Velkommen til en spændende Shambhala Gathering/Workshop med trancekanal, healer og spirituel vejleder Gregory Ashid Possman Fredag - søndag 28 - 30. september 2012 Borbjerg Mølle Kro Danmark 1 Shambhalarådet, The Council of Shambhala, er et råd sammensat af 12 lysvæsener, som arbejder for fred og genforening af alle væsener og arter i universerne. Gregory er en udsending fra Shambhala Rådet og kanaliserer budskaber fra en del af de 12 rådsmedlemmer. Rådet har bedt Gregory om at afholde 3 samlinger for dem i løbet af 2012 – en i Danmark, en i USA og en i Asien. Den danske samling afholdes i de skønne omgivelser ved Borbjerg Mølle Kro (, som ligger ved en sø i et helt unikt område med dyr og skøn natur. Ubetinget kærlighed, fællesskab og accept vil være i focus denne weekend. Gregory vil blive guidet fra Rådet om, hvordan weekenden vil forløbe – forbered dig på at være både inde og ude i den skønne natur. Dette er en enestående mulighed for at være en del af det fantastiske arbejde for Shambhala Rådet, denne gang i Danmark og sammen med folk fra hele Skandinavien. Det bliver en weekend med kanaliseringer, meditationer og fællesskab, som du er med til at præge – gå ikke glip af denne mulighed for at være en del af et vigtigt universielt arbejde, samtidig med at du bevæger dig fremad i din egen spirituelle proces. Der er plads til 50 deltagere, og først til (Borbjerg ) mølle princippet vil gælde. Vi glæder os til at se dig. Bagest i dette program er to kanaliseringer, som sætter arbejdet for Shambhala Rådet i perspektiv. Den ene er en kanalisering af Virginia Wilson Gordon, Gregorys tidligere lærer og den er lavet midt i 90’erne. Den anden er kanaliseret af Gregory 1. maj 2012. Som mange ved, kanaliserer Gregory desuden en række ærkeengle, mestre, væsener fra Sirius samt andre væsener fra Universet. Mon ikke vi også hører fra nogle af dem i løbet af weekenden? Hotellet, vi skal bo på, har forskellige værelsestyper - enkelt, dobbelt, 2 luksus dobbelt værelser med spa, 3 eller 4 – sengs værelser (meget store). Enkelt- og dobbeltværelser er med eget toilet og bad. Enkelte værelser deler toilet og bad. Det bliver ren forkælelse for sjæl og krop og Universerne Workshoppen starter fredag med middag kl. 18 og slutter søndag med frokost kl.12. Du kan checke ind fra fredag kl. 14 - fra kl.15 er der kaffe/te med kage. Betalingen dækker 2 overnatninger samt forplejning – Der serveres isvand til maden – skulle du ønske noget derudover, betaler du særskilt for det. 2 Til hovedmåltiderne serveres buffet med meget grønt, således at også ikke kødspisere kan blive mætte og tilfredse. Forplejningen er: Fredag: Eftermiddagskaffe/te og kage, aftensmadbuffet, aftenkaffe/te m. lidt mundgodt. Lørdag: Morgenmadsbuffet, frokostbuffet, aftenmadsbuffet, kaffe/te m. lidt mundgodt i pauserne og om aftenen. Søndag: Morgenmadsbuffet, frokostbuffet. Check ud er før frokost søndag, men baggagen kan opbevares i ”vores” store samlingsrum, til du tager afsted i løbet af eftermiddagen. Totalpris pr. person for ophold Enkeltværelse: Dobbeltværelse: Dobbeltværelse m. spa: I 3-sengsrum: I 4-sengsrum: og workshop: 4500 kr. 4000 kr. 4600 kr. 3600 kr. 3300 Kr. Tilmelding og betaling: 1. juli 2012: Deadline for tilmelding og betaling af depositum = halvdelen af beløbet. 15.august 2012: Restbeløb betales. Du kan selvfølgelig også betale hele beløbet ved tilmelding. Tilmelding: Hanne Lise Rechnagel på mail: [email protected] Betaling: Frøs Herreds Sparekasse, Konto: 9738 0002006030 Evt. yderligere oplysninger: Hanne Lise Rechnagel, tlf. +45-7542-0254 Ønsker du ekstra overnatning før eller efter workshoppen, oplyses det ved tilmelding, men betales direkte til Borbjerg Mølle Kro. Medbring travesko – i skoven findes et udendørs fitness område, hvor alle redskaber er lavet i naturlige materialer. Godt evt. at få rørt kroppen i pausen. Der vil være tilbud om morgenmeditation lørdag og søndag inden morgenmaden. Er der nogen, der kunne have lyst til at forestå disse meditationer, så lad os det vide. 3 Hvordan finder du vej til Borgbjerg Mølle Kro? Gå ind på – vælg kontakt. Kommer du i bil finder du kørselsvejledning fra Holstebro. Kommer du med tog vælger du lidt nede på siden klik her - dette er et link til Rejseplanen og du kan planlægge din tur her. Der er direkte busforbindelse fra Holstebro Banegård til Borbjerg Mølle Kro, Borbjerg Møllevej 3, 7500 Holstebro. Vi håber at se dig, og ønsker dig en god sommer. Mange hjertelige hilsner Gregory og arbejdsgruppen (Hanne Lise, Frank, Norma, Nefer, Lene) Her ser du et par interessante billeder fra tidligere samlinger for Shambhala Rådet i Heidal/Norge. Hvad gemmer der sig mon i og bag skyerne ?? 4 Council of Shambhala channeling through Ginny Gordon Wilson, 1990’s. Greetings and Salutations, from the Council of Twelve, that which called is The Council of Shamballa. I am from the seat of Jalil, the twelfth seat. We have come forth upon this day to share information with you as to your purpose, and to your potential and your possibilities and it is for us to say that indeed you have been called together for the purpose of creating a place, a space, a point in time, whatever you desire to call it, and it shall be a place that will be shared by a large number of entities. Not necessarily human beings for at this point in time it is not envisioned to be a large place, it is not envisioned to be a place where hundreds will gather, but rather a place where thousands will gather. And these thousands shall be entities of other species, they shall be entities from that which you call extra terrestrials they shall be beings from other dimensions, and they shall gather there for the purpose of reuniting. The space that you will create shall be created with your own vibrations and those from that which is The Council, and other formations of the hierarchy including The Great White Brotherhood, including several of the Ascended Masters, including efforts from that which is the Arch AngeIs and the Angelic Hosts, as you call them, Heavenly Hosts