Page Two October 28, 2012 602 LITURGY Saturday, October 27 5:00 pm Dominic Pellegrino – Wife, Ellen Mark & Kevin Caponegro – De Tata Family Sunday, October 28 8:30 am 10:30 am People of the Parish Devereaux Family – Daughter Stephen Sierocinski, Sr. - Steve & Marianne 9:00 am Betty Modla – Frank & Joanne O’Brien Rita & Jack Mazzola–Mr. & Mrs. James Danna 9:00 am Communion Service 9:00 am Tom Valaika Sr. & Jr. – His wife, Rose Frank Iaconelli – Marie Durbano 9:00 am 7:00 pm Edward R. Brown – Mrs. Colette A. New Ronald Chesla – Michael & Patricia Tocco Edward R. Brown – The Krankowski Family Monday, October 29 Tuesday, October 30 Wednesday, October 31 Thursday, November 1 Friday, November 2 9:00 am Florence Gilmartin – Marilyn Di Lascio Joseph S. Hoffman – Diann Clubb 5:00 pm Joseph Casano, Jr. – Mary Anne Ossner Jack & Dolly Crosby-Daughter, Betty Miller 8:30 am John Steinberg – Wife & Sister Albert Graham – The Oxalis Family & Graham Family People of the Parish Saturday, November 3 Sunday, November 4 10:30 am Dear Friends, It’s good to be back, thank you for your prayers for a safe journey. I remembered all of you in my prayers at Montserrat where the famous statue of the Black Madonna is located and at the tomb of the Apostle James in Santiago; both were very moving and inspirational sites. This past Friday Bishop O’Connell came to our parish to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation. It was a very prayerful and meaningful night as the candidates were fully initiated into the church. My thanks to Sister Gerrie for preparing the liturgy and for designing the beautiful worship aid and Linda Midura and choir for the inspirational music; to the wonderful members of our Faith Formation Team: Ann Marie Kelly, Lynette DeTata, Dottie Connelly and Dorothy Von Holtum for assisting with the Confirmation Program all year; to all the catechists who through their dedication and love journeyed with the candidates to this very important moment in their faith life. Please keep all the members of our Faith Formation Team, all the Catechists and candidates who celebrated the sacrament in your prayers, they are the future of the church. Please remember Thursday November 1st is the Feast of All Saints. It is a special day of prayer for us as Catholics. Masses will be celebrated at 9:00 am and 7:00 pm. Our children from the 4th level of Faith Formation will be present at the 7:00 pm mass remembering their favorite saint and what they mean to them. Friday, November 2nd is the Feast of all Souls. It is the day when we commemorate all the Faithful Departed. Mass will be at 9:00 am. As you know during the month of November the church remembers all those who have gone before us marked with the sign of faith. It has been the practice over the years that the Book of Remembrance is placed at the Baptismal Font near the Paschal Candle for you to inscribe the names of all your loved ones who you want us to pray for during the month of November. On Saturday, November 3rd at 10:00 am we will celebrate our annual parish memorial mass for all those who have died over the year. All parishioners who have lost loved ones are welcome to come pray with us during this special mass. The great journalist A.J. Liebling was a boxing fan and once wrote about a boxer who fought under the name of Pete Herman. Liebling had seen one of Herman’s last bouts, when the fighter was nearly blind but not admitting it. Herman fought, Liebling wrote, “by a system of maneuvers and touch.” As long as he was in some kind of physical contact with his opponent, he would get his bearings and could be devastating. When he wasn’t though he was basically at the mercy of his adversary. Because of his vision loss, which soon became total and forced him into retirement, Herman developed extraordinary abilities. He couldn’t always see a punch coming, but as long as he was in touch with his opposition he could anticipate the other fighter’s moves, lead, dodge, and counterpunch, reading the other man’s body “as a touch typist knows where the letters are on a keyboard.” Bartimaeus could have been Pete Herman’s patron saint. Though physically blind, Bartimaeus had the ability to see – namely that Jesus was the Son of David, the Messiah – and his insistence on contact with Christ gave him not only his sight but also the discernment to follow Jesus’ way. Please remember the importance of your participation in the Bishop’s Annual Appeal. We still have a little way to go to meet our goal. Thanks for your support. Have a great week. Fr. Andrew Page Three October 28, 2012 602 FAITH FORMATIOn Upcoming Baptisms December 9 – 1:00 pm Baptism Preparation Class November 16 – 7:00 pm Please call the Parish Office to register for class. Faith Formation Update Visions of Faith Interactive Museum IT’S COMING! Look for Vision of Faith Interactive Museum! The museum will be back with new exhibits for everyone at the end of October. Plan to spend some time with “God’s Glorious Nobodies” – with saints – some familiar and others who may be new to you. The Museum is open 9:00am4:30pm or anytime the church is open in the evening or on weekends (except during Mass) Children’s Classroom Faith Formation Classes