DESAM to apprise Centre

Clean Politics Mission flays
By Our Staff Reporter
IMPHAL, Oct 8: Launching a tirade against the State BJP unit
secretary, Clean Politics Mission today said that the manner in
which a lunch was arranged for Union Minister of State (Home)
Kiren Rijiju at the residence of the secretary of Manipur Pradesh
BJP Ashwini Kumar Moirangthem during the Minister's visit to
the State for a flag hoisting ceremony for BJP candidate in the
Hiyanglam AC By-poll was questionable as well as unconventional.
Addressing a press meet today at his Lamphelpat residence,
convener of Clean Politics Mission, Chongtham Bijoy said the
BJP State unit secretary is a person with criminal record. As
such, a Union Minister, who is also a National leader of the
BJP having lunch at his residence was questionable.
He also categorically asked whether the photographs of
Ashwini Kumar and Union Minister Kiren Rijiju that were
uploaded on social networking sites like Facebook was a
measure to maintain good ties with the State police and other
security agencies.
Chongtham Bijoy urged the Prime Minister, Union Home
Minister and State Home Minister to look into the matter and
ensure that such outrageous incidents do not recur in future.
BJP rejects demand
By Our Staff Reporter
IMPHAL, Oct 8: BJP Imphal Central District President Iboyaima
has said that the demand for resignation of State BJP president Th
Chaoba, made by one Chongtham Bijoy and Yambem Laba,
appeared like a political ploy played by Congress to defeat BJP
candidate in the Hiyanglam by-election.
He said that party workers and leaders have been working
hard with excellent coordination to win the by-election.
At this juncture, it is surprising to learn that Chongtham
Bijoy and Yambem Laba have raised the demand Th Chaoba
should resign. The two are said to be the Convenor and CoConvenor of an organisation known as Clean Politics Mission,
he added.
Questioning how many members Clean Politics Mission
has, Iboyaima said that many leaders have joined BJP after Th
Chaoba took charge of State BJP president.
If the organisation aspires for cleaning up politics, they
need to look at what the ruling Congress party is doing now.
Clean Politics Mission must look into corrupt practices in
PDS distribution, MGNREGS, Loktak lake cleansing project
and recruitment of police and Education Department employees.
BJP would not spare any corrupt person whether he/she
belongs to BJP, Congress or any other party, Iboyaima said.
Contd from page 1
which is based on political and
economic independence.
This can be achieved
through Constitutional protection of all the indigenous
people irrespective of the size
of population, political pluralism, development, equal
justice and equal distribution
to meet the challenges of
Observing that Manipur
has been under the rule of
India for more than 64 years
now, the statement said that
in all these years an agenda
has been at work to sow the
seeds of suspicion and hatred
amongst the indigenous peoples of the place.
At one point of time
Kangleipak was self sufficient, but today this is no
longer so with numerous outsiders crowding the place,
said the statement.
Far from being self sufficient, today the people have
been forced to depend on others for everything, said the
outfit and added that the indigenous people have to
depend on the outsiders to
build houses, roads and
bridges, food, educational institutions, places to treat the
Contd from page 1
threatening the age old ties between the people, said the
Under the garb of peace
talk and SoO no efforts have
been spared to sow seeds of
division amongst the people,
said the statement and added
that India is just waiting for
the day when the seeds of
suspicion will result in a full
grown conflict between the
different communities of the
land and lead to the disintegration of the land and the
Since 1968 the Indian rulers have been concentrating
on the region since the early
part of the 1960s which gave
birth to the armed movement
of the Mizos, the Nagas,
Tripuris and Kangleipak, said
The chairman recalled February 28, 1966 when the Mizo
National Front successfully
launched Operation Jericho
and the declaration of independence in March, the Naga
plebiscite and the manner in
which China and East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) were
sounded to give shelter, arms
training and supply arms to
those who took up arms
Former IM man shot dead
By Our Staff Reporter
IMPHAL, Oct 8: Unidentified
gunmen shot dead a former
cadre of the NSCN-IM while
injuring a one and a half months
old infant and his great
grandmother this morning at
Muirei village in Ukhrul
district within the jurisdiction
of Yaingangpokpi PS.
According to a source, two
unidentified persons coming
in a red colour Honda Activa
scooter shot at a former
NSCN-IM cadre identified as
Mataimi Muivah (40) S/o (L)
Jonah after he was called out
from his house while he was
preparing to have his meal
this morning around 7.45.
