Parish of Our Lady of Kāpiti Te Whaea Tapu o Kāpiti Our Lady of Fatima - Waikanae St Patrick’s - Paraparaumu Mission Sunday - 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A - 19 October 2014. Haere mai e te whanau, Tena koutou katoa, a kia noho te Ariki ki a koutou. Welcome, family, greetings to you all. May the Lord be with you. Dear Parishioners, Anyone who has truly experienced God’s saving love does not need much time or lengthy training to go out and proclaim that love. Every Christian is a missionary to the extent that he or she has encountered the love of God in Christ Jesus: we no longer say that we are “disciples” and “missionaries”, but rather that we are always “missionary disciples”. Pope Francis Back in August, in our Adult Faith Formation series, we reflected on the theme of ‘Missio’ – ‘Mission’. Sister Catherine Hannan reminded us so very beautifully and simply that compassion and mission are intimately linked. Thank you for the way you have all supported the bereaved families in our Parish recently with so many acts of compassion and sympathy, food, visits, prayer. It is heart-warming to see and hear of the many ways your practical compassion and charity makes a difference to those in need. Today, Mission Sunday, brings a further call upon our generous hearts – to support those who minister to bring the gospel to all peoples and cultures. I have invited Mike Redman and Corrie McCardle to give a short presentation on their ‘Grains of Hope’ project in which members of our Parish are supporting the Metsimothlabe Mission Station in Botswana. They will be talking at the 5.30pm Vigil Mass on Saturday night at Our Lady of Fatima Church and after the 9.30am Sunday Mass at Saint Patrick’s Church – all are welcome. With every blessing in Christ, Father Michael McCabe PASTORAL AREA ACTIVITIES THIS WEEK SUNDAY 19 OCTOBER Lambert Family Group to catch 11.05am train to Wellington to visit Te Papa for free Wearable Arts Exhibition. Bring Gold Card and money for lunch at Te Papa. Cancelled if wet. Enquiries Jill 902 1074. MONDAY 20 OCTOBER St Vincent de Paul Meeting 9.30am at St Patrick’s meeting room, Paraparaumu. OLOF Evening Scripture Group 7.30 - 9pm at 11a Arthur Grove. Ph Sandra 905 2774. TUESDAY 21 OCTOBER Café Catch Up 10 - 11am at the Olive Grove Café, Waikanae. An informal catch up over a cuppa with or without the kids for all mums, dads, grandparents or caregivers. OLOF Meditation Group 4 - 5pm at 53A Parata Street. Enquiries Ph Carla 902 2456. Parish Council Meeting 7.30pm at St Patrick’s Presbytery. WEDNESDAY 22 OCTOBER Youth Music Jam Sessions 7 - 8pm in St Patrick’s Church. All welcome. THURSDAY 23 OCTOBER Scripture Study Group 10.15am in meeting room at OLOF Church. Ph Clare 293 6262 or Pat 902 3995. Not Your Usual Sunday Readings 7.30pm at 72 Cedar Drive, Paraparaumu. Ph Sheila 902 2578 or Kay 293 7345. FRIDAY 24 OCTOBER Fun Time Pre-School Music 10.30 - 11.30am in the Library at St Patrick’s School. All pre-schoolers and their caregivers welcome. UPCOMING PASTORAL AREA ACTIVITIES SUNDAY 26 OCTOBER Youth Music Mass The Youth Music Team are leading the music at the 9.30am Mass at St Joseph’s Church, Levin. Notice for Eucharistic Ministers at ST PATRICK’S CHURCH Would all Ministers of the Eucharist at St Patrick’s church who take Communion to the sick please phone EDDIE DORAN on 902 1074 with your updated list as soon as possible. Psalm Response: Give the Lord glory and honour. PASTORAL NOTICES Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A.) For those who wish to be received into full communion with the Church at Easter next year, and those who wish to know more about our faith please contact Eddie Doran 