How-To Guide Church Version Online ACR entry (formerly known as ACP) Annual Church Report on-line Each church has the option of entering its own ACR Statistics, Leadership Profile, and in some cases an optional online Supplemental Survey (if your Association asks for an Other Church Information form). As these are entered and the corresponding Association is notified, that Association will have the ability to access, analyze, and edit the information using the iGO (Georgia Baptist Convention online database) tools. Your church will receive the ACR forms, like you have in the past. As you look over the forms, you will see a small block in the upper left portion of the front of the ACR form telling you how to login to complete the ACR online. Your church representative will then go to and find the link for the iGO login (or they can go directly to To login to iGO, use the specific Username and Password printed on the ACR form. After completing the initial login, you should see a screen similar to the one below. In the event the Association or the GBC needs to find out the name of the person making the ACP entry, iGO asks for your name prior to beginning the surveys. If you see a blank or a name other than yours, PLEASE enter your first and last name and click Save Changes. After this is entered, the user will see a screen with a list of available surveys like below. The user should click the link for the ACP Statistical Profile first. See the screen and details below for help filling this out. General Information Detailed statistical definition. This display changes as you click on each numerical item. Once the ACP Statistical Profile is selected you will be brought to the screen at the bottom of the previous page. Review the general information for your congregation and make the appropriate changes by clicking on the ‘Update Organization’ button. After checking/correcting the general information, move on to the statistical items. Enter the answers to the statistical items from the Full Survey tab or from the individual breakdown tabs – Spiritual Renewal, Kingdom Generosity, etc… The numbers displayed to the right of each statistical item are the prior year’s reported figures. (This is given as a point of reference only.) 2 When entering data in a calculated field, it is not necessary to enter the total. It will be automatically calculated for you as you enter the breakdown information. If it is necessary to override the auto-calculated fields, simply enter that total into the field without entering any of the sub-totals (This is not recommended unless you are unable to obtain individual breakdown figures. iGO will not allow the entry of sub-totals that do not add up correctly to the total unless all sub-totals are just blank.) When you have completed entering information for this form, click one of the Save buttons at the bottom or top of the survey screen. You may be prompted with validation questions to ensure that you have completed the statistics AND that you are sure you are through. NOTE: you can save your information and come back to it later (the next paragraph will explain this). After you click to Save and complete any validation, iGO will ask you ‘Is the survey complete?’ (see below). If you simply want to save your results, but you think you might want to come back and update some information, just click ‘No. Save my answers but leave the survey open’ (the black button). If you are sure that you will not need to revisit this survey, click the green button labeled ‘Yes. Save my answers and mark the survey complete’. This will close the survey and will not allow updates. At this time either click on the down arrow beside Other Surveys to go to the Leadership profile survey. 3 ACR Church Leadership Profile Churches also have the optionssociations also have the option to either manually fill out and return their ACR Church Leadership Profile’s (as in previous years), or use iGO as an on-line tool to electronically enter and amend your church leadership profile. To find the leadership list/survey, follow the instructions in the previous section regarding logging on and/or choosing the Other Surveys to get to the list of surveys. Then, choose the Leadership Profile to begin. Once selected, you will see a screen similar to the one below with your church’s leadership information. This screen follows the layout of the paper form as closely as possible. Each position has its own editing tool buttons. Check each position and make the appropriate changes/corrections to each. (See the following pages for clarification on Add/Update/Remove buttons.) NOTE: Any position can contain multiple position holders. (Example: - a church may have multiple secretaries.) Always be sure you are on the correct position before you add/update/remove data A preferred title can be substituted for the standard SBC title. (See Update Contact Information for screen) 4 After corrections are made, a Leadership Report may be printed from this page to verify entry. (Must have Adobe Reader to view) PLEASE READ THIS: Two notes from feedback received in previous years: 1 – If the incorrect person is shown in a position – First, click the Remove button to remove the incorrect (or previous) person (include the ending date). Second, click the Add button to add the correct (or current) person. PLEASE DO NOT click the Update Contact Information for button and attempt to change the name since this will not give the Stop Date for the previous person and will remove all of their history. 2 – If a correct person is shown in a position and you want to add another person with the same position title – Click the Add button to add the new person. This WILL NOT remove the current person, it will simply add another instance of the same position (for example, if your church has 2 Associate Pastors). Following are some basic instructions for the 3 main type of leadership changes (SEE NOTE ABOVE… when ‘replacing’ a person in a position, you are really FIRST removing the previous person and SECOND adding the new person): 1. To make a simple change to a person’s information (change of address, email, etc…) click the button. Then, you will see a screen with many fields that you can change. Click Save when you have made the necessary changes. NOTE: don’t change the person’s name unless there is a true change of name (ex. William to Bill OR a last name change when a lady gets married). iGO will alert you when you try to change a name to be sure you are not really wanting to replace this person with someone else. 2. To remove a person from a position click the button below the position you are working with. Then, simply click the first box and either enter a date or choose one from the calendar icon (to show the Stop Date when the person left the position). 3. To add a person to a position click the button below the position you are working with (see picture below for a typical position layout). iGO will then walk you through a process of data entry – 1st you will enter the person’s name and iGO will find any matching names to ensure the person is/isn’t already a person in the system (if they are, you can choose the person that’s already there to ensure that this new hire shows all his/her previous positions for historical purposes)… then 2nd you will enter the person’s contact information (address, email, etc….) and then 3rd you will finally enter the Start Date, Preferred Position Title, Status, etc…. for this particular position. 5 NEW!! (OPTIONAL) for Associations choosing to use the online version of Other Church Information – called Supplemental Survey in iGO For the first time - This year there is an online version of the Other Church Information form. In past years, many Associations have chosen to use the Other Church Information form provided by the GBC to ask questions of churches that are helpful to the Association. To see if your Association is asking for churches to fill out this survey, check To fill out the Other Church Information form click on the Supplemental Survey box in the church’s list of surveys. Then, simply enter the information for each question (see picture below). (NOTE: Many of the questions will have multiple names or lines of information, so you can press your Enter key and you will go to the next line in the same answer box. To go to the next question, click in the next answer box with your mouse or press your Tab key.) When you have completed this survey, click the Save key and then either click No (to save but leave the survey open) or Yes (to save the survey and show that it is complete). See Section 1 for a description/picture of the final Save screen. Reprint Completed ACR Forms for Church Records Many churches will enter the statistical portion of the Annual Church Report online without sending a paper form to the Association office. Many Churches and/or 6 Associations like to keep a file of the paper forms, and iGO provides a way to reproduce the ACR surveys (Statistics, Leadership, and the Other Church Information/Suplemental Survey). To print the iGO reports for each of these: Click the Reports button on any survey screen to see a list of church reports (like below) You should see 3 reports that start with the word SURVEY and correspond with the 3 main surveys Click these reports one at a time and enter the year (2014) if prompted and choose the PDF version of the report Click the Export button and wait for a moment until the report downloads (you will see a box with an Adobe Acrobat symbol on the bottom left of your screen – like below) Click the box on the bottom left of your screen to open the report You will see icons on the bottom right of your screen if you’d like to Save (disk icon) or Print (printer icon) the report (see example below) 7 When You Are Through With Your ACR When you have completed your online ACR, please notify your association. You can find your Association’s due date and their contact information at 8
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