The gunmen gave chase
when an injured Mataimi ran
for his life. He received two
bullet wounds on the left
thigh and another wound at
the left abdomen.
Mataimi was immediately
rushed to JNIMS hospital
where doctors declared him
brought dead.
Neighbours of Mataimi, a
68 year old lady Ningwonla
Muivah and her one and half
months old grand son,
Bilerian, suffered bullet injury
in the melee. Ningwonla received bullet injuries on the
left thigh and abdomen while
the left hand of the infant was
Ningwonla was carrying
her grand son on her back in
their courtyard when the incident took place. Both of them
are undergoing treatment at
JNIMS. The condition of
Ningwonla is stated to be
In the meanwhile, police
retrieved the red colour
Honda Activa bearing registration No MN-01B/7486
later in the day from a place
near the village. A driving
license and other vehicle
documents were also found.
The vehicle is said to be
registered in the name of one
KS Joyson S/o Shangte of
Ipram Lamlai Khunou under
Litan PS.
The corpse of Mataimi has
been deposited at JNIMS
morgue. At the same time, a
case has been registered in
connection with the incident
and investigation is on.
In an unrelated incident, a
hand grenade was found at
the gate of Misao Gas Agency's godown at Khuman
Lampak this morning around
6.45. Police later retrieved the
'Mera Thabum' summit held
By Our Staff Reporter
IMPHAL, Oct 8: The 85th
Mera Thabum summit of the
Apokpa Marup was held at
Singjamei Mayengbam Leikai
Lairembi Lampak today.
The summit was attended
by RIMS Orthopaedic doctor
Salam Nongthon Luwang,
member of Puren Apokpa
Marup Huidrom Tomchou
Mangang and social worker
Chingtham Manohar Khuman
as the chief guest, president
and guest of honour respectively. While speaking about
the indigenous script of
Manipur , resource person of
the summit Linguistic Expert
Dr Th Chandramani said that
the system used in the enunciation of Meitei Mayek
(Meitei script) is called syllabic system. Though the
script is based on a very scientific system of enunciation,
it has some influence of foreign languages. The sound
'Bham' in the script is an
influential addition from a
different language. The presence of other sounds like
'Gok', 'Jham', 'Rai', 'Ba', 'Jhil',
'Dil', 'Gou', 'Dou' and 'Bham'
in the script has differentiated
the indigenous script from the
influenced language in the
script and it has not created
any confusion while reading
any piece written in the script.
Therefore, exclusion of these
additional sounds from the
Meitei script would be a challenging task, he asserted.
He said, "Our language
has 2300 influential elements".
Speaking at the occasion,
Editor of Naharolgi Thoudang
Khoirom Loyalakpa said that
the celebration of Mera
Houchongba was a philosophy introduced by Naoriya
Phulo and the Meitei ancestors to mark the stand of
Meitei culture in Manipur.
Points listed for public to digest
sick and ailing, Chamber of
Commerce. All these have
been taken over by outsiders,
said the outfit.
On Manipur University,
the highest seat of learning in
the place, the chairman said
that today the varsity has been
reduced to a place of vice by
some teachers in cahoots with
the policy framers of India.
Such is the reach of these
elements that the highest seat
of learning is today turned
into a place where everything
alien is deeply embedded including religious practices.
Using education as an ethnic
bomb is unfortunate.
Asking all the erring teachers to mend their ways, Paliba
recalled the time of a former
VC who was in the varsity
from December 1980 to 1984
who openly challenged the
student community of the
Asking all the teachers to
remember the numerous instances when students rose as
one to demand the sacking of
the then VC, Paliba said that
even a Shumang Lila was
produced to portray the said
VC and his ways.
All the teachers who are
obsessed with only the contract works and supply works
should change their ways,
said the outfit.
On Ima Keithel, the outfit
said that the Government of
India knows the huge role
played by the women vendors
on any issue of the place. As
such no efforts have been
spared to dilute the contributions of the womenfolk by
injecting a number of outsiders there.
Stating that there is nothing to learn from the
outsiders, the outfit said that
providing them employment
and shelter would amount to
betraying the future of the
younger generations.
The time has also come to
study the State Secretariat
closely, said the outfit and
added that it would be in the
fitness of things to come to
terms with the fact that none
from the place are amongst
the top ranking officers. A
study of the ethnic composition of the top rung officials
of the department will lay
bare the agenda of the Government. The British policy is
still being carried on by occupying the seats from where
political and administrative
strings can be pulled.
