dinner and Auction at Cimarron Hills Golf and Country Club in Georgetown. All are welcome and this promises to be a blessed and memorable day for everyone! Golf + Dinner: $250.00 for Individuals and $1000.00 per Foursome Dinner only: $75.00 per person. Golf registration begins at 11 am with a Shotgun start at 12:30 pm! Dinner is at 5:30 pm. For more info and to purchase tickets please visit our website www.sistersofmary. org/golf/texas or contact Sr. Elizabeth Ann, OP at 512-863-4824 or texasgolf@ We hope to see you there! Bingo Report (04/19/15) - A nice crowd of 86 players enjoyed Santa Cruz Bingo this past Sunday taking home $2,108 in prize money. With an income of $1,012.26 from card sales and $264.25from concessions, our weekly bingo made a profit of $1,276.51. Thanks to Bob Buras, Al Garza, Paul Curtin, Bob Monroe, Tom Wizda Jr and Sr, and Sharon Roberts for helping with this Sunday’s bingo. The concession was headed by Howard Cowan, and assisted by Jose and Marcela Delgado, Sonny Villalpando, Rick DeLeon, Maria and Julia Cowan, Art Lara and Polo Gonzales. Thanks Gail Curtin, Marie Marino and Eva Ginn for providing the delicious deserts for the players to enjoy. The Progressive Jackpot number is 57 this week. Come and spend a leisure Sunday afternoon playing BINGO and supporting your church, 2PM in the Parish Hall. Informe de Bingo (04/19/15) - Un grupo agradable de 86 jugadores disfrutaron del bingo en Santa Cruz el domingo pasado llevándose a casa $2,108 en premios. Con un ingreso de $1,012.26 en ventas de tarjetas y $264.25 del puesto de concesiones, nuestro bingo semanal obtuvo un beneficio de $1,276.51. Gracias a Bob Buras, Al Garza, Paul Curtin, Bob Monroe, Tom Wizda, Jr. y Sr. y Sharon Roberts por ayudar con el bingo de este domingo. La concesión fue dirigida por Howard Cowan y asistida por José y Marcela Delgado, Sonny Villalpando, Rick De León, María y Julia Cowan, Art Lara y Polo González. Gracias a Gail Curtin, Marie Marino y Eva Ginn por proporcionar los deliciosos postres de los que disfrutaron los jugadores. El número de jackpot progresivo es de 57 esta semana. Ven a pasar una tarde divertida jugando bingo los domingos y apoyando a tu Iglesia, 2:00 de la tarde en el salón parroquial. Fourth Sunday of Easter April 25 & 26, 2015 / 25 & 26 de abril, 2015 CHURCH ORGANIZATIONS / ORGANIZACIONES PARROQUIALES That Man is You! Please join us this Thursday, April 30TH at 5:30 a.m. in Msgr. Joseph Deane Hall for Week 27: “A New Springtime of the Human Spirit.” All men of the parish and community are welcome. Come share a continental breakfast, a faith filled message and brotherly fellowship. Bring a Friend! For more information, you can contact Victor Rubio at (512) 574-1351 or at varubio1@ NARTHEX SCHEDULE FOR THE MONTH OF MAY 2015 2/3...........Altar Society....................Bake Sale............ Narthex-Sales location.........Except 5PM Mass 2/3...........Alliance for Life................Info....................... Sacristy/narthex....................All Masses 9/10.........Ministry Weekend...........Altar Society........ Narthex/Portico......................All Masses 16/17......Ministry Weekend...........Mom’s group....... Narthex/Portico......................Except 8:30 AM Mass 17............Grupo Juvenil..................Bake Sale............ Narthex-Sales location.........Only 8:30 AM Mass 30/31......CHRP Women/Eng..........Bake sale............. Narthex Sales location..........All Masses SANTA CRUZ MINISTRIES/MINISTERIOS Adult RE & Faith Enrichment Altar Society Altar Servers/Spanish Altar Servers/English Arts & Environment Bingo Books & Gifts Boy Scouts Troop 128 Christ Renews His Parish (Women Eng.) Convalidación de Matrimonios Couples for Christ Covenant of Love Cristo Renueva Su Parroquia (Men’s Sp.) Cristo Renueva Su Parroquia (Women Sp.) Discipleship Council (formerly Stewardship) Evangelización de las Familias Gabriel Project GriefShare Support Group Grupo de Oración-El Buen Pastor Grupo Juventud Alegre (18 years and older) Guadalupanas/os Holy Communion Ministry Lupita Bodony Anne Patterson Javier & Maria Cavazos Tammy Boddy Sandy Hughes Bob Buras Juanita Rodriguez Kathleen Lossau (512) 312-2520 (512) 312-0131 (512) 825-5681 (512) 468-7179 (512) 757-3575 (512) 292-0958 (512) 312-2520 (512) 669-2226 Margarita Negrón (512) 657-7988 Martha & Leonardo Quintero (512) 689-5943 Vince & Myla Villaflor (440) 454-0711 Jimmy & Joanna Mancini (512) 569-6963 José Rafael Sustaita (512) 785-6850 Ninfa Ramos (512) 785-6008 Janie Coy Zulma Hernández Enrique & Sandra Duran Vernon Kunz Ladislao & Rosana Lara José (Paco) Tobías (512) 295-5439 (512) 745-7947 (512) 484-1886 (512) 504-9050 (512) 567-0620 (512) 720-9919 Rudy Lara Jo Burdette (512) 920-8828 (512) 295-3082 Homebound Ministry Rudy & Juanita Lara Hospitality Ministers Tom Peña Knights of Columbus Al Garza Lectors Noelia Perez Legion of Mary Roland Hernandez Legión de María Francis Hernández Mass Intentions Juanita Rodriguez Mother’s Ministries: M.O.M.S. Program Carol Champagne Women of Grace - evening Sally Follett Movimiento Familiar Cristiano Rodolfo & Beatrice Martínez Music Ministry/Ministerio de Música Ademar Chavana Mystical Rose Rosary Makers Guild Dolores Montemayor Narthex/Portico Coordination Tom Hughes Pastoral Council Tom Hill Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Jimmy & Joanna Mancini Preciosísima Sangre de Nuestro Señor María Carmen Ramírez RCIA For Adults (English) Sandy Dodson RCIA For Adults (Spanish) Lupita Bodony Respect Life/Gabriel Project Enrique and Sandra Duran Sacred Heart Men’s Club Pedro Balderas Singing Rosary Linda Ables Spanish Rosary Ted Rodríguez St. Vincent de Paul Society Sylvia McPherson That Man Is You Victor Rubio Welcome Ministry Trish Lecca Youth Ministry Arianna/Andie/Edgar Novedades Lupita We have everything for your social events Baptism • First Communion Quinceañera • Wedding 2371 Bebee Rd. Kyle TX. 78640 • 512-262-0398 (512) 750-5337 (512) 695-6793 (512) 699-2871 (512) 312-2520 (512) 689-4873 (512) 757-3573 (512) 295-7496 (512) 569-6963 (512) 745-7949 (512) 213-4554 (512) 312-2520 (512) 484-1886 (512) 529-7931 (512) 295-5451 (512) 999-4267 (512) 415-4012 (512) 574-1351 (512) 470-9502 (512) 312-2520 AGM Great websites don’t have to cost an arm and a leg! 512.452.3413 (512) 920-8828 (512) 796-3154 (512) 757-3091 (512) 743-7027 (512) 312-9867 (512) 292-6906 (512) 312-2520 AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING Service • Repair •Replacement Se habla Espanol • Fully insured Florencio Lopez, Parishioner tacla000052269e [email protected] 512-801-4264 Development & Support Reyes Custom Shredding, Lawn Service & Tree Work Mention this ad when you come in. A $250 donation will be made to Santa Cruz Catholic Church or Santa Cruz Catholic School (your choice) for every new or certified pre-owned subaru purchased or leased. Cruz Reyes, Parishioner 512-626-0920 KATHLEEN HAECHTEN 12207C DEANE RD MANCHACA, TX 78652 [email protected] Call 512-579-0235 today for