COVER SHEET CHURCH NAME: Immaculate Heart of Mary/Our Lady of the Holy Rosary BULLETIN NUMBER: 355600 DATE OF PUBLICATION: 355600.090907 NUMBER OF PAGES TRANSMITTED: 5 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Please call Joann @ 802-318-2422 (cell) Page 2 IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY September 9, 2007 Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time The offering for the weekend of September 1/2: Offertory: $1637.00 Capital Improvement: $1096.50 Thank you for your continued financial support. God Bless! IHM Liturgical Schedule Saturday, September 8 Greeters: David, Julie Duchesneau & family Lector: Jo-Ann Beaudin Eucharistic Minister: John Roach Servers: Seth Armstrong, Chad Bateman, Chris Castano Sunday, September 9 Greeters: Karla Karstens & family Lector: Dan Morin Eucharistic Ministers: LuAnn Koch & Greg Gause Servers: Adam Geffken, Adam Morin, Tom Pelchat Saturday, September 15 Greeters: Mike, Lynn McClintock & family Lector: Cathy Rylant Eucharistic Minister: Jo-Ann Beaudin Servers: Katy Duchesneau, Kelsey Jensen, Laura Murphy Sunday, September 16 Greeters: Linda Poirier & family Lector: Kerry Enright Eucharistic Minister: Rachel Wurtsbaugh & Bernie Ferenc Servers: Heather Mallow, Brittany Mount, Molly Partelow INVITED The Good News is that we have all been invited— invited to the Kingdom, invited to be disciples. It’s a lifechanging invitation, and like so many other such invitations, it requires a great deal of deliberation and discernment. Whether we choose marriage, ordination, single life, or community life, we know the serious planning and consideration that accompany these profound decisions. Like the tower-builder in the Gospel, we have weighed both the monetary and emotional cost. We have pondered and planned our lives in the direction to which we believe God has called us. And while we pray for guidance and acceptance of God’s will, we often fail to understand so much. Like Solomon, we turn to God for wisdom and counsel in our life-changing decisions. © Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co. Page 2 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS CLASSES START THIS WEEKEND: Grades 1 & 2: Saturday 10:00-11:30 AM Grades 3, 4, 5: Sunday 8:45-10:15 AM Grades 6, 7, 8: Sunday 6:00-7:30 PM 1st year Confirmation: Sunday 6:00 at Holy Rosary with your parent Catechist Certification Training The first of 4 workshops for this year is Tuesday, September 11th at IHM at 6:30. This session is on Scripture. All are welcome. Please call LuAnn Koch if you are interested 879-1577. POST-MASS SOCIALS RETURNING! We will renew our successful recent experiment of having post-Mass socials beginning this weekend, after both the 5:30 PM Saturday Mass and the 10:30 AM Sunday Mass. We hope to be able to have post-Mass socials through the fall. If anyone is interested in volunteering to help organize one of the socials, please get in touch with Greg Gause (878-5843, [email protected]). It is not hard and we have detailed directions to guide you. See you after Mass at the social! IHM welcomes Sawyer Andrew VanOrnum Son of Jeremy & Magdalena VanOrnum. Sawyer was baptized at IHM on August 19, 2007 IHM welcomes Kenzie Addison & Kate Angelina Wyman Daughters of Zachary & Karen Wyman. Kenzie and Kate were baptized at IHM On August 26, 2007 PRAYER CHAIN We all need prayers. At times our families and friends are going through some difficult times and need extra help. If you have someone you would like to add to our Prayer Chain please contact Joanne Brinkerhoff at 872-5811. WE ARE ONE BODY IN CHRIST Saturday, 9-8, 4:00 PM Holy Rosary Holy Rosary Parishioners Saturday, 9-8, 5:30 PM IHM IHM Parishioners Sunday, 9-9, 8:30 AM Holy Rosary Holy Rosary Parishioners Sunday, 9-9, 10:30 AM IHM Charles Balserus by his wife, Debbie Monday, 9-10, 8:00 AM IHM All Souls’ Intentions Tuesday, 9-11, 8:30 AM Holy Rosary All