are in full swing! We look forward to sharing this joyful Year of Faith with our students. PLEASE NOTE: There are no classes on Wednesday October 31. Celebrating Our Faith With Joy! On Friday evening, 64 of our youth completed their initiation into the Catholic Faith begun in Baptism, and nourished by the Eucharist when they affirmed their commitment to Jesus and His Church through the sacrament of Confirmation. Sacrament preparation Please note the following meeting dates for those children preparing for Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation: Level 2 Reconciliation Preparation November 2 Friday 6:00pm-8:00pm Prep Day #1 for Child and Parents Level 7 First Year Confirmation Preparation November 5 Monday 7:00pm Last names A-F only– Conversation with Father Andrew Meet in Pope John XXIII Room Faith Formation Wing Level 8 Second Year Confirmation Preparation October 29 Monday 7:00pm Confirmation Orientation - Candidate and Parent November 3 Saturday 5:00pm Mass th Blessing 8 Level – last names A-K November 4 Sunday 10:30am Mass th Blessings 8 Level – last names L-Z FEAST OF ALL SAINTS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2012 MASSES: 9:00 AM & 7:00 PM All Saints Day Celebration “As we celebrate the Feast of All Saints, we experience the joy of being a part of the great family of God’s friends.” Come celebrate with our fourth level students at the All Saints Day Mass as they proudly process into church wearing a sash with their favorite saint’s name on it. After Mass everyone is invited to enjoy some special All Saints cupcakes in Hoffman Hall while they listen to a short presentation by the students. MEMORIAL MASS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2012 10:00 AM PLEASE JOIN US FOR A MEMORIAL MASS WHERE WE REMEMBER OUR LOVED ONES WHO HAVE DIED OVER THE PAST YEAR. Page Four October 28, 2012 602 OUTREACH "INVITATION TO SERVE": The St. Vincent De Paul Society would love to increase the membership in our ministry. We especially need the young adults & youth to help us carry on our traditions of "HELPING THOSE IN NEED'. We warmly welcome new members. Whether you have an hour, week or a year, we have a job for you to help us. We meet at 7o'clock on the 1st and 3rd Monday of the month. Please join us for one of our meetings to find out more about our ministry and whether you would be interested in 'HELPING US HELP OTHERS". It is a good way of giving back to God for his many blessings and gifts. FOOD PANTRY ALERT Our pantry numbers have increased tremendously. We are now servicing about 100 families on a monthly basis. We need your help replenishing our shelves. Please prayerfully consider dropping off some items on the weekend when you come to Mass. FOOD PANTRY SHOPPING LIST Fruit Juices Canned Vegetables Canned Fruit Pancake Mix & Syrup Peanut Butter Jelly Macaroni & Cheese Cereal Canned Meats Ravioli, Spaghetti & Meatballs Tuna Pasta & Tomato Sauce Paper Products Detergent Shampoo Tooth Paste & Tooth Brushes Shelf Milk Rice, Ramen Noodles "REMEMBER THOSE IN NEED" The items the pantry is low on this week: Cereal, Oatmeal, Pancake Mix, Bisquick, & Syrup SUPER MARKET CERTIFICATES are available after all masses at a table in the Atrium. We sell Acme, Shoprite & Murphy certificates. If you shop at these markets, won't you consider purchasing the gift cards from us to be used the same way as you would use cash to shop when you purchase your groceries. We receive 5% back on every dollar sold. You can also donate them to the Poor Box and we will give them to a family in need or buy food for our pantry when we run out of certain items. Thank you and God bless you for your continued support in bringing your donations of food for our pantry and your monetary donations to our Poor Boxes during this financially challenging time. We would not be able to continue "Helping Us Help Others" without your generosity. The St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry is in need of someone with a VAN or TRUCK to pick up an order of food from Aldi’s on a monthly basis and deliver to our food pantry. If you can be of help please contact Joanne O’Brien at 609-268-2172. Laurie Lee, Betty Ronca, Theresa Kennedy, Kathy Zurzolo Loretta Nixon, Patricia Sicilia, Bill Esposito, Andy Komar, Marie Ortman, Linda Johnson, Jean Weis, Nancy Valaika, John Keohane, Daniel Cross Please Note: A continuing list of the sick will be listed in “The Book of the Sick.” Please see or visit the Book of the Sick located in the atrium. Write in the name of those you wish the community to hold in prayer. This book will be brought up with the gifts and the prayer intentions. Albert Morison, husband of Shirley, passed away last week. We offer our condolences to his family and ask that you remember them in your prayers. RESPECT LIFE MINISTRY The Knights of Columbus, along with the Respect Life Ministry, will be sponsoring an all-night Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on the night of November 2 into the morning of November 3, the last weekend before the election. The Adoration will be held in the Daily Chapel on that Friday night starting at 9 pm and will end the following morning at 8 am. The special intention