Cover Sheet Church of St. Raphael-Holy Angels 3500 South Broad Street Hamilton, N.J. 08610 Bulletin # 911176 Weekend of July 9th, 2006 Contact Usha @ Ph#609-585-7049 Or Fax#609-585-5876 With any inquiries. Thank you. Usha . Page 1 Sunday July 9th 2006 - Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Together, we pray for the sick, those in hospice, the hospitalized and the homebound of our parish: Lord Jesus, Look with compassion on all those who are ill. Restore their health and strength. Grant patience and love to those who care for them. Amen. MASS INTENTIONS Monday, July 10, 2006 7:30 a.m. – Elizabeth Babice, Mike & Maryann Babice Fioriggia Astore , Family 7:00 p.m. – A Special Intention, Diane M. Fair Tuesday, July 11, 2006 7:30 a.m. – Edmund McBride & Jacob Families & Erma, Margaret McBride 7:00 p.m.- Gia Kankas, Giangrasso Family Wednesday, July 12, 2006 7:30 a.m. – James Trolle, Donna Walter Angelo Dolci, Family 7:00 p.m. – Holy Name Society Thursday, July 13, 2006 7:30 a.m. – Leo Nulty, Joseph & Patricia Tuccillo 7:00 p.m. – Victor Blicharz, The Marhefka Family Friday, July 14, 2006 7:30 a.m. – Donald Acolia, Joseph & Patricia Tuccillo 7:00 p.m. - Catherine Walker, Walker Family Saturday, July 15, 2006 8:00 a.m. – Carmella Pisarro, Drina Cappello 5:00 p.m. – Albert L. Fischer, Wife, Agnes [SR] Sunday, July 16, 2006 7:30 a.m. – Helen Tereszczyn, Husband, Paul [SR] 8:30 a.m. – Mildred Gleyduna, M/M Jenny Zrada [HA] 9:30 a.m. – Ronald Tellefsen, Peroni Family [SR] 10:30 a.m. - For The People of the Parish [HA] 11:30 a.m.– Ellen L. Signor, M/M Joseph E. Signor [SR] 5:00 p.m. – Theresa Garsky, Tom & Joyce Garsky [SR] Dymphna Agos August Angioletti Alice Aquilino Robert Benson Elizabeth Bergner Whitney Bivens Fred Bogdan Michael Bridge William Briscoe Mark Brower John Cairo Jean Cairo John Catana Carl Catanese Nicholas Cirillo Anthony Davis Joan De Lorenzo Josephine De Marie Josephine Da Santis Larry Driver Jason Dzbenski Robert Esposito Anthony Fabrizio Frances Fedeli Tony Feldenzer Loretta Ferri Mary Fokuo Doreen Forberg Helen Finn Julia Gagliardi Anatoli Gischlar Mary Gusz John Hartmann Madison Hernandez Claire Hofmann Paul Hohman Jack Hornyak Sandy Iglesias Anthony J. Intorelli Linda Iorio Jennifer Jimmerson Fr. Eugene Keenan Pat Kelly George Kmetz Joseph Krawiec Philip Krier Page 2 Marie Lee Robert Lear John Margicin Patti Menichelli Lucy Millerick Margaret McBride Anna Modica Fred Morelli Anna Rose Mucci Jan Niedermaier Robert J. O’Boyle Lucy O’Malley Mike Panko Albert Paul Phyllis Pelke Ray Pental Janet Peterson Bunny Posner Elaine Ragano Regina Procell Rocco & Evelyn Ranalli Carl Reinhardt Jr. Mary & Louis Revesz Helen Sabo Michael Serenelli Natalie Severino Matthew Shea Dorothy Smith Chris Somma Bertha Stevulak David Terry Concetta Testa Katie Thomas Stanley Thompson Robert Tilton Kevin Tucci Felix Tuccillo Sr. George Tylus Stacy Udijohn James Widmann Helen Woloszyn Madelene Woodrow Frances Womack Bernadette Wierzbicki Martin Zimmerman Sing of Mary pure and lowly, Virgin Mother undefiled. Sing of God’s own son most Holy, In The Words of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI Pastor’s Notes JESUS IS LORD! Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, There are a lot of exciting things happening in St. Raphael School that I want to make you aware of. First of all, through the generous donations from our parishioners of St. Raphael-Holy Angels we have raised of $ 45,000.00 to renovate all our classrooms these summer months. This will include painting all our classrooms and the All Purpose Room; removing old carpets from classrooms and laying new tiles, and installing new blinds to replace the old and broken ones. When the students return to school in September it will look like a new school! I recently had a second meeting with a committee of school parents who are spearheading the fundraising and development of a playground for the school that will be located in the field behind the rectory. In the next couple of weeks we hope to have a ground breaking. The work will begin to ensure we have the playground ready by the beginning of the school year. This is also the first year that St. Raphael School will offer a Summer Computer Camp that has over 75 students enrolled. Ms. Sandra Poole, our computer teacher has assembled an outstanding faculty for this camp, and will be direct the camps activities. Ms. Poole is such a blessing to our school and parish community. This was her first year at St. Raphael School, and it is fair to say that she has (almost single handedly) transformed our computer lab to a high tech “state of the art” computer center! We have all new computers