QUILTING SISTAH NEWS African American Quilt Guild of Oakland Our Guild Meeting is the 4th Saturday each month dar n e l a C g Meetin Celebrate Quilting M a y ’1 0 Q UA RT E R LY N E W S L E T T E R June Tips and Techniques Day ent AQGO Presid Ann Seals, A Sassy S titc h . ... Wow! It seems like yesterday when I said as your new President “I will strive to continue to promote and strengthen our presence in the community at large through the preservation of the history and traditions as expressed through our quilts.” That was four years ago! July Guest Speaker Patricia Montgomery www.dragonartplace.com I believe we have done just that. We have had a strong presence in the quilting community. We have participated in many major quilting programs in the Bay Area. The deYoung Museum Gee’s Bend and Amish exhibits, the Global Warming Project; Breast Cancer Quilt Afr Project; the Delta Sigma Theta Project, the Literacy Program, the ican 40 Acres Gallery exhibit - just to name a few. The past four years Gu Amer ild have been great! I have enjoyed every minute of it. As I pass the ican o P f . O presidency on to our next person, let me say that I appreciate all of O. akl Quilt O B o a you for your patience, your friendship, and your willingness to learn x 31 and klan 8 d and grow with me. We have accomplished much together. ema www , CA 34 . 9 il: a a aqg aqgo.o 4604 As you can guess, I cannot leave without a challenge! Along with o@ r com g the next President’s Challenge, I challenge each of you to help cas make our first quilt show scheduled for April 9, 2011, a successful t.ne t one! As always, I am proud to be a member of this diverse guild. Sassy Stitch signing off! Thanks! - Ann 1 So Who Won that Opportunity Quilt? My Sister, Dana Sprenkle of Richland, WA was the lucky winner of the 2010 AAQGO Opportunity Quilt! This story is almost as good as winning the quilt. I know that one of my tickets has won for the last 2 years, what can I say, I am lucky or my friends are lucky :) This year I did not sell as many tickets as last year (only 48). My parents and my sister and her family were visiting for Thanksgiving in November of 2009, so my mom bought 12 tickets and my sister bought 5! Dana Sprenkle, Kyla Laffoon’s Sister posing on her new quilt! A few weeks before the Black History Month Event where the winning ticket was drawn, my sister invited me to meet her in Phoenix, AZ for a sisters only weekend. We never get to do that, so I said YES! I begged off my duties at the event, and drove my 48 tickets and money over to Dolores’ house on Thursday night. On Saturday evening, my sister and I were getting in the car, and I noticed a voicemail from Ann Seals. I played the message on speaker phone, and Ann revealed that my sister had won! My sister and I just laughed and laughed... what were the chances that she would win, we would spontaneously go on this trip, then she would win while we were together. Could this story get any better? About a month later, my sister went to a Founders Day Celebration at her college in Missouri. She passed by a quilt raffle booth, and thought “what the heck, I will buy a few tickets.” At the event, they announced her name... She won another quilt! She called me, and we laughed. She said that she needed to go to Las Vegas. I said, “why, you will just win another quilt!” I guess the luck just runs in our family! She loves the quilt! - Kyla Laffoon 2 MEET THE RESOURCE LIBRARIAN (In Marie Taylor’s own words) Here are a few things about me. I have a Masters Degree in Home Economics and taught home economics for 10 years in the 1970's at Holy Names High School. Although I taught sewing at all skill levels, I never had the time to learn the skill set for quilting. When I retired, I thought that this would be a good time to learn how to quilt because I had the time to devote to the process. I took my first beginning quilting class last Spring/Summer at Quilt Fans in Alameda. It was through Quilt Fans that I was introduced to the African American Quilt Guild of Oakland. I love to read. Especially when I am learning a new craft. I want to learn all I can. I have time so I thought I could be of service to the guild by volunteering to be the librarian. I have had a varied career. All in the greater Bay Area, but primarily in Oakland. Besides being a teacher, I have worked in various capacities for the Roman Catholic Church, local government, catering and restaurant businesses and the non-profit community. For over 30 years I was a member of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary. Because of poor health, I had to retire earlier than I anticipated. Although Los Angeles is where I was born and raised, for most of my adult life I have lived in Oakland. I am enjoying my participation in the African American Quilt Guild. I have no children. Blessings, Marie Job Description - Resource Librarian Duties include research, review, and report current books of interest to the membership. 3 Northern California Quilt Council Quarterly Report Low Cost Guild Programs was the keynote presentation for the April 21, 2010 quarterly meeting of the Northern California Quilt Council. Many of the recommendations are already being implemented by AAQGO such as sewing meetings where members get together for socialization and making group projects. Our annual Black History Month presentation is also similar to community service nights presented by other guilds. Mentor meetings are also used to help promote teachers who are already members of a particular guild. We have frequently used this program strategy to share information between members. These are ideas that we might try in the future: First Quilt - Last Quilt: The first and last quilt of a select number of members quilts are placed around the room without names. The members have to guess to whom the quilts belong. Each quilter discusses their quilt experience and progress through time. This activity encourages new quilters to participate. Five Quilters - Five Quilts: Quilters show, an old, a middle aged, or a new quilt. This is an excellent opportunity to showcase a variety of quilt styles and helps individual members become better speakers and teachers. Sharing Speakers with other guilds: Our budget constraints have prohibited expensive speakers from coming to our guild. We could collaborate with other guilds i.e., EBHQ, Amador Valley, or Diablo, particularly for teachers coming to Pacific International Quilt Festival. This would be an excellent opportunity to budget and plan our programs two years in advance. Recreation/fun ideas: 1. Retreats at local hotels would engage more members instead of just an annual retreat with limited capacity. Mini groups might find this especially interesting and encourage creation of additional mini groups. 