CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH October 26, 2014 – 10:30 a.m. * * * OUR APPROACH TO GOD Prelude in D, BWV 532 Lector: This is the word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God. * HYMN – The day of resurrection J. S. Bach SERMON – ‘BUT CHRIST HAS INDEED BEEN RAISED FROM THE DEAD’ Matthew Lingard A MOMENT OF SILENCE OUR RESPONSE TO GOD THE CALL TO WORSHIP THE OFFERING * HYMN – Praise, my soul, the King of heaven 250 PRAYERS: ADORATION, CONFESSION & PARDON MEMORIAL TRIBUTE FOR CPL. NATHAN CIRILLO – Jim Ruddle PSALM 46: God is our hope and strength WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS * HYMN – Will you come and follow me See Insert TIME WITH THE CHILDREN (Children leave for Faith Finders) GOD SPEAKS TO US * GLORIA PATRI OLD TESTAMENT READING (p. 652) * THE DOXOLOGY AND PRESENTATION OF GIFTS Praise God from Whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below: Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. THE LORD’S PRAYER (trespasses) Psalm 118:14-24 613 Isaiah 25:6-9 ANTHEM – Freue dich, erlöste Schar (BWV 30) J. S. Bach Freue dich, erlöste Schar, freue dich in Sions Hütten. Dein Gedeihen hat itzund einen rechten festen Grund, dich mit Wohl zu überschütten. Rejoice, redeemed flock, rejoice in the tabernacle of Zion. The annointed one now has a firm and holy ground on which to shower you with goodness. NEW TESTAMENT READING (p. 176) SOLO – PANIS ANGELICUS César Franck Lord most holy, O Lord most mighty, O loving Father, Thee would we be praising alway. Help us to know Thee, and love Thee; grant us Thy truth and grace; guide and defend us. Rule Thou our wilful hearts, keep Thine our wandering thoughts; In all our sorrows, let us find our rest in Thee; And in temptation’s hour, save through Thy mighty power, Thine aid, O send us; Hear us in mercy. Mari van Pelt, alto; Kirk Starkey, cello PRAYERS OF DEDICATION, THANKSGIVING & SUPPLICATION PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION * RESPONSIVE READING (p. 565) 193 1 Corinthians 15-12-22 605 * HYMN – Thine be the glory 201 * THE BENEDICTION Fugue in D, BWV 532 J. S. Bach * Indicates standing. Please feel free to remain seated. *** The hymn, “Will you come and follow Me”, is reproduced under Copyright License #2886178. A warm welcome to Matthew Lingard who leads us in worship this morning. WELCOME to all joining us in worship this morning. Your presence and participation honours God and increases our joy. FAITH FINDERS: A Family Prayer Dear Heavenly Father, Your son Jesus did amazing things when he was here on earth. He brought joy, love and hope to many people. Help us never to give up hope, even in the hardest situations. We present to you now our hopes to make the world a better place. Amen. CHARLTON CLUB: Charlton Club meets this Wednesday, October 29th from 4:30-7:30 pm. The theme for this week is Costume Night. Notes for First-Time Worshippers at Central We invite you to take home the bookmark from the Welcome Card, as a reminder of your visit. If you would like to know more about us, fill in the information insert in the card, detach it and place it on the offering plate. Before you leave, please sign the guest book in the vestibule. Infant care is available during the service. Please feel free to keep your little ones with you in church. For the nursery, go through the door at the front of the sanctuary (right side). Once through, walk to the end of the corridor where you will see the nursery. Washrooms are available in the same corridor. Children are invited to attend Faith Finders during the worship service. Our congregation follows the Presbyterian Church in Canada Leading with Care policy, which seeks to ensure a “Climate of Safety for Children, Youth and Vulnerable Adults”. TODAY Registration forms are still available on the bulletin board in the Church Hall, online or in the Church Office. Charlton Club is an intergenerational midweek program bringing young people from Grades 4-12 and adults together through play, Bible teaching, dinner and worship. Visitors are always welcome! • • • • • • • • Offering Prayers: Beth Mackay Reilly Welcome & Announcements: Kristel Bulthuis Lector: Tim Lo Duty Manager: Jim Morgan Greeters: Jim and Myrna Evel Head Usher: Bill Martin Nursery: Kelly Pearce and Theresa Koyzis Sunday Custodian: Mindi Hood ~ 11:40 am – Refreshments in the Church Hall ~ NEWS FROM THE PEWS – Please continue to keep Sue Wilson, Eileen Reynolds, Pamela Stansfield, Kay Lumsden, Doris Middleton, Gordon Brownhill, Glenn Gibson and Chuck Scott in your prayers. THIS WEEK IN THE CONGREGATION MONDAY 10:00 am Municipal Election polling station all day in the –8:00 pm Church Hall. TUESDAY 10:00 am - ‘Knit & Knatter’ in the Guild Room. New knitters most welcome to come and help us knit hats, scarves, prayer shawls and baby blankets. WEDNESDAY 4:30 pm – Charlton Club in the Hub / Church Hall. SATURDAY 9:30 am – GriefShare Meeting in the Allan Room. 9:30 am – Kitchen Clean-Up 7:30 pm – Libertas Male Choir In Concert SUNDAY 10:00 am – Prayer Circle in the Guild Room. 10:15 am – Prayers in the Vestry. 