LENTEN CONFESSIONS will be held as follows:- Church Notice ~ stjosephkuching.org FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT 22nd March 2015 SECOND COLLECTION this week is for the Development Fund. VACANCY for the following positions are available in the Cathedral Parish:1. ACCOUNTS EXECUTIVE - Experienced in handling full set of Accounts with minimum L.C.C.I. Level 3 Accounting. 2. FRONT OFFICE CLERK - Computer literate with accurate typing skill, fluent in English & Bahasa Malaysia; knowledge of Mandarin & other local dialects an added advantage. 3. DOMESTIC COOK - Preferably with some experience. 4. HOUSEKEEPERS - Prepared to work on shift. 5. SECURITY GUARDS - Prepared to work on shift. Interested candidates for Positions 1 & 2 MUST be practising Catholics. Please send in your resume and photocopy of your relevant certificates by hand to the Parish Office (Attn: The Rector) latest by Tuesday, 31st March. Only shortlisted candidates will be called for interview. For Positions 3, 4 & 5, please call Nelly Tel: 082-423424 to fix an appointment for interview. FAITH FORMATION COURSE FOR ADULTS will be conducted by Archbishop Emeritus Peter Chung for any interested Catholics as follows: In Chinese, on Monday from 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm at the Mater Domini Auditorium, Level 2, A.C.C.P.C.. In English, on Wednesday from 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm at the Mother Mary Home and Chapel for Retired Priests, Stutong. CWS LENTEN APPEAL ENVELOPES & BOXES - Parishioners are reminded to return them to the Parish Office or via the Sunday Collection soonest. At the Cathedral - Morning Lenten Confession for Parishioners Mon, 23rd March 8:30 am - 10:30 am Tue, 24th March 8:30 am - 10:30 am Wed, 25th March 8:30 am - 10:30 am At St. Mark’s Church - Evening Lenten Confession for Parishioners Thu, 26th March 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm COMBINED REQUIEM MASS will be celebrated on Friday, 27th March at 6:00 pm after the Stations of the Cross. Please hand in your prayer intention latest by Thursday, 26th March. PALM SUNDAY falls on 29th March. There will be distribution and blessing of palms at every Mass and a procession at the beginning of the BM Mass. Parishioners who wish to participate in the procession are kindly requested to assemble at St. Peter’s College ground for the blessing of palms at 9:30 am. To facilitate the procession, motorists coming for the 2nd and 3rd Mass are kindly requested NOT to park along the road from the Guard house to the Seminary. Please follow the directives of our Security & RELA personnel. The quantity of palm leaves supplied for distribution will be very much reduced this year in view of its scarcity. Parishioners are encouraged to bring your own palm leaves from home for the Palm Sunday services. If you have extra palms, do bring them along on that day and pass to the Wardens on duty at the church entrances for distribution to other parishioners. FELLOWSHIP AFTER MASS (F.A.M.) is organised after the BM Mass on Palm Sunday, 29th March from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm at the Parish Gallery. It will be filled with Worship Songs, Uplifting Exhortation, Life Testimonies and a Simple lunch will be served. All are welcome! PRIESTS’ MEETING & RECOLLECTION is on Wednesday, 1st April. There will be no daily Mass at 5:30 pm on that day. Instead, CHRISM MASS will be celebrated in the Cathedral at 7:30 pm that evening. During this Mass, the Archbishop and all Priests of the Archdiocese of Kuching will come together to publicly renew their priestly commitment. All Parishioners are encouraged to come and support them with our prayers. SEMINAR ON DIALOGUE OF SALVATION: CATHOLICS CALLED TO EVANGELISE by Deacon Dr. Sherman Kuek is organised by the Legion of Mary Kuching Comitium from 10th to 12th April at the Holy Trinity Church Kenyalang. Seminar fee is RM50 (inclusive of workbook and meals). Registration forms are available at the church entrances and closing date is 23rd March. EASTER RALLY (ER2015): “Abide In Me (AIM)” - The EMPOWERED Ministry invites all youths and adults to join ER2015 from 30th April to 3rd May at