The Word - October 2014 Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Romans 10:17 the word Sts. Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Church Andover, MA October 2014 There are several ministries and activities taking place this month. Check the calendar for dates and get engaged. In the month of October, a very important Gospel message of the Orthodox Church will be the story of Christ the Sower. Please read this very edifying message by Fr. Theodore Stylianopoulos, Professor of New Testament. Parents: Sunday school, JOY, GOYA, the Youth Choir and Greek school are underway. Call the church for information on how to get your child connected. When you look at a seed from the outside, or touch it, it appears hard, dry, perhaps even dead and incapable of producing anything. But place it in the ground, give it water and warmth, and life begins to stir. The outer shell dies but the inner kernel comes alive by the mysterious forces of growth. The inner powers of the kernel are released when the seed is in proper soil and receives adequate moisture. The kernel germinates and new life begins. As long as nourishment is provided, growth continues. From the seed comes a flower, a plant, or a tree, each of which was present only potentially in the seed. Women’s Faith & Fellowship October 3 - 9 -10:30am Morning Meditations October 8 - 10-11 am Bread for Life Bible Study October 29- 7 - 8:30 pm General Assembly will take place on Sunday, November 16. Is the miracle of growth manifest in human beings, too? Yes, by all means. Not only our physical being but also our spiritual being has the potential of miraculous growth. Physical growth is practically spontaneous and automatic. Yet physical growth, too, requires adequate nourishment and suitable environment. Spiritual growth is neither spontaneous nor automatic. Spiritual growth requires the exercise of personal freedom through intellectual, moral and spiritual decisions, commitments and actions. But spiritual growth, too, surely needs a proper environment and constant nourishment to flourish. In the Parable of the Sower (Lk 8:5-15), Jesus teaches that both seed and soil are necessary for growth. Both seed and soil need proper interaction to produce satisfying crop. The seed is likened to the word of God. The soil is the life and heart of each human being. The parable tells us that much seed is lost when falling into unreceptive soil. However, when seed and soil connect and interact properly, astonishing growth occurs. “And some fell into good soil and grew, and yielded a hundredfold.” What do we mean by the seed of the word of God? What is God’s “word?” Any human word, spoken or written, conveys meaning. Many words together express a message, various forms of communication from one person to another. Words and messages reflect the mind and character of the one from whom they come. In a similar way, God’s word is God’s utterance, God’s speech, God’s message. God’s words convey precious knowledge that God wants human beings to know and live by. “I am the Lord your God; you shall have no other gods before me” (Ex 20:2-3). “Seek first God’s kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” (Mt 6:33). “Love one another as I have loved you” (Jn 13:34). “Who ever would be great among you must be your servant; for the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve and to give His life for many” (Mt 20:26-28). Get news of additional events and announcements via email. Go to the church web site and sign up to be on our LISTSERV All those divine words are not merely abstract principles, arbitrarily established, just to test human obedience and keep people in their place. Rather, they make up essential instruction that is intrinsic to human nature. They are food and drink natural to our humanity as personal and moral beings created in the image and likeness of God. (Continued on page 2) 1 The Word - October 2014 A SEED CONTAINS A MIRACLE! Fr. Christopher Makiej, Parish Priest Dn. Sal Fazio Parish Deacon Buzz Stapczynski, President John Terzakis, Vice President Jim Panagas, Secretary