Going on the offensive
against the alien rule, the outfit asserted that though Irom
Sharmila Chanu has been on
a fast for the past 13 years,
demanding the revocation of
the Armed Forces Special
Powers Act, nothing has been
done. The outfit questioned
whether the issue raised by
Sharmila has been discussed
or debated in Parliament. On
the other hand, a Clean India
campaign has been launched
in honour of Mahatma Gandhi, but nothing has been
done for a peaceful protestor,
it added.
Going on the offensive
against the political class, the
outfit stated that just to win
elections and become an MLA
or a Minister for a period of
five years, vote banks are
being cultivated in the hills,
hill sides and anywhere by
letting outsiders settle there.
On the other hand, those with
an agenda to break the territorial integrity of the land have
been buying all the wasteland
and anywhere at huge
amount. The huge amount of
money belongs to the people,
said the outfit and added that
the money was looted from
the public on the highways,
by abducting for ransom and
by hijacking vehicles. Anyone wedded to the idea of a
united Kangleipak would not
indulge in such activities.
Time for everyone to know
the hidden agenda at play
The present generation
should learn that it was due
to the selfish motives of the
rich land owners and kings
and chiefs that the people
were deeply divided. The
British carried this on with
their divide and rule policy
and till today there are so
called leaders who are out to
take advantage by dividing the
India might have been successful in their Mar Mission
and with the nuclear bomb,
but till today it has not been
successful in building the
highways. No wonder then
that the highways resemble
nothing better than public
ponds and thick jungles..
Chairman bats for unified struggle
against India to fight for freedom.
It was at this point of time
that the Prime Minister of
India at the level of the Cabinet Secretariat formed RAW
and other spy agencies, said
PREPAK. It was under the
same agenda that the jungle
warfare training centre was
set up for the Indian Army at
Vairengte in Mizoram in May
It was in 1972 that India
engineered the split of East
Pakistan from Pakistan and
helped form Bangladesh to
fight the movement for sovereignty in the North East
region, said the statement.
Simultaneously, India had a
hand in helping many
Chakma, Muslim and Hindu
refugees to settle in the region, alleged the outfit. It was
in line with this agenda that
the Government of India
drew up the general amnesty
for Kangleipak as well as
other accords such as Naga
accord and Mizo accord.
The agenda of the Government of India however did
not yield fruits save for the
Mizo accord, said PREPAK.
India has since then been taking up different strategies to
defeat the armed movement
from 1980 and again from
1990, claimed the outfit. The
Government of India also
adopted the four principles of
Arthashastra of Kautilya to
keep the people under subjugation.
Thus began the communal
card from the 1980s, said
PREPAK and added that
some communities were
openly and clandestinely instigated with arms and even
economic inducements. This
soon led to the open invitations to dialogue and to settle
the issue within the Constitution of India.
All the strategies adopted
by India are to defeat the liberation movement, alleged the
outfit and added that India
soon began enticing others
with offers of peace talk and
Within the framework of
the Constitution of India, the
Government of India began
to dangle such promises as
district autonomy, State autonomy, homeland, greater
State and in the process divide the people.
SoO and peace talk are
also part and parcel of the
communal agenda cooked up
by the Government of India,
it alleged and added that there
is no guarantee that communal cards have not been issued
under the garb of SoO and
peace talk.
The agenda of India will
not succeed with the true sons
of the soil, but it will with
those self proclaimed leaders
who have been hankering
only after self interest, said
the statement. All need to be
wary of the agenda championed by such elements who
thrive on playing the communal card.
Communal distrust can
only work to the advantage of
the common foe, said the
outfit and added that it is only
the enemy of the people who
will fall in line with those
championing communal divides.
That the people of India
still view the people of the
North East with distrust can
be gauged by the recent incident in which the people of
the region were not allowed
to meet the president of China
Xi Jinping on September 17,
it said and added that India
still clings to the advice of
Sardar Patel who advised all
to treat the people of the
North East with suspicion.
The outfit further said that
the only way to strengthen all
is to revive the age old ties
amongst the people.
The foundation of India is
expansionism and this line of
thought has been championed
by communal mindsets, alleged the outfit. The fruit of
such a mindset can be gauged
from the mutual suspicion
along Hindu-Muslim divide.