the A.C.C.P.C. This year’s ER features Youth Conference, Men’s Conference, Women’s Conference, Kids Conference and a Worship & Adoration Night Concert. Registration is now available online at empoweredministry.org with early bird registration for all conferences at RM60 only (except Kids Conference); Early bird ends on 22nd March. For further information, kindly contact the Empowered Hotline: 014 694 5414 or email: [email protected] To facilitate registration, a booth is set up at the main entrance of the Cathedral this weekend. CATHOLIC RELIGIOUS RADIO BROADCAST will be on the air over RTM FM91.9 this Sunday at 9:15 pm in English. CATHOLIC MUTUAL BENEFIT SOCIETY will hold its 45th Annual General Meeting this Sunday, 10:00 am at St. Mary Conference room, Level 2, A.C.C.P.C. All members are requested to attend the meeting followed by a fellowship lunch. …………………………….………………………………………………………… BAPTISM OF BABIES will take place this Sunday immediately after the 3rd Mass in this Cathedral. NEW ADULT CONFIRMATION SESSIONS for those 18 years and above are conducted weekly starting March until September this year. Please inform any Catholic friends and relatives who have not received the Sacrament of Confirmation to attend any of the following: Session in English is on every Tuesday from 7:30 pm – 9:15 pm at St. Matthew room, Parish Centre (Facilitator: Mr. Felix Thang @ 082-426617). Session in Mandarin is on every Thursday from 7:30 pm – 9:15 pm at St. Simon room, Catechetical Block above the Parish Gift Shop (Catechist: Ms. Agnes Chai @ 082-412650 / 016-8920887 or Facilitator: Mr. Jerome Lim @ 012-8885999). Session in Bahasa Malaysia is on every Sunday from 11:00 am – 12:30 pm at St. Peter room, Parish Centre (Facilitator: Mr. John Edward @ 019-8674093). PARKING OF VEHICLES - The main gates in front of the Cathedral will be closed throughout the Easter Triduum services. Parishioners are requested to park your vehicles at the car park beside St. Jude’s Kindergarten, at St. Joseph’s or St. Teresa’s school car park. We appeal to all parishioners to park orderly so as not to obstruct other vehicles, traffic flow and vehicles carrying disabled passengers parked in front of the Prayer Room. There will be NO ANNOUNCEMENT of vehicle plate numbers throughout the Easter Triduum services. To mitigate car parking problem, parishioners are encouraged to CAR-POOL to church throughout the Holy Week, i.e. from Palm Sunday to Easter Vigil Mass. SEATS FOR THE ELDERLY & PEOPLE WITH SPECIAL NEEDS – During the Holy Week, pews at the Day Chapel will be specially set aside for the disabled, the aged and their accompanying caregivers. These seats are not to be reserved but will be occupied on a first-come-first-serve basis. We appeal for your kind understanding and co-operation to respect those with special needs. THE BIBLE TIMELINE SERIES: THE GREAT ADVENTURE - STORY OF SALVATION is a Catholic Bible Study course organised by the Parish on every Tuesday from 7:30 pm to 10:00 pm commencing from 21st April until 3rd November. Registered participants will be notified on the actual venue in due course. Registration fee is RM155 per head. Interested, do submit your registration form with payment to the Cathedral Parish Office early as places are limited. Fees are to cover all materials required for this great adventure. Registration forms are available from the Parish Office and church entrances. For more information, please contact Donna Lai (013-8161412) or Lilian Teoh (016-8680198). A FAITH FORMATION COURSE ENTITLED “GROWING IN THE LOVE AND POWER OF JESUS” will be conducted by the Holy Cross Ministry of Deliverance & Healing at St. Augustine’s room from 7:30 to 8:30 pm commencing on Sunday, 26th April for a duration of 6 months. Participation is FREE. Please register with the Parish Office. PRE-MARRIAGE COURSES in English and Mandarin are scheduled on 13th, 14th, 20th & 21st June. Couples planning to get married are required to attend this course at least six months before the intended wedding date. Registration forms are obtainable from the Parish Office and closing date is on Friday, 5th June. Please register early.
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