Predmet: Course Title: OPIS PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS 2014/2015 E-REŠITVE ZA MANAGEMENT ODNOSOV S STRANKAMI CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT (CRM) E-SOLUTIONS Študijski program Study programme UNI-Ekonomske in poslovne vede UNI-Economic and business sciences Študijska smer Study field EP Ostale usmeritve Letnik Year Semester Semester 3. 5. Obvezni/Izbirni Vrsta predmeta/Course type: Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University subject code: Predavanja Lectures 30 Seminar Seminar Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Jeziki: S Languages: S Sem. vaje Tutorial Lab. vaje Labor work 30 Teren. vaje Field work Samost. delo Individ. work 120 ECTS 6 Doc. dr. Simona Sternad Zabukovšek Predavanja / Lecture: Doc. dr. Simona Sternad Zabukovšek Vaje / Tutorial: Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Prerequisits: Vsebina: Predmet tvorijo naslednje teme: Uvod v rešitve za upravljanje odnosov s strankami (CRM) Pred in po prodajni procesi v CRM rešitvah Globalni ponudniki (SAP, Microsoft, Salesforce …) in domači ponudniki rešitev CRM Rešitve CRM za različne velikosti podjetja in branţe Izbira rešitve CRM Uvajanje rešitve CRM Uporaba in vzdrţevanje rešitev CRM Študije primerov izbire, uvedbe in uporabe rešitev CRM v praksi Povezava rešitev CRM z drugimi poslovnimi informacijskimi rešitvami (ERP, SCM, HRM …) Rešitvi: CRM modul v SAP ERP in Microsoft Dynamics CRM Trendi na področju rešitev CRM (rešitev CRM kot storitev, socialni CRM itd.) Content (Syllabus outline): Course consists of following topics: Introduction to CRM solutions Business processes in CRM solutions Global and local vendors of CRM solutions CRM solutions for different size of company and industries Selection of CRM solutions Implementation of CRM solutions Use and maintainance of CRM solutions CRM implementation cases in p Integration of CRM solutions with other information solutions (ERP, SCM, HRM …) CRM modul in SAP ERP solution Microsoft Dynamics CRM Trends on area of CRM solutions (SaaS CRM, social CRM …) One of the CRM solutions (Microsoft Dynamics CRM) will be presented in more details and students will practical work with it at computer lab. V okviru predmeta bo podrobneje predstavljena ena izmed rešitev CRM (Microsoft Dynamics CRM), s katero bodo študentje praktično delal. Temeljni študijski viri / Textbooks: Sternad Simona, Bobek Samo: E-rešitve za upravljanje odnosov s strankami – Microsoft Dynamics CRM – zapiski predavanj, EPF Kostojohn Scott, Johnson Mathew, Paulen Brian: CRM Fundamentals, Apress, 2011 Finnegan David, Willcocks Leslie P.: Implementing CRM: From Technology to Knowledge, John Wiley Series in Infomation Systems, 2007 Cilji in kompetence: Študenti pri tem predmetu: 1. Utrdijo in nadgradijo teoretično znanje na področju rešitev za upravljanje odnosov s strankami 2. Se usposobijo uporabljati teoretično znanje na konkretnih primerih uvajanja rešitev za upravljanje odnosov s strankami 3. Osvojijo pristope izbire in uvajanja rešitev za upravljanje odnosov s strankami 4. Usvojijo nadgradnjo osnovnih teoretičnih spoznanj na področju informacijskih sistemov Objectives and competences: In thiscourse students: 1. Enhance their theoretical knowledge in the field of customer relationship management solutios and are able to apply it. 2. Gain the ability to apply their theoretical knowledge in practice in the customer relationship management solutions field. 3. Acquire approaches to select and implement customer relationship management solutions 4. Acquire advanced knowledge of basic theoretical approaches in the field of information systems Predvideni študijski rezultati: Znanje in razumevanje: Študenti: 1. Obvladajo specifično znanje s področja uvajanja rešitev za upravljanje odnosov s strankami 2. Pridobijo poglobljeno znanje na področju rešitve Microsoft Dynamics CRM in SAP ERP – modul CRM 3. Se naučijo prepoznavati informacijske povezave na področju procesov e-poslovanja. 4. Razvijejo sposobnost interpretacije dobljene rešitve za upravljanje odnosov s strankami na področju njene uvedbe. 5. Se naučijo analizirati in sintetizirati različne poglede na uvajanje rešitev za upravljanje odnosov s strankami 6. Se usposobijo za nadaljnje proučevanje na področju uvajanja informacijske podpore rešitvam za upravljanje odnosov s strankami 7. Se usposobijo za spremljanje in nadziranje uvajanja rešitev za upravljanje odnosov s strankami 8. Se zavedajo širših etičnih druţbenih in okolijskih vprašanj na področju uvajanja rešitev za upravljanje odnosov s strankami Intended learning outcomes: Development of knowledge and understanding: Students: 1. Acquire specific knowledge in the field of CRM solutions 2. Have a detailed knowledge of theories in the field of Microsoft Dynamics CRM and SAP ERP – module CRM 3. Learn to recognise information interconnections in the field CRM solutions. 4. Develop the skills to interpret the gained results in the field of CRM solutions implementation. 5. Learn how to analyse and synthesise different approaches in the field of CRM solutions implementation. 