Barton Co nty Commission Agenda Meeting Minutes Recorded audio ~s a ailable on compact disk upon request to the Barton County CleriCs Office. 1400 Main - Room 202, Great Bend. Kansas 67530. Phone (620) 793-1835 \ Fax (620) 793-1990 \ Email c1erk@bar! Requests 10 be madepursUQrlt to the Kansas Open Records Act and County Policy. Estimated cost 01 disk - Five Dollars ($5,00) October 114, 20113 The B,oard of Barton County Commissioners convened fh is 14th day of October 2013, at the Barton County Courthouse. Members present: Don Cates, Commissioner, 4th District, Chairman Kenny Schremmer, Commissioner, 1st District (a-nanPnJ..rIllllJ Homer Kmckenberg" Commissioner, 2nd Dist Don Davis, Commissioner, 3rd District Donna Zimmerman, County Clerk Richard Boeckman, County Counselor/Administrator Attending via telephone: Jennifer Schartz, Commissioner, 5th District Chairman I. OPENING BUSINESS: Commissioner Cates called the meeting to order at 9:00 A.M, Commissioner Schremmer moved to approve the agenda. Commissioner Davis seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion passed. Commissioner Schremmer moved to approve the minutes of the September 30,2013 and October 7, 2013 Regular Meetings. ommissioner Davis seconded the moti.on . .1voted aye. Motion passed. II. OLD BUSINESS: There was no old business. III. INEW BUSINESS: A~ PROCLAMATION 2013-13: Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness, Remembering Our Babies 'October 15, 2013: -There are about 4.4 million confinned pregnancies in the U.S. every year. Of those, about one in four end in rniscallria,ge, 26,000 end in stHlbirth, 19,000 end in infant death during the first month and another 39,000 end in infant death during the first year. As a part of National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month, the Commission is asked to join that effort by declaring Tuesday, October 15, 2013, as the BaJton County Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day. As a part of the effort, Community members are invited to attend the Remembering Our Babies event which will coincide with the national 'Wave of Light" candlelight ceremony beginning at 7:00 p.m. at the Band Shell, Jack Kilby Square, d.owntown Great Bend, Kansas. Janel Rose, Public Health Educator, read proposed Proclamation 2013-13. Rose said the "Remember Our Babies" event is Tuesday, October 15, 2013, at 7:00 p.m. at the Band Shell in Jack Kilby Square. This simple ceremony will start with the lighting of one candle and will coincide with the 'Wave of Light" ceremony in each time zone around the world. Commissioner Schremmer moved to adopt Proclamation 2013-13, Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness, Remembering Om IS'abies - October 15, 2013. C.ommissioner Schartz seconded the motion. 'I voted aye. Motion passed. ,a Barton County Commission Agenda Meeting Minutes ecorded audio Is available on compact dl k upon requesllo the Barton County Clerk's Office, 1400 Main - Room 202, Greal Bend. Kansas 67530. Phone (620) 793-1835 \ Fax (620) 793-1990 \ Email [email protected] Requesls 10 be made pursuant to the Kansas Open Records Act and Counly Policy. Estimated cos! of disk - Ave Dollars ($5.00) d. UNION TOWNSHIP: Board Resignation: -Donald Popp has resi,gned as the Union Township Clerk effective July 17, 2013. Should the Commission accept the resignation, the remaining Township board members would then be required to submit the name at a replacement. Donna Zimll1erman, County Clerk, said Don Popp had been a long serving township official. Zimmerman was joined by the Commissioners in acknowledging Mr. Popp for his service to Union Township. Commissioner Schartz moved to accept Mr. Popp's resignation. Commissioner Schremmer seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motioll passed. C. UNION TOWNSHIP: Board Appointment: -Union Township board members have recommended that Justin Ludwig be appointed as the Clerk. It is the responsibility of the Commission to formally make such appointments. Donna Zimmerman, County Clerk, said Justin Ludwig was a qualified elector as required by statute. Commissioner Davis moved to appoint Mr. Ludwig as the Union Township Clerk effective October 14, 2013, with the position terming January 12,2015. Commissioner Cates seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion passed. D. SPECIAL ALCOHOL FUNDING: 2013 Fund Distribution: -qarton County has solicited applications for the distribution of Special Alcohol monies. The monies, 3rived from the 10% gross receipts tax on the sale of liquor in private clubs, may be expended only for the purchase, establishment, maintenance or expansion of services or programs whose principal purpose is alcoholism and drug abuse prevention and education, alcohol and drug detoxification, intervention in alcohol and drug abuse or treatment of persons who are alcoholics or drug abusers or are in danger of becoming alcoholics or drug abusers. For 2013, monies available total $9,175.76, which does include $2,500.00 in unexpended 2012 funds. Applications were accepted following a public announcement period. Janel Rose, Public Health Educator, said requests for funding were as follows: Barton County Sheriffs Office Dream, Inc. DARE Project Dream Inc. $ 3,000 $17,000 Commissioner Kruckenberg moved to distribute the 2013 Special Alcohol Funds as follows: DARE $ 3,000.00 Barton County Sheriffs Office Dream, Inc. Project Dream Inc. $ 6,175.76 Commissioner Schartz seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion passed. E. WORKFIT: Continuation of the Agreement for Physical Capacity Profile® Testing: -WorkFit provides physical capacity profile testing for pre-employment purposes. The testing determines the abilities of the potential employee to perform a job's essential functions, with or without reasonable accommodation. This reduces the possibility of placing an individual in a position where there is a substantial risk of injury, thereby reducing work-related injuries and potential workers compensation claims. The service rate is $105.00 per testing. Barton County Commission Agenda Meeting Minutes Recorded audio is available on compact disk upon request to the Barton County Clerl<'s Office, 1400 Main - Room 202. Great Bend. Kansas 67530. PhOml (620)793-1835 \ Fax (620) 793-1990 \ Email derl< Requests 10 