Robert Trant, Treasurer Chris Alexandrou Dylan Archambault Spiro Christopulos Jim Demetroulakos Maria Gudinas Jean Koulouris Nicholas Miminos David Murphy Valerie Murphy Peter Souhleris Anthony Warren Church Office Karen Davies Office Assistant Anita Stratigakis Philoptochos Sandra Spanos Johnson, President Chanter Telly Papanikolaou Choir John Fugarino, Director Organist David Harvey Altar Boy Captain Basil Vergados Sunday School Dorothy Hatzikonstantis, Director Greek School Voula Nikitas Christian Lending Library Patti George, Director GOYA Advisors Connie Vergados GOYA President Basil Vergados JOY Advisor Patty Trant YouthChoir/Women’sFellowship Pres. Katerina Makiej Book Store Manager Elaine Demetroulakos Internet Ministry Christopher Primes AHEPA Steven Pithis Daughters of Penelope Nancy Pantazopoulos College Fellowship Telly Papanikolaou Young Professionals Ministry Nicholas Miminos Facilities George Perakis Archons James Lolos Telly Papanikolaou The Word Elizabeth Xaros Bigelow, Editor (Continued from page 1) When those divine words are wholeheartedly embraced and faithfully practiced, they become “life-bearing” and “life-giving.” They generate light and life because they guide to right and harmonious relationships between God and people, between people and people, as well as between people and creation. They are like seeds which, when falling into good soil, grow and yield a hundredfold. Moreover, God’s word is not only instruction and guidance. God’s word discloses God’s character and power. God’s word both announces and enacts who God is, what He has done, and what He is doing even now. God cannot be separated from His word. God’s word is always the vehicle of God’s holy presence and creative power. In Genesis we read that God said: “’Let there be light!’ And there was light.” The prophets in the Old Testament likened God’s word to a powerful hammer that strikes and breaks rock, that is, the hardness of human hearts and the hardness of human communities, in judgment and for healing. The Book of Hebrews declares: “The word of God is living and active, sharper than a two-edged sword, piercing to soul and spirit, … and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart” (Heb 4:12). Even more astonishing is that Christ himself, according to the New Testament, is the Word of God— Logos Theou—the supreme self-revelation of God—who God is, what He has done, and what He continues to do today. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God … In Him was light and the light was the life of all people. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it” (Jn 1:1-5). Of course those words point to the core message of the Christian faith, the good news of the gospel. The good news is that God in Christ has broken humanity’s bondage to the powers of sin, evil, and death. God in Christ actualizes His love and forgiveness for sinners. God in Christ offers to every man and woman a new start, a new order of life, a life of grace and truth. Because of the divine nature and blessings of the gospel, St. Paul variously calls the gospel itself the word of God, the word of Christ, the word of grace, the word of reconciliation, the word of truth. When the gospel of Christ is wholeheartedly announced, the announcement does not merely inform but also mediates Christ and His blessings. Christ in His holiness and power is present in His word. When the good news is heard and embraced, human hearts are stirred and human lives change. The gospel “is the power of God for salvation to every one who believes” (Rom 1:16). When falling into good soil, the gospel takes root and grows, and yields a hundredfold. Nevertheless, if the soil is not conducive to growth, the seed of the word of God remains inactive and powerless. Seeds cannot take root on the hard path. Seeds cannot last in rocky ground lacking adequate moisture. Seeds cannot flourish among weeds. Jesus tells us (Lk 8:11-15) that the hard path is a faithless heart, a heart that hears but pays no true heed to God’s word. The rocky ground is a heart that initially receives God’s word but