perhaps is more familiar to you and it shall be a space where these entities shall gather together and allow their vibratory frequencies to merge with one another and allow themselves to indeed come back together as they had been together at one point, one space in time. You see as these different species were created and formed there was a forgetfulness, there was a lack and loss of memory. There was a loss of memory as to the connection to other species. There was a lack of knowingness that indeed these species where all part of the same source, the same Divine creator, the same r AII Presence, the same Lord God of my being presence which has been missing from several of these species, more like several hundred of these species over a period of time. And therefore this space that shall be created, and the one that you work upon is not the only one, there shall be others, but this space shall be of a high order. And that is not to indicate that there is high and low. It is to indicate that those beings of a lower frequency will be unable to contemplate or tolerate, the word tolerate is more appropriate, the energy in that space. And therefore all 5 of the concerns that some of your people have expressed about what you call animals for protection and ammunition and all of that will be completely and totally unnecessary. There are some amongst your people who have, shall we say have become convinced that a mode of fear is important, in your case that will not be the case. It is not fear that is going to rule and drive you; it is rather coming from a space of love, understanding, complete and total lack of judgment and a nature of acceptance. That is not based upon fear, but rather is based upon love that comes from the heart. We have spoken to you previously of having been warriors of the heart, that is truly the case at this point in time, some of you will perhaps be guided to other places, some of you will be all together so to speak, each of you will receive guidance individually as to where you need to be. These queries, these trips, these journeys to feel the varying frequencies in different parts of the land are necessary in order for you to begin to have discretion in the art of what you have called upon your planet guidance. Geomancy being the ability to discover and to feel the lay lines, the vortices, the places where the various vortices come together, the places where these ships shall find it easy to travel as a result of the energy in the area, that is generated by the minerals that are underneath the land. You are drawn to this area because of the minerals that are so heavy in this particular area, these minerals include zinc, they include magnesium, they include quartz, they include a mineral called boracite, they include a number of other minerals too frequent to mention at this point in time. These minerals come together and form a frequency that can indeed fuel these ships. The ships, some of them, will be drawn to the area, they think, for refueling. The frequency of the vibration that is created in the area as a result of the combination of your vibration, that which is a living species and the vibration of the minerals and the different types of rock that are beneath you will begin to emanate a sound. And this sound frequency will draw in these extra terrestrials, if you will, and various light beings from other dimensions, and they will be able to come and merge with your frequency which will indeed create portals and allow you to travel into the dimensions that they are used to inhabiting and this will give you a certain amount of exposure, and a certain amount of confidence and a knowingness that far and away beyond what is going on in your universe and your dimension. There are indeed other places to travel to and this will be done on a conscious 6 basis. You will then take this information and this knowledge and you will share it with other settlements that will begin to evolve and they will share their knowledge with you and there will be a great deal of travel that takes place and none of it will have anything to do with your present modes of transportation it will have nothing to do with planes, or boats, or automobiles or cars, none of that will be necessary. You will learn how to do this strictly by moving your mass in a manner that is very quick, a manner that is very efficient, and yet a manner that is completely and totally misunderstood at this point in time. You will indeed be guided as to where you need to be, some of you will be in more of what one would call a private situation, and some of you will be together. It will be appropriate no matter how it is to look. It is for you to know it is not for you to place limitations upon what is, you are to allow the universe to bring it to you, so to speak, although it is important for you to continue your queries into this area. The guidance will come in the form of feeling and thoughts, and perhaps to a few of your, dreams at night. It is for you to follow your guidance rather than your fears. Some of you will have different purposes; some of you will serve different purposes in these places. It is for you to know that this is indeed what The Council has been formulated for. 7 Channeling from Jalil through Gregory Possman May 1st, 2012 5a.m. We bring you greetings and salutations from the Council of Shambhala. We are the Twelfth Seat of the Council, known as Jalil. It has been sometime since we have spoken to you about the gatherings that are about to take place on your planet, though we have spoken to you several times of these gatherings and you are aware of their purpose. We wish to add more information so that you will be able to make an educated decision from your own hearts as to your own participation. The Earth is a gathering place and this gathering place increases in its energy, based upon the numerous elements that are part of the makeup of the earth. This geology as you call it attracts a great number of races to this place