be made pursuant 10 Ihe Kansas Open Records ACI and County Policy. Estimaled COSl or disk - Frve Dollars ($5.00) r<ichard Boeckman, County Counsel,or/Administrator, said WorkFit provides a Physical Capacity Profile evaluation of those persolils given conditrional offer of employment withl the County. It determines ~he abilities of the potential employee to perform the essential functions of a job, w'ith our without reasonable accommodation. Commissioner Schremmer moved to approve the Agreement for Physical Capacity profile® Testing with WOIIkFit, Barton Community College, for the period ending October 31,2014. Commissioner Davis seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion passed. f. BARTON, COUNTY EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK: General Update: -From time to time, the Barton County Employee Handbook is reviewed to assure compliance with current State and Federal laws and employment trends. These reviews often lead to revisions to several policies. Richard Boeckman, County Counselor/Administrator, said he tried to review the Handbook annually. He discussed the following revisions to the Handbook: ,--- Section I, Services Provided and Location Section III, Organizational Chart Policy 108, Outside Employment Policy 200, Personnel records Policy 204. Employment Applications Policy 205.1, Pay Plan Policy 205.3. Performance Incentive Award Policy 301. Vacation Benefits Form - Leave Request Form Policy 310. Longevity Pay Policy 311, Group Health Insurance Policy 314, Uniforms Policy 400, Timekeeping Policy 401, Paydays Form - Paycheck Authorization Polley 511, Internet and On-Line Services Use Policy 601, Unpaid Leave Policy 700.1. Workplace Violence Prevention Policy 701, Substance Abuse Appendix B, CN2541 Appendix C. Positions Policy 712, Disciplinary Procedures Policy 801, Identification Badges Form - Request for 10 Form - Order to Destroy General Update General Update Add Admin to notification Remove leave form, purging Apps on line, no in house period Remove cap, add individual increase Delete policy Request leave through Time Centre Delete form Change Employment category Update time frame Change name, delete shirts Department Head responsibility General Update Delete form Use IT, departmental responsibility Administrator approval of leave New policy Remove awareness program Update contacts, collection site Update positions No progressive policy Department, match drivers license Department, match drivers license Update responsible department Revisions Section Commissioner Schartz moved to approve the revisions to the Barton County Employee Handbook dated 10-14-1 3, and moved to direet th e Ad ministrato r' s Office to rem it the upd ated polides, revised index and related documents to departments for distribution. Commissioner Schremmer seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion passed. P, 3 Barton County Commission Agenda Meeting Minutes Recorded audio IS available on compact disk. upon requesllo the Barton County Clerk's Office, 1400 Main -Room 202. Greal Bend, Kansas 67530 Phone (620) 793-1835 \ Fax (620) 793-1990 \ Email [email protected] Requests (0 be made pursuant to the Kansas Open Records Acl and Counl~ Policy Estimated cost of disk - Five Dollars ($5.00) COUNTY SERVICES': Information,al Update: Boeckman will provide the infoTmationail report of work completed during the last period. The report, which wiJI be made available to the media, wHi serve as a public reminder oHhe services provided by the County on a regular basis. \,j, ~Mr. Information Only. No Action Required. IV. ENDING BUSINESS: 1. Announcements 2. Appointments V. OTHER BUSINESS: • Comm Schartz: Thanked everyone for allowing her to participate in the mtg from a remote location. • Richard Boeckman: KAC (Kansas Association of Counties) mtg October 29-31. Wants to review KAC proposed policy platform today, so Commissioners can approve at October 21st agenda meeting. Commissioners will not meet October 28th due to KAC. VI. ADJOURN: Commissioner Schartz made a motion to adjourn at 9:34 A.M. Commissioner Schremmer seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion passed. /'TIEST ~~ Donnatr erman Barton County Clerk PROCLAMATION 2013-13 Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Remembering Our Ba bies - October 15, 201 3 WHEREAS, there are about 4.4 million confirmed pregnancies in the U.S. every year, Of those, approximately one in four end in miscarriage - meaning that more than 500,000 pregnancies each year end in miscarriage (occurring during the first 20 weeks); and WHEREAS, approXimately 26,000 pregnancies end in stillbirth (considered stillbirth after 20 weeks), 19,000 end in infant death during the first month and another 39,000 end in infant death during the first year; and WHEREAS, it is estimated that about 19 percent of the adult population has experienced the death of a child (this includes miscarriages through adult aged children). WHEREAS, the loss of a child is one of life's most devastating of losses, affecting thousands of families each year. This loss touches families of all races, religion and socia-economic status and, often, hits unexpectedly; and WHEREAS, October was designated as National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month in 1988 by President Ronald Reagan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED by the Board of County Commissioners of Barton Counfy. Kansas, that the Barton County Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day will be Tuesday, October 15, 2013 as a part of "Honoring all those babies lost. Those carried, but never held. Those held, but never taken home. Those taken home, but who couldn't stay," FURTHER, that community members are encouraged to attend the Remembering OUf Babies event which will coincide with the national "Wave of Light" candle light ceremony beginning at 7:00 p.m. at the Band Shell, Jack Kilby Square, downtown Great Bend, Kansas, to honor the lives of our babies gone-too-soon and celebrate their lives, no matter how short. Adopted this 14h day of October, 2013. C;;:~NTY COMMISSIONERS Don Cates, Chairman CLt:L~ Don Davis, Commissioner M~~-:-is--:si-on-e-rYx: c~ ,*enny Schremmer, Commissioner APPROVED \?~ Richard A. Boeckman, County Counselor
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