Served by: Pastor Rev. Aurelio Yañez Gomez, S.T.D. Parochial Vicar Rev. Marco Hurtado Brazilian Assistant Rev. Celso L. Martins, Jr. CSsR Weekly Assistant Rev. Daniel A. Danik Brazilian Apostolate Assistant Sr. Hilaria de Oliveira, O.S.F. Catechetical Coordinator Mrs. Silder A. Baluarte Music Director Mr. Richard E. Corritore, III Chairperson of the Pattoral Council Ms. Diana Medina Chairperson of the Finance Board The Church of SAINT CATHERINE OF SIENA 1000 North Broad St., Hillside, New Jersey 07205 Mailing Address: 19 King St., Hillside, NJ 07205 The Holy Eucharist Saturday: Sunday: Weekdays: Holy Days: 5:30 PM English Mass of Anticipation 7:00 PM Spanish Mass 8:00 AM English Mass 9:15 AM Portuguese Mass 11:00 AM Spanish Mass 12:30 PM English Mass Mon. thru Fri. 7:30 AM English Mass Mon. 7:00 PM Spanish Mass Tues. 7:00 PM Spanish Mass Wed. 7:30 PM Portuguese Mass As announced in the bulletin Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: All Saturdays of the Month from 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon. Special Prayer for Vocations: 1st Friday of the Month. The Sacrament of Baptism: We celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism on the 4th Sunday of each month. Instructions for parents and godparents take place on the 3rd Monday each month at 6:00 PM in English and at 7:00 PM in Spanish. Parents must register their child two months in advance. The Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturdays from 4:00 PM to 5:15 PM or by appointment. The Sacrament of Confirmation: A Parish Confirmation program is offered to high school parishioners who have completed at least two years of Religious Education. Adults seeking to complete the Sacrament of Initiation are invited to take part in our Rite of Christian Initiation for adults. Please contact the priest. Mr. George Roselle Trustees: Mr. Angelo Bonanno Miss Mary Ann Imbriaco The Sacrament of Marriage: Arrangements are to be made with one of the priests as soon as possible. Usually one year’s notice is required. Pre-Cana are required. The Sacrament of the Sick: Any time upon request in the home of the sick. A Mass of Anointing takes place at Easter and Advent. Priests or Eucharistic Minister of the Parish will bring communion to parishioners confined to home. Please notify the Rectory. The Sacrament of the Holy Orders: Those men who recognize the call to Priesthood or the Order of Deacon are invited to contact the Pastor. Newcomers/Parish Membership: We welcome all new Parishioners and look forward to meeting you. We hope you will become involved in the Life of St. Catherine of Siena. Letters for godparents and sponsors are provided for registered Parishioners. We thank you for your stewardship of time and support of your Parish. St. Catherine of Sienna/Rectory Office 19 King St. Hillside, NJ 07205 Phone: 908-351-1515 • Fax: 908-351-2139 Parish Web Site: Parish E-Mail: [email protected] October 26, 2 0 1 4 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time LOVE SHOWN IN ACTION Do you receive the word of God with joy as the Thessalonians did? Their faith showed in their actions. They became models for other believers. The first reading tells us to put our faith into action. This passage is part of a long list of ordinances God commanded the Israelites to observe. God will judge us by how we treat our neighbors. God will hear the cries of any whom we neglect or mistreat and will come to their defense. In today’s Gospel the Pharisees put the question of God’s law to Jesus. “Which commandment of the law is the greatest?” (Matthew 22:36) How could he possibly choose from all the detailed commandments the Jews observed? He was sure to offend somebody by his answer! Of course, Jesus went right to the heart of the matter. Love is the greatest commandment—love of God and love of neighbor. Everything else is based on this. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. R E A D I N G S F O R T HE W E E K Monday: Eph 4:32 — 5:8; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk13:10-17 Tuesday: Eph 2:19-22; Ps 19:2-5; Lk 6:12-16 Wednesday: Eph 6:1-9; Ps 145:10-14; Lk 13:22-30 Thursday: Eph 6:10-20; Ps 144:1b, 2, 9-10;Lk 13:31-35 Friday: Phil 1:1-11; Ps 111:1-6; Lk 14:1-6 Saturday: Rv 7:2-4, 9-14; Ps 24:1-6; 1 Jn 3:1-3;Mt 5:1-12a Sunday: Wis 3:1-9; Ps 23:1-6; Rom 5:5-11 or 6:3-9; Jn 6:37-40, or any readings from no. 668 or from Masses for the Dead, nos. 1011-1016 27 28 29 31 01 WEEKLY ACTIVITY OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 7:00 PM Spanish Mass – Divine Child Novena 7:00 PM Spanish Mass – Prayer Group 6:30 PM English - Marian Prayer Group 7:30 PM Sacred Mass and Perpetual HelpNovena - Brazilian Community Visiting the Sick 9:00 AM Mass and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 11:45 AM Blessing with the Blessed Sacrament BORN TO LOVE: We were born to love, we live to love, and we will die to love still more. —Joseph Cafasso CHARACTER: Character is much easier kept than recovered. —Thomas Pain #651 Saturday 5:30 PM 7:00 PM Sunday 8:00 AM 9:15 AM 11:00 AM 12:30 PM Monday 7:30 AM 7:00 PM Tuesday 7:30 AM 7:00 PM Wednesday 7:30 AM Thursday 7:30 AM Friday 7:30 AM October 25 +Mary & Michael Ucci +Dario Zuleta 3rd Anniversary October 26 August Milo People of the Parish +Isabel Ciotta 6th Anniversary +Catherine Burke October 27 Juan Pastrana +Esperanza Cárdenas 16th Anniversary October 28 Ana Tulia Pastrana - Health +Adelfa Dieguez October 29 +Helen Brecina October 30 +George Anderson October 31 Claudia Rubio -Birthday Saturday, November 1st to Friday November 7th All Masses for All Souls TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Sadly, one of the most difficult reforms of the Second Vatican Council for the Church to embrace has been one of the most thorough and beautiful: the sacrament of penance. Because it is individual and private, it has been difficult for the changes to take root. Sometimes a priest may be grounded in the earlier form, and at other times the penitent may resist the priest’s attempt to blend in the proper texts and rituals. Perhaps because the new form is almost identical in structure to the old, it has been difficult to insititute. It may also be true that with the liturgy in English now, it is far more clear that the Eucharist, too, is a “sacrament of reconciliation.” It is certainly true that there are different skills and gifts in ministry, and experienced penitents know that not all priests are equally at ease in this sacramental encounter. Sometimes a difficult experience can drive people away from a liturgy that is spiritually rich and rewarding. Yet we know that one bad meal seldom puts people off restaurants forever: the dinner gong tends to dispel bad memories, and so we try again. Individual confession and absolution is for us both treasure and tradition. If you haven’t been for a while, consider coming back to praise God for this gift of mercy. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. How to Report Abuse The Archdiocese takes very seriously and all allegations of sexual misconduct by members of the clergy, Religious and lay staff of the Archdiocese. We encourage anyone with knowledge of an act of sexual misconduct to inform us immediately so that we may take appropriate action to protect others and provide support to victims of sexual abuse. Individuals who wish to report an allegation of sexual misconduct may do so by calling the Archdiocese Office of Child and Youth Protection at (201) 407-3256 MARK YOUR CALENDAR - OCTOBER & NOVEMBER 30 01 02 8:00 PM Bible Class – Brazilian Community 9:00 AM Healing Mass - English 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM Bible Class - English 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM Altar Servers Meeting 9:30 AM – R.C.I.A Octubre 26, 2014 Trigésimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario EL AMOR ESTÁ EN LA ACCIÓN ¿Recibes la palabra de Dios con gozo, al igual que hicieron los tesalonicenses? Su fe se reflejó en sus acciones. Se