902 1074 or Margaret Bevin 299 6825. Thank You COLUMBAN CALENDARS I want to express my immense gratitude to our wonderful church community. The way that you have shown your love and support for me and my family following the loss of Margaret is truly inspiring and comforting. God Bless you all. John Butterfield - $10.00 The Columban Calendars will soon be on sale after Mass. If you would like to order any copies please call in to the Parish office at 29 Parata Street, Waikanae or phone on 902 5815. By purchasing a Columban Calendar we are supporting the missionary work of the church through the Columbans. This is one of their main fundraisers and they are very appreciative of the support we give to them. Kapiti Pastoral Area Book of Life Mass for the Bereaved - Sat 15 November 2014 10am at St Patrick’s Church If you have loved ones who have died between 1 November 2013 and the present date and you would like their names in the Book of Life, please use the forms provided in the Church foyer to record their name and date of death and place in the container by the forms. People who were buried from the Kapiti Pastoral Area are already included. The last day for names is Friday 24 October. After that date please contact Maureen Borkin on 04 904 7464. Waikanae Women’s Fellowship Kapiti Uniting Parish invite the ladies of Our Lady of Kāpiti Parish to join them Monday 1 December 2014 1.30pm in a Christmas celebration in the Kapiti Uniting Parish church lounge corner Ngapaki & Taita Streets, Waikanae. Readings for 20 - 27 October Monday 20 October Eph 2:1-10; Lk 12:13-21 Tuesday 21 October Eph 2:12-22; Lk 12:35-38 PLEASE SEE NOTICE BOARD IN CHURCH FOYER FOR ALL EVENTS IN THE ARCHDIOCESE Wednesday 22 October Eph 3:2-12; Lk 12:39-48 CONDOLENCES TO: John Butterfield on the death of his wife Margaret Butterfield whose funeral was held this week. May she rest in peace. CONDOLENCES TO: Karen Huxford on the death of her husband Keith Huxford whose funeral was held this week. May he rest in peace. Thursday 23 October Eph 3:14-21; Lk 12:49-53 Friday 24 October Eph 4:1-6; Lk 12:54-59 Saturday 25 October Eph 4:7-16; Lk 13:1-9 REMEMBERING THE HOLY SOULS - MAY THEY REST IN PEACE Keith Huxford, Margaret Butterfield, Stephen Nicholson, Bill Fleming, Doreen Wallis, Philip Birch, Monica McPeak, Maria Costa, Lorna Whittaker, Veronica Williams, Nigel Wratt, Roy Kinnaird and Monica Kinnaird-Palmer. Sunday 26 October – 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Ex 22:20-26; 1 Thess 1:5-10; Mt 22:34-40 Parish of Our Lady of Kāpiti Te Whaea Tapu o Kāpiti Our Lady of Fatima Church 29 Parata Street, Waikanae Saturday Vigil Mass 5.30pm Sunday Mass 9am WEEKDAY TIMETABLE Wednesday & Friday: Mass 9.30am Tues & Thurs: Liturgy of the Word & Holy Communion 9.30am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Friday 8.30am Sacrament of Reconciliation follows Friday Mass Parish Priest: Fr Michael McCabe Assistant Priest: Fr Dennis Nacorda Ph (04) 902 5815 Office location 29 Parata Street, Waikanae Parish Secretary: Carol Lamain Office Hours Mon - Fri 9am - 12.30pm Phone 902 5815 Email: [email protected] Webmaster: Lafaele Vaeluaga St Patrick’s Church 16 Hinemoa Street, Paraparaumu Saturday Vigil Mass 5.30pm Sunday Mass 9.30am WEEKDAY TIMETABLE Tuesday & Friday: Mass 9.30am Mon, Wed, Thurs : Liturgy of the Word & Holy Communion 9.30am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Friday 8.30am Sacrament of Reconciliation follows Friday Mass Kapiti Catholic Child & Youth Ministry - Ph 022 6757 357 [email protected] St Patrick’s School, Principal: Mr Martin Elms, 298.6780 E-mail:[email protected] Web Site:
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