November 1, 2014 Parshat Lech Lecha Upcoming Schedule MAZAL TOV, MAZAL TOV Mazal Tov to our dear members, Dr. Penina and Robert Teitelbaum, upon the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter, Amalya. Mazal Tov to siblings, Azriel, Adira, Ayliana, Avishai, Ayelet, Atara and Avatalya. Mazal Tov to grandmother, Rebbetzin Feiga Burnstein, and the entire Teitelbaum family. Kiddush following davening is sponsored by Penina and Robert Teitelbaum in honor of Amalya on this joyous occasion. Mazal Tov to our dear members, Revi and Amos Shamama, upon the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Gabe. Mazal Tov to siblings, Johnny, Eric and Dana. Mazal Tov to the entire Shamama family. Seudah Shlishit is sponsored by Revi and Amos Shamama in honor of Gabe becoming a Bar Mitzvah. Warm Welcomes Please join us in welcoming Atara and Mendy Davidson, who recently moved to North Woodmere, as well as in wishing them belated Mazal Tov on the recent birth of their son, Elan. In addition, please join us in welcoming another family who recently moved into North Woodmere—Dr. Jordan and Tari Brodsky, along with their twins, Kira and Ezra. The Hostesses with the Mostestes It’s time to open your hearts and home to all the new faces that may visit our community looking for a shul to call their own. If we are proud of what we have going, we need to make sure we are putting our best foot forward at all times. Currently, there are a few families who regularly invite and host new shul members or prospective members for Shabbat meals. Our Welcoming Chair, Melinda Hilsenrath, along with the Rabbi and Lisa, have been on top of this important initiative for many years. However, we would like that group of welcomers and those who volunteer to host for meals grow. Please contact Melinda at [email protected] today, and say that you would like to be placed on the list to host new families for Welcome to the YINW Shabbat meals Game Night Ahoy! Mark your calendars. Game Night @ YINW 8 rolls through town on November 23rd. It’s the Giants against the Cowboys to benefit the Naomie Berrie Diabetes Center at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital. Softball Sluggers Slay Sandmen Miracles do happen! This past Monday night, the North Woodmere Avengers crushed the Far Rockaway Sandmen for the Croton League Title! Congratulations to North Woodmere Avengers: Dudi “The Dude” Rokach, Eric “Doggy” Cohen, Tzvi “Onesie” Cohen, Michael “Buster” Posy, Avi “Songbird” Katz, Yossi “Justice League” Sinensky, Yoni “Five Tools” Kirschner, Aron “Stats” Statfeld, Jordan “Juicebox” Hiller, Avi “Satty” Satt, Mikey “The Legend” Weiss, “Flash” Gordon Zisholtz, “Captain” Jack Aspir, Dan “Opposite Field” Herschberg, Avi “Vietnam” Davies and Mike “Boss” Kleiner. Kol Nidre And Beyond Thank you to those that participated in this year’s Kol Nidre Appeal and Simchat Torah bidding. If you haven’t done so, please contribute whatever you feel comfortable. The following families that pledged are: Ackerman Arfa Aranova Aspir Bach Blank J & S Cohen Dagan Donner Ehrenhaus Feldhamer Gampel Goldhirsch Gorbach Gutman Haviv Hecht Hiller R Hoffman Horowitz Kastner Kern Levine C & R Kupferman N & C Kupferman Lang Levine, P Libkind Lieberman Markus Mel Franklin Mermelstein Miller Moskovich Neuman Nof Orenbakh Pavel D & L Rosenberg J & B Rosenberg Ross S & B Schwartz Segall Seinuk Septimus J & T Silver M Simnowitz S & R Simnowitz 8 Cheshvan 5775 Skolnick Solomon Steinblatt Tabak Taub Tcheka Torczyner Wilkowski Zakinov S & D Zelmanovich Zimerman Zimmelman Zisholtz Friday 10/31 – 7 Cheshvan Shacharit I Shacharit II Candlelighting Mincha 6:30 am 7:45 am 5:34 pm 5:40 pm Shabbat 11/1 – 8 Cheshvan Shacharit Latest Shema Rabbi’s Shiur Mincha Ma’ariv Shabbat Ends 9:00 am 10:01