Hershey Chapter—IAAP October 2014 Chocolatetown Courier President’s Message Inside this issue: Going Pink! 2 Important Dates 3 Executive Night Information 4 Important Dates Continued 5-7 PA Division President’s Message 8 Int’l President’s Message 9 Recertification Information 1011 Member of Excellence Information 1213 All About US! 14 Board Members: Meagan Bair, CAP-OM President Deb Klock, CAP-OM President Elect Nancy Deibler, CAP-OM Vice-President Lisa Hower, CAP-OM Secretary Christy Livering, CAPOM Treasurer Happy October Hershey Chapter Members – While trying to decide what I wanted to write as my October message, it came to me…. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I don’t want to focus on the negatives in life or how this awful disease affects so many women but I want to focus on the positives and on the people right in our own chapter who have faced this head on and won and are going to win! These women are an inspiration to not only me but everyone they have come in contact with. I found a quote by Betsey Johnson while doing some research and it says “With over three million women battling breast cancer today, everywhere you turn there is a mother, daughter, sister or friend who has been affected by breast cancer.” To me, that’s a staggering number and while we cannot create a cure or save the world, we can save each other. Maybe not in the physical way but in an emotional way. Be the support these women in our lives need and maybe even in the lives of a complete stranger. With my job, I’ve been fortunate to meet some amazing people both local and celebrities but I will forever be touched by Robin Roberts. I had the pleasure of meeting her and hearing her speak at an event at the Lodge a few years back and something she instills in people is “this too shall pass.” I think we all can live by those words whether it be professionally or personally. Robin spoke that day on her trials in her life and the battles she has fought. I recommend you do some research on Robin, her history and her illnesses but also see where she is today. I know she will inspire all of you as well. So for the month of October, I challenge each of you… Support Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Whether you wear pink or give a donation or buy something you see in a store that supports a charity, just do something to help. My second challenge to you is to reach out to someone who is fighting or has fought and won. Show them the support they need and deserve. They are fighting a battle most of us will hopefully never need to know about. My final challenge to you is GET CHECKED. You are never too young or too old. Find a doctor and get your mammogram. It can save your life… Meagan Bair, CAP-OM President, Hershey Chapter 2 American Cancer Society Information You may have noticed that the Newsletter has gone PINK this month—it is our hope that this will gently remind you to get your breasts screened annually.. Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in the United States (other than skin cancer). But millions of women are surviving the disease thanks in part to early detection and improvements in treatment. The American Cancer Society is actively fighting breast cancer by helping women get tested to find breast cancer earlier, and helping them understand their treatment options and cope with the physical and emotional side effects. We also fund research to help prevent, find, and treat breast cancer. Please take a moment TODAY to set up a mammogram to protect your health…! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ See this site for additional information: http://www.cancer.org/healthy/morewaysacshelpsyoustayw ell/breastcancer?gclid=CNPB1rqdmMECFSRp7AodJlsAjw 3 Hershey Chapter, IAAP October 2014 November 2014 NO BOARD MEETING Board Meeting IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER Executive Night 20th Membership Meeting December 2014 4th NO BOARD MEETING 11th Membership Meeting 9th 4 WHAT IS EXECUTIVE NIGHT? There have been some questions in regards to Executive Night and what exactly it is so here is some background info on Executive Night that Vicki was kind enough to share. Back in June at the Division Annual Meeting in Philly, Wendy & I were approached by some of our friends at the Harrisburg Chapter -- asking if we would consider co-sponsoring an Executive Night event in October with their Chapter. Historically, Executive Night is an event at which we honor and celebrate our executives/bosses/employers. It's a night to thank them for their support of us, as well as showcase IAAP and what our membership has done for us. It is an elegant evening which begins with a Cocktail Reception (Light Hors D'oeuvres & Cash Bar), followed by an exquisite dinner, and then either an inspirational speaker or entertainment. No business is conducted, and it is purely a social event honoring our executives. The event is generally held in October each year, as it coincides with/near/around National Boss's Day -- which is October 16 this year. In past years (and back when some of us were Harrisburg Chapter members -- before we chartered the Hershey Chapter), we had some pretty nice Executive Night events. They're always held at a Country Club-type venue, since Clubs are generally nicer than our regular monthly meeting locations. It's a very fun, festive night and it's always interesting to watch our Executives networking with each other. We encourage ALL members to attend -- regardless of whether your Exec(s) can attend or not. It's still a really nice event, with lots of great door prizes & Raffle Baskets! And the entertainment is usually pretty good, too. This year, the Committee chose a Mind-Reader named Robert Priest. Registration is open through Thursday, October 16 with all the details on our website. Hope to see you all on October 20 at Hershey Country Club! 5 IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER PA Division, IAAP Now worth two (2) recertification points! 