later loses endurance when trials and temptation come. The soil with weeds is a heart filled with worldly cares and distractions that seem to swallow up God’s word. Lack of faith, lack of endurance, and lack of spiritual focus—those indeed are the negative elements of the infertile soil that cancel out the miracle of the seed. We know all about those elements because we face them every day. We need to be humbly mindful that all of us at various times have exemplified the hard path, the rocky ground, or the soil with weeds. What we need much more is to concentrate on building up good soil. Christ the Sower is forever faithful, enduring, and active through his mighty and life-giving word. What men and women need to do is respond in kind; to offer to Him the soil of “an honest and good heart” (Lk 8:15). The parable clearly identifies the negative elements of the unproductive soil—lack of faith, lack of endurance, lack of spiritual focus. But the parable also powerfully suggests the opposite elements, the contrasting positive qualities of the honest and good heart. Those are lively faith, patient endurance, and the focus of an active Christian worldview. The Lord warned: “He who has ears to hear, let him hear” (Lk 8:8). But the Lord also gives assurance that, when falling on good soil, the seed of God’s word takes deep root, grows bountifully and yields blessings beyond imagination. Praise, thanksgiving, and glory be to Christ the eternal Sower. Amen. 2 The Word - October 2014 Philoptochos Daughters of Penelope Philoptochos is in the final preparation stage for our Trivia Night fundraiser on October 18th. Last year’s was almost a complete sell out so make sure you buy your tickets early. You can buy them at coffee hour or see any member for them. Don’t forget that there will be a silent auction as well. Cash or check only for that. Did you know that the Daughters of Penelope was established in 1929 as one woman’s dream to create a woman’s organization? As a member of the AHEPA Family, its core objectives are to promote Hellenism, Education, Philanthropy, Civic Responsibility, and Family and Individual Excellence. The most prominent cause supported by Daughters is Penelope House, a shelter for victims of domestic violence and their children. These shelters are located throughout the country, including Massachusetts. Today the Daughters of Penelope is a leader in philanthropic, educational and cultural activities with chapters across the US and abroad; the most local chapter is our own Pallas Chapter #330. Many thanks to those who supported our “lunchless luncheon” fundraiser for the Hellenic College/Holy Cross. Do you have any shoes or sandals that you don’t wear any more? Bring them to church and put them in our Shoebox Recycle carton in the atrium. We will then ship them on to go to those in need. Shoes and sandals should be in good condition, i.e., no holes or tears. Please, no big winter boots, UGG boots, rubber boots, ice or roller skates, slippers, or flip-flops. This fundraiser will be ongoing throughout the year. Our Chapter’s first meeting of the year began with the installation of officers: Nancy Pantazopoulos-President, Nancy Patsios-Vice-President, Kathy Kambourakis-Treasurer, Felicia Roumeliotis-Recording Secretary, Chrysa MastromarinoCorresponding Secretary I hope to see you all on the 18th!! We’re thrilled to announce that Pallas Chapter #330 has been chosen as ‘Charity of the Month’ by Not Your Average Joe’s. All are welcome to join the Daughters on October 7th, or dine at NYAJ any Tuesday in October at The Loop in Methuen. All proceeds of this month-long fundraiser will support our annual scholarship program. Please see enclosed flyer for more details. With Sisterly Love, Sandra We extend our thanks and gratitude to Elaine Kevgas for her tireless work and dedication to our chapter as president for the past ten years. Elaine will continue to serve as advisor. Thank you, also, to all Daughters who volunteered their time, talent and treasure to this year’s festival. We welcome new members! If you would like to join, please call