N o v e m b e r 3 0 t h - 1 s t S u n d a y o f A d v e n t St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church “Be watchful! Be alert! You do not know when the Lord of the house is coming” ~ Mark 13 SHARE THE JOY DONATE A TOY 2014 Christmas Toy Drive (See page 5 for more information!) 293 H Street, Chula Vista, CA 91910 phone: (619) 427-0230 fax: (619) 427-5786 Web: www.strosecv.com Welcome to St. Rose bienvenidos a St. Rose The First Sunday in Advent St. Rose Staff ____________________________ Reverend Luke Jauregui Pastor/ Párroco Rev. Alexander De Paulis Associate Pastor/ Vicario Deacons (619) 427 - 0230 Charlie Frice (Ext. 117) Greg Smyth (Ext. 110) John Gabbard (Ext. 145) Juan Buenrostro (Ext. 556) Gerardo Márquez Hispanic / Deaf Ministry Jeff Saavedra School Principal/ Principal de Escuela (619) 422-1121 Sister Patricia Weldon OSF Josie Advento, Jackie Carmona Religious Education, K - 8th (619) 426-6717 Vincent Dao Confirmation & Youth Ministry (619) 427-0230 Denise Jantz Sr. Dolores Social Outreach (619) 427-7637 Rosy Vasquez Marketing & Development (619) 427-0230 Joseph Advento Music Dir. & I.T. Administrator (619) 427-0230 Patti Favela Business Manager (619) 427-0230 Cory Chavez, Adilene Trujillo, Adrianna Ceja-Melvin Office Staff Maggie Reynoso Capital Campaign Manager 2 El Primero Domingo en Adventio This Sunday is the first day of the new liturgical year for the Church, and we find our-selves with the same end of time, or apocalyptic, readings leading up to the solemnity of Christ the King, which was the previous Sunday. The beginning of the year strangely carries the same theme as the end of the year. This is due to the fact that the birth of a new year is the death of the old, representing strife and struggle that has been with us in and through our past; however this time is also one of hope in an embarkation onto a new journey into a new world. Advent is a season intended for us to purge from our lives the things, or memories, which hold us back from embracing a future in Christ. There are many grudges in family relationships and mistakes we have made in our lives. However, embrace this season of preparation of new birth; for a glorious future lies in our choice to stand forward and cry out to our Lord saying, “Here I am” ready to be transformed into the life of my baptism, divine birth. Baptism is the sacrament of rebirth and God’s action to remake us into sons and daughters of His divine family. The Father and Creator of all things is no longer resting but creating again in the world in order to construct for Himself a holy kingdom. Advent is the season for us to prepare ourselves for this holy labor and to work with God. However, on entering the holiday season marked by our Thanksgiving celebration on Thursday, I do hope your family celebration was satisfying for you. Unfortunately, the holiday season is often marked with contradicting emotions and experiences depending on the state of our personal relationships. Generally, if we have family and friends around with a depth of closeness and intimacy, braving the shopping lines and festive preparation will be a fulfilling labor of love. However, if we feel lonely due to distance, or emotional isolation, we find the season to be deeply disappointing and painful regardless of our financial situation. The holiday season is a magnifier of our overall relational experience throughout the year. If you have a strong network of relationships, use this season to increase those bonds to even greater levels with the holy presence of Christ. Increase your network by reaching out to others with a heart of charity and welcome. Often the smallest of gestures of friendship and hospitality can impact lives of others in magnificent ways. The incarnation occurs each day, and we, the body of Christ, have the great ability and privilege to express the gospel by inviting others into our lives. If on the other hand your relational network is weak and dissatisfying, you must turn to the basic realty of love in your life otherwise depression and hopeless may settle into your heart. First and most obvious you must ask, what is LOVE? God is Love and so it is through the revelation communicated in the incarnation of Christ that the establishment of quality and satisfying love relationships is accomplished. It is in Christ and a relationship with God where our life begins and is fulfilled throughout eternity. In order to strengthen your relational network, turn to the relationship of love with Christ. By establishing confidence through a Love in Christ, you can fearlessly