The International Baccalaureate / MEDNARODNA MATURA 2 THE IB DIPLOMA PROGRAMME AT II. GIMNAZIJA MARIBOR The school has a long tradition and a reputation as a school committed to offering its students a firm academic foundation for further study and the possibility of developing into creative, open-minded individuals, who will be prepared to work within an international atmosphere of cooperation and tolerance. Both elements, the academic rigour and the extra-curricular diversity, have had equal attention during the history of the school. As a result of academic achievements of its students, the school ranks among the best schools in Slovenia. The policy of the school when developing its extra-curricular activities is to open the school to its students in the afternoons and evenings to discover their talents. The school’s philosophy will not change its main course in the future: it will continue to strive to be a friendly place for learning and a place where the students’ creative potential can be challanged. SCHOOL WHICH OPENS ALL DOORS. Since 1990, II. gimnazija Maribor has been offering this twoyear pre-university course which carries Slovenian and international recognition for university admission. The IB Organisation describes its programme as comprehensive and rigorous two-year curriculum leading to examinations for students between sixteen and nineteen. Based on the pattern of no single country, it is a deliberate compromise between the specialisation required in some national systems and the breadth preferred in others. The general objectives of the IB are to provide students with a balanced education; to facilitate geographic and cultural mobility; and to promote international understanding through a shared academic experience. Since its founding, the IB diploma has become a symbol of academic rigour and intelectual promise and the student who fulfils the demands of the award of the Diploma, demonstrates his committment to learning as well as developing the skills and discipline necessary for competition and success in the world of today and tomorrow. 3 PROGRAM MEDNARODNE MATURE NA II. GIMNAZIJI MARIBOR Šola ima dolgoletno tradicijo in ugled ter vidi svoje poslanstvo v tem, da nudi dijakom čvrsto izobrazbeno podlago za nadaljnji študij in možnosti, da se razvijejo v odprte, dovzetne osebnosti, ki bodo pripravljene za delo v duhu mednarodnega sodelovanja in strpnosti. Obe sestavini, akademska zahtevnost in pestrost izvenšolskih dejavnosti, sta v zgodovini šole enako skrbno negovani. Šola se z učnimi uspehi svojih dijakov uvršča med najboljše srednje šole v Sloveniji. Usmeritev šole v razvijanje izvenšolskih dejavnosti vzpodbuja dijake, da preživijo kar največ prostega časa v šoli, kjer lahko v različnih dejavnostih odkrivajo in razvijajo svoje talente. Filozofija šole se tudi v prihodnosti ne bo spremenila: šola bo nadaljevala s prizadevanjem, da ostane prijazen prostor za učenje, in prostor, kjer lahko dijaki preizkušajo svojo ustvarjalnost. II. gimnazija Maribor ponuja dveletni preduniverzitetni program od leta 1990. Z diplomo MM je mogoče nadaljevati študij na univerzah doma in v tujini. IBO – Organizacija mednarodne mature – je vsestranski in zahteven dveletni program, ki se zaključi z maturitetnimi izpiti. Namenjen je dijakom od 16. do 19. let. Program MM ne posnema šolskega sistema nobene države, ampak je premišljen kompromis med specializacijo, ki jo poznajo nekateri nacionalni šolski sistemi, in širino srednješolskega izobraževanja, ki jo gojijo drugi. Cilji MM so: omogočiti dijakom uravnoteženo izobrazbo; olajšati gibanje v mednarodnem, kulturno raznolikem okolju; vzpodbujati mednarodno razumevanje na podlagi skupnega znanja. Vse od ustanovitve dalje je bila diploma MM simbol akademske zahtevnosti in intelektualne obetavnosti. Dijak, ki izpolni vse zahteve za pridobitev diplome, dokaže svojo zavezanost učenju ter razvijanju drugih veščin, potrebnih za uspeh v današnjem in jutrišnjem svetu. ŠOLA, KI ODPRE VSA VRATA. 