TWENTY EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME OCTOBER 12 VIGIL 5PM LIVING AND DECEASED PARISHIONERS SUNDAY Is 25:6-10a; Phil 4:12-14, 19-20; Mt 22:1-14 or 22:1-10 8:00 LORETTA ROM/Debby/Joe & Matthew Olivyeri 10:30 DECEASED MEMBERS OF THE CLANCY FAMILY/Family MARIE & SUSAN JARKESY/Family 12:00 STEVEN GILBERTI/Celia Coltri 7PM JAMES FRANCIS ROSS/Mr. & Mrs. J. DeFilippis JAAMES ROSS/Kathleen Dubbels MONDAY – 10/13 – Columbus Day Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31—5:1; Lk 11:29-32 8:00 GLADYS SLEDGE/Mr. & Mrs. R. Calafiore PETER BROWN/Ruth Knapp TUESDAY – 10/14 – St. Callistus I, Pope & Martyr Gal 5:1-6; Lk 11:37-41 8:00 ANTHONY RIZZO/ Mr. & Mrs. R. Calafiore WEDNESDAY – 10/15 – St. Theresa Of Jesus, Virgin & Doctor of the Church Gal 5:18-25; Lk 11:42-46 8:00 JANINA WOJTOWICZ/ Fr. Dan & The IHM Parish Family THURSDAY - 10/16 – St. Hedwig. Religious, St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, Virgin Eph 1:1-10; Lk 11:47-54 8:00 JOHN MOTTOLE FRIDAY 10/17 – St. Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop & Martyr Eph 1:11-14; Lk 12:1-7 8:00 PAUL KIRALY/Mr. & Mrs. R. Podesfinski PETER BROWN/Marilyn Rama SATURDAY 10/18 – St. Luke, Evangelist 2 Tm 4:10-17b; Lk 10:1-9 9:00 MR. & MRS. NORMA & EDWARD KELLY/Fr. Dan VIGIL 5PM GIUSEPPE & FARA D’ANGELO/Mr. & Mrs. L. DiFulco EDWARD READING/Fr. Dan SUNDAY 10/19 - 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Is 45:1, 4-6; 1 Thes 1:1-5b; Mt 22:15-21 8:00 LIVING AND DECEASED PARISHIONERS 10:30 THERESA TANZI/Mr. & Mrs. Fioranelli JOSE BERMUDEZ/Fr. Dan & The IHM Parish Family 12:00 JAMES RAYMOND/The Martin Family PETER BROWN/Frank & Julie Boccabella 7PM JAMES FRANCIS ROSS/The Conn Family PRAY THE ROSARY WITH US Please join us to pray the rosary every morning after daily mass. And Every Monday night at 8 P.M. a small group gathers at the church to recite the Rosary. JOIN US! It takes less than ½ hour and is a wonderful way to end the day. PASTORAL VISITS TO HOSPITAL Because of privacy laws, the area hospitals no longer notify us when a parishioner has been admitted. If you would like to be visited by a priest, deacon or Minister of Communion, please call or have a FAMILY MEMBER call the rectory at 973-6943400 and let us know the hospital and room number. Also, call the rectory if you wish to be included in the Prayers of the Faithful at weekend Masses and the bulletin. THIS WEEK IN OUR PARISH Sunday, October 12: 8:30 – 10:30am – Rel. Ed – Mr/School 11:45 am - 1pm – 1st Eucharist Mtg. – MR 1:30pm – Baptisms - CH Monday, October 13: Columbus Day 6:30 – 8pm – Rel. Ed – MR/School 8pm – Novena – CH 8 – 9pm – B.S. Scouts Troop #192 PLC Mtg – MC Tuesday, October 14: 3:30 – 5:30pm – Rel. Ed – MR/School 7:30pm - Baptismal Prep – MC 8pm – K of C - MR Wednesday, October 15: 9:45am – Prayer Group – MR 12- 1pm – Zumba – MR 6:30 – 9pm – Spec. Olympics – Gym 7:30 – 9pm – RCIA Information Night – School Media Ctr. Thursday, October 16: 7 – 9:30pm – Choir - CH 7 – 9pm – Youth Ministry - MC Friday, October 17: 7 – 8:30pm Junior High Youth Ministry - MC Saturday, October 18: 4pm Confessions – CH 8 pm – AA – MR “A HISTORIC GATHERING” It certainly is not on the historic level of a Vatican Council, but as delegates of Cardinals, Bishops and Priests gather this week to begin the Extraordinary Synod on the Family in Rome, history is being made. Throughout history Cardinals, Bishops and Theologians have meet with the Pope to discuss pressing issues within the Church and Society. The documents that have been generated by these Synod meetings have enriched the Church with many pastoral insights. This time, however, it is very different. The Hall within the Vatican is filled with the usual assembly of Cardinals with their scarlet red zucchettos, Bishops in their pectoral crosses, and theologians with Roman collars, but this time the voice of the Faithful is part of the conversation. In anticipation of this vital meeting to discern the Church’s pastoral approach to the changing face of Family within society, for the first time in Church history, the laity was asked to express their feeling and opinions. Here at IHM, and throughout the Diocese of Paterson and the whole church, people in the pews were requested to fill out a questionnaire concerning their feelings about the Church’s approach to divorce and remarriage, same sex relationships, the challenges facing the institution of marriage, the pastoral role of the Church in evangelizing to the growing diversity of family structure. It is a challenging agenda. Certainly there should be no expectation