Eaglehawk Uniting Church Eaglehaw Sunday 19 October 2014 10 am Lindsay Fall

Eaglehawk Uniting Church
"Eaglehawk Uniting Church tells people about Jesus, everywhere. (Acts Chapter 1 verses 8)"
Sunday 12 October 2014
Sunday 19 October 2014
10 am Congregation Participatory Service
10 am Lindsay Fall
6.30 pm Study
Duty Elders:
am June W-J
pm Jenny Farrell
Communion Duty Elders
am June W-J
Ken Wakeham
Merrill Cole
pm Jenny Farrell
Duty Elders:
November am Rod Broom
pm John Taylor
Communion Duty Elders
November am Rod Broom
Rosalie Costin
June W-J
pm John Taylor
Bible Readers
12 October - Jane Speirs-Gent
19 October - David Cay
26 October - Mary Preston
Steward Roster
October - Rhonda Dean
6.30 pm Study
A Welcome for those attending for the first time, thanks for choosing to meet with
us at Eaglehawk today. Please stay for a chat after the service, and collect an information pack from the foyer about all the activities of the Eaglehawk Uniting
Church. We hope to see you again soon. From the Elders of the EUC. The people
of Eaglehawk Uniting Church acknowledge the original indigenous inhabitants –
the Elders and the People, both past and present – who occupied the land on
which we live and worship.
Exodus 32:1-14 “Make Gods for Us” 32 When the people realized that Moses
was taking forever in coming down off the mountain, they rallied around Aaron
and said, “Do something. Make gods for us who will lead us. That Moses, the
man who got us out of Egypt—who knows what’s happened to him?” 2-4 So Aaron told them, “Take off the gold rings from the ears of your wives and sons and
daughters and bring them to me.” They all did it; they removed the gold rings
from their ears and brought them to Aaron. He took the gold from their hands
and cast it in the form of a calf, shaping it with an engraving tool. The people
responded with enthusiasm: “These are your gods, O Israel, who brought you
up from Egypt!” 5 Aaron, taking in the situation, built an altar before the calf. Aaron then announced, “Tomorrow is a feast day to GOD!” 6 Early the next morning, the people got up and offered Whole-Burnt-Offerings and brought PeaceOfferings. The people sat down to eat and drink and then began to party. It
turned into a wild party! 7-8 GOD spoke to Moses, “Go! Get down there! Your
people whom you brought up from the land of Egypt have fallen to pieces. In no
time at all they’ve turned away from the way I commanded them: They made a
molten calf and worshiped it. They’ve sacrificed to it and said, ‘These are the
gods, O Israel, that brought you up from the land of Egypt!’” 9-10 GOD said to Moses, “I look at this people—oh! what a stubborn, hard-headed people! Let me
alone now, give my anger free reign to burst into flames and incinerate them.
But I’ll make a great nation out of you.” 11-13 Moses tried to calm his GOD down.
He said, “Why, GOD, would you lose your temper with your people? Why, you
brought them out of Egypt in a tremendous demonstration of power and
strength. Why let the Egyptians say, ‘He had it in for them—he brought them
out so he could kill them in the mountains, wipe them right off the face of the
Earth.’ Stop your anger. Think twice about bringing evil against your people!
Think of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, your servants to whom you gave your
word, telling them ‘I will give you many children, as many as the stars in the
sky, and I’ll give this land to your children as their land forever.’” 14 And GOD did
think twice. He decided not to do the evil he had threatened against his people.
November-Rod & Narelle Broom
Items for BUCO:
October - Weet-bix or Vita Brits
Pastoral Care.
For Pastoral care needs please
contact Rosie Taylor.
Ph 5448 3920 or 0417 164 973
Anyone who has a Prayer
Request for our Prayer Chain
should contact Rosie Taylor for
Daytime and Yvonne Davey (for
day and evenings).