4 IB MISSION STATEMENT IB LEARNER PROFILE The International Baccalaureate aims to develop enquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who will help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To this end, the organization works with schools, governments, and international organizations in order to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment. These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, despite their differences, can also be right. The aim of all IB programmes is to develop internationallyminded people who, recognizing their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a better and more peaceful world. IB learners strive to be enquirers, knowledgeable, thinkers, communicators, principled, open-minded, caring, risk-takers, balanced, and reflective. SCHOOL WHICH OPENS ALL DOORS. 5 POSLANSTVO MEDNARODNE MATURE PROFIL DIJAKA V PROGRAMU MEDNARODNE MATURE IBO si prizadeva ustvariti program, ki bi dijakom omogočal, da bi se razvili v vedoželjne, strpne in sočutne ljudi, ki bi pomagali pri ustvarjanju lepšega sveta in miru v svetu – z medkulturnim razumevanjem in spoštovanjem. S tem namenom IBO sodeluje s šolami, vladnimi in mednarodnimi organizacijami, ki mu pomagajo pri razvijanju zahtevnih učnih programov na področju mednarodnega izobraževanja in pri natančnem ter temeljitem preverjanju znanja. Ti programi po vsem svetu spodbujajo dijake k različnim aktivnostim, razvijanju sočutja in vseživljenjskemu učenju, pa tudi k razumevanju in sprejemanju drugih, drugačnih ljudi. Namen programa mednarodne mature je, da pri dijakih razvija mednarodno ozaveščenost, humanitarnost in skrb za planet; ter vzgaja dijake, ki ustvarjajo boljši in mirnejši svet. IB dijak si želi biti: raziskovalen, vedoželjen, misleč, komunikativen, načelen, svobodomiseln, senzibilen in empatičen, pripravljen tvegati, miselno konstruktiven in sposoben reflekskije. ŠOLA, KI ODPRE VSA VRATA. Group 1 2. group Language A Group 2 Group 3 Language B Mother tongue: (Slovene, Serbian, Macedonian) Individuals and Societies Extended Essay 6. group The Arts: Music or one more subject from groups 2, 3 or 4 Theory of Knowledge Creativity, Action, Service Group 4 Experimental Sciencess 1. group Foreign language (EN, GER, FR) Group 5 Mathematics and Computer Science Group 6 The Arts 4. group Experimentalne sciences: Biology, Chemistry, Physics •TOK •EXTENDED ESSAY •CAS 3. group Individuals and society: Economics, Phylosophy, Psychology 5. group Mathematics, Further Mathematics 6 THE CURRICULUM STRUCTURE The curriculum is designed in the shape of a hexagon with six subject groups surrounding the core. Diploma candidates are required to select one subject from each of the five groups and a sixth subject from either group 6 or groups 2, 3, 4 or 5. At least three and not more than four subjects must be taken at higher level (HL), the others at standard level (SL). HL courses represent 320 teaching hours, whereas SL courses 200 hours over two years. Apart from the six diploma subjects, students can acquire an Extra certificate for one or more subjects of their choice. SUBJECTS IN SIX GROUPS OFFERED BY II. GIMNAZIJA Group 1: LANGUAGE A 1 – first language, usually the student’s mother tongue, includes the study of selections from World Literature. Group 2: LANGUAGE B – foreign language – English, German, French Group 3: INDIVIDUALS AND SOCIETIES – Economics, Philosophy, Psychology Group 4: EXPERIMENTAL SCIENCES – Biology, Chemistry, Physics Group 5: MATHEMATICS – Mathematics, Further Mathematics Group 6: THE ARTS – Music The students are taught in small groups, which enables a good working atmosphere and encourages the learning process. The language of instruction is English. SCHOOL WHICH OPENS ALL DOORS. 