Nancy Pantazopoulos at 617694-1359. Sunday School Sunday School Updates What a great showing for our first day of Sunday School! It is great to see all the students back and ready to learn more about Sincerely, our Orthodox faith! If you have not registered your child for Nancy Pantazopoulos Sunday School yet, please complete and put under the office door or mail it in! There are extra forms on the Sunday School bulletin board. This year we will also be teaching the students about the icons in our church and who each of the saints and depictions are. Sunday School Calendar Ahead: November 30 – No Sunday School, Thanksgiving weekend Saints Sophia, Faith, Hope and Love: Reading: These Saints were from Italy and contested for the Faith about the year 126, during the reign of the Emperor Hadrian. Faith was twelve years old, Hope, ten, and Love, nine; each was tormented and then beheaded, from the eldest to the youngest. Their mother Sophia mourned at their grave for three days, where she also fell asleep in peace; because of her courageous endurance in the face of her daughters' sufferings, she is also counted a martyr. The name Sophia means "wisdom" in Greek; as for her daughters' names, Faith, Hope, and Love (Charity), they are Pistis, Elpis, and Agape in Greek, and Vera, Nadezhda, and Lyubov in Russian. The Word Volume 16, Issue 8 Published monthly except August and January by Sts. Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Church, 71 Chandler Road Andover, MA 01810 Phone 978-470-0919 vFax 978-470-0239 Periodicals postage paid at Andover, MA. Permit No. 022-997. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Sts. Constantine & Helen Church. Jesus Loves You! Mrs. Hatzikonstantis Elizabeth Xaros Bigelow, Editor. [email protected] 3 The Word - October 2014 GOYA OFFICERS 2014-15 Sophia Alexandrou, Costas Vergados, Basil Vergados, Dimitri Brahos, Gabriella Goodwin and Crysanthe Pantazopoulos. festival volunteers that need signing off for community service hours can see one of the Goya officers or advisers. GOYA Hello all Goyans! The Goya year has now officially started and we have many exciting events planned for the year! This year we are also eager to maintain our "Attitude of Gratitude," therefore we invite everyone in grades 7-12 to attend our monthly Goya meetings in anticipation of our fall leaf raking service project and our annual fun, fall activity. As usual, Goya meetings are the third Sunday of the month, and youth Sundays are the first Sunday of the month. Everyone is welcome to come to church on youth Sunday to sing in the choir or read the epistle. God bless you all, and see ya soon! First, I'd like to extend a big thank you to all the Goyans who volunteered their time at our Annual Greek Festival! Our church's Festival is a wonderful opportunity for us to not only bond as a Goya, but as a parish while we all work together with Christ as our Heavenly Father! Some of the tasks included collecting and cleaning the trays, recycling cans and bottles, taking out the trash, serving food, passing out flyers, and much more. I was especially impressed by the tray crew this year as everyone picked up trays almost as quickly as they were placed down! It is traditional during the Greek Festival that the St. Constantine and Helen Goya tray crew be the most efficient and enthusiastic throughout the whole Diocese. I am proud to say that this year we not only upheld that tradition, but we brought an intensity and thrill that was truly unique to this generation of Goyans. Let us carry this fun attitude into our Goya year, that our fellowship might bring us closer to each other and closer to God. Once again, thank you all so much for your help! Any In Christ, Basil Vergados Goya President “Happiness can only be achieved by looking inward & learning to enjoy whatever life has and this requires transforming greed into gratitude.” -St. John Chrysostom 4 The Word - October 2014 Thank you to EVERYONE who volunteered, served, cooked and donated to our annual Greek Festival on September 13 & 14. Even though it rained a little bit on