build up your relational network. Knowing that Christ has your back means that we can face the difficulties, disappointments, and betrayals which we face in others and ourselves. When connected to Christ, we not only have a love relationship with God, but also with all those whom are within His body. When connected to Christ, we are never alone either in the world to come or in this one now. Remember always the Lord’s name “Emmanuel” God with us. St. Rose of Lima Church Este Domingo es el primer día del nuevo año litúrgico para la Iglesia, y tenemos las mismas lecturas acerca del fin de los tiempos, o apocalípticas, que el domingo pasado que observamos la Solemnidad de Cristo Rey. El comienzo del año curiosamente trae el mismo mensaje que el fin del año. Esto es debido a que el nacimiento de un nuevo año significa la muerte del anterior, representando la lucha y esfuerzo que llevamos dentro de nosotros y en nuestro pasado. No obstante, este tiempo también es de esperanza al embarcar en una nueva jornada hacia un mundo nuevo. El Adviento es una temporada para que eliminemos de nuestras vidas las cosas, o memorias, que nos detienen de emprender un futuro con Cristo. Existen muchos rencores en las relaciones familiares y errores en nuestras vidas. Sin embargo, acojan esta temporada de preparación para un nuevo nacimiento. Se nos espera un futuro glorioso si elegimos enderezarnos y firmemente clamar al Señor diciendo, “Aquí estoy” listo para ser transformado a la vida y nacimiento divino de mi bautismo. El bautismo es el sacramento de volver a nacer y la acción de Dios convirtiéndonos en hijos de Su divina familia. El Padre y Creador de todas las cosas no está reposando sino creando otra vez en el mundo un reino divino. El Adviento es una temporada para prepararnos para esta labor sagrada y trabajar junto con Dios. Al iniciarse la temporada navideña a partir de la celebración de Acción de Gracias este pasado jueves, espero que su festejo familiar haya sido gratificante para usted. Desafortunadamente, la temporada navideña suele traer emociones y experiencias contradictorias según el estado de nuestras relaciones personales. Generalmente, si nos rodeamos de familia y amigos con los que llevamos relaciones de cercanía y afecto, la lucha de hacer las compras y los preparativos de fiesta será una gratificante labor de amor. Pero, si nos sentimos solos debido a distancias o aislamiento emocional, esta temporada se convierte en algo tremendamente decepcionante y angustioso sin importar nuestro estado económico. La temporada navideña amplifica la experiencia de cómo hemos llevado nuestras relaciones durante el año. Si usted tiene una red de relaciones fuerte, use esta temporada para fortalecer aún más esos lazos con la bendita presencia de Cristo. Aumente su red ayudando a los demás con un corazón de caridad y acogimiento. Los gestos más sencillos de amistad y hospitalidad pueden impactar vidas de maneras maravillosas. La encarnación ocurre todos los días, y nosotros, como el cuerpo de Cristo, tenemos la gran habilidad y privilegio de expresar el Evangelio invitando a los demás a nuestras vidas. Por otra parte si su red de relaciones es débil y no gratificante, se debe fijar en la realidad básica del amor en su vida, si no la decepción y la desesperación se asentaran en su corazón. Antes que nada, hay que preguntarse, ¿qué es el AMOR? Dios es Amor y es por medio de la revelación comunicada en la encarnación de Cristo que logramos tener relaciones gratificantes de amor y afecto. Nuestra vida empieza en Cristo y en una relación con Dios, y así se realiza hasta la eternidad. Para fortalecer y aumentar sin miedo su red de relaciones, acuda a la relación de amor con Cristo. Sabiendo que tenemos a Cristo como respaldo significa que podemos enfrentar las dificultades, decepciones y traiciones de otros y de nosotros mismos. Al estar conectados con Cristo tenemos no solo una relación de amor con Dios, sino con todos los que forman Su cuerpo, y nunca estaremos solos ni en el mundo futuro ni en este. Recuerden siempre el nombre del Señor, “Emmanuel”- Dios con nosotros. St. Rose of Lima Church As members of Christ’s Body, the Church, we have a share in His prophetic, priestly & kingly mission. “Sharing in His prophetic mission, we come to know Christ and make Him known. Mass Times Weekdays: Monday - Friday 6:15 am & 8 am Thursday: 6:30 p.m. - (Español) Saturday: 7:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. (Vigil) 6:30 p.m. (Español) Sunday: 7:00 a.m., 8:30 a.m. 10:00 am. (sign language) 11:30 a.m. 1:15 p.m. - (Español) 5:00 p.m ______________________________ Eucharistic Adoration Fridays in pastoral center chapel: 8:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Sacraments Baptisms & Weddings Call the Parish Office (619) 427-0230 Reconciliation Saturday: 8-9 am (Or by appointment) OFFICE HOURS Monday 1:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Tuesday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Closed 12:30-1:30 for Lunch) 3 Parish News and Activities Mass Intentions ____________________________ Saturday, November 29th 7:30 a.m. - Pedro Adveto 5:00 pm - Anne Marie Uckele 6:30 p.m. - Guadalupe Moreno Sunday, November 30th 7:00 am - Jose Tagle 8:30 am - Emily Busalacchi 10:00 am - Michael Hildebrand 11:30 am - Alan Harrington 1:15 pm - Gustavo Andrade 5:00 pm - Xavier Puente Sr. Monday, December 1st 6:15 a.m. - Connie Belsan 8:00 a.m. - Florence Mancini Tuesday, December 2nd 6:15 a.m. - Leo Hermann 8:00 a.m. - Florence Mancini Father Luke would like to invite you on a pilgrimage SHROUD OF TURIN & ITALY Turin/ Siena/ Pisa/ Assisi/ Cascia/ Rome April 22 to April 30, 2015 Here are a few of the locations you will be visiting: *Basilica of Our Lady of Christians *Siena: Cathedral and Duomo and the Basilica of St. Francis *Basilica of St. Dominic TO OBTAIN A PACKET WITH MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT THE PARISH OFFICE. Sister Dolores Outreach St. Rose of Lima School would like to announce its 2014 Christmas Toy Drive to be held during the week of December 8 – 12. Bless a child by donating a new, unwrapped Toy to the school office anytime on or before the Week of December 8. SHARE THE JOY, DONATE A TOY! Sack Lunches Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9am - 11:30 am Are you interested in baptizing your child? Here are the requirements: • Parents and godparents need to be registered at a church. • If you are not registred at a parish and want to register with us please come to the parish office or register online. Registration is a 4 week process. • Both parents and godparents need to attend Baptismal Classes, dates are listed below. (Call the office to register for this classes.) Estos son los requisitos: • Los padres y padrinos necesitan estar registrados en una iglesia. • Si no está registrado en una parroquia y desea registrar con nosotros por favor venga a la oficina parroquial o regístrese en línea. El proceso de registro es de 4 semanas. • Tanto los padres como los padrinos tienen que asistir a las clases de bautismo, las fechas se muestran a continuación. (Llame a la oficina para inscribirse en estas clases.) Friday, December 5th 6:15 a.m. - Rosa Elkordi Aparicio 8:00 a.m. - Esther Svatko 5-S Mail Out Social Services *Life Nights will take place in the Parish Hall from 6pm-8pm ____________________________ *Confirmation sessions will take place in the Library from 9:30am-11:30am ¿Está usted interesado en bautizar a su hijo/a? Thursday, December 4th 6:15 a.m. - Carlos Fonseca Hernandez 8:00 a.m. - Aurelia Martinez 4 Confirmation News Candidates must attend Life Nights and confirmation morning sessions on the following dates: Year 1 Sessions Year 2 Sessions December 7 December 14 It Is Better To Give… Fr. Luke Jauregui, Spiritual Leader Wednesday, December 3rd 6:15 a.m. - Herlindo Castro 8:00 a.m. - Eduardo Diaz If you would like to Offer Mass for a loved one please contact the parish office. religious education & school Food Distribution Monday, Wednesday, Friday 3pm - 4:30 pm Clothing Mondays 9am - 11am Thrift Store Wednesdays 10am - 2pm Saturdays 8am - 2 pm Sundays 9am - 3 pm For Question about Sister Dolores Outreach please call: Denise Jantz (619) 427-7637 Catholic Charities Immigration Social Services (619) 498-0722 English (must attend both dates) Spanish Time: 10 am Horario: 11 am On Tues. Dec. 2nd & Wed. Dec. 3rd,from 8:30 to about 2:30, the 5-S group will gather in the hall to mail out the Christmas Holiday Schedule. Please join us...”many hands make light work.” See you there. St. Rose of Lima Church December 7th & 14th January 4th & 11th St. Rose of Lima Church December: no clase 18 de enero 5 Youth & Young Adult News Youth Ministry News Parent Hospitality Youth Committee: Looking for a team of parents/parishioners to serve our hungry teens for Life Nights. Desire to change teens lives by leading teens closer to Christ? Come and talk to our Director of Youth Ministry to see how you can be part of youth ministry. Contact Vincent Dao, Director of Youth Ministry, by e-mailing: [email protected] or call (619) 427-0230 x227. Ministries & Groups Alliance of the Two Hearts First Friday/First