6. skupina 1. skupina Materni jezik 2. skupina 3. skupina Tuji jeziki Materni jezik (SLO, SR, MAC) Posameznik in družba Razširjen esej 5. skupina Teorija spoznavanja Matematika, Nadaljevalna matematika Ustvarjalnost, šport, socialno delo 4. skupina Eksperimentalne vede 1. skupina Glasba ali še en predmet iz 2., 3. ali 4. skupine 5. skupina 6. skupina Matematika in računalništvo Umetnost 4. skupina Eksperimentalne vede: Biologija, Fizika, Kemija •TOK •RAZŠIRJEN ESEJ •CAS 2. skupina Tuji jezik (AN, NE, FR) 3. skupina Posameznik in družba: Ekonomija, Filozofija, Psihologija 7 PREDMETNIK Predmetnik je zasnovan v obliki šesterokotnika s šestimi predmetnimi skupinami, ki obkrožajo jedrni del. Dijak, ki si želi pridobiti diplomo MM, mora v vsaki predmetni skupini izbrati en predmet; šesti predmet lahko izbere iz skupine 6 ali iz skupin 2, 3, 4, 5. Najmanj tri in največ štiri predmete mora dijak opraviti na višji, ostale na osnovni ravni. Predmeti na višji ravni predstavljajo 320 ur pouka, na osnovni pa 200 ur pouka v dveh letih. Razen šestih predmetov, ki so obvezni za pridobitev diplome MM, lahko dijaki opravljajo dodatne izpite iz enega ali več predmetov in si pridobijo za vsakega spričevalo Extra Certificate. PREDMETI V ŠESTIH SKUPINAH NA II. GIMNAZIJI Skupina 1: MATERNI JEZIK – slovenščina z izborom besedil iz svetovne literature Skupina 2: TUJI JEZIK – angleščina, nemščina, francoščina Skupina 3: DRUŽBOSLOVJE – ekonomija, filozofija, psihologija Skupina 4: EKSPERIMENTALNE VEDE – biologija, kemija, fizika Skupina 5: MATEMATIKA – matematika, nadaljevalna matematika Skupina 6: UMETNOST – glasba Dijaki se učijo v majhnih skupinah, kar omogoča prijetno delovno vzdušje in vzpodbuja učenje. Delovni jezik pri pouku je angleščina, razen pri maternem jeziku. ŠOLA, KI ODPRE VSA VRATA. 8 OTHER CORE REQUIREMENTS GRADING SYSTEM Diploma candidates should meet three core requirements in addition to the six subjects: f THE EXTENDED ESSAY, which the IBO defines as »an in-depth study of a limited topic within a subject.« This 4000-word essay provides candidates with an opportunity to engage in independent research, the purpose of which is to learn the research and writing skills expected at university. f The interdisciplinary THEORY OF KNOWLEDGE (TOK) course is designed to develop a coherent approach to learning which transcends and unifies the academic areas and encourages appreciation of other cultural perspectives. Students are encouraged to be sceptical and think critically. The TOK subject is carried out as a regular subject within students' schedules. There is also a TOK week on Pohorje and TOK days with invited distinguished professors and lecturers. f The CREATIVITY, ACTION AND SERVICE (CAS) requirement acknowledges that essential educational experience also takes place outside the classroom. Participation in creative activities, sports and social work activities encourages students to develop their talents and raises awareness of the need for concern for other people. Several activities take place at II. gimnazija Maribor, such as social work with young children, elderly people, and people in need, sports activities, such as badminton, swimming, and 'sports for life' project. In the Arts section our school offers EST, Gnosis, a choir, etc. The grading system used by the IBO is criterion-referenced. This means that each student’s performance is measured against well defined levels of achievement consistent from one examination session to another. Each examined subject is graded on a scale of 1 (min.) to 7 (max.), the final grade consisting of internally and externally assessed work. The award of the diploma requires students to meet defined standards and conditions, including a minimum total of 24 points and a satisfactory completion of the extended essay, TOK and CAS. The maximum score of 45 points includes three bonus points for an exceptional extended essay and work in TOK. Students who fail to satisfy all requirements or who elect to take fewer than six subjects, are awarded a certificate for the examinations completed. SCHOOL WHICH OPENS ALL DOORS. 9 OSTALE KL JUČNE ZAHTEVE OCENJEVANJE Poleg obveznosti šestih predmetov morajo kandidati za pridobitev diplome izpolniti tudi naslednje zahteve: f RAZŠIRJENI ESEJ, ki ga IBO opredeli kot »poglobljeno študijo ozkega področja znotraj predmeta.