of doctrinal changes. A Synod has no authority to make them. But from his opening remarks, Pope Francis has asked the assembled churchmen to be frank in their discussions and to speak from the heart on matters that do touch the hearts of so many people. At its core, the Church is always called to be pastoral. That can be challenging to an institution that is over 2000 years old with a hierarchy that is rooted in strong traditions. But the church is best ‘Church’ when it is lived in the local parish, open to the people who come in with their diversity, struggling with the myriad choices of life, at times in need of compassion and understanding, guidance and support. In my short time in ministry I have seen so many changes in the structure of the family. Ozzie and Harriet are hard to come by! But mingled with the transitional families are loving single parents, divorced couples who share the responsibility of raising their children, same sex couples who want their children to know the love of God, grandparents who have become parents once again by absorbing a child into their home . . . They are often in the pews or, if not, need to be welcomed with love. I am very excited about this meeting in Rome. I would love to be a “fly on the wall.” I pray for decisions that are pastorally compassionate and documents with language that is affirming of families that love. I pray for the insights of St. Paul who said, “Always speak the truth, but always speak it in love.” With love and blessings . . . Fr. Dan WELCOME You enter this Church… not as a stranger, but as a guest of God. God is your heavenly Father. Come, then, with joy in your heart and thanks on your lips into God’s presence, offering God your love and service. Be grateful to the strong and the loyal ones who, in the name of Jesus Christ, built this place of worship and to all who have beautified it and hallowed it with their prayers and praise. Ask God’s blessing on those who love this house of faith as the inspiration of their labor, rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit, and may that blessing rest on you, both on your going out and your coming in. PARISH MEMBERSHIP All adult Catholics should officially register in the parish. Young adults of working age should register independently of their parents even if ‘living at home’. We cannot serve you by issuing letters for sponsorship of Baptism, Confirmation, or Matrimony, nor give character references for teaching positions, etc. if we do not know you. All new members of our faith family are encouraged to come to the parish so we can meet you. Call the rectory for an appointment. Also, please notify the parish office of any changes in address, telephone number, or if you are leaving the parish. OFFERTORY COLLECTION To meet the needs of our parish family and to proclaim the Gospel of Christ Jesus: Budget requirements: $13,000 each WEEK - To offer our young people Youth Ministry experiences - To offer our children a faith-filled program of learning about Jesus and the Gospel - To worship with faith and grace at our Sunday Eucharist - To reach out to God’s people in need have support and care. Please remember the needs of our parish ministry in making your weekly offering. Thank you for all you do to enable the Gospel to touch the lives of God’s people. Last Sunday’s Collection - $12,945.00 THE FAMILY CORNER October 12 Mt 22: 1-14 Today’s gospel speaks about “unworthy wedding guests.” What makes a “worthy” guest? Presence and presents are not enough. The greatest gift we can give is support to the couple as they voyage through life together because marriage naturally contains within it the fields of disappointment. Think of the weddings you’ve attended. Have you been a “worth guest?” PRAY FOR THE SICK Please remember the sick and homebound of our parish family in your prayers during the week: Katherine Ryan, Bob Ryan, Mary Sudovar, Stan Bednarczyck, Donald Law, Vicki Marinaccio, Michael Gossinger, Anna Stadler & Kurt Spinner. “IT IS A HOLY AND WHOLESOME THING TO PRAY FOR THE DEAD” Please pray for the souls of the departed members of our parish family. PRAY TOGETHER …With THE CHILDREN OF GOD’S LIGHT Prayer Group. Women (and sometimes even men!) have been gathering – first in homes, then in the church vestibule, now in the Parish Meeting Room (every Wednesday at 9:45 AM) – to pray, sing, rejoice and worship the Lord for more than 25 years! You are invited to join them every week or any week that the Spirit so moves you. FEED THE HUNGRY In the past it has been our mission to take a food collection