Pentecost 18 12/10/14
Pentecost 19 19/10/14
Pentecost 20 26/10/14
Exodus 32:1-14
Psalm 106:1-6, 19-23
Philippians 4:1-9
Matthew 22:1-14
Exodus 33:12-23
Psalm 99
1 Thessalonians 1:1-10
Matthew 22:15-22
Deuteronomy 34:1-12
Psalm 90:1-6, 13-17
1 Thessalonians 2:1-8
Matthew 22:34-46
Contact : Rev Cynthia Page - 5446 9177 Manse
Mobile number—0400 543 372
Church postal address: PO Box 387 Eaglehawk, Vic 3556
Emergency Evacuation Procedure Exit the building via the designated exit or
the nearest safe exit located at the front or rear of the foyer. You should proceed to the Evacuation Assembly area which is the far end of the car park
(northern). You should remain in the assembly area until told it is safe to do
otherwise by an appropriate authority.
12 October - Study
19 October - Study
Missionary Action Group (MAGS)
Fourth Tuesday from 12 noon to
Playgroup Friday 9:45 am to
12:15 pm in the Meeting Room
during School terms.
Youth Club Specific programs held
when advertised.
Men’s Coffee & Conversation
Usually last Friday of Month
Various Venues 10:00 am
OP Shop Monday to Saturday.
Women's Get Together held every
last Monday of the month from
10am at Let’s Get Saucy
Restaurant, Victoria Street,
Tuesday Morning Study Group
meets from 10am during School
terms or as listed in the Newsletter,
Luke 10 v 25-37.
26 October - Study
Dates to remember:
Thanks to all who have participated in the
BYO Congregational Service this morning.
It is much appreciated.
During the weeks that Rev Cynthia is
away and any member of the
congregation has any issues could you
please contact either myself or an Elder.
For pastoral issues that require a Minister
we have been fortunate to have Rev
Adrian Pegler available to assist us. Rev
Pegler will lead our Holy Communion
Service on October 26th, so this will be an
excellent opportunity to meet or catch up.
A reminder, that my phone number is
5446 1515 and my mobile number 0434
7t9 862, so feel free to call anytime you
have a concern.
Open Garden Today 12th October
57 Green Street California Gully
10-4pm. Entry $5. More info on
Wednesday Morning Study
The Preston’s 36 Harvey Lane
Jackass Flat. Meetings are 9.30 till
11.00am. Recommencing
Friendship Group
3rd Wednesday from 1pm to 3pm
in the Meeting Room. All welcome.
Youth Program
Ken 0439 381 806
Booking Officer—contact Jenny
Farrell 0409614735
Anyone who has a Prayer
Request for our Prayer Chain
should contact Rosie Taylor for
Daytime and Yvonne Davey (for
day and evenings).
Meeting of all Eaglehawk Op Shop
Church Volunteers in the Meeting Room
this Wednesday 15th October at 4pm.
The Finance Committee will be meeting
at 7pm on the 22nd October 2014.
Men's Coffee and Conversation will be
held on Friday 31st and will involve
"Investigating the Whipstick". Meet at the
church at 10 am and the plan will be to
have a BBQ lunch at one of the picnic
spots. Overall we expect to have about 4
hours of fellowship. Some of the tracks will
involve 4WDriving. John has promised to
cook up his famous scones. BBQ lunch
provided but you may need to bring your
own nibbles and drinks. For more info see
Laurie Preston especially if you have a
4WD that will share passengers. Let
Laurie or John know if you are coming so
that we can have the right amount of food.
This year’s Eaglehawk Combined Men's
Fellowship Dinner will be held at the
Eaglehawk Baptist Church on Sunday
November 2nd from 4pm to 6pm. Guest
Speaker Chris Morley, the co-founder of the
Bendigo for Homeless Youth. Please let
Brian Davey know if you will be in
The next meeting of the Friendship Group
will be held on 15th October 2014 and we
are going to visit the Art Gallery to view the
"Undressed" Exhibition. Cost is $9. If you
intend to go, please let Janice Austin know
(5446 2339) by Sunday October 12 including
if you require transport. Please meet at the
front of the Art Gallery by 1.15pm.
Church Garage Sale is to be held this year
on Saturday October 25th from 8am to 12
noon. If you have any items that can be sold
please contact Georg Hein, Jenny Farrell,
Brian Davey or an Elder. We can arrange for
items to be collected.