2. Mystery bus trips with an unknown destination. Lunch and shopping would be included. 3. New member teas or social events. This is an opportunity for new members to get better acquainted with others in guild. 4. Holiday parties where charities are given gift certificates instead of having members participate in a gift exchange. Some guilds have given certificates to veterans, homeless shelters and other charitable groups. Most importantly, the program chair should have a defined budget, good advertising about the program, and opportunities for members to sign up to present a program and lots of photos of past events or programs to stimulate interest and participation. Kyla and I look forward to hearing your program ideas and suggestions. Marion Coleman AAQGO Representative 4 LOCAL EVENTS Guil d Memb e r B U Z Z ! New and Returning Members Pat Candalarie Nefertiti Littlejohn Lavera Wilson Member Birthdays JUNE Ora Knowell Esther Pancho Barbara Mims Pam Ellison Jamie Gladney Presley Pat Turner Lillian LeBlanc Jeanette Robinson JULY Jackie Clemons Dorsey Midge Robinson Eunice Golden Patricia Montgomery Sunshine and Shadows Our positive thoughts and well wishes go to Julie Belcher, Pam Ellison and Katie Wishom and the members who are facing health challenges. LOCAL EVENTS May 14 - June 18 The Color is RED Black Dot Cafe Gallery Oakland includes quilt by Dolores Vitero Presley reception May 14th, 6:30 PM May 15 - May 16 Quilter's Quest Customer Appreciation www.quiltfans.com Through May 15 42nd Annual Textile Exhibition Olive Hyde Art Gallery Fremont includes quilts by Marion Coleman and Madlyn Jones June 5 - June 30 Black Sew N Sews Lakeview Branch Library Oakland quilts by Patricia Bailey, Blanche Brown, Marsha Carter, Marilyn Handis, Debbie Mason, Dolores Presley, Ann Seals, Julia Vitero reception June 12th, 11:30 AM 5 June 12-13, 2010 Monterey Peninsula Quilters Guild Quilt Show, www.mpqg.org July 23-25, 2010 International Quilt Festival, Long Beach, http://www.quilts.com June 24-26 Ricky Tims Super Quilt Seminar Rocklin, CA, http:// quilts.rickytims.com/seminars June 24 - June 26 Reno-Quilting, Stitches and Craft Expo Grand Sierra Resort Reno www.qscexps.com Through June 30 Creative Art Fund quilts on display Downtown YWCA Berkeley quilts by Marion Coleman, Dolores Presley, Julia Vitero Meeting Reminders • • • • • • Sign-in at the table Wear your name tag Return Worthy Cause Quilts Return Blocks of the Month If it is your Birthday Month – Bring a snack to share, and pick up your FAT Quarter Please do not wear perfume or scented lotions to the meeting. th Meetings are the 4 Saturday of each month Friends of the Guild 6 Guild Member Highlights Guild Members display their Quilts in the 2010 EBHQ Quilt Show. From Left to Right: Dolores Vitero Presley, Jamie Gladney Presley, Wanda Dailey, Valerie Yeaton, Julia Vitero The Delta Girls celebrate their handmade Blocks at the Black History Month Event AAQGO Members Celebrate at The Richmond Arts Center 7 AAGQO Newsletter CLASSIFIED ADS Be aware Quilting Sistah News accepts classified ads pertaining to quilting and/or sewing from our members. The cost is $5 for an ad of 25 words or less. Your ad will be published in the newsletter and included in our website for three months. CLASSIFIEDS Image Transfers 101 Learn the basics of image transfers using Photoshop Elements, Bubble Jet Set & More. Saturday, June 12 or July 17. $ 50.00 10-4, Supply kit $12.00 10 student maximum. Marion Coleman, 510-582-1464, [email protected] Free Motion Quilting Intro to free motion quilting. July 10 or August 7, $40 10-4 10 student maximum.Marion Coleman, 510-582-1464, [email protected] Machine Quilting Services Computerized and Custom Quilting. See quiltpixie.com for more information! Call or email to schedule an appointment. Kyla Laffoon, [email protected], 510-207-5692 8 Who is who? and what is what? 2009 - 2 0 1 0 O ff i ce r s a n d Bo ard M em b e r s President Ann Seals Vice President Debbie Mason Secretary Marsha Carter Treasurer Dolores Vitero Presley Historian TBD Parliamentarian Katie Wishom Founder! Esther Pancho Calendar Jackqueline Clemons-Dorsey Heidi Patrick Education Joy Johnson Exhibits Marilyn Handis Library Marie Taylor Membership! Amal Johnson Newsletter! Marsha Carter Kyla Laffoon Dolores Vitero Presley Opportunity Quilt Patricia Bailey Julia Vitero Public Relations! Lavina Miller Sunshine Patricia Bailey Website! Kyla Laffoon Ann Seals Worthy Causes Jackie Clemons-Dorsey Offic ers a n can d Board aaqg be reach Memb ers o@c e omc d at: ast.n et www or .aaqg o.or g o r PO Oak Box 3 1 land , CA 834 9460 4 MEMBERSHIP: Membership shall be open to anyone interested in the purpose and objectives of this Guild, and payment of annual dues. No discrimination shall be made with regard to race, color, creed, or national origin 9 African American Quilt Guild of Oakland P.O. Box 31834 Oakland, CA 94604 Qu i l ti ng S i sta h Ne w s www.aaqgo.org [email protected] QUILTING SISTAH NEWS African American Quilt Guild of Oakland P.O. Box 31834 Oakland, CA 94604 Next Meeting Saturday, May 22, 2010. 12 p.m. West Oakland Public Library 1801 Adeline Street Oakland, CA 94607 Visit our website: http://www.aaqgo.org 10
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