for the lab and for each classroom through out the school building. This was accomplished because of Ms. Poole’s efforts and dedication. However, her greatest accomplishment, if you were to ask her, would be her students and especially the Tech Team that she developed this year. This past Tuesday, our PTA hosted a welcoming “BarB-Q” for our new school principal, Mrs. Donna Tyburski. I have had the privilege of working with Mrs. Tyburski and have witnessed first hand her outstanding commitment to Catholic education and the spiritual, moral and academic development of our children. Mrs. Tyburski and her husband Ray are active members of St. Martin of Tours Parish, New Hope, PA. With her leadership I am confident that she will bring our school to a new level of excellence. As I mentioned in the beginning of this letter, there are many exciting things happening at St. Raphael School. As a parish community, it is our mission to provide Catholic education to our families. CATHOLIC SCHOOLS ARE A BLESSING! It is my philosophy that any parent who desires that their child receive a Catholic school education, regardless of financial situation, should be able to do so, as long as the parents are actively participating in their faith. I encourage all our parents to consider choosing St. Raphael School to assist them in the spiritual and academic development of their children. There are still openings for the coming school year. If you would like more information about our school, please feel free to call Mrs. Tyburski at the school. Have a blessed week! In Jesus and Mary, Father Jeff Kegley Pastor Dear Brothers and Sisters! Today we honor solemnly Sts. Peter and Paul, "Apostles of Christ, columns and foundation of the city of God," as today's liturgy says. Their martyrdom was to be considered as the true and proper act of the birth of the Church of Rome. The two apostles rendered their supreme testimony in a short distance of time and space one from the other: Here, in Rome, St. Peter was crucified and subsequently St. Paul was decapitated. Their blood was fused therefore almost in one sole testimony of Christ, which drove St. Irenaeus, bishop of Lyon, in the middle of the second century, to speak of the "Church founded and constituted in Rome by the two most glorious Apostles Peter and Paul" ("Against Heresies" III, 3, 2). Shortly after, from North Africa, Tertullian exclaimed: "This Church of Rome, how blessed she is! It was the Apostles themselves, who with their blood, poured out to her the whole doctrine" ("Prescription against the Heretics," 36). Precisely because of this, the Bishop of Rome, Successor of the Apostle Peter, carries out a particular ministry of service of the doctrinal and pastoral unity of the people of God spread throughout the world. In this context one also understands better the meaning of the rite that we renewed this morning, during the holy Mass in St. Peter's Basilica, that is, the reception of the pallium, ancient liturgical insignia, which expresses the special communion of these pastors with the Successor of Peter. My greetings go to these venerated brother archbishops and to all those who accompanied them, while I invite all of you, dear brothers and sisters, to pray for them and for the Churches entrusted to them. There is still another reason that renders our joy even greater today: It is the presence in Rome, on the occasion of the solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul, of a special delegation sent by the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Bartholomew I. To the members of this delegation I reiterate with affection my welcome and heartfelt gratitude to the patriarch, for rendering even more manifest with this gesture the existing bond of fraternity between our Churches. May Mary, Queen of the Apostles, whom we invoke with trust, obtain for Christians the gift of full unity. With her help and following in the footsteps of St. Peter and St. Paul, may the Church that is in Rome and all the people of God offer the world a testimony of unity and courageous dedication to the Gospel of Christ. I am following events in the Holy Land with concern and I pray that all those who have been abducted may soon be returned to their loved ones. Iappeal to Israeli and Palestinian leaders that, with the generous help of the international community, they may seek responsibly for that negotiated end to the conflict, which alone can ensure the peace to which their people aspire. Vatican City , June 30th Page 3 Who became her little child. Fairest child of fairest mother, God the Lord who came to earth. THE HOLY ROSARY July 1st and July 2nd The Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary will be recited at 7:10am before the daily morning Mass. Everyone is invited to come early before Mass to pray together. A total of our weekly offering for the weekend of July 1st and July 2nd will be published in next week’s bulletin. Thank you for your generous and continued support of your parish. PASTORAL CARE MINISTRY If any parishioner is ill, homebound, or in a near-by nursing home, and is not already receiving a pastoral visit from one of our Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion or from Sister Sandra, please call the rectory at 609-585-7049 and speak with Sister Sandra. God Bless You! ATTENTION ! ALL PARISH COMMUNITY MINISTRIES September 2006 begins our new Parish Calendar Year schedule. Please contact John Marue at the rectory,9:00am to 12:00 noon, Monday to Friday, by calling 585-7049 to coordinate all your parish scheduling requirements. You may drop off your calendar schedules for the New Year - September 2006 to August 2007 - at the rectory. Please be sure to include your name and telephone number and any other contact information that you may have so John can reach you with questions or scheduling conflicts. Thank you and God bless you for all that you do in serving your parish and the people of our community. St. Raphael-Holy Angels Fall 2006 Trip To Italy! St. Raphael-Holy Angels Have you ever been hungry? Imagine feeling that way all of the time. Unfortunately, that is the reality for many in the Mercer County area. Please help us in our fight to end hunger by supporting the parish food pantry. Always needed are all types of non-perishable food items, as well as personal care, household cleaning and paper products. Monetary donations are also most welcome as they allow us to purchase items from Mercer Street Friends Food Bank to supplement our supply. May God richly bless you for your generosity. Upcoming “Reach-Out Saturday”August 5th ST. RAPHAELHOLY ANGELS PICNIC We are beginning to schedule committee meetings for our Parish Picnic. Many thanks to those of you who have responded to the call to assist with the planning of what promises to be a wonderful event! We continue to invite you to participate in helping to make this day a success. Please call Ray Kolczynski at 609-298-7713 if you would like to assist on the Picnic Committee. The parish of St. Raphael-Holy Angels is sponsoring a pilgrimage trip to Italy. November 1-11, 2006, to Rome, Assisi, Florence, Padua & Venice. Call Sister Sandra at the rectory 609-585-7049 Please See an Usher If you have an emergency or if you are disabled and need assistance. Also, if you are disabled with special needs, see an Usher before Mass regarding receiving Communion. for information and reservations. Page 4 Word made flesh our very brother, takes our nature by His birth. PARISH MINISTRY ST. RAPHAEL-HOLY ANGELS RELIGIOUS EDUCATION St. Raphael’s Music Ministry- Rehearsals for Adult Choir, Afternoon Bells and Evening Bells will continue with an “open door” policy for the month of July. Everyone is invited to come and sing or is a great time to try some new music, improve our music reading skills, learn some music theory, have some fun AND praise God at the ALL REGISTRATIONS FOR 2006-07 WERE DUE BY same time! If you would like to sing with the choir at Mass, JUNE 30TH. Late registrations will be accepted, but are sub- please come at 9:00am to the All Purpose Room any Sunday ject to the late fee of $30.00. Registration forms, [green], for this summer and rehearse with us for 20minutes and then sing students who will be new to our parish religious education with us at Mass. Check under “ This Week at St. Raphael-Holy program, [Gr. K-7], are available at the back of both church Angels for dates and times! buildings. If you wish for your child/children to be enrolled Come and make a joyful noise to the Lord! in the program beginning in the Fall, please complete the registration form and submit it to the Religious Education office, along with the fee, as well as a copy of the child’s Baptismal Certificate. [even if he/she was baptized at St. RaphaelHoly Angels Parish] ASAP. If your child is transferring from another parish, we must have a transfer certificate from the previous parish indicating the dates of attendance and the sacramental dates. All families who wish to have their children enrolled in the Religious Education program must be registered members of St. Raphael-Holy Angels Parish. The schedule of classes for the Fall is as follows: Grades 1 & 2 Wednesday afternoons:4:00 – 5:00 Grade 3 Tuesday afternoons: 4:00 – 5:00 Grades 4 & 5 Wednesday evenings: 7:00 – 8:15 Grades 6 & 7 Tuesday evenings: 7:00 – 