on the fourth Sunday of the month for the Fr. English Center in Paterson. During this past Lent we collected on a weekly basis and shared the food between the Fr. English Center and the Wayne Interfaith Food Pantry. It was wonderfully successful. Going forward the Food Collection Barrel will be in the vestibule permanently to receive donation that will be shared with both food pantries. Thank you for your care for those that go hungry in our community and our Diocese. _____________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ The RCIA assists adults on their faith journey to seek a relationship with the living God and enter a way of faith and conversation as the Holy Spirit opens their hearts. During this journey, at the proper time, they will receive the sacraments of Christian Initiation – Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. The group gathers weekly after the 10:30 AM Mass to break open the Word and is comprised of unbaptized adults, baptized adults from other Christian traditions, and Roman Catholics who have not celebrated Confirmation and possibly First Eucharist. These adults meet in a group setting with catechists who share faith through prayer, talks and discussions. Please share this ministry with anyone who you think may be interested and contact Joanne Calafiore at the rectory 973-694-3400 or [email protected]. You, too, can plant the seeds of faith with others! YOU ARE INVITED! Join us for a “COME AND SEE” an informal night about the RCIA. If you ever had any questions about the process or know someone who may be interested please join us and meet our team. Wednesday, October 15, 7:30 PM in the School Media Center. SAFE ENVIRONMENT “If any person may have been abused by any priest, they should immediately contact their local County Prosecutor’s Office and the Diocese’s Victims Assistance Coordinator: Peggy Zanello at 973-879-1489. You may also be in touch with either of the Diocesan Response Officers: Rev. Msgr. James T. Mahoney, Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia, 973-777-8818 Ext. 205 or Sister Mary Edward Spohrer, S.C.C., Chancellor/Delegate for Religious, 973-777-8818 Ext. 248. The entire text of the Policy of the Diocese of Paterson in Response to Complaints of Sexual Abuse is available on the diocesan Web site:”. MASS OF REMEMBRANCE You and your family are cordially invited to a Mass of Remembrance for your loved ones and all who have died this past year. On Saturday, November 8, 2014 @ 9:30am in Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, 580 Ratzer Road, Wayne, NJ. Reception will follow with light refreshments in the lower Meeting Room. Please R.S.V.P. with the number attending toJoanne Calafiore at [email protected] or call the rectory @ 973-694-3400. YOUR PARISH NEEDS YOUR GIFTS OF MINISTRY Please consider ministering in our parish as a Lector or Communion Minister. We are in need of your gifts and talents so the presence of Christ in Word and Sacrament can be experienced by all. Please call the rectory at 973-694-3400. HALLOWEEN COSTUMES Please donate your gently used or new Halloween costumes. They may be dropped off in the vestibule October 5th - October 12th. All costumes will be donated to local charities. In past years St. Joseph's WIC, Straight and Narrow & Eva's Shelter have enjoyed the costumes. Thank you so much! SEEKING A SPECIAL GIFT THE GIFT OF LIFE A fellow parishioner is in need of a kidney. It is not an easy decision to gift one, but for a person in critical need it is the gift of life. If anyone would be willing to consider becoming a donor, or know of anyone who would be willing, please contact Denise at (973) 519-5969. All medical and other expenses will be paid. Please keep this parishioner and his family, and all in need of organ donations in your prayers. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS Program Registration: RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES BEGAN ON SEPTEMBER 21ST!! Please contact Linda Sammartino (973-694-4891) immediately if you have not yet registered or if you have questions about our program. If you currently have a child in Kindergarten or Grade 1 in the public schools, please call for more information about faith formation. The time is now to begin your child’s faith journey. AMAZING AUTUMN AUCTION Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Saturday, November 15, 2014 580 Ratzer Road Item Preview & Silent Auction – 6PM Live Auction – 8PM Ticket Price - $25 Tickets available weekdays at the School Office Or call 973-694-1225 We are in need of donations of