Saturday, we still had big crowds as so many people came to enjoy the festivities indoors and outside. A tremendous Thank you to our Festival Chairpersons: Jeanette and Chris Alexandrou! And also to Coordinators: Brian and Andrea Lynch. We are so grateful for their dedication and the many months of preparation they devoted to the success of our Festival! We also want to express our gratitude and thanks to the Festival Committee Leaders: Jim and Nancy Patsios, Bob Goodwin, Bill Budd, Paul Gianes, Dylan Archambault, George Xifaris, Terry Murphy, Martha Coravos, Peter Souhleris, Angie Chingris, Jim and Georgia Kiladis, Buzz Stapczynski, Lisa Primes, Bob Trant, Alysia Redard, Ed George, Chris Primes, Anna Vasilakis, Voula Nikitas, Karen Davies, Anita Stratigakis, Elaina Bates, Goya. Thank you also to all our Food Donors and Ad-book Sponsors! And also a special thanks to ALL who worked endless hours in the kitchen and at the various work stations. There were so many parishioners who gave their time to bake, clean, prep and serve. We are successful because of ALL of you – THANK YOU! 5 The Word - October 2014 General Assembly Our yearly General Assembly will be held on Sunday, November 16th following Liturgy. This gathering gives us the opportunity to review the past year, look at where we are today and plan for the the coming years. This is your church. Please attend and offer your thoughts on our future. Parish Council Nomination My brothers and sisters in the household of God – PARISH COUNCIL REQUIREMENTS Every steward of a Community who currently serves or plans to serve on the Parish Council should understand that doing so is a serious commitment of one’s time, talents and energy. He/she must be prepared to be especially active in the Parish during their time of service: they must be very visible in the life of the Parish, including its sacramental life, i.e., worshipping and receiving the Holy Sacraments frequently. Serving on the Parish Council is not similar to sitting on a business “Board of Directors”. We do not seek to join a Parish Council for purposes of prestige, but to offer dedicated ministry to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Church. The Parish Council is comprised of brethren who desire to serve selflessly and with deep humility. These individuals are respectful of the clergy and their fellow Parishioners as they offer service in a spirit of love, cooperation and unity. Parish Council members are expected to attend all its meetings, and to serve on a particular Service Team (i.e., as ushers) unless they teach in the Church school or chant in the choir. When not on active duty, they are expected to attend church services, thereby setting a good example for their fellow Parishioners. Consider what message is sent to the faithful who faithfully attend worship services when they notice Parish Council members are not in attendance. Every Parish Council member is assigned to a particular committee according to his/her talents and experience in a particular area of ministry. This requires a considerable commitment of time from every member of the Parish Council. It is both unrealistic and unfair to expect the entire work load to be assumed by only a handful of Parish Council members. Consequently, only those individuals in the community who are ready to commit themselves to sharing the responsibilities of a Parish Council should come forth to serve. Metropolitan Methodios -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PARISH COUNCIL NOMINATION FORM: If you feel called to serve the Church on the parish council and have read the above requirements, please send in this nomination form to the church office by NOVEMBER 4, 2014, and speak to Fr. Christopher if you would like more information. Name:_________________________________________________________________________________ Address:_______________________________________________________________________________ Phone: ________________________________________________________________________________ Email:_________________________________________________________________________________ 