Souls’ Intentions Wednesday, 9-12, 8:00AM IHM Walter Estey by Janice C. Barrows Thursday, 9-13, No Mass Today Friday, 9-14, 8:30 AM Holy Rosary Saturday, 9-15, 4:00 PM Holy Rosary Saturday, 9-15, 5:30 PM IHM Guy Trono by Giberte Myers Sunday, 9-16, 8:30 AM Holy Rosary Holy Rosary Parishioners Sunday, 9-16, 10:30 AM IHM Theresa Bancroft by her daughter, Debbie Balserus Mass intentions for the living and deceased members of family and friends are greatly appreciated by the Pastor. George Bates Pat Gallo Edwina Holmes Diane Lehneman Teresa Levesque Evelyn Nawotka Albert Rose Sr Richard Whalen Steve Wright Lucille Youngman Our Faithful Departed May they rest in peace. Those serving in the Military throughout the world Hospital Visitations If you know of someone who is in need of a visit while in the hospital please contact either parish office. NEW TO THE PARISH? See Father Don after one of the weekend Masses and he will give you a registration form to fill out and return. Welcome to the parish! First time for Michael Rohde and Heather Raftery Their wedding will take place Saturday, September 29, 2007 at IHM Please remember them in your prayers Page 3 READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Col 1:24 — 2:3; Lk 6:6-11 Tuesday: Col 2:6-15; Lk 6:12-19 Wednesday: Col 3:1-11; Lk 6:20-26 Thursday: Col 3:12-17; Lk 6:27-38 Friday: Nm 21:4b-9; Phil 2:6-11; Jn 3:13-17 Saturday: 1 Tm 1:15-17; Jn 19:25-27 or Lk 2:33-35 Sunday: Ex 32:7-11, 13-14; Ps 51; 1 Tm 1:12-17; Lk 15:1-32 [1-10] MEETINGS WITH FATHER DON Holy Rosary Parish Pastoral Council will meet on Monday, September 10th at 7pm in the rectory. If you are unable to attend please call Mary O’Neil at 4342894. Urgent appeal for drivers to bring Father Don over to Holy Rosary on Saturday afternoons for Confession & Mass. If you can help contact Father Don (8784513) ASAP. He would like to set up a schedule so please consider if you can help drive once or twice a month. Deadline for October calendar for meetings and events is Friday, September 21. Please contact Thomas O’Neil (434-2894) if you have anything for the calenday RCIA-Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults begins in October. The RCIA is the way in which adults become full, active, and participating members of the Catholic Church through the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. RCIA is ideal for those interested in becoming Catholic, returning to the Church or just wishing to learn more about the faith. Contact Fr Don for further information at 878-4513. Please pray for the success of this program. Bishop’s Fund Announcement: We are in the process of wrapping up our parishes’ efforts for the 2007 Bishop’s Fund Campaign. Please send in your pledge card if you have not yet done so, so that we can finish up and reach 100% participation for our parishes. Holy Rosary stands at 89% with 135 gifts totaling $19974.99 collected towards a goal of $22400. HM stands at 88% with 216 gifts totaling $37650.70 towards a goal of $43000. Envelopes with forms for this purpose are in the Gathering Area at IHM and in the Parish Hall at Holy Rosary. CHICKEN PIE DINNER Essex Junction 3rd Degree Knights of Columbus to host 11th Annual Chicken Pie Dinner, Saturday, September 15th at Holy family Parish Hall. Seatings at 5:00, 5:45, & 6:30 Adults- $8 children under 12$3 For reservations/tickets call Barry Corbin 8788314. Take out is available. Proceeds to benefit KofC Scholarship Funds. Page 4 : The weekend following Labor Day our Music Ministry will again provide the Liturgical music for all the weekend Masses. If you are interested in finding out more about the various groups please call: IHM: 5:30 Mass Jeff Firlik 879-5064 10:30 Mass Linda O’Brien 288-9011 Holy Rosary: 4:00 Mass Jerome Mendicino 878-6442 8:30 Mass Jeanne Desilets 434-3526 BIBLE STUDY Campus Ministry at St Michael’s College, with St John Vianney Parish acting as