Midlertidige reisebevis for reiseforsikring

Midlertidige reisebevis
for reiseforsikring
Fyll inn forsikringstakers navn og avtalenummeret reiseforsikringen din står på.
Hvis du har familieforsikring kan du skrive ut et kort per navn.
Familieforsikringen gjelder for:
• forsikringstaker
• forsikringstakers ektefelle/samboer, med samme folkeregistrerte adresse som forsikringstaker
• forsikringstaker og forsikringstakers ektefelle/samboers barn under 21 år, som fortsatt bor hos
en av sine foreldre.
Skriv deretter ut arket, og klipp ut kortet langs den stiplede linjen.
The holder of this card is insured for reasonable, customary and usual
expenses in connection with acute illness/sudden injury and/or repatriation.
Compensation will be paid for medical fees, cost of hospitalisation and necessary hospital treatment resulting from acute illness or accident.
In the event of hospitalisation or possible necessary repatriation, please
contact our emergency centre immediately:
Tryg Alarm, SOS International, Nitivej 6,
DK-2250 Fredriksberg, Denmark.
Telephone +45 70 26 20 07. Telefax +45 70 26 20 08.
E-mail: [email protected]
Telephone +47 800 33 433 (08:00–18:00). Telefax +47 55 26 29 85
The holder of this card is insured for reasonable, customary and usual
expenses in connection with acute illness/sudden injury and/or repatriation.
Compensation will be paid for medical fees, cost of hospitalisation and necessary hospital treatment resulting from acute illness or accident.
Tryg Forsikring - 042292 - 06.2014
In the event of hospitalisation or possible necessary repatriation, please
contact our emergency centre immediately:
Tryg Alarm, SOS International, Nitivej 6,
DK-2250 Fredriksberg, Denmark.
Telephone +45 70 26 20 07. Telefax +45 70 26 20 08.
E-mail: [email protected]
Telephone +47 800 33 433 (08:00–18:00). Telefax +47 55 26 29 85
Travel insurance
C overage World wide, including family
Tryg Alarm 24/7 Emergency Centre
telephone +45 7026 2007
Meld skade w ww.tryg.no/meld-skade eller +47 (915) 04040
Travel insurance
C overage World wide, including family
Tryg Alarm 24/7 Emergency Centre
telephone +45 7026 2007
Meld skade w ww.tryg.no/meld-skade eller +47 (915) 04040
Tryg Forsikring | Folke Bernadottes vei 50 | P.O. Box 7070 | NO-5020 Bergen | Norway | (+47 915) 04040 | www.tryg.no | Register of Business Enterprises
NO 989 563 521 MVA | Branch of Tryg Forsikring A/S | Danish Commerce and Companies Agency | CVR No. 24260666 | Klausdalsbrovej 601 | DK-2750 Ballerup | Denmark