Document 250975

steve gold
Steve Gold: Ask me anything. What do you
want to know?
Zoë Kors: Boxers or briefs?
SG: None. They get in the way.
ZK: So you have an underwear sankalpa?
SG: Yeah, I’m shedding layers—as many as
possible, as quickly as possible. It’s just more
ZK: Nice.
So I saw you playing at the Chopra
Center recently and one of the things
that I didn’t realize was how much
teaching you weave into your music.
SG: When I show up, there’s never an
intention to entertain. The intention is to
connect with people. Music and singing are
my tools for doing that. Along with that I
tell my story, which is the archetypical story
of the person who’s wandering in their dark
night of the soul, and meets teachers along the
way who bring him back to the truth. If I’m
really teaching anything it’s simply that
“I am and so are you. And let’s all sing
about it.” It becomes a highly spirited
hootenanny. It’s celebratory of our
connection back to source.
ZK: Tell me about your teacher.
The Maestro was my voice teacher in Seattle.
He’d had a very rich history at Carnegie
Hall and his students were Bing Crosby,
Bob Hope, Judy Garland and many others. I
happened to meet him at the end of his road
when he was in his eighties. I didn’t realize at
first, but he was a metaphysician. One day he
looked at me very enthusiastically from the
piano accompanying me, and declared,
“I love you.” My reaction was total silence.
And then he looked at me and said, “The
problem is you don’t love yourself enough.”
And in that moment I felt like glass. I felt
broken. At the same time I felt his love. And
he said, “No one’s going to love you as much
as you love yourself.” [laughs] And of course
that was incredibly disappointing!
At this time, I was starting to sing in the yoga
world. I’d go to him for lessons and every time
I showed up he’d ask, “Are you speaking while
you sing?” And I’d say, “Oh, sometimes.” And
he’d say, “Speak more.” He was encouraging
me to share his teachings.
ZK: What was the Maestro’s most
powerful teaching?
SG: Most people lie to themselves in the negative
“Most people lie to themselves in
the negative often, so why not lie
to yourself in the positive?”
often, so why not lie to yourself in the positive?
As you affirm, God confirms.
It takes some practicing. Go tell yourself how
wonderful you are. Tell yourself you’re the
best at what you do. Tell yourself how much
you love yourself. Of course, it feels odd to
begin that practice, because you’re so used to
telling yourself otherwise. And until I met him,
I hadn’t fell in love with my own voice, and I
hadn’t aligned myself with my larger purpose in
life. Because it was really all about me and my
self-limiting beliefs or the negative lies I had
been telling myself. What he taught me was so
powerful. He said, “What anyone else thinks
about you is none of your business.” This was
hugely liberating. He gave me permission to be
my authentic self, stand in my purpose and to
do it in front of an audience.
ZK: And how does this serve them?
SG: They, in turn, become reconnected with
themselves and the feeling in the room is
inspiration. They feel fulfilled again. They feel
that they’ve been bridged back, and I imagine it
serves them because they feel a lot better than
when they arrived.
ZK: One of the things I was struck by the
other night—I don’t really know how you
do this—you seem to have an ability to
personally connect with each of the few
hundred people in the room.
SG: It’s a combination of intention to do that
and willingly stepping into a place of incredible
vulnerability. By taking that step first, I invite
them to come play with me. I could stand there
in front of everybody and get all tripped up and
think any number of negative thoughts—“I’m
going to screw up… nobody’s going to like it”…
whatever—or I can say, “Honestly, I don’t
really care what happens here.” My intention
is to sing openly. Allow my heart to sing. And
when I do it, people join me. Even if they think
they can’t sing. That’s the most beautiful part.
I sense that they’re being fed or healed. They’re
finding their own voice again.
ZK: And by the end you have a room full
of people singing like they’re children.
SG: Five years old and under. [laughs]
I tended to sing with my eyes closed.
It was kind of self-involved. And one day
the Maestro, looked at me and said,
“Sing with your eyes open and look at
people. Connect with them. They want
to be seen and they want to see you.”
Well, of course they want to be seen.
I want to be seen. And I want to
see them.
One thing I’ve woven into my live
performances when we do “So Much
Magnificence” is at the end I will
often incorporate George Harrison’s
“My Sweet Lord.” And the lines are so
beautiful: “I really want to see you, I
really want to be with you, I really want
to know you, I really want to show you.”
And everyone connects with each other.
How can you do that with your eyes
closed? [laughs]
ZK: It all comes back to connection and
SK: Yes it does. Community is the new
currency — count me in. This is my motto for
living. And it comes from the knowing that
I am connected. If I ever have a sense that
I’m not, I know I’m lying to myself and I
need to turn the ship around. So for me,
if I remember who I am – I am love, I am
peace, I am light – I am inspiring others to
remember who they are. We are connected
to ourselves and to each other. That is the
true source of abundance.
ZK: Tell me about your affiliation with the
Chopra Center.
SG: Earlier this year I was invited to
participate in the Seduction of Spirit Music
and Meditation Retreat with Deepak Chopra.
It was a wonderful opportunity to support
the yoga practitioners in their asana and
meditation practice. Through leading them in
song I became the vehicle that brought them
into a deeper feeling of the teachings. That
association now is expanding. In 2013, I’ll be
accompanying Deepak at a number of retreats
and of course my teaching is integrated into
that, too. It’s been a wonderful surprise for me,
and a blessing.
ZK: So there is power in vulnerability?
ZK: Thank you, Steve. As you like to say,
“You are wonderful!”
SG: When I used to sing as an entertainer,
SG: [smiles] Yes I am. And so are you!
“What anyone else
thinks about you
is none of your
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of Yoga Retreat
January 17–20, 2013
La Costa Resort & Spa
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Discount Code: stevegold
Steve Gold creates powerfully positive music
that heals and inspires. His rendition of
So Much Magnificence, the title track of
his first album, can be heard in yoga studios
around the world. Steve teaches “Mantras for
Manifestation” and “Voice of Magnificence”
workshops, showing people how to use music and
intention to actualize their deepest desires. His
latest album, Let Your Heart Be Known, has
been called “a soulful genre-buster, destined to be
a classic” by LA Yoga magazine.