6 IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER PA Division, IAAP Now worth two (2) recertification points!!! REGISTRATION FORM 7 8 Pennsylvania Division President’s Message Hello Pennsylvania Division Members: October - my favorite time of the year but also in some ways a time that I dread. Let me explain. For those of us that live in the Northeast, October is a time when nights get cooler but the days still hold a hint of warmth; the leaves start turning from the beautiful greens of summer to showcase their glorious oranges, yellows and reds; the geese can be heard for miles as they begin to make their way to their winter homes; and football - all things I look forward to every year. But October is also the month of my birth, which means I grow a year older and while the changing leaves are beautiful, they foretell of that which is just around the corner - the coming of winter which means less sunlight, cold days and nights and that fluffy white stuff that falls from the sky. October. I want to take just minute to give a shout out to the members of the chapters in the Southeast Council who I had the privilege of mentoring for the past three years - Bucks County, Liberty Bell, Montgomery County, Pfizer Collegeville and Teva Frazer. With the addition of Anne Garland, CAP as Secretary on the Division Board this year, and given that she is a member of the Pfizer Collegeville Chapter in the Southeast Council, it was decided at the Division's Summer Board meeting that it was economically prudent for her to take over mentorship of the chapters in that council. I want to thank the members of the Southeast Council for welcoming and embracing me to their chapter meetings and events. I enjoyed getting to know all of you. One of the new chapters that I am mentoring this year is the Altoona Chapter and I had the privilege of attending and presenting at their September chapter meeting. We were a small group but we had a lively and meaningful discussion surrounding the topic of Managing Change. I have to admit, however, I experienced a bit of a panic moment early in the evening. Members were arriving and I was busy setting up when I turned around to see Gini Rudy, CAP enter the room. For those of you who attended the 2014 Division Annual Meeting, you may remember during the Town Hall meeting when Gini rose to speak about her feelings on the changes to IAAP. Gini spoke from the heart but it was obvious that she was upset and angry and when she walked into the room for my presentation my first thought was "oh no." But she greeted me warmly and during dinner I took a chance and asked her how she was feeling about everything. She said she was still angry about the way in which things happened but that she was keeping an open mind about the future. I told her that I was very surprised - pleasantly surprised - by her answer. I told her I would have thought, as angry as she had been, that she would have let her membership lapse. She told me that members of the chapter had been talking with her and she said she decided to stick around to see what the new IAAP would look like, which thrilled me. As a member of IAAP for 38 years, Gini could have easily said I'm done and walked away but she is choosing to stick around to see what the future holds - what a terrific role model and life lesson for all of us. So thank you to Gini and to the members of the Altoona Chapter for welcoming me as your mentor for the coming year. I hope you are all planning on attending the Fall Education Conferences scheduled for October 11 in Clarion and October 25 in Allentown. The Division has secured two quality speakers for you and each conference offers 2 recertification points. It is not too late to sign up for either one. I'll see you there. Deb Debra S. Feinberg, CAP-OM-TA 2014-2015 Pennsylvania Division President International President’s Message 9 To Chapter and Division Presidents, Vice Presidents and President-elects: I hope all of you have recovered from EFAM, are back from summer vacations, at your desk and ready for work, and are settled in for the new IAAP year. Starting this year, we will be implementing some changes and additions to our member recognition programs. Member engagement is important because it’s the membership that makes this association great. I’m excited about these changes and I trust you will be also. Except for the Member of Excellence, (which is already up in the web community) more detailed information will be available on October 1. But until then, here’s a preview and overview of the upcoming program. Member of Excellence The Member of Excellence programming is continuing. However, the chapter and division programs are not. More information about the MOE is available in the web community. This year, members need to complete eight out of a possible 14 criteria and submit the online application by the end of the day on June 15, 2015. IAAP Achievement Awards The IAAP Achievement Awards are new this year. IAAP members who have demonstrated achievement over the course of the fiscal year are selected through a nominations process to receive the IAAP Achievement Award. This awards program recognizes contributions and achievements that exemplify IAAP’s vision, core purpose, core values, and applauds excellence in the administrative profession. Each award will be based on a number of criteria with specifications for submitting applications, which will be decided upon by a working group. Nominations: Peers nominate a fellow member by an online submission process. Nomination Criteria: Criteria a member MUST meet to be considered for this award: -Be an IAAP member for one or more years -Maintain the criteria for attaining Member of Excellence in the current year -Be active in member recruitment and must be able to provide examples -Show advanced qualities of leadership in the workplace -Must show excellence and professionalism in his/her career -Exemplify the core values of IAAP Nominees will be narrowed down to a top 10. The top 10 nominees will be notified and offered a discounted rate to attend Louisville 2015. Up to three of the top 10 nominees will be chosen to receive the biggest award yet! Up to three winners (announced at Louisville 2015) will receive a complete IAAP 2016 Conference package which will include: -Premium Registration -The total cost of transportation (airfare, shuttle/taxi to and from airport) -Hotel costs for the duration of the conference **As an alternate prize, if a winner is unable to attend the conference IAAP will provide the same package for TEC: transportation, hotel, registration. Again, this is just an overview. More details on the IAAP Achievement Award will be coming soon. Exciting, isn’t it? I personally know of many members who exemplify IAAP values and ascribe to a strong work ethic. We have many outstanding members who have made, and continue to make, IAAP the premier association for those working in the administrative profession. Until next month, Antoinette Smith, CAP-OM IAAP President RECERTIFICATION INFORMATION 10 11 CAP Study Group – Frequently Asked Questions 1) What exam is the study group preparing for? We are preparing for the Certified Administrative Professional exam (ONLY!). We will not be specifically preparing for the Organizational Management specialty in this study group. RECERTIFICATION INFORMATION 2) How long will the study group meet? We will meet every Tuesday night from October 14, 2014 through February 24, 2015 for two hours (7:00 – 9:00 p.m. central time) per session. 