8:15 Re-registration forms for the 2006-07 school year were sent home with the students who were in our program this past year. In the event you may have misplaced the form, additional forms, [yellow] are available at the back of the church or please stop by the religious education office. If your child is to return to the program in the Fall, we must have the completed re-registration forms returned to the Religious Education office. All registration and re-registration forms may be deposited in the designated baskets that are located at each of the church entrances, or mailed to: The Religious Education Office 151 Gropp Ave., Hamilton, N.J. 08610. Call the office at 609-585-3848 with any questions. The Holy Name Society— Our mission and the purpose of our being is to love, defend, praise, honor and evangelize the holy name of Jesus. All men of our parish are encouraged to join us. Please call the rectory if you are interested. The Rosary-Altar Society–We are dedicated to the worship of Blessed Virgin Mary, the holy Mother of God. Please call the rectory if you have considered joining us. Elderberry Club – We are planning a trip to Hunterdon Hills Playhouse on December 14th to see the Christmas Show. Cost will be $65.00. If you are interested in this trip, please call 585-6842 or 5856035 for reservations. Social Concerns Ministry - Upcoming Social Concerns activities. Mark your calendars now! Tuesday, July 11, 6:15 – 8 pm. We return to our regular schedule of Bingo for the residents of the Mercer County Geriatric Center on the second Tuesday of every month. Meet at the second floor of the Center (Hamilton Avenue near the intersection of Klockner). Saturday, August 5, 7:05 pm. Annual night at the Trenton Thunder. This is also a baseball Bingo and fireworks night. If we get a group of 20 or more, tickets will be $7 each. All are invited. Tuesday, August 8. 6:15 to 8 pm. Bingo for the residents of the MCGC. We will be looking for donations of jewelry to be used as prizes this evening. Wednesday, August 30, 9:45 am – 1:15 pm. Fifth Wednesday serving commitment at the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen. Tuesday, September 12, 6:15 to 8 pm. Bingo for the residents of the MCGC. Special prizes to be determined. We always need lots of student and adult volunteers for these activities and hope you, too, can join in the fun. Remember, volunteering once does not commit you to volunteer on a regular basis. Please call Kathy Wooley at 585-4307 if you want more information OR if you have additional ideas for volunteer community service. Page 5 Sing of Jesus son of Mary, in the home at Nazareth. Toil and labor cannot weary, Discovering God’s Glorious Plan For Your Life POPE JOHN PAUL II AND THE THEOLOGY OF THE BODY A SIX-WEEK SEMINAR Based upon an introductory program by Christopher West. Thursday Evenings 7:30 pm to 8:30pm This seminar began on June 22nd and will continue until July 27th @ St. Raphael’s Spiritual Center (formerly the convent) Registration continues at $30.00pp for course materials To register, contact the Rectory Office 609-585-7049 The Holy Father's teaching offers a much-needed new vision to understand marriage and sexuality. He asks us to reclaim the Christian understanding of sexuality and the human person as GIFT in order to show us the true meaning of human love and life. This enlightening and life-enhancing teaching offers a model for self-giving love and true happiness for all Christians, whether single, married or religious. Anchor House Annual Ride for Runaways Anchor House is Central Jersey’s shelter for runaway, homeless and abused youths. On July 9th, 2006, over 200 cyclists and support crew members will participate in a week-long, 500 mile bicycle trip starting in Rochester, New York, culminating with a ceremony on July 15th, 2006, at Quaker-bridge Mall. Donations that are collected go directly to the shelter and its programs. St. Raphael School is set to cheer on our own Rob Tampellini Dad of Robert, 4th grade Anna 5th grade and Matthew 7th grade and Husband of PTA member Adria on July 8th as he sets of on the 500 mile ride on the behalf of Anchor House. We are all excited for him on this adventure and wish him luck and God speed on his return. Please join us in a prayer of protection for his safe return. Page 6 Love enduring unto death. Constant was the love he gave her, Eucharistic Days of Adoration. Every Wednesday Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will begin after the 7:30 AM Mass at St. Raphael Church and will conclude with Benediction before the 7:00 P.M. evening Mass . All parishioners are encouraged to participate in our Days of Eucharistic