ftL" Government of Indli Ministry of External A'. aus a Tender Notice for Supply of laptops & tablets to Ministry ,e Tender No: Q/Comp/885/ Dated: 31.10.2014 The tender document is available for download www.eprocure.gov.in External Affairs 0t4 http:llmea.gov.in or Last date for submission of bids: 17.ll 14 upto 1500 hrs Date of opening of technical bids: 17.lL. 014 (1530 hrs) E-Governance & Information Tech Division Ministry of External Affai Jawaharlal Nehru Bhaw an, 23-ll anpath, New Delhi-110011 q?g IIWITATION FOR BIDS 1. Sealed bids are External Affairs from O 2. The list of the it be quoted in figures c shall not be accepted. However, there could of order(s). ANNEX-II: s to be supplied is attached at Annexure-Il. Rates should y. Deviation, if any from given particulars/specifications uirement of each item has been shown in the Annexure-I. some variation in these quantities at the time of placement BE IN THE CHED AT 3. The two bid (Technical and Financialf will be followed for this tender. ln this svste , the bidder shall submit offer in two separate sealed envelopes i.e. First ,ope superscribed "Technical Bid - for supply of laptops & tablets to Ministry o External Affairs" and second Envelope superscribed "Financial Bid - for sup ly of laptops & tablets to Ministry of External Affairs". Both the sealed envelopes, y marked so, shall be kept inside a large sealed envelope i.e. third envelope su scribed as "Tender Quotation for supply of laptops & tablets to Ministrv of rnal Affairs"; 4, The bidder is ired to submit following documents in the Technical Bid with checklist as per An ex-I, failing which bid will be rejected:(al The bi supplier/di (bl (cl 5. A11 pages/docu seal of the bidder: 6. shall submit proof of being OEM authorized ibutor for the laptop & tablet; The bidder ust be registered for collecting and depositing VAT with the Sales Tax nt and the copy of registration certificate to this effect, duly igned and stamped by authorized person of the company must be enc with the bid; PAN/TAN/ number of the firm as applicable while submitting the tender must attached with attested copies; The bids shall ts submitted shall be numbered and self-attested with the valid for a minimum of 60 days from the last date of submission of bids. A for a shorter period shall stand rejected; 7. awarded on the basis of the lowest quote for each item; The contract will 8. The laptops & ta .ets as per the given particulars/specifications (Annex-II) should be supplied wi in 1O working days after receipt of the purchase order, failing which a penalty I to Io/o of indent cost per day of delay will be imposed and recovered from pay ent due to the supplier; 9. The payment will invoice through a cros condition/clause with made within one month from the date of submission of cheque payable at New Delhi or by e-payment. No to interest etc. shall be entertained; rz 10. Details of all indicated separately should be clearly Unsigned quotations 11. The quotation/ specified in para 3 (Computerf, JNB, latest by L7.L1-.2OL4 be considered; ?s s e.g. VAT etc. wherever applicable, should be clearly respect of each laptop/tablet. The items not quoted for, "not quoted" in bold letters against the item entry. not be considered: must be submitted in a sealed envelope as with all required documents to the Section Officer of External Affairs, Room No. 1061, New Delhi 3:OO PM. Tender documents not properly sealed will not 12. The technical b PM in the presence of wish to attend. In c shall be opened on the last date of submission at 3:3O authorized representatives of the companies, who may the date of opening of tender is declared a holiday for unexpected reasons, tender shall be opened same time on the next working day. After scrutiny of techni I bids, the Ministry shall shortlist the eligible bidders and inform them of the date time of opening of the Financial Bids. The bidders may send their representati s with authorisation letter to attend opening of bids; 13. Late of bids shall not be accepted. Tenders by "Telex/Telegram/ F ax I e- ail" shall not be accepted. Tenders may be submitted by Registered post, by H 1n Person or bv Courier. However anv delay on this account shall not be as a reason for exception. Quotation received after due date, those recei without separate sealed cover and rates not quoted in specified proforma shall ot be accepted; 14. The Ministry of right to accept or reject without assigning any 15. Disputes, legal Jurisdiction only. rnal Affairs, Government of India, New Delhi, reserves the y or all of the bids in full or in part including the lowest, thereof or incurring any liabiliff thereby; tters, court matters, if any, shall be subject to New Delhi section l$computer) EG&IT Division Ministry of External Affairs Dated: 31.1o.2oL4 *mrchq eqerrrtt (qr'Ft) A'dmhristrsuVe C}fflcer {Ccmpurer) Rt*r Ef-'rrs-q, q{ ta(=cfr lvlinigtry ot External Anairs New Deinl t7 Annexure -I TECHN Particular Proof of being OE laptop & tablet authorized supplier/distributor for the Copy of Registrati Certificate with Sales Tax Departm"ent Copy of PAN/TAN N No. Address Proof (wi We hereby certify telephone No., Fax No. & e-mail adclress) t the information furnished above is full and correct to case anv deviation is found at the best of our k . We understand that in any stage, the company may be blacklisted by the Ministry of External Affairs, in future. We understan in case, any of the above mentioned documents is not submitted, the bid will rejected. (Signature of authorized person and stamp of companyt ntB.gE!+i-i|J r{ 6rW5 prA o: g! dv v= ots *r s5 y F 6<Z { + oov Y NJ* L,] O 5 r(n5 Ed8 OH o F+ 3U)L. - 5Fr P'- 1. 5g 5- + RE 'oi o\ j 5w L^) S rF E F' P^t t -q1 cD r* + -.U + o F N) oo I>oEr 6 H> Y<-.E \J F. { H ()-. SDU 5 Q *C) ()€ =. N).t (h OEa v) t1 i'N { t-t - <G> H OA' Y -E 6du i!7 = ZF i-*O P*vct rJ. r-e8if, (D H- o O+ <Ou) (D o.: E!l"j !:bA- TD ;i UJ C,) +r:. 9:: FN eJ >F et) 5 \J/ NX -lTl.F. otD -t- r-l o FTrO v (D z+r ,f <H r+ (D R^B.F E *X (n 9L s6 R> NJ (AFCJ S Irl(D wa\)^ t.i <= rcO H.\A +vY OiJrf 2 t: F ^Y - w= o -(D(t 5 u.) 'q a ai !?x lrl |l :iZ oo (a< E F< <oD ob =9 o6 -o < =d9. ilH A A n^ ir5 i; s ui A.= (t( -o!lOt :' ai !Z wx zo ol- N) {> ;8P tD Jl { {a:i ;P tD il €(D < *E g {! <!l (, 5 UI (h o tt FD >R ?x o N.) (Jr ,-. 0 J-(D H ,la Bo LA N EZ UJ ?i .o I.J U'Y (DF a(D 0 oq F]l (D rA t iX +iu y \, E'-A9 Etr'-(D rt N r F 9.-t EC}EE = 9^ G XEr ;5 ;t o o r! 7 (a fo -r (! .c - tit t- O .) o^, F= -iio { * Eao ,r5 z"+ 9(D= U ot 4= o D< f-l O \+'s
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