The Church Picnic will be held again this
year on Wednesday 29th October in
Canterbury Park from 11am until 2pm. A
BBQ will be supplied but please bring a
sweet to share.
Cornerstone 160th Anniversary will be
held at 10am on Sunday November 2nd.
Geoff Roberts will be providing Hymns/
Songs on the keyboard as well as there will
be other items provided by Cornerstone
people. Afterwards there will be Morning tea
and games etc for the young people. Please
support the work of Cornerstone.
Wanted Op Shop Volunteer
Every 2nd Friday afternoon commencing
17th October. See Lorna if you can assist.
Nominations are now available for Elders.
Nominations close on the 26th October 2014
and the Election will be held on the 9th
November 2014. Nominees should first
discuss their nomination with Rev Cynthia.
Interesting Times ahead:
Newsletter item for Weekly offering achievement
The following are the details of the 10am Services until the
year end:
Weekly Offerings to 05 October 2014
Offerings for last week and the year to date
19th October: Lindsay Falls. Lindsay is a prominent Lay
Leader of our Presbytery and in times past has been
a popular preacher at Sunday School Anniversaries.
26th October: Rev Adrian Peglar. This Service will include
Holy Communion. We welcome Rev Adrian as he is also
looking after our pastoral matters whilst Rev Cynthia is
Last week
Weekly Budget
2nd November: The 160th Cornerstone Anniversary
featuring Guest Pianist Geoff Roberts and items from
Progressive Total
Progressive Budget
9th November: Dr Dean Shirley from Uniting Care
Bendigo. Dean will tell us about the work of UCB and how
we can help.
16th November: Rev Gordon Bannon, Presbytery
Minister Pastoral Care. Holy Communion will be celebrated
at the Service. It is a privilege to have Rev Gordon amongst
us as he has a wide Presbytery to cover.
23rd November: Merrill Cole. Merrill will have just returned
from her experiences in Nepal. A Casserole Lunch will
follow where Merrill will tell more.
30th November: Rev Cynthia. This Service will include the
Baptism of Amy Vance.
December 7th: Rev Mike Lewis. Rev Mike has accepted a
Call from the Werribee Uniting Church and will be taking up
the appointment in the New Year.
December 14th: Cornerstone End of Year Celebration.
December 21st: Rev Cynthia: Christmas Sunday.
December 24th: Christmas Eve: at 7.30pm Family
December 25th: Christmas Day at 9.30am Rev Cynthia
December 28th Rev Cynthia. This Service will include
Holy Communion.
Please make a point of supporting as many of these
Services as you can, ensuring that the lead up to Christmas
will be meaningful and inspiring.
Donations are still required for the Samaritan's Purse
Project. See Mary or Yvonne for more details as to how
you can help.
Thank you all for your generosity in supporting the work of
God through our church.
News From Chibobo
Recently Staivous posted on Facebook: “So impressed to see
out of five (5) year 11 girls from chibobo learning at Mukando
Secondary school, four were selected as senior prefect.
These Naabo, Silvia, Cynthia, Matilda and one boy George.
Congratulation to chibobo girls. Who knew will go this far.
Today am celebrating all grade 12 are now writing their final
exams to be completed in the next three and graduate from
senior level. Thanks to all our sponsors may our almighty God
continue bless your entire families.” The ‘one boy George’
Staiuvous includes as one of the prefects is probably the
young man we are sponsoring. It is so encouraging to hear of
the success of students from Chibobo who can now look
forward to a brighter future. Staivous has also reported
recently that 60,000 bricks have been made for the
completion of the High School and teacher houses. It is good
to hear that work is progressing again on the school project.
John Taylor
Bendigo UnitingCare Prayer Points
Throughout October, we are asking you to pray for agencies we
connect with to support people in need in the community, in
particular for those who provide support for victims of abusive
relationships, the homeless, the unemployed and the troubled.
This week, please pray for the staff and clients of “Haven”, which
provides housing services to the homeless and disadvantaged.