6 The Word - October 2014 JOY and Middlers It was so wonderful to see everyone at our first JOY and Middlers meeting! We successfully kicked off the 2014-2015 year with our first church meeting on Sunday, September 21st. The JOY/Middlers had a wonderful discussion with Deacon Gary about saints. The children learned why we pray to saints and how they intercede on our behalf, they then toured the church and talked about the icons in the church, and ended the meeting with an icon jeopardy game. Our next church meeting will be held on Sunday, November 16th. All meetings at the church will be held immediately after Sunday school from 12:00 – 1:15 pm in the large lower - level room of the church. In addition to the JOY/Middlers fellowship outings we will have special Middler outings this year that will be geared towards our fifth and sixth graders. Middlers are more than welcome to attend both the JOY outings and the Middler outings. The following fellowship outings have been scheduled for October: JOY/Middlers: Annual hayride and Giant Corn Maze at Crescent Farms in Haverhill, MA on Saturday, October 11th at 3:00 pm. Please join us for our annual hayride to the pumpkin patch to pick our own pumpkins. After the perfect pumpkin has been picked we will navigate through the giant corn maze and end our day with delicious Richardson’s ice cream. Parents and siblings are welcome to attend this outing. The cost for this event is: · $10.00 per child – this includes the hayride, a pumpkin, the corn maze, and ice cream · $5.00 per adult – adult price only includes the giant corn maze and hayride to the pumpkin patch If your child would like to attend, please RSVP to [email protected] by Friday, October 3rd. Middlers Outing: Haunted hay ride and Jack O’Lantern Jamboree at Witch’s Woods in Nashoba Valley, Westford, MA on Saturday, October 25th at 6:30 pm. Please join us for a 20 minute long haunted hayride and a walk through the Jack O’Lantern Jamboree (a collection of professionally carved pumpkins in a brightly lit display). The cost for this event is: $15 per person. This price includes the hayride, the jamboree and admittance to 3 haunted houses, if your Middler dares. Hayride is appropriate for ages 6 and up so younger siblings may attend. If your Middler would like to attend, please RSVP to [email protected] by Sunday, October 12th. We need a minimum of 15 people in order to get the special group rate, so please let me know sooner than later if you plan to attend. In Christ, Patty Trant 7 The Word - October 2014 PLEASE SUPPORT DAUGHTERS OF PENELOPE SCHOLARSHIP FUNDRAISER We serve creative cuisine. And worthy causes. Present this certificate to your server and your cause will receive 15% of your total purchase* every Tuesday during (month). *Excludes Alcohol, Tax and Gratuity PALLAS CHAPTER #330 DAUGHTERS OF PENELOPE LAWRENCE/ANDOVER 978-974-0015 THE LOOP 90 Pleasant Valley St. Methuen, MA 01844 Valid: October 7, 14, 21, 28 SUNDAY SCHOOL WINTER COAT DRIVE This fall, Sunday School will be participating in the Anton’s Coats for Kids winter coat drive. New OR gently loved warm winter coats of ALL SIZES (adults and childrens) will be collected from Sunday, October 12, 2014 through Sunday, December 28, 2014. Coats must be in good condition, without rips or stains and have a working zipper. The coats collected will be brought to Anton’s Cleaners where they will be cleaned free of charge and then distributed to those in our local community in shelters who do not have warm winter coats to wear. A collection box has been placed in the entryway leading into our Great Hall for you to drop off any coats that you may wish to donate. Please contact Angela Kulesza at (978) 821-9814 or [email protected] if you have any questions. Start cleaning out those closets for a good cause!!! HOSPITAL VISITATIONS As many of you know, with the new privacy laws, hospitals will not release information about patients. Therefore we depend on the families to contact our church when loved ones are in hospitals. Please contact Fr. Christopher at the Church office: 