Stating that communalism has
seeped into all levels of the
mindset of the people of India, PREPAK said that even
today different people, particularly people from WESEA
are addressed condescendingly in Delhi.
On top of the communal
card played by India, there is
the continued imposition of
the Armed Forces Special
Powers Act in the region and
in Jammu and Kashmir.
Stating that AFSPA is by
By Our Staff Reporter
IMPHAL, Oct 8 : The 14th
Mera Houchongba
organised by ACOAM
Lup, Kangleipak was
held at Thau ground
today. The celebration
was held under the theme
'Yelhoumisingi Saktam
Sagatpa Tha'.
The function was
attended by IGP
Manipur S Manglemjao,
Kangleipak president
Ksh Somorendro,
Director Tribal Museum
and Research Centre Y
Gyaneshwor, Joint
Director Arts and
Culture K Sushila ,
Chothe Lamlanghupi
village Bishnupur
Khulakpa Thambaljao
Chothe, chief Waithou
Chiru village Aphou
Chiru, chief Ngaphapat
village L Asing Kom
and Aimol Tribe Union
Manipur president as
the chief guest, president and guests of
honour. Speaking at the
occasion Ksh
Somorendro said that
Mera Houchongba is
celebrated every year
under a unique theme
each year organised by
Kangleipak. The
celebration mainly
denotes the integrity of
hill and valley people.
DESAM to apprise Centre
IMPHAL, Oct 8: Democratic Students' Alliance of Manipur
(DESAM) has said that they will apprise the Union Labour and
Employment Ministry about the current crisis between labourers
and CAF & PD if the issue is not resolved at the earliest.
In a press conference held at DESAM head office, DESAM
president M Angamba said that 61 labourers, who had been
working under the Department since the past many years,
were removed from their service following an order issued by
the Director of CAF & PD on August 16.
Saying that the labourers were getting 71 paisa per quintal
for shifting of different items stored at Sangaiprou godown,
Angamba said that the labourers were sacked as they demanded that their wages be raised.
Maintaining that the demand raised by the labourers was
right, Angamba alleged that contractors and CAF & PD officials have been violating the labourers’ rights since the past
many years.
He added that it is unfortunate that the State Government
has decided to remain as a silent spectator on the issue.
Saying that the labourers have staged different forms of
agitation to restore their service, Angamba said that children
of these labourers had even surrendered their school text
books to CAF & PD.
Urging the State Government to revise the outdated wage
structure and policy, Angamba also appealed to respective
school authorities to relax school fees for the children of these
labourers until the restoration of their service understanding
the hardships being faced by the labourers.
Border trade
Contd from page 1
the organisation held on October 4 jointly decided to put three
charter of demands before the authority concerned for development and promotion of international trade and investment.
The charter of demand are setting up of a separate directorate for trade and commerce in the Department of Commerce
and Industries, separate trade and investment policy for the
State to encourage foreign investment and to speed up the
delayed and controversial construction of the proposed Integrated Check Post, besides key infrastructural development to
boost Indo-Myanmar border trade and beyond, he said.
He said a missing link prevails in between the policy
makers and trading community in Manipur at large and highlighted the need for a direct coordination between the traders
and the policy makers.
Loken added that special attention is required to boost the
Indo-Myanmar border trade and beyond in the context of
infrastructure and creating of a conducive environment for the
traders and investors as well.
Befitting reply given...
The outfit further questioned where the highway
protection force is, where the
fund for the sewage project
has been kept, who spent the
large amount of fund meant
for the Japanese Sericulture
Project, Loktak Development.
The outfit also took digs at
the police commandos who
have been flexing their muscles. If at all they are brave
then they should be able to
stop the daily killings of
women, drug racketeers etc.
Instead of concentrating
their minds on battling these
social evils, most of the personnel are more interested in
acting tough and using foul
languages against the family
members of underground
Most of the police commandos are have mastered the
art of fake encounters and it
is no wonder that gallantry
awards are being given for
scalping others instead of
fighting social crimes.
At present fake encounters
and custodial killings have
gone down not because the
Government has had a change
of heart but from the tongue
lashing it has received from
certain quarters.
Contd from page 1
The comments came as the Pakistani troops targeted 50 security
outposts and three dozen hamlets with heavy mortar shelling and
firing overnight along the entire 192-km international border in
Jammu and Kashmir.