3) How much does the study group cost? The cost is $100 to participate in the 17 week study group. Please note, we will also have a debriefing session following the exam (date to be confirmed). There are no refunds issued otherwise once the study group begins. 4) Where will the meetings be held? ONLINE! Yes, you can participate in this study group from the comfort of your own home (or office, if you feel like it). 5) What will I need to participate? You will need to have a computer with internet access and speakers. A microphone headset would be helpful for asking questions and interacting (here’s an example of an inexpensive one from Amazon: http://tinyurl.com/microphoneheadset) or you can call in on the phone. If you expect to use the headset for more things than this study group, you might wish to research a higher quality one. If necessary, you can type questions in the chat window. We will be using the anymeeting.com website for our discussions. We will also be using a yahoo study group, where all group emails will be sent and all files, links to recordings and helpful websites will be stored. 6) What if I have to miss a meeting? No problem! All sessions will be recorded and a link to the recording will be posted in the yahoo group so you can review the session at your leisure. This is a great resource for helping with your overall review in the final weeks of the study group as well. 7) What materials do I need to buy? You will need to purchase (or borrow) one textbook to prepare for the CAP exam with our study group. Note that this is NOT the only book recommended for preparing for the CAP exam. It is suggested that all participants review the full bibliography listed in the Exam Guide issued by HQ and follow their recommendations when studying for the exam. I will be providing additional reading material to fill in areas that are not as well covered in this textbook. a. Fulton-Calkins and Stultz. Procedures and Theory for Administrative Professionals. SouthWestern Publishing Co. 12 Member of Excellence 2014-2015 Revised Criteria as of June 11, 2014 Program date begins June 15th, 2014. MEMBER OF EXCELLENCE CRITERIA The deadline for submitting the Member of Excellence Application is June 15th, 2015. Submissions must be made online using the online submission form. The form is not yet available. Once the form is available there will be a link to the form on this page. For questions or assistance please contact Tonia Nelson at [email protected]. A Member of Excellence will receive a PDF certificate and Member of Excellence logo. A Member of Excellence will attain a minimum of 8 of the following 14 criteria: 1.Hold a current IAAP Certification (i.e. CAP as prescribed by the new curriculum). 2.Attend at least one professional educational workshop, seminar, webinar, or conference (at least 60 minutes in length) and provide a short paragraph on how the training relates to your job or your role in IAAP. It can be an IAAP or non-IAAP workshop, seminar, or conference. 3.Serve as a chapter, division, or international officer, committee chair, or committee member. Serve on a college/university advisory board for the office administrative program. (Any one of the above) You must serve in your role for a minimum of 6 months in order to qualify. 4.Conduct a public career/workplace/profession related presentation, program or training at least 60 minutes in length. (Note that the presentation does not need to qualify for recertification points). Provide a short paragraph describing your presentation, program, or training event. This may be a presentation on IAAP membership if made to an organization outside of IAAP. 5.Attend a minimum of eight (8) IAAP chapter, division or international sponsored meetings, programs or events, or webinars. Committee meetings may count for this criterion, but the meetings must be at least 1 hour in length. 6.Recruit at least one new member. 13 Member of Excellence 2014-2015 Revised Criteria as of June 11, 2014 (continued) MEMBER OF EXCELLENCE CRITERIA 7.Integrate IAAP membership and involvement into annual performance plan or review. 8.Be an Association Influencer for the current year. 9.Serve on an IAAP working group for the current year. 10.Participate in an IAAP HQ sponsored informational/training webinar (such as a Town Hall webinar) and provide a short explanation of topics the webinar covered. 11.Contribute to OfficePro, a web community blog (as a writer), or be featured in a member spotlight in the web community or OfficePro. 12.Demonstrate excellence in the workplace (employee recognition, letter from a boss). 13.Serve as a leader at work or in another organization. (such as: United Way, community service organization, work place committee) 14.Support The Foundation of IAAP (donation, participation in the Amazing Ride, item donation to the Silent Auction). 14 October ANNIVERSARIES ALL ABOUT US! Jessie Grove, CAP-OM Colette Walacavage, CAP-OM Candace White, CAP-OM-TA Kelly Ferrara, CAP-OM Joanne Jones Lindsay Lightner 19 years 19 years 8 years 6 years 2 years 1 year Lets start sharing wonderful happenings and news within our Hershey Chapter!! Have a story you want to share? A personal “news” item? You could see it here! Please submit any newsy items (with pictures?) regarding YOU to Bobbi Whary at [email protected] no later than Friday, October 31st to be included in the November Newsletter! Make this YOUR page!!!
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