Thur #2014608613 (Rally) Thur #20 14608610 (Ob) #2014608611 (Conf) Fri #2014608614 (Sweep) Fri #2014608615 (4-6) Fri JUDGING PROGRAM Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Club (USA) National Specialty Show, Sweepstakes, Junior Showmanship, Obedience & Rally (UNBENCHED - INDOORS) (AKC LI CENSED) WEDNESDAY - SUNDAY, OCTOBER 8-12, 2014 Show Hours: 7:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. Roberts Centre 123 Gano Road, Wilmington, OH 45177 SHOW SECRETARY Robyn Haskin 116 Chesapeake Drive Bainbridge, NY 13733 To find out about any AKC cancella tions call the AKC Event Cancellation Hotline Driving Directions to The Roberts Centre: From Dayton, Ohio Take State Route 35 East and following the By-Pass around Xenia Continue on State Route 35 East by fonowing the signs to Washington Court House Take the Home Avenue/State Route 68 Exit Turn right off the exit ramp and on to State Route 68 South Continue on State Route 68 South for about 10 miles Take left onto Gano Road (the intersection just before you come to 1-7 1) Tum left into the third driveway to enter the front of the hotel From Cincinnati , Ohio Take 1-71 North to Exit #50 Turn left off the exit ramp and onto State Route 68 Tum right at the first intersection and onto Gano Road Turn left into the third driveway to enter the front of the hotel From Columbus, Ohio Take 1-71 South to Exit #50 Turn right off the exit ramp and onto State Route 68 Turn right at the first intersection and onto Gano Road Turn left into the third driveway 10 enter the front of the hotel VETERINARIAN On Call Orchard Veterinary Care 45 Orchard Road, Wilmington, OH 45177 (937) 383-Q008 ONLY THE OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHER MAY TAKE WIN PICTURES EXHIBITORS - PLEASE NOTE "This show will be professionally video recorded by Show Dog Video Pros. No other commercial video recording, video recording from a tripod mounted camera, or any video recording of large segments of the show permitted. Physical presence on the show grounds shall constitute both implied and real consent for both the handler and their dog to be video recorded. Commercial video recording, video recording from a tripod mounted camera, or any video recording of large segments of the show requi res permission in advance, and in writing from the club. " 2 PROGRAM OF JUDGING THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2014 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 201 4 RING ONE - OBEDIENCE **************** JUDGE: RING ONE Mrs. Ellen Hardin 2603 Ridge Road Custer, WI 54423 4-6 MONTH PUPPY SPECIAL ATTRACTION 8:00 A.M. 12· Beginner Puppy Special Attraction (7-5) JUDGE: linda MacDonald 8116 Shilling Road West Salem, OH 44287 8:00 A.M. 4· Utility B 305 , 307-309 8:45 A.M. 12 - Novice 8 70-74 , 76-81 , 83 10:15 A.M. 18 - Beginner Novice B 951-968 To Follow 2 - Beginners Novice A 901·902 12 Total Dogs **************** 4 · Veterans 651-654 2 - Braces (801 /802) (803/804) 42 Total Dogs JUDGE: JUDGE: RING TWO - OBEDIENCE Mr. Richard Strong n21 Cardinal Cove N. Indianapolis, IN 46256 RING ONE Mr. Joe Caton 312 Northridge Road Columbus, OH 43214 8:30 A.M. 90 - Retriever (NSDT) Sweepstakes 44 - Puppy Sweepstakes 11 - 6-9 Month Puppy Dogs 6 - 9-12 Month Puppy Dogs 8 - 12-18 Month Dogs 4 - 6-9 Month Puppy Bitches 7 - 9-12 Month Puppy Bitches 8 • 12-18 Month Bitches - Best in Puppy Sweepstakes • Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Puppy Sweepstakes 20 - Veteran Sweepstakes 5 - Veleran Dogs 7-10 yrs 5 • Veleran Dogs 10 yrs & over 7 · Veteran Bitches 7-10 Yrs 5 - Veteran Bitches 10 yrs & over - Best in Veteran Sweepstakes - Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Veteran Sweepstakes 26 - HuntingI\Norking Sweepstakes 4 - Hunting Dogs 2 - Hunting Bitches 9 - Working Dogs 11 • Working Bitches • Best in Field Sweepstakes . Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Field Sweepstakes 90 Total Dogs 8:15 A.M. 1 • Graduate Open 55 1 8:30 A.M . Open "S" 201 -208 9:30 A.M . 6· Open "A' 134-138, 140 10:15 A.M. 4 • Graduate Novice 501·504 10:45 A.M. 5· Novice "A" 5·9 e. RING ONE & TWO Linda MacDonald Mr. Richard Strong Immediately following all other obedience judging 2 - Teams RING THREE - RAllY JUDGE: Ms. Patricia Strong 7721 Cardinal Cove North Indianapolis, IN 46256 JUDGE: Walk Thru 8:15 A.M. 10 - Excellent 8 Class 900-903, 905-910 2 - Excellent A Class 800·801 9:00 A.M. 15 - Advanced B Class 600-60 1,603-615 2 - Advanced A Class 400-401 10:15 A.M. 26 - Novice B Class 200-223, 225·226 9 - Novice A Class 5- 12, 14 64 Total Dogs LUNCH BREAK Obedience and Rally Judges will take a luncheon break at their discretion 3 JUDGE: RING ONE Ms. Marile Waterstraat 2224 Wilkinson Road Macedon, NY 14502 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2014 JUDGE: 1:30 P.M. 59 - Retrievers (NSDT) Dogs 11 - 6-9 mos Dogs 6 - 9-12 mos Dogs 7 - 12-18 mos Dogs RING ONE Mr. Joe Caton 312 Northridge Road Columbus, OH 43214 8:00 A.M. 3 - Junior Snowmanship 1 - Novice Intermediate 2 - Open Junior 3 Total Dogs 1 - AOH Dogs 5 - Bred-by-Exhibilor Dogs 2 - American-Bred Dogs 7· Open Dogs • Winners Dog 5 - Veteran Dogs 7- 10 yrs 2 · Veteran Dogs 10 Yrs & Over 9 • Working Dogs 4 - Hunting Dogs 59 Total Dogs RING ONE JUDGE: Ms. Marile Waterstraat 8:15 A.M. 117 - Retriever (NSDT) Bitches/Intersex 6 - 6-9 mas Puppy Bitches 5 - 9·12 mas Puppy Bitches 8 - 12-18 mas Bitches 1 - Novice Bitches 1 - A 0 H Bitches 7 - Bred-by-Exhibilor Bitches 4 - American-bred Bitches 5 • Open Bitches - Winners Bitch 10 - Veteran Bitches 7- 10 yrs 6 - Veteran Bitches 10 yrs & over 7 - Working Bitches 40 - B.O.B. Competition (24-16) 8 - Stud Dogs 9 - Brood Bitches 117 Total Dogs Judge will take a luncheon break at her discretIon • Parade of Titleholders held during lunch break THERE ARE 223 DOGS IN THIS SHOW WITH A TOTAL OF 336 ENTRIES PLUS 64 RALLY ENTRIES AND 12 BEGINNER PUPPY ATTRACTION * * NOTICE TO EXHIBITORS DOGS MAY ARRIVE any time prior to their scheduled time of judging. DOGS NOT REQUIRED lor further judging will be excused. JUDGES WILL NOT WAIT FOR ANY DOG HOLDING UP A CLASS. Owners or agents alone are respon-sible lor the presence of their dogs in the judging ring when their classes are called to be judged. The show-giving club and the superintendent have no obligation or responsibility lor providing service through a public address system or stewards or runners for the purpose 01 calling Of locating dogs that are not brought into the ring when required. ALL DOGS PRESENT must be held on leash Of can lined to their crates except when being judged or when in the exercising ring. CLASS CASH PRIZES will be paid in the ring to the person showing the dog. Claims for prize money must be made in the ring before the judging of the class is over, and the Superintendent to be advised at once. The Superintendent and Show-giving Club may disclaim any liability IOf cash prizes after the judging of the class is over. THE SHOW COMMtTTEEJSUPEAINTENDENT will use due care and diligence for the welfare of dogs and exhibitors, but will not be responsible lor, nor assume any liabilily in the event of an accident or misfortune to either dogs or exhibitors participating in this show. EXHIBITORS & SPECTATORS are requested to follow directions Irom the Grounds Committe for Unloading and Parking 01 vehicles. PLEASE . Effective May 1, 2006 an administrative fee 01 $2.00 will be withheld from all refundS f~ entries cancelled prior to the Closi ng of entries. To find out about any AKC event cancellations call the AKC Event Cancellation Hotline 877-252-3229. 4
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