and this was the reason for so much attraction during the times of Atlantis. When great amounts of knowledge were gathered here and then ultimately placed into the crystals on the Earth in order to preserve this knowledge. As you have been told, the great library which exists geographically underneath the Sphinx holds all of this information. This information can be accessed via the use of musical tones. And this information will be made available to you when your population is ready to utilize it, in gentle and wonderful ways, rather than destructive ways. When weapons are no longer necessary upon your planet a great deal of information will be shared by the extraterrestrials who are very interested in your own advancement and evolution. This advancement, this evolution, is indeed what this gathering is about. It is in the mixture of energy of various Earth birthed beings, human beings, that creates the advancement in human attitude, feelings, and possibilities. For in your imagination, there is the distinct possibility to create peace. Long, long ago many of you had forgotten what it was like to experience unity. For prolonged periods of time unity was neither a possibility nor a probability. Now, however, many of you are dreaming of that unity taking place once more. This is not only unity amongst your own race of human beings, but rather unity amongst the entire cosmos and all of its participants, inhabitants, and beings. By demonstrating your ability to co-habitate peacefully, to join together in a gathering where once again you bring all of your talents, all of your abilities, and all of your energies, you will once again experience the unity we are speaking of. When that unity is observed 8 by the thousands or perhaps millions of beings who are not only in mass, but spiritual beings as well, the energy is set for the gathering to begin. The gathering that will take place will be a unification of many beings from many different planets, stars, systems, dimensions and realities. The gathering that will occur will of course happen once more on the Earth. This gathering took place long ago and was not uncommon. It is to remember that in your memories. There were many of these gatherings, conclaves, and meetings. Communication was made easier by the use of Universal language. Interstellar or Universal language will once again be the means for these types of gatherings to occur. The memory of such gatherings may be initiated by your dreams in your sleep state. Many of you will journey to other places where you will see visions, re-enactments, very much like film of such gatherings taking place. It is important that you allow yourselves to open to these possibilities. It is important that you follow your own heart and determine if you are to participate physically, mentally, and emotionally in this journey to return to unification of the species. The unification of the species we speak of, leads ultimately to what is called the divine blueprint. It is in fact the reunification with the one Creator of all of the universes and the cosmos. Many of you have agreed to participate in this process. It is your soul’s knowingness that will bring this consciousness, this invitation, and this desire to the surface. As we have spoken, such gatherings will take place in Scandinavia, in the country of Denmark, in the United States, and also ultimately in Asia. Although the timeframe for only one of these gatherings, the one in Denmark, has been set, the other gatherings will take place in the future. We very much look forward to gathering all of the columns of light, angelic, spiritual, the shining ones, the wisdom keepers, and ultimately the hierarchical councils at these gatherings. We cannot tell you the anticipation that is felt around this coming together of energies. It is long-awaited and very much looked forward to. We do not live in fantasy, nor do we put our faith in that which is not real. Many of you have been prepared, groomed for this gathering. All that you have learned, experienced and created has been collected within that physical body you wear so that you may express it, add it to the collective and create an energy blueprint or symbol on the Earth that so many from off the Earth may experience it that they are shown how much you have advanced. This will be their invitation to join you once 9 again as they had done so many times in the past, therefore creating your future anew. Many on your planet cannot yet understand that this gathering is indeed taking place so that whatever has already been planned may move forward. The evolution of the Earth is dependent on those of you living on its surface, loving it, contributing love to it and showing it how much you care for it. The loving vibration you will send into the Earth and out into Space will not only register with those races off planet, but will reignite that memory of such gatherings in their memories as well. As you come together, meeting old friends and family from other lives and other places, you will recreate that spark within you that will once again allow your own faith to re-generate. As hard as it has been to continue on through your life, learning the lessons, completing the initiations and growing, the maintenance of your faith will be re-born at this gathering of your parts. Remembering that there is nothing outside of you, that all is inside, all of those you meet with will bring those parts together once more, creating unity inside of you as well. Not only will you be benefitting the Earth, you will also be benefitting yourself as you bring another piece of the puzzle of your own creating to the table. The gratification your soul will feel will be impossible to estimate. You have waited a long time for this gratification. You deserve it. Choose only from your heart space whether you wish to be a part of this process. We are the one who is called Jalil, Twelfth Seat of the Council of Shambhala. 10
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