items to be auctioned. ZUMBA IS BACK! Zumba is a Latin inspired dance fitness class whose aim is to help build strength, improve motion and posture, and can be adjusted to a variety of ages. Rita Weiner is a certified Zumba instructor and a member of ZIN (Zumba Instructor’s Union). Classes have begun and continue on Wednesdays @ 12:00 p.m. in the Lower Meeting Room. The 1 hour class can be modified for YOU! Please wear sneakers, comfortable clothes and bring water. A $5 offering to the church is suggested for each class. PLEASE PARK AROUND THE BLESSED MOTHER’S STATUE….. DO NOT PARK IN LOWER OR UPPER LOTS AS THE CHILDREN PLAY THERE DURING RECESS. YOUTH MINISTRIES QUESTIONS or INQUIRIES about our programs for teenscontact Cathy by calling the rectory or email [email protected]. Confirmation THANK YOU to the many Confirmation candidates who donated consumable baby items (diapers, wipes, formula, shampoo, etc.) to our monthly charity Good Counsel Homes- a safe haven for single, pregnant young women. High School Youth Ministry for students in grades 9-12 meets Thursdays 2x/month Thursday, October 16th PAJAMA PARTY/GAME NIGHT wear your favorite pajama pants or sweats and bring your favorite board or card game from 7-9pm at Kilroy House (behind the Church). Join us for food, games and fun- BRING A FRIEND! Jr. High Youth Ministry Attention all 7th and 8th graders, Jr. High Youth Ministry meets the third Friday of the month at Kilroy House (behind the Church) at 7pm. Our first annual Fall Kickoff Scavenger Hunt will be held on Friday, October 17th from 7-8:30pm at Kilroy House. Join us for fellowship, food and fun… BRING A FRIEND! SWEETS FOR EVA’S Thank you to the IHM parishioners for your continued donations of health-candy bars, etc. to our collection for Eva’s Village in Paterson. May God bless you for your generosity! Share “n” Care Outreach St. Paul’s R.C. Church Prospect Park, NJ Fr. Robert Barron’s PRIEST, PROPHET, KING The better we understand Jesus, the better we understand ourselves. But who was Jesus, this itinerant preacher whom many called the Messiah? In Priest, Prophet, King, you’ll discover Jesus as the Anointed One–the ultimate priest, prophet, and king foreshadowed throughout the Hebrew Scriptures. Using biblical insights and engaging stories, Father Barron affirms that we see Jesus most clearly through the lens of the Old Testament. Through this presentation of Priest, Prophet, King, you will better understand Jesus, become more familiar with Scripture, and realize your own priestly, prophetic, and kingly mission. A 6 WEEK SERIES OF LECTURES ON DVD FOLLOWED BY DISCUSSION: Sunday – Oct. 19- Nov. 23, 9:00-10:00 AM IHM School Media Center Wednesday – Oct. 22- Nov. 26, 7:30 PM IHM School Media Center Thursday – Oct. 23- Dec. 4, 10:00 AM IHM Ministry Center (Kilroy House) NB: No meeting Nov. 27 Please contact me if you plan to attend or for more info contact Joanne Calafiore in the office or [email protected]. SETON HALL PREP OPEN HOUSE Seton Hall Preparatory School – New Jersey’s oldest Catholic prep school – will be hosting its annual Open House for 7th and 8th grade boys and their families on Sunday, October 19th between 12 and 3pm. Visitors will tour the campus, learn about the application process, and have the opportunity to meet with teachers, coaches, parents, and current students. For more information, please contact Michael T. Zinsmeister, Director of Admission at 9973) 325-6632. Or visit IHM’s first graders have been busy learning to adjust to a new classroom. There are new friends, new rules, desks to keep organized and lots to learn! The students have been busy writing personal narratives about a summer experience. We’ve been learning about each other as we become the audience and listen with attentive ears, as they are read to us. We have also met with our sixth grade buddies several times. We got to know them by creating paper T- shirts and filling the pockets with pictures of things we both like. These are on display outside our classroom. I think the first graders have gotten off to a great start! LITURGICAL ASSIGNMENTS FOR OCTOBER 18/19 TIME 5:00 8:00 10:30 12:00 7:00PM LECTOR K. Murray R. Connor T. McKenna M. Bombard P. Falato MINISTERS OF COMMUNION C. Cronk, P. Gorman, K. Rom H. Maravi, F. Mottole, E. Onnembo H. Hammer, P. & M. Oesterle, L. Ortega, M. Tillotson K. Doyle, C. Mesce, C. Silk Deacon Dan, M. Funge, S. Kaufman ALTAR SERVERS J. Messenger, J. Fill S. Machado, A. Baldyga D. Kern, R. Kern B. Poland, S. Miriagos J. Nolan, D. Nolan
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