host for the extended area of parishes, announces a Bible Study program for this fall. These will be held at St John Vianney on Tuesdays, 7:30-9:00 PM from September 11 through October 30. Contact Pat Soychak for more information at 864-4166 ext 204. SOUTH AMERICAN MISSIONS Next weekend we have a visiting diocesan priest from the Society of Saint James who will give us some insight into the state of the missions in South America. The Society, founded by Cardinal Cushing in 1958, has about forty members serving in Peru, Bolivia, and Ecuador. Each year a few of the members come north to spread the word about their missionary work and to appeal for donations. Please be as generous as you can. For more information on the Society of Saint James visit their web site: Special envelopes will be included in the bulletin. Share Your Love with Birthright. Birthright of Burlington, an emergency pregnancy service, is in existence to give support to the pregnant woman so she can bring her child into the world with respect and dignity. To continue our role in the community we are in need of volunteers. We are looking for volunteers in all aspects of our organization. Please come to our Volunteer Informational Meeting on September 13 at 7pm being held at our office at 289 College St, Burlington. If you have any questions or would like to sign up for the meeting please call the office at 865-0056. OUR LADY OF THE HOLY ROSARY The offering for the weekend of September 1/2: offertory: $1495.00 Fuel: $435.00 Special Collection September 15/16: Renovations To meet our obligations we need to collect$1520 in the weekly collection and $770 in the monthly fuel collection. Thank you for your continued support. God Bless! Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Rosary for Peace takes place every Monday from 6 to 7 pm in the Church. LITURGICAL MINISTRY SCHEDULE September 8 Lector: Tom Levesque Eucharistic Minister: Rachel Towers September 9 Lector: Keith Kennedy Eucharistic Minister: Mary Dobson September 15 Lector: Kathi Manley Eucharistic Minister: Tom O’Neil September 16 Lector: Ray Desilets Eucharistic Minister: Joe Bouchard Our Lady of the Holy Rosary welcomes Leah Taryn Smith Daughter of Daren & Tara Smith Leah was baptized At Holy Rosary on August 18, 2007 Our Lady of the Holy Rosary welcomes Isaiah James Ritchie Son of Timothy & Katelyn Ritchie Isaiah was baptized At Holy Rosary on August 19, 2007 Page 5 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION We are currently in need of teachers for the following grades: 8th, 9th, & 10th. Please contact the rectory ASAP if you can help!! Grades K-8: Classes start Sat, Sept. 8th; 9-10:15 at Camels Hump Grade 2 classes will be held at the church 9-10:15. Grade 9: Parent Meeting, Sun, Sept. 9th, 6pm at Holy Rosary Grade 10: Parent Meeting, Sun, Sept. 16th, 6pm at IHM Grade 9: classes start Sun, Sept 23rd, 9:30-11:00 at Holy Rosary Grade 10: classes start Sun, Sept 30th, 9:30-11:00 at Holy Rosary Food for the food shelf can be placed in the baskets in the hall and at the door. Delivery will be made at the end of each month. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS NEWS Pancake Breakfast, the first of the "new season", Sunday Sept. 9, 9:15am. JOB OPPORTUNITY: George Gifford has announced he will be retiring as supervisor of our cemeteries at the end of this season. We are most grateful for his many hours of dedicated service over the last 31 years. Anyone interested in finding out what this job, as supervisor of Holy Rosary and St. Mary’s Cemetery, involves should call George at 434-6008. Hale and Hearty will meet on Sept. 12, at 5:30. Catechist Certification Training The first of 4 workshops for this year is Tuesday, September 11th at IHM at 6:30. This session is on Scripture. All are welcome. Please call Jill Danilich if you are interested 434-4397.
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