Auto, Home, Life and Business. Daniel W. Wolfenstein Sales & Leasing Manager Santa Cruz Catholic School Parent 512.930.2111 Phone 888.379.9852 Toll Free [email protected] SUBARU OF GEORGETOWN A Roger Beasley Dealership 7501 S. IH 35 Georgetown, TX 78626 Harper’s Fine Jewelry Prince Plumbing Co. Our Low Prices are 40%-70% OFF Store Prices Expert Jewelry Repair • Custom Design • Wholesale Diamonds 30 Years Experience Watch Repair • Battery Replacement 1115 Main St. across from church Residential Commercial Repair Specialist If you don’t buy from US, you will pay too much!! 512-523-4004 Martha Olmos, ABR , GRI , REALTOR Contractors Auto Insurance ® ® HomeCity Inc. Real Estate 512.669.3513 Mobile [email protected] Low Down • Auto • Home All Insurance Needs • SR-22 Free Insurance Quote Se Habla Español, Parishioner Now Offering MEXICO Insurance 312-0710 ® HARRELL funeral homes 2770 & Kohlers Crossing 1715 Kirby, Kyle TX 78640 (512)-268-8200 GRIEF COUNSELING CLASSES Monument Sales Preplanning David Rodriguez, CFP® Guy & Rosie Bondi, Parishioners 6204 S. First St 512.444.3355 Oscar H. Prince, Parishioner 512-280-0920 314 E. Highland Mall Blvd. Suite 208, Austin, TX 78752 312 W. Oltorf 445-2727 Helping you address life’s questions: Am I saving enough? Do I need insurance? Member FINRA and SIPC A Registered Investment Advisor Let’s talk! The Podiatry Group Jeff Henke, DPM Teri M. Moreno, Parishioner Medical and Surgical Treatment of the Foot and Ankle [email protected] Kyle Office: 512- 268-FOOT (3668) 441-8597 Alamo Real Estate Brokers Living in our Community, Serving our Community SPILLER PEST CONTROL GENERAL PESTS / TERMITES Ed Flanagan 832-723-8695 312-2499 295-3381 [email protected] Blue Line Propane Thanks for calling REALTOR Parishioner COMMERCIAL / RESIDENTIAL RICHARD SPILLER- PARISHIONER Affordable Honest 4M Roofing Company √Integrity Repairs and Re-roofs √Great Customer Service We serve the Austin and surrounding areas Call or email us for a Free Good Faith Estimate √ √ Noel Campos 512-229-8686 Se Habla Espanol [email protected] 512-668-3033 DAVINA REYES Buda Postal Station Shipping, Printing & More 1645 Main Street 512-295-7700 Stylist at Bella Vita Salon • Parishioner 1762 FM 967, Suite C, Buda (512) 557-4677 Novedades Lupita 2371 Bebee Rd. Kyle TX. 78640 • 512-262-0398 329 Cheatham St. | San Marcos Tommy D. Seargeant, President/CEO Santa Cruz Parishioner Federally Insured by NCUA | Equal Housing Lender Coming Soon - Kyle, TX 1.888.317.SVDP Natalia A. Hernandez CPA Parishioner • Tax Preparation • Accounting • Financial Consultation 1798 Elliott Ranch Rd., Buda [email protected] Baptism • First Communion Quinceañera • Wedding Membership Open to all Hays County Parishes The Road to Hope • Business Reporting We have everything for your social events FREE Checking Low Auto Loan Rates Donate A Vehicle! Ramirez Accounting Service 512-312-2156 HIPOLITO “POLO” GONZALEZ, III Rosa Imelda Ramirez CPA of Mexico Parishioner 2014 Super Lawyers Rising Star Licensed by Texas State Board Public Accountancy Personal Injury 212 W. Stassney Lane (512) 448-9462 Criminal Defense Ruben Valdes E.A. Client Representative before IRS 5700 Manchaca Rd., Ste 520 (512) 448-9787 Tax Preparartion • Accounting Payroll • Notary Public Family Law, Business Law (512) 474-4384 For Ad Information please call Bartleby Press. 9603-H2 Brown Lane, Austin TX 78754 • 512-452-3413 • email:[email protected] • Over 30 Years of Service WE BUY GOLD!
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