convirtieron en ejemplo para otros creyentes. La primera lectura nos dice que pongamos nuestra fe en acción. Este pasaje es parte de una larga lista de reglas que Dios impone a los israelitas para su observancia y para respetar su Ley. Dios nos juzgará por cómo nosotros tratamos a nuestros semejantes. Dios escuchará los llantos de todo aquel al que desatendemos o maltratamos, y vendrá en su defensa. En el Evangelio de hoy, los fariseos plantean la cuestión de la Ley de Dios. “¿Cuál es el mandamiento más importante de la Ley?” (Mateo 22:36). ¿Cómo es posible que él pueda elegir de entre todos los detallados mandamientos que los judíos observaban? ¡Sin duda que ofendería a alguien con su respuesta! Sin embargo, Jesús fue derecho al grano. El amor es el más grande de todos los mandamientos, el amor de Dios y el amor del prójimo. Todo lo demás se basa en esto. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Ef 4:32 - 5:8; Sal 1:1-4, 6; Lc 13:10-17 Martes: Ef 2:19-22; Sal 19 (18):2-5; Lc 6:1216 Miércoles: Ef 6:1-9; Sal 145 (144):10-14; Lc 13:22-30 Jueves: Ef 6:10-20; Sal 144 (143):1b, 2, 9-10;Lc 13:31-35 Viernes: Fil 1:1-11; Sal 111 (110):1-6; Lc 14:1-6 Sábado: Apo 7:2-4, 9-14; Sal 24 (23):1-6; 1 Jn 3:1-3; Mt 5:1-12a Domingo: Sab 3:1-9; Sal 23 (22):1-6; Rom 5:5-11 ó 6:3-9; Jn 6:37-40, o lecturas de entre las Misas para los difuntos ACTIVIDAD 27 7:00 PM 28 7:00 PM 29 6:30 PM 7:30 PM SEMANAL OCTUBRE - NOVIEMBRE Misa y Novena al Divino Niño Misa y Grupo de Oración - Español Grupo de Oración Mariano - Inglés Misa y Novena a Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro - Comunidad Brasilera 31 Visita a los enfermos 01 9:00 AM Misa Y Exposición Del Santísimo Sacramento 11:45 AM Bendición Con El Santísimo Sacramento Pensamientos sobre el amor -Hay que demostrar con obras lo que se cree con el corazón. El amor de Dios y el amor al prójimo son dos hojas de una puerta que sólo pueden abrirse y cerrarse juntas. (Sören Kierkegaard) -El amor al prójimo es nuestra medida de nuestro amor de Dios. (Edith Estein) -Amar es desear a los demás todo lo bueno; y no por amor a nosotros mismos, sino por amor a los demás. (Aristóteles) -La santidad no consiste en saber mucho ni en mucho meditar; la santidad es un secreto: el secreto de mucho amar. (Santo Tomás de Aquino). -Lo que te quedas para ti, ya lo has perdido. Pero lo que das es tuyo para siempre. (Josef Recla) -El amor es la única prueba de que somos auténticos cristianos. (Johannes Leppich) -Cuanto más amemos y nos demos, tanto más valor y sentido tendrá nuestra vida. (Herman Hesse) -El amor nos enseña todas las virtudes. (Plutarco) -Señor, toma este corazón de piedra, y dame un corazón de hombre: un corazón que te ame, un corazón que se alegre en ti, que te imite y que te complazca. (San Ambrosio) -Dios nos ha dado un solo camino para la vida, y es el amor; un único camino para la felicidad, y es el amor; y un solo camino de perfección, y es también el amor. (Iginio Ugo Tarchetti) -Para conseguir la perfección, solo conozco un medio: el amor. (Santa Teresa de Lisieux) -La grandeza de un alma se mide por lo que ama. (San Bernardo) -El amor es el único tesoro que se multiplica al dividirlo. (Anónimo) -Cuando venga el día del juicio nos preguntarán no por lo que hemos leído, sino por lo que hemos hecho; no por lo que muy bien hemos hablado, sino por lo que religiosamente hemos vivido. (Tomás de Kempis) -El que no ama, no conoce a Dios, porque Dios es amor. (San Juan Evangelista) -A veces se dice "Dios castiga a los que ama". Pero no es verdad, porque para quienes Dios ama, las pruebas no son castigos, sino gracias. (Cura de Ars) Podemos estar ya ahora con Dios en el cielo; podemos ser felices con él en este preciso instante; si amamos como Él ama, si ayudamos como Él ayuda, si damos como Él da, si servimos como Él sirve. (Madre Teresa de Calcuta) -Donde se pronuncia una palabra de amor; donde se hace un acto de caridad, allí Cristo vuelve a resucitar. (Ferdinand Ebner) -Vamos hacia Dios, no caminando, sino