6. Are able to pursue further analysis regarding CRM solution implementation 7. Are qualified to control and supervise the implementation of CRM solutions 8. Can demonstrate awareness of wider social and environmental ethical issues in areas of CRM solutions support implementation Kognitivne/Intelektualne veščine Študenti 1. Pridobijo razumevanje in uporabo kritične analize in razvoja teorij ter njihove uporabe v reševanju konkretnih strokovnih problemov, ob upoštevanju osnovnih usmeritev. 2. Pridobijo sposobnost iskanja in sinteze novih informacij s področja uvajanja rešitev e-poslovanja v literaturi in praksi. 3. Se naučijo povezovanja različnih znanj in postopkov ter pomena uporabe strokovne literature. 4. So sposobni izbrati ustrezno metodo za pridobitev rešitve problema ter znajo presoditi o pomenu in značilnosti zbranih podatkov. 5. Znajo identificirati problem iz različnih zornih kotov. Cognitive/Intellectual skills: Students: 1. Understand and apply critical analysis and theory development and their usability in solving real professional problems, with minimum guidance. 2. Get the ability to search for and synthesize new information from the field of e-business solutions implementation in literature and praxis. 3. Synthesize different knowledge and procedures and are aware of importance of use of professional literature. 4. Can select appropriate techniques for problem solving and are able to evaluate the importance and significance of data. 5. Can identify key aspects of problem from different view points. Ključne/prenosljive veščine in spretnosti Študenti: 1. Dalje razvijajo veščine in spretnosti v uporabi znanja na svojem konkretnem strokovnem delovnem področju. 2. Nadgrajujejo sposobnost samostojnega učenja. 3. Nadgrajujejo sposobnost uporabe informacijske tehnologije. 4. Nadgrajujejo sposobnost in spretnost dela v parih in skupinah. 5. Razvijajo komunikacijske sposobnosti za učinkovito strokovno komuniciranje. Key/Transferable skills Students: 1. Further develop skills and expertise in the use of knowledge in a specific working area. 2. Upgrade the ability to become an autonomous learner. 3. Upgrade the ability to apply information technology. 4. Upgrade the ability to work in pairs and groups. 5. Further develop their communication skills in an effective manner to effectively and professionally communicate. Praktične veščine: Študent: 1. Pridobi praktične izkušnje na področju Microsoft Dynamics CRM. 2. Lahko deluje dokaj samostojno, ob podanih navodilih in delnem nadzoru. Practical skills: Students: 1. Get practical experience in the field of Microsoft Dynamics CRM. 2. Are able to act autonomously with defined guidelines and certain level of supervision. Metode poučevanja in učenja: - predavanja; - analiza primerov; - diskusija; - programirano učenje; - praktične vaje in naloge; - projekt Learning and teaching methods: - lectures; - case analysis; - discussion; - programmed learning; - practical exercises and assignments; - project work Načini ocenjevanja: - pisni izpit; - kratka seminarska naloga; - kolokvij v računalniški učilnici Delež (v %) / Weight (in %): 40% 20% 40% Assessment: - written examination; - coursework; - practical work; Vsa delna preverjanja morajo biti pozitivna. Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references: 1. DEŢELAK, Zdenko, STERNAD, Simona, BOBEK, Samo. Comparative analysis of e-business implementation critical success factors. V: GRIČAR, Joţe (ur.). E-region in e-Europe, (Organizacija, Letn. 39, 2006, št. 3). Kranj: Moderna organizacija, 2006, str. 169-175. 2. BOBEK, Samo, STERNAD, Simona. Success factors for e-transformations of organizations. Indian journal of applied research, [3] str. 3. BOBEK, Samo, STERNAD, Simona. E-business in global environment. V: MURTHY, P. G. K. (ur.), GARG, Amita (ur.), TIKYANI, Vijayanti (ur.), AGGARWAL, Akshai (ur.). Second International Conference on "Meeting the Challenges of a Globalised Market : Perspectives of Corporates, Financial Institutions, Governments, Educational Institutions and Civil Societies", Ahmedabad, India, on 23rd, 24th & 25th January, 2013. Meeting the challenges of a globalised market : perspectives of corporates, financial institutions, governments, educational institutions and civil societies. New Delhi: Excel India, 2013, str. 30-37. 4. DRELICHOWSKI, Ludosław, BOBEK, Samo, STERNAD, Simona. Methodological aspects and case studies of business intelligence applications tools in knowledge management, (Studies & Proceedings of Polish Association for Knowledge Management, 59). Bydgoszcz: Polish Association for Knowledge Management, 2012. 227 str., ilustr. ISBN 978-83-920375-1-4. 5. DEŢELAK, Zdenko, BOBEK, Samo, STERNAD, Simona. Management issues in e-business implementation: what do matter and when. V: SHARMA, Basu (ur.), QUN, Zhan (ur.), DAOPING, Wang (ur.). Asia and the changing global economy. [Compact disc ed.]. Fredericton: Management Futures, 2006, str. 894-905.
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