Saturday All Night ComRep Vigil Please join the Alliance of the Two Hearts First Friday/First Saturday All Night Communion of Reparation Vigil on Dec. 3-4, 2014 at St. Benedict’s Chapel 6pm - 6:15 am (Benediction) Por favor, únase a la Alianza de los dos corazones primer viernes/sábado, primero toda la noche Comunión de reparación en vigilia 3 dic -4, 2014, Capilla de San Benedicto 6pm - 6:15 (Bendición) Sunday Missal Young Adult Bible Study with Fr. Alex Get your yearly Sunday Missal (2014-2015 edition): Living With Christ for $10. Purchase your missal in the parish office during normal business hours. Fr. Alex will be leading an Advent bible study for Young Adults on Wednesdays from 7:00 - 8:30 pm in the old classrooms, Lunch room 7 (or in the Library). We will break open the scriptures to discover in a deeper way, how the scriptures at Advent prepare us to receive this Christ Child. Young Adult Ministry of San Diego CHRISTMAS GALA: Sat, Dec 13th at 6:30 pm-11 pm at All Hallows Parish Hall Come join 200+ single and married Catholic young adults (21-39 yr) for great food, dancing and fellowship on Sat, Dec.13th from 6:30pm-11pm at All Hallows Parish Hall- 6602 La Jolla Scenic Dr, 92037. There will be a catered dinner, DJ, dancing and a cash bar. Dress is cocktail attire and IDs required to get in. Please bring an unwrapped toy for a child in an orphanage in Mexico. Don’t wait!! Register NOW at www.yamsd.org CATHOLIC CHARITIES CHRISTMAS GIFT WRAPPING DRIVE Tue, Dec 16th at Blessed Sacrament Parish (4540 El Cerrito Dr, San Diego, CA 92115) at 9AM to 3:30PM Join other young adults from around the Diocese to help parents of families in need choose toys for their children and gift-wrap their presents. Bringing in unwrapped toys to donate is optional! Park in the church lot or in one of the lots nearby. Meet at the front of Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church. Contact Matt at 619-212-0939 or [email protected] for more info and to RSVP. St. Rose of Lima Young Adult Ministry Calendar of Events for December 2014 Message from your pastor Fr. Luke Jauregui Fr. Luke has a very important message for all of us here at St. Rose of Lima. http://youtu.be/3k01XhukJq8 Holy Day of Obligation: December 8, 2014 Feast of Immaculate Conception Mass Schedule: 6:15 am: English 8:00 am: English 5:30 pm: English 7:00 pm: Spanish Sat. December 6, 5 pm MASS AND BEACH BONFIRE Where: Coronado Fire Pits What: Fellowship, food, music & s’mores Bulletin Announcement Submissions Sat. December 20, TBD CHRISTMAS CAROLING Where: TBA What: Come spread the Good News of Christ’s birth in song! No prior caroling or singing experience needed, just bring a willing heart and a loud voice! 6 To submit an announcement in the bulletin for a ministry or small group please visit the the bulletin announcement submission link on our parish website: www.strosecv.com (click the Submission Link below the bulletin image or http://www.strosecv.com/parishbulletin/ bsubmit.html) St. Rose of Lima Church St. Rose of Lima Church 7 Ministries & Groups Ministries & Groups Help to Decorate our Church & School We are decorating on December 1st - 5th at 8:30 am - 11:30 am. Meet by the flagpole. If you can help, please email Michelle at [email protected]. Taking Down our Decorations: We plan on taking down our decorations on the Epiphany on January 5th. Knights of Columbus Calender Events December 18th K of C Christmas Party: All Knights and their families and grandchildren are invited. Santa is usually there with gifts for all the little children. American Sign Language Classes Come learn American Sign Language with others in our parish community. Classes will take place every Saturday from 12 noon until 1:15 p.m. Meet in the Multi-purpose room at the parish school. For more information contact Jesse Martinez: [email protected] or 619-498-1551. Also www.deafmass.net If you can help interpret please call Dcn. Gerardo: 619-427-0230. Chirstmas Ornaments Knights of Columbus are selling their limited edition Christmas Ornaments in the month of November after all weekend masses. This year’s ornament is the 4th in the series- one of the Wise Men. Cost is $10 per ornament and $5 per display stand. All proceeds support the St. Rose of Lima “Thy Kingdom Come” Campaign. Thank you. Healing/Intercessory Prayer and Acts Prayer Group We are shutting down both ministries until after the new year. If you have any questions/concerns please contact Paul Tompkins at 619-942-2051 8 St. Rose of Lima Church St. Rose of Lima Church 9
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