amando. (San Agustín) Los frutos maduran con el sol; los hombres, gracias al amor. (Julius Langben) -¡Qué grande es el amor! Hace ligero todo lo pesado y soporta todo lo difícil; lleva el peso sin fatiga y todo lo amargo lo vuelve sabroso. (Tomás de Kempis) Cómo Reportar Abuso La Arquidiócesis toma seriamente cualquier y todas las alegaciones de mala conducta sexual por miembros del clero, religiosos y personal laico de la Arquidiócesis. Animamos a cualquier persona que tenga conocimiento de un acto de mala conducta sexual de informarnos inmediatamente, para que podamos tomar la acción apropiada para proteger a otros y proveer apoyo a las victimas de abuso sexual. Personas que quieran reportar una alegación de mala conducta sexual, pueden llamar a la Oficina Arquidiocesana de Protección de Niños y Jóvenes al (201) 407 3256 Marque En Su Calendario De Octubre Y Noviembre 28 7:30 PM Oración de Intercesión 01 10:00AM – 11:30AM Reunión Con Servidores del Altar 02 9:30 AM – Clases R.I.C.A. 07 7:00 PM – Misa y Oración Especial Por Los Enfermos AMIGOS BRASILEIROS E PORTUGUESES Achei uma frase que muitas pessoas achariam ridícula. É assim: "Doença e crises são coisas maravilhosas para a maioria dos doentes, a maioria dos aflitos.” O que esta frase quer dizer? Está dizendo que os doentes, os aflitos, tem tempo de refletir sobre a vida. Eles vão fazer uma opção - OU para desesperar porque a sua vida não tem sido muito boa em relação ao Cristo, OU para confiar absolutamente em Jesus Cristo, naquele que conforta, que dá força, naquele que diz: "Se quiser ser meu discípulo, tome a sua cruz e siga-me." Se você está doente, não diga, nem pense que sua doença, seus incômodos façam que você seja inútil, que o tempo de doença é tempo perdido. Você está passando muito tempo sozinho, sozinha, sente solidão. Espero que você esteja descobrindo que esse tempo está sendo oferecido para você como tempo de purificação! As coisas mais bonitas, mais puras, mais inspiradoras que já ouvi na minha vida são palavras que pessoas doentes, pessoas aflitas me disseram. Descobriram a beleza da vida, a bondade de Cristo. Descobriram o tremendo valor positivo do sofrimento. Já encontrei com pessoas muito doentes que falaram assim: "Não se preocupe comigo. Estou na paz, porque se Cristo sofreu tanto por mim, eu tenho que sofrer um pouco também, o senhor não acha??" Eu ficava comovido nesses momentos, e saí da presença dessas pessoas mais perto de Deus, eu mesmo mais purificado. Para quem tem fé, doença, crises, problemas podem ser luzes. Quem andava na escuridão, de repente vê as coisas duma outra maneira, com outros olhos, na luz que realmente veio de Cristo. Jesus é a luz que ilumina muitas pessoas aflitas de muitas maneiras. Rezemos pelos doentes, por todos os aflitos. Que Cristo seja sua força, conforto, luz. Padre Gerard Oberle, CSsR ACONTECENDO EM NOSSA PARÓQUIA ESTUDO BÍBLICO Não percam essa oportunidade para conhecer mais sobre a Bíblia. Encontro dia 30 de outubro: . Lectio Divina Leitura / Meditação / Oração / Contemplação Encontro dia 06 de Novembro: * Teologia do Evangelho de Lucas Encontro dia 13 de Novembro: * Anunciação a Zacarias LC 1:1-38 Encontro dia 20 de Novembro: * Anunciação a Maria Encontro dia 04 de Dezembro: * A visitação LC 1:39-56 Encontro dia 11 de Dezembro: * A Natividade de Jesus honor & comfort We now offer professional web casting through the internet of funeral services to any location in the world. It’s our family serving your family since 1934. Serving North Elizabeth, Hillside and Union Families. For you convenience, we offer the following amenities: • Handicap Accessible • Two ample parking lots • Children’s play area • Solar powered with an electrical backup system for year-round confidence Mauricio Pereira Broker Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated AUTO REPAIR INC. GENERAL REPAIRS OF CARS & TRUCKS Fax: 973 923-0771 • Email: [email protected] WWW.FLEETHEATEXPRESS.COM Bruce E. 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