will be the election of a pro-life, pro-family government. Come and spend some time with the Lord and ask his blessings on our country CAST CORNER “Jesus said to him…”What do you want me to do for you?” The blind man replied to him, “Master, I want to see.” Do you know of someone who is having a difficult time “seeing”? Do you know someone who has been away from the Church for a while or only comes on special occasions? You can make a difference! Please continue to pray THE PRAYER FOR THE NEW EVANGELIZATION you received last weekend. Encourage someone to take part in CATHOLICS COMING HOME, a new program beginning January 2013 here at Holy Eucharist. “Get Connected”! Page Five October 28, 2012 602 COMMUNITY SCHEDULING MEETING ROOMS/SOCIAL HALL: To schedule meetings or activities to be held on the premises contact the Parish Office. This includes activities and meetings in the original building, Hoffman Hall and the Faith Formation Center. Meetings and events will be compiled for the monthly calendar distributed through the Bulletin. If you will be using the kitchen facility in Hoffman Hall, please advise at the time of scheduling. Holy Eucharist Music Ministry If you have any questions, please contact Linda Midura in the Music Ministry office at 609-268-1119. Wed Oct. 31 No Rehearsals Thurs Nov. 1 9:00 am Mass – Compassion Choir 7:00 pm Mass – Adult Choir Sat Nov. 3 10:00 am Parish Memorial Service – Compassion Choir The next meeting of the Holy Eucharist Senior Citizens Club will be held on Thursday, November 1, at 1:00 pm, in Hoffman Hall. A member, Helen Leggett, will speak to us about her Mission Trip to Romania conducted by the International Children’s Aid Foundation. Her talk will include her stay at an orphanage and time spent in Budapest. Our club is non-denominational and is open to anyone age 55 or over. Guests and new members are always welcome. PLEASE REMEMBER TO BRING FOOD ITEMS TO OUR MEETING ON NOVEMBER 1st to help St. Vincent de Paul Society replenish their Food Pantry shelves. – Thank you! Christmas Show – American Music Theater Friday, Nov. 16, 2012 – Price: $80 Includes transportation, show, and buffet luncheon at Shady Maple Restaurant Depart: 10:00 am - Return: 7:30 pm Non-members are welcome on all trips. Our trips have two pick ups – one at Laurel Hall in Leisuretown and one at the church. For information call Rose Kenney at 859-9107 or Theresa at 859-7308. SAVE THE DATE SUNDAY, DECEMBER 2, 2012 at 5 pm Holy Eucharist Music Ministry’s 10th Annual Advent/Christmas Concert Tai Chi Chih Series Thursday, November 8 7 pm – 8:15 pm in Hoffman Hall Always wanted to try Tai Chi? Come experience more abundant health, harmony, and balance. This body movement mediation has been used as a preparation for prayer and gives one a great sense of clarity and inner peace. You will help reduce stress by relaxing and rejuvenating the body while refreshing the mind. Sponsored by St. Vincent de Paul Society. Donations are welcome, but not expected. The Senior Christmas Luncheon will be held on Wednesday, December 12th at 12:30 pm. Tickets may be purchased at the Senior Meetings or by calling Marilyn at 859-9246 or Barbara at 859-9345. No tickets will be sold at the door. Cost is $7.00 for Members and $14.00 for Guests. Knights of Columbus Council #8733 GRAND KNIGHT FRED HINZ New members are always welcome. Please contact 609-859-0945 for more information. Our council works to support the church and our community. Page Six October 28, 2012 Stewardship 602 announcements REMEMBRANCE IN YOUR WILL Consider this very special way of sharing with your parish family. A remembrance in your will for your parish is a wonderful way to provide for the future well-being of your parish community. Altar Server Schedule – November 3 & 4 Saturday – 5:00 pm Team 2: Elizabeth Hagmayer, Brandon Smith, Jillian Connelly Collection Figures will be in next weekend’s Bulletin SPECIAL BUILDING REPAIR COLLECTION Previous Contributions 10/7/2012 10/14/2012 Contribution Balance $3,824.86 233.00 ___993.00 $4,057.86 Repairs pending: Flat Roof Parking Lot re-striping Parking Lot patch and seal Festival equipment 62,000.00 3,300.00 22,000.00 10,000.00 Sunday – 8:30 am Team 4: Russ Bauer, Nick De Santis, Aaron Ruiz, Kalyn Bryan, Nathan Steele Sunday – 10:30 am Team 6: Hailey Graham, Victoria Hendrickson, Natalie Aleva, Karalee Hinz ATTENTION USHERS ONLINE GIVING Holy Eucharist Church now offers Online Giving! Visit our website at to sign up for Online Giving and begin donating to the church automatically. Use the Internet for the good of the parish through this secure and convenient process. Online Giving can be effectively used on its own or with regular offering envelopes. If you would still like to receive envelope packets but also want to give online, you have the option to do so. There will be an Ushers’ meeting in Hoffman Hall November 14 at 7 pm. All members need to attend. Save The Date 2012 BISHOP’S ANNUAL APPEAL GOAL: $61,498.00 PLEDGED TO DATE: $56,530.42 CASH RECEIVED: $53,430.42 Holy Eucharist’s Winter Wine Fest January 26, 2013 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm Tickets: $40.00
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