978-470-0919. “I AM THE VINE, YOU ARE THE BRANCHES” – MORTGAGE ELIMINATION CAMPAIGN. This month all parish families will receive a beautiful brochure outlining an exciting three year plan to eliminate our church mortgage by 2017, which is the 100th anniversary of the Parish. Look for your brochure in the mail very soon! PARISH FINANCES – did you know: · Every month our 15 member Parish Council reviews the parish’s financial reports in detail. · Every year, the parish annual budget is reviewed, discussed and voted upon at the General Assembly each November. All parishioners in good standing of the parish are invited to participate in this meeting, in addition to hearing about all the other ministry reports of the parish. 8 The Word - October 2014 στον Μεταξά και ζητούσε ο στρατός της Ιταλίας να καταλάβει στρατηγικά σημεία της Ο Άγιος Διονύσιος ο Αρεοπαγίτης καταγόταν Ελλάδας κάνοντας την άλλο ένα προτεκτοράτο του άξονα. Ο Ιωάννης από την πόλη των Αθηνών. Έζησε και μαρτύρησε τα χρόνια που αυτοκράτορας ήταν Μεταξάς απέρριψε το τελεσίγραφο με την ο Δομετιανός. Διακρίθηκε για τη φιλοσοφική φράση «Λοιπόν αυτό σημαίνει πόλεμο», θέση του κατάρτιση και τη βαθιά του καλλιέργεια. που εξέφραζε όλους τους Έλληνες. Το πρωί αυτό απευθύνεται ο Ιωάννης Μεταξάς στον Αρχικά ήταν ειδωλολάτρης και μέλος της Βουλής του Αρείου Πάγου. Το κήρυγμα όμως Ελληνικό λαό μέσω του ραδιοφώνου λέγοντας « Η στιγμή ήρθε που θα αγωνιστθούμε δια την του Αποστόλου Παύλου άγγιξε την ανεξαρτησία της Ελλάδος, την ακεραιότητα παιδευμένη και ευαίσθητη ψυχή του και και την τιμήν της. Μολονότι τηρήσαμε την βαπτίσθηκε. Αργότερα πλέον αυστηρή διαδέχθηκε στον ουδετερότητα, η Ιταλία μην επισκοπικό θρόνο των αναγνωρίζων σε εμάς να Αθηνών τον ευσεβή ζήσωμεν ως ελεύθεροι Ιερόθεο. Υπήρξε Έλληνες, μου ζήτησε την συγγραφέας πλήθους παράδοση τμημάτων του θεολογικών εθνικού μας εδάφους. συγγραμμάτων. ‘Ελληνες τώρα θα Επιβραβεύθηκε από τον αποδείξουμε ότι είμαστε Θεό για την χριστιανική άξιοι των προγόνων μας. του δράση με το χάρισμα Αγωνισθείτε για την να επιτελεί θαύματα. πατρίδα, τις γυναίκες, τα Περιόδευσε σε πολλά μέρη παιδιά μας τις ιερές της Δύσης, όπου κήρυττε παραδόσεις μας. Νυν υπέρ τον ευαγγελικό λόγο και πάντων ο αγών». Το ερμήνευε τις ιερές γραφές. πρώτο ελληνικό ανακοινωθέν της 28ης Όταν έφθασε στο Οκτωμβρίου που Παρίσι συνελήφθη και χαράκτηκε στις καρδιές αργότερα των Ελλήνων είναι¨Οι Ιταλικές στρατιωτικές αποκεφαλίσθηκε. Μαζί του μαρτύρησαν και δυο μαθητές του. Ο δυνάμες προσβάλουν απο τις 5¨30 το πρωί τα τμήματα της Ελληνοαλβανικής Μεθορίου. Αι ηγεμόνας της περιοχής έδωσε εντολή ημέτεραι δυνάμεις αμύνονται του πάτριου να μη θάψει κανείς τα άγια λείψανα εδάφους».Τελικά η σθεναρή αμυντική άμυνα των μαρτύρων, όμως κάποιοι των Ελλήνων αναγκάζει τον Μουσολίνι να χριστιανοί τα φύλαξαν και, όταν δεν παραδεχτεί την ήττα της Ιταλίας στις 26 υπήρχε πλέον φόβος τα ενταφίασαν Μαρτίου 1941. με τιμές. Η ελληνική νίκη όχι μόνο καθυστέρησε αλλά η Στις 28 Οκτωμβρίου 1940 και 3 η ώρα το άλλαξε εντελώς τα σχέδια του Χίτλερ. Η πρωί, ο ιταλός πρέσβης στην Αθήνα μετά από Ελλάδα ήταν η μόνη χώρα που αντιστάθηκε εντολή του Μουσολίνι παρέδωσε τελεσίγραφο στα σχέδια του άξονα. 3 Οκτωμβρίου 9 The Word - October 2014 10 The Word - October 2014 October 2014 Saints Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Church Sunday 5 Monday 6 Orthros 9:00 Liturgy 10:00 12 13 Orthros 9:00 Liturgy 10:00 Godparents’ Day 1 2 7 8 Morning Meditations 10-11 am 14 15 9 Friday Saturday 3 4 Women’s Faith & Fellowship 9:00-10:30 am Wedding 3:00 pm (Saragas) 10 11 Baptism 11:00 am (Bancroft) 16 17 18 Philoptochos Trivia Night Mens’ Ministry 7:00 pm 20 21 Greek School 4:30 pm GOYA 6:00 pm Parish Council Mtg. 7:15 pm 26 Thursday Greek School 4:30 pm Orthros 9:00 Liturgy 10:00 Orthros 9:00 Liturgy 10:00 Wednesday Greek School 4:30 pm Wedding 3:00 pm (Gulde) 19 Tuesday 27 22 23 24 Philoptochos Mtg. 7:00 pm 28 29 Greek School 4:30 pm Bread for Life Parish Bible Study 7-8:30 pm JOY/Middlers 12-1:00 pm 11 30 25 Baptism 11:00 am (Proctor) 31 The Word - October 2014 Periodical 12
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