10:30 am – Worship 12:30 pm – Home Group at the home of Chris Godwaldt and Kevin Dunn. A BOOK OF CONDOLENCES for Cpl. Nathan Cirillo will be available in the Church Hall during the coffee hour following the service today for anyone who wishes to sign. CENTRAL’S PRAYER TEAM keeps your requests for prayers confidential. Contact Barbara McWilliams. PRAYER CIRCLE – During the vacancy, you are invited to join us in a time of prayer each Sunday morning at 10:00 am in the Guild Room. Prayers will be led by Barbara McWilliams. Everyone welcome. REMINDER that Daylight Savings time ends on Sunday, November 2nd at 2:00 am. Don’t forget to turn your clocks back 1 hour! ‘CONTACT’ NEWSLETTER – The deadline for submissions for the Nov/Dec issue is 12:00 noon on Friday, November 7th. FOOD DRIVE – Donations of non-perishable food items will be given through Hamilton Food Share to less fortunate Hamilton families. Please place any items that you bring in the blue boxes located at the front entrance in the narthex. A list of “Most Needed Items” has been posted for your consideration. Thank you in advance for your donations. KITCHEN CLEAN-UP – The Fellowship Committee will be cleaning the kitchen on Saturday, November 1st at 9:30 am and is looking for helpers in this worthy cause. If you can help, please speak to Beth Mackay Reilly. “THANK YOU for your generous donation of 128 pounds of food…. The impact of your generosity does make a difference today for people who have nowhere else to turn. On behalf of Hamilton Food Share and the community of people who will benefit from your contribution, thank you again. Sincerely, Mona Santucci, Hamilton Food Share Warehouse Manager.” COPIES of the Daily Devotional Booklet ‘Today’ for Nov/Dec 2014 are available on the small tables throughout the Church. You are encouraged to “Take Ten”, that is to take ten minutes each day to read and then reflect on the Bible text and commentary printed in the booklet. It will help you grow as a more disciplined disciple of Jesus. ADVANCE NOTICE - CENTRAL’S BOOK CLUB – The next meeting of the Book Club will be on Sunday, November 23rd at 7:00 pm in the Allan Room with Shannon Smith leading the group in a review and discussion of Stephen King’s ’11-22-63’. 8:00 pm. No tickets are required, no offering will be taken: admission is free. For more information, please telephone the church office at 905-522-9098, or write to Paul Grimwood at [email protected]. REQUIEM – GABRIEL FAURÉ On Thursday, November 6, 2014, at 8:00 p.m., the choir of Central Presbyterian Church, Hamilton, under the direction of Paul Grimwood, will sing the Requiem by Gabriel Fauré. This is a particularly suitable time to perform this work, as we pause to think about the meaning of Remembrance Day on November 11. This Requiem, one of the most beautiful of all 19th century works, was written in the 1880s for the choir at the Madeleine Church in Paris, France. With Fauré’s gifts of sensuous harmony, beautiful melody and great attention to orchestral colour, this Requiem is for many a supreme religious experience. The choir's yearly tradition of presenting a major choral works, has called forth praise in the past from The Hamilton Spectator's Hugh Fraser, who has said their performances are "splendid... an exquisite surprise... some of the finest music you'll hear anywhere", and "(the first thing noticed is) the gorgeous sound that this choir makes...remarkable for both excellence and depth of feeling". Soloists for the concert will be Julie Ludwig, soprano, and Tom Fleming, baritone. Fauré’s Requiem takes place at Central Presbyterian Church, 165 Charlton Ave. W., Hamilton, on Thursday, November 6th, at THE MISSION COMMITTEE will be supplying a supper each month at St. David's ‘Moms to Moms’ program. These moms could use our help with some basic needs. Items most needed are: • Baby Wipes (the large boxes of multiple packages of wipes are easier to hand out) • Diapers: Sizes 3, 4, 5, 6 • Pull-ups: Sizes T2-T3, T3-T4, T4-T5 • Toilet paper • 2 little boys need some pants, size 4 that pull on and off easily • Pants - size 3 - for a tall 2 1/2 year old boy In addition, there will be 3 new babies born around Christmas time so some items for newborns will be needed as well. Also needed are some large toys such as trucks and bikes that the children can ride around in inside the gym. Small tables and chairs, large plastic dump trucks, tractors, and blocks would also be helpful -- these could be used but in good condition. These items will help to amuse the children while the moms are in their meetings.
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