Adoration. While the Blessed Sacrament is exposed, there need to be parishioners present for Adoration. In order to ensure that this happens, you may sign up as “an adorer” of the Blessed Sacrament. Sign up sheets are at all the doors of the church. You may also call the Rectory at 609-585-7049 Page 7 Though He went forth from her side. Forth to preach and heal and suffer, till on Calvary He died. St. RaphaelHoly Angels Food Pantry Presents: An Evening with Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers Come enjoy an evening of song, dance and comedy with Fred and Ginger as they star in the movie “Top Hat,” along with excerpts from some of their other movies. Come experience the magic that had audiences of the thirties cheering on their feet in movie theaters. This event will be held in the St. Raphael-Holy Angels Parish Center on Saturday, July 22 at 7:00 p.m. Admission will be any amount of non-perishable food items or any monetary donations, all of which go to the St. Raphael-Holy Angels food pantry. Popcorn and Soft drinks will be served. This is a come-as-you-are event. Top Hat, White Tie, and Tails optional. Any questions or for more information please call Brian Sakowski at 609-585-0129 Page 8 Glory be to God the Father, glory be to God the Son. Glory be to God the Spirit, glory to the Three in One. St. Raphael School Renovation Sponsorships #1 includes a plaque with your choice of name placed at the entrance to the classroom. Sponsorships #2-4 include a plaque with your choice of name placed inside the classroom. Sponsorship #5 includes a plate with your choice of name placed on a large plaque. All donations are greatly appreciated! 1. Leading the Way (entire room sponsor): $3000.00 2. In Thy Steps (floor sponsor): $2000.00 3. God’s Rainbow (paint sponsor): $1000.00 4. I see the glory Lord (blinds sponsor); $ 500.00 5. Helping Hand (Booster) Name__________________________________________________________________ $ 100.00 Address_______________________________________________________________ Phone_________________________________________________________________ Sponsorship choice_______ Would you like your name to appear on plaque?__________ I am not choosing a specific sponsorship; please accept my donation for_________. Please send form to: St. Raphael School Renovation Fund (checks payable to St. Raphael School) 151 Gropp Ave. Hamilton, NJ 08610 Attention: Hope Costa Questions may be directed to: Hope Costa 609-585-7733 [email protected] St. Raphael’s Lucky Number Calendar winning numbers Week ending Saturday, July 2, 2006 Date of Winning Number Winning Number BASKETBALL REGISTRATION For any boy or girl interested in playing basketball next year in the CYO League, Sunday, July 3 2006 Monday, July 4, 2006 Tuesday, July 5, 2006 Wednesday, July 6, 2006 Thursday, July 7, 2006 Friday, July 8, 2006 Saturday, July 9, 2006 Registration Every Thursday -7:00pm to 8:00pm in the St. Raphael gym until August 3rd. Lucky number drawings for the week ending July 2nd will appear in next weeks bulletin. On behalf of the St. Raphael School PTA, thank you for your participation. The children must be members of the parish and attend St. Raphael School or our CCD program. Questions, call Vince Peroni at 585-5479 or Brian Sakowski at 585-0129. Page 9 From the heart of Blessed Mary, from all saints the song ascends, and the Church the strain re-echoes, unto earth’s remotest ends. - This week at SAINT RAPHAEL– HOLY ANGELS Event Tuesday, July 11, 2006 Contemporary Ensemble Bingo Wednesday, July 12, 2006 Location Time St. Raphael SR Parish Center 7:30PM - 9:15PM 8:00PM [Doors open at 6:00PM] Thursday, July 13, 2006 Afternoon bells St. Raphael Evening Bells St. Raphael Adult Choir St. Raphael PLEASE NOTE: Children’s choir [Cool Kidz] will resume in the fall. For information on Heaven’s Echo, keep watching the bulletin for details. Friday, July 14, 2006 Young Adult Ministry– Spirit and Truth Bingo SR Spiritual Center [the former Convent] SR Parish Center Information 4:00PM - 5:15PM 5:30PM - 6:45PM 7:30PM - 9:00PM 7:30PM [After the 7:00PM Mass] 8:00PM [Doors open at 6:00PM] Dear Parishioners, A listing of all those who made flower offerings is available in the vestibules of both St. Raphael and Holy Angels Churches. Please pick up a copy for your reference. We thank you for your offering. Altar Candles this week… For St. Raphael Church John Banabas Sr. Req. by The Banabas Family For Holy Angels Church Willis Bird Req. by Ann Bird ST. RAPHAEL-HOLY ANGELS PRAYER LINE Joseph Trembula Catherine M. Kovach Helen Wyers Mary C. Herrick CALL 609-581-3675 OR 609– 585-4483 Page 10
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