« Esej v obsegu 4000 besed nudi dijaku možnost samostojnega raziskovalnega dela, katerega namen je naučiti se veščin raziskovanja in pisnega izražanja, kar so znanja, ki so potrebna za študij na univerzi. f THEORY OF KNOWLEDGE (Teorija spoznavanja) je predmet, ki sega na različna področja znanja, in je načrtovan tako, da razvija celosten pristop k učenju, področja presega in jih povezuje. Dijake spodbuja h kritičnemu razmišljanju in skepticizmu. Izvaja se kot predmet na urniku, kot »TOK-teden« na Pohorju ter v obliki »TOK-dnevov« s povabljenimi profesorji. f CAS – USTVARJALNOST, ŠPORT IN SOCIALNO DELO. Obveznost CAS-a potrjuje, da se pomemben del vzgojno-izobraževalnega dela dogaja izven učilnic. Sodelovanje pri ustvarjalnih dejavnostih, športu in socialnem delu spodbuja razvoj dijakovih talentov in ga usmerja k skrbi za človeka. II. gimnazija Maribor ponuja vrsto aktivnosti, kot so delo z mladimi, ostarelimi in ljudmi v stiski, športne aktivnosti in vrsto umetniških delavnic ( EST, Gnosis, pevski zbor itd.). Sistem ocenjevanja temelji na skrbno izdelanih kriterijih. To pomeni, da je znanje vsakega dijaka ocenjeno na osnovi doseganja natančno določenih ravni znanja, ki se ne spreminjajo od enega do drugega izpitnega roka. Vsak predmet se ocenjuje z ocenami od 1 (najnižja) do 7 (najvišja). Zaključna ocena se oblikuje iz interno in eksterno ocenjenega znanja. Pridobitev diplome zahteva od dijaka, da doseže predpisane standarde in pogoje, med katerimi je tudi ta, da mora biti skupno število doseženih točk najmanj 24. Največje možno število točk (45) vsebuje tudi 3 dodatne točke, ki jih dijak lahko dobi za odlično napisan razširjeni esej in esej pri predmetu teorija spoznavanja. Dijaku, ki ne izpolni vseh zahtev za pridobitev diplome, ali tistemu, ki se odloči za manj kot šest predmetov, se podeli spričevalo oz. potrdilo za vsak opravljeni predmet. ŠOLA, KI ODPRE VSA VRATA. 10 G4 PROJECT WEEK G4 PROJECT WEEK, STUDENTS REPORT Every year the IB natural science departments Biology, Chemistry and Physics, organise G4 Project , where students along with their teachers, define quite a broad research topic. The hypothesis is then researched throughout by experiments in the science of biology, physics and chemistry. The end result of such an activity is to have a deeper understanding of the research topic, as well as, gaining new experience in the field of experimentation and field work together with students cooperating together. To make this project more challenging for the demands of the students, the G4 week is carried out in natural environments as field and experimental work. Finally, we must not forget that the students and teachers get to know each other even better and that they have fun together whilst doing sports or just socialising together. We conducted simple experiments, analyzed the water, took soil samples, hunted for bugs and counted plant species. Putting school work aside, it was Action time with cycling, rafting on the river Soča and taking photos. In the evenings we presented our work and played some games to make things even more interesting. Of course, we had some free time afterwards as well :). We hope that in the future, the IB programme will include even more activities of this kind. Maja in Tadej Petek, Tjaša Hertiš, IB2 SCHOOL WHICH OPENS ALL DOORS. 11 G4 PROJEKTNI TEDEN G4 PROJEKTNI TEDEN – DIJAKI POROČA JO V četrti skupini, naravoslovne vede biologija, kemija in fizika, vsako leto organizirajo project skupine 4, kjer dijaki skupaj z njihovimi učitelji, opredelijo široko zasnovan raziskovalni problem, ki ga raziščejo preko niza posamičnih eksperimentov z vidika fizikalnih , kemijskih in bioloških znanosti. Končni rezultat je poglobljeno poznavanje proučevane teme in pridobivanje novih veščin eksperimentalnega , terenskega in sodelovalnega dela. V želji, da bi takšen project bil za dijake izziv, se G4 projekt vedno izvaja v naravnem okolju in kot terenska oblika eksperimentalnega dela. Ob takšnih priložnostih se dijaki in profesorji še bolje spoznajo, saj ne manka zabavnih in duhovitih trenutkov ter druženja ob različnih športnih aktivnostih. Naredili smo preproste poskuse, analizirali vodo in zemljo, lovili žuželke in šteli rastline. V prostem času smo kolesarili, uživali v adrenalinskem raftingu in slikanju prečudovite pokrajine. Zvečer smo poročali o svojem delu in se igrali igre, da so bili večeri še bolj zanimivi. Upamo, da bodo dijaki mednarodne mature deležni takšnih in podobnih tednov še naprej. Maja in Tadej Petek, Tjaša Hertiš, MM2 ŠOLA, KI ODPRE VSA VRATA. 