Gavriel Z. Bellino
Barukh atta Adonai,
Blessed are You HaShem,
Eloheinu, melekh ha'olam,
our God, King of the universe,
asher yatzar et ha'adam be'chokhma
who fashioned man with wisdom
u'vara vo
and created within him
ne'qavim ne'qavim, chaloolim chaloolim.
many openings and many cavities.
Galooy v'yadooa
It is obvious and known
lifney khi'seh khivodekha,
before Your Throne of Glory
sh'im yipateyach echad meyhem,
that if but one of them were to be ruptured
oh yisatem echad meyhem,
or but one of them were to be blocked
ee efshar le'hitqayyem
it would be impossible to survive
v’laamod lefanekha
and to stand before You,
afilu sha’ah echat.
for even one moment.
Barukh atta Adonai,
Blessed are You HaShem,
Rofeh chol basar
who heals all flesh
u'maflee la'asot.
and acts wonderously.
‫בָּ רּוְך אַ ָּתה יה ָּוה‬
‫אֱ ֹלהֵ ינּו ֶמלֶ ְך הָּ עֹולָּ ם‬
‫אֲ ֶשר יָּצַ ר אֶ ת הָּ אָּ ָּדם בחָּ כ ָּמה‬
‫ּובָּ ָּרא בֹו‬
ִ ֲ‫לּולים ח‬
ִ ֲ‫נ ָּק ִבים נ ָּק ִבים ח‬
ַ‫גָּלּוי ויָּדּוע‬
ֶ ‫ִלפנֵי כִ סֵ א כ‬
‫ֶש ִאם יִפָּ ֵתחַ אֶ חָּ ד ֵמהֶ ם‬
‫אֹו יִסָּ ֵתם אֶ חָּ ד ֵמהֶ ם‬
‫ִאי אֶ פ ַשר ל ִהת ַקיֵם‬
‫ולַ עֲמֹוד לפָּ נֶיָך‬
:‫אֲ ִפילּו ָּשעָּ ה אֶ חָּ ת‬
‫בָּ רּוְך אַ ָּתה יה ָּוה‬
‫רֹופֵ א כָּל בָּ ָּשר‬
:‫ּומפ ִליא לַ עֲשֹות‬