According to reports, India has responded strongly, conveying the Indian leadership’s resolve and ability to deal with
Pakistan. New Delhi has cleared that talks with Islamabad will
not be possible unless Pakistan stops violating ceasefire at
In retaliation to Pakistan targeting civilian habitations in
Jammu and Kashmir, the Union Home Ministry today put on
hold a scheduled flag meeting between Pakistan and Indian
paramilitary forces to discuss the recent hostilities.
Extending the ceasefire violations to new areas, the Pakistan Rangers shelled border outposts (BoPs) and villages in
Samba and Kathua along with Jammu during the night and the
firing was continuing till Wednesday morning.
A woman was killed in the shelling in Jaladi village in
Samba while 11 people, including three BSF personnel, were
injured, a BSF spokespersons said today.
So far, 7 persons have been killed and nearly 70 injured
in the escalation since October 1 with over 16,000 people
migrating to safer areas in these districts. There have been over
2 dozen ceasefire violations along Indo-Pak border in Jammu
& Kashmir since October 1.
itself discriminatory, the outfit said that till today the
Government of India has not
deemed it fit to impose the
Act in parts of India where
the Maoists are active. This
despite the fact that killings
and violence have become the
hallmark of the regions where
the Maoists are active.
That AFSPA has been
imposed in the region testifies the communal mindset of
the Government of India, alleged PREPAK.
The outfit further said that
the movement in the North
East is a historical right and
something which has been
recognised by the United
Even the Supreme Court
has not questioned why
AFSPA has been implemented in the region.
The outfit also dismissed
the Look East Policy as just
another game plan of the
Centre to hoodwink the people. Talking about the Look
East Policy without addressing the basic points in the
region is the proof of this, it
added. LEP will not benefit
the people of the region but
reduce it to a dumping place,
added the outfit.
Contd from page 1
an MLA and the Congress Govt at the Centre has gone, tt would
not be a trouble to give a crushing defeat to the INC candidate at a
time when the people of the State are already impatient to give a
fitting lesson to the party for their corrupt deeds, P Premananda
said while expressing strong confidence that the AITC candidate
would come out victorious in the by-election.
Modi unlikely to meet...
Contd from page 1
with Ravi, a former Special Director of the Intelligence Bureau, on
September 30. Since the meeting, other members of the NSCNIM team have returned to Nagaland, while Swu and Muivah have
stayed on in the capital.
It was not immediately clear when formal talks between the
NSCN-IM and the NDA government would get under way.
Derek O' Brien to bolster...
Govt takes note of pissible...
Contd from page 1
Board President L Jayantakumar, Works Minister Dr Kh
Ratankumar, PHED Minister I Hemochandra, Deputy Speaker
Preshow Shimray and MLA RK Anand also attended the celebration.
Traditional dances of Meitei, Maring, Kabui and Anal were
presented while hill and valley people exchanged gifts and
Bond of people stressed...
Contd from page 1
added that Mera Hou Chongba Thousil Lup of Royal Palace started
organising the festival from 2002 in association with various civil
society organisations.
Apart from interior areas of the State, the festival was
organised in neighbouring States like Assam and Tripura with
Karbi, Dimasa and Bodo people.
Titular King Leishemba Sanajaoba while speaking at the
occasion said that the festival is significant as apart from
exchanging gifts and pleasantries, both people of hill and
valley offer prayers to the God for peaceful and harmonious
coexistence at the occasion.
The festival is celebrated on the full moon day of Manipuri
lunar calendar month Mera after ritual ceremonies are conducted from the first day of Mera, he added.
Saying that it is encouraging to organise the festival at
different parts of the State, Leishemba Sanajaoba urged the
organisers not to forget the ritual ceremonies apart from exchanging gifts.
After titular King Leishemba Sanajaoba and 92-year-old
YL Yarngam of Ukhrul district exchanged gifts and pleasantries, people of hill and valley exchanged gifts at the
Hill, valley people...
Contd from page 1
love and brotherhood. He said Mera Houchongba is celebrated
since olden days to reaffirm the age-old fraternal bonds between
the hill and valley people while also saying that Mera Houchongba
has great significance.
Although Manipur is a tiny State, the wide and varied
communities inhabiting the land coexist peacefully. Not only
that the people are diligent, they have unique qualities.
He also stressed the need to promote the indigenous game
of Mukna Kangjei to the international level.
MLA Laisom Ibomcha and MLA TN Haokip attended the
programme as the president and guest of honour respectively.