12 TOK WEEK TOK WEEK STUDENTS REPORT A WEEK OF TOK, BASEBALL AND HAIKU HOW DO YOU KNOW, THAT YOU KNOW? The annual MM1 TOK week is held at Planinka cottage on the Pohorje, hills outside Maribor, where students become familiar with the Theory of Knowledge and CAS (Creativity, Action, Service) core requirements. Students spend five days having TOK and Creativity lessons. In their free time students play different sports, read and entertain themselves. IB1 had a TOK week at Dom Planika on Pohorje. The purpose of this week was not only to learn the Theory of Knowledge, but also to get to know each other better since we were a “new” class. Every day, we started with TOK lessons. In Mr. Kert’s class we discussed about the different factors of understanding e.g history and language, and at prof. Rudl’s class we discussed science, proof (a word that we are not allowed to use), and about the truth. Afterwards we had some CAS activities with prof. Pečnik, where the final mission was to create a haiku until Thursday. We filled our afternoons with sports. By the end of the TOK week, IB1 had found its passion – baseball. We spent every single free minute on the field. At the end of the week we were playing like professionals. Thursday was the final night and we saved the best things for the end. We read poetry with candles in our hands, present Monty Python sketches, sang, drank tea and watched photos from the whole week. TOK week ended sooner that we wanted, but nevertheless we learned how to play baseball, to write a haiku, names of our schoolmates and questioned the big importance for our lives: How do we know that we know? Manja Munda, IB1 SCHOOL WHICH OPENS ALL DOORS. 13 TOK TEDEN TOK TEDEN, DIJAKI POROČA JO TEDEN TOK, BASEBALLA IN HAIKU KAKO VEMO, DA VEMO? Vsako leto dijaki MM1 preživijo ‘TOK-teden’ na CŠOD Planinka na Pohorju, kjer se prvič podrobneje seznanijo s posebnimi zahtevami programa mednarodne mature TOK in CAS. Prosti čas pa je namenjen športnim aktivnostim, branju, druženju in zabavi. ‘TOK-teden’ je potekal na Pohorju v CŠOD Planinka. Glavni namen tega tedna ni bil samo seznanitev s predmetom, ampak tudi spoznati nove sošolce in sošolke. Dan smo začeli s predmetom. Gostujoči profesor Gorazd Kert nam je predstavil različne faktorje razumevanja zgodovine in jezika. S profesorjem Rudlom smo razpravljali o znanosti, dokazih (beseda, ki je ne smemo uporabljati) in resnici. Popoldan smo preživeli s profesorjem Pečnikom, kjer smo izvajali CAS aktivnosti; pisali haiku, pili japonski čaj, peli, plesali in igrali Monty Python skeče. Odkrili smo tudi razredni šport – baseball. ‘TOK-teden’ se je končal prej, kot smo si želeli. Osvojili smo haiku, imena naših sošolcev in za nas pomembno vprašanje: kako vemo, da vemo? Manja Munda, MM1 ŠOLA, KI ODPRE VSA VRATA. 14 ADMISSION TO THE IB PROGRAMME FOREIGN STUDENTS Every year international students from the former Yugoslav Republics, who receive a grant from the Slovenian national agency Slovene Human Resources Development and Scholarship Fund, and are enrolled in the IB programme. Admission requirements: f Students from 16 to 17 years of age f Completion of the second year of the secondary school (four-year) programme f At least ‘Very Good’ grade in the first and second year of high school f At least ‘Very Good’ grade in the respective Mother tongue, Mathematics and English f Active participation in extracurricular activities in the fields of culture and sport, as well as active participation in competitions (national, Olympiad) and research work in different areas, such as mathematics, languages, science, computer science and other SCHOOL WHICH OPENS ALL DOORS. Documents that need to be enclosed: f Application form f A photocopy of the candidate’s first year’s final certificate and the second year ‘report card’ f Evidence of participation and achievement in extracurricular activities and competitions The application form, which can be found at II. gimnazija, Mednarodna matura webpage :, along with the required documentation should be sent as a registered consignment, specified on the envelope, the deadline being 15th April: II. gimnazija Maribor Trg Miloša Zidanška 1 2 000 Maribor The final selection will be made by the school and will be based on individual interviews with the candidates in May and June. Incomplete applications, as well as applications received after the deadline, will not be taken into consideration. The students will be notified of the results by the end of June. II. gimnazija Maribor will enroll 9 foreign students. 15 SPREJEM V PROGRAM MEDNARODNE MATURE SLOVENSKI DIJAKI Prijava za vpis in roki. Prijava naj vsebuje: obrazec; f fotokopijo spričevala 1. letnika in obvestila o uspehu v drugem letniku; f dokazila. Dijaki oddajo svojo vlogo na posebnem obrazcu, ki ga najdejo na spletni strani mednarodne mature II. gimnazija Maribor Zainteresirani dijaki dobijo podrobne informacije o samem programu tudi pri koordinatorju mednarodne mature na šoli. Prijavo z zahtevano dokumentacijo morajo dijaki poslati priporočeno najkasneje do 31. marca na naslov: II. gimnazija Maribor Trg Miloša Zidanška 1 2 000 Maribor Dokončna izbira med kandidati bo opravljena na šoli, na podlagi osebnega pogovora s kandidati, v mesecu maju. Nepopolnih prijav in prijav, ki bodo prispele po roku, ne bomo upoštevali. O izbiri bodo dijaki obveščeni do konca maja. V program mednarodne mature vpisujemo 20 dijakov. f Vsako leto je za program mednarodne mature razpisanih 20 mest za dijake s slovenskim državljanstvom. Program je na voljo tudi tujim državljanom. Program je primeren in priporočljiv za dijake, ki imajo dobre akademske sposobnosti, so motivirani za delo in si želijo izziva, ki bo preizkušnja sposobnosti in zrelosti. Pogoji za sprejem: f starost od 16. do 17. let; f končan drugi letnik srednje šole (štiriletni program); f najmanj prav dober splošni učni uspeh; f najmanj prav dober učni uspeh predmet materni jezik, angleščina in matematika; f aktivno vključevanje v izvenšolske dejavnosti na področju kulture in športa ter udeležba na različnih tekmovanjih (državnih, olimpijadah) iz znanja matematike, jezikov, naravoslovja, računalništva in podobno. Od dijakov se pričakuje, da so pripravljeni dobro delati in so sposobni učinkovito izrabiti čas. ŠOLA, KI ODPRE VSA VRATA. UNIVERSITY ADMISSION SPREJEM NA UNIVERZO In Slovenia, students are admitted to universities on the basis of the points they achieve in completing the diploma. IB Diploma holders gain admission to universities throughout the world. These include the most prominent European and American universities. Former IB students are currently studying at Oxford, Cambridge, Stanford, Harvard, and other foreign universities. V Sloveniji se lahko dijaki vpišejo na obe univerzi na osnovi doseženih točk diplome MM. Imetnik diplome MM lahko kandidira za vpis na univerze povsod po svetu, vključno z najeminentnejšimi evropskimi in ameriškimi univerzami. Dijaki, ki so končali program mednarodne mature na II. gimnaziji Maribor, so sedaj uspešni na tujih univerzah, kot so Univerza v Oxfordu, Cambridgeu, Stanfordu, Harvardu in drugje. Šola, ki odpre vsa vrata. 1VCMJTIFECZ*[EBMBJO[BMPäJMB**HJNOB[JKB.BSJCPS*WBO-PSFOƦJƦt&EJUPS6SFEOJDB1PMPOB7FIPWBSt5FDIOJDBM&EJUPS5FIOJƦOJVSFEOJL 4BÝBʔ.JLJƥʔt-BOHVBHFʔFEJUJOH-FLUPSJSBMB(PSB[E#FSBOJƦTMPWFOÝƦJOB (FPSHF:FPNBOBOHMFÝƦJOB t&OHMJTIUSBOTMBUJPO1SFWPEWBOHMFÝƦJOP 7FTOBʔ4FOJDB1PMPOBʔ7FIPWBSʔt1IPUPHSBQITCZ'PUPHSBmKF**HJNOB[JKB.BSJCPS.BUFWä3VEMt%FTJHOBOE-BZPVU0CMJLPWBOKFJOQSFMPNNBYMIBJEt 1SJOUFECZ5JTL'MPSKBOƦJƦUJTL.BSJCPSʔt.BSJCPS GLAVNI POKROVITELJ II. GIMNAZIJE SI-2000 Maribor, Trg Miloša Zidanška 1 T: +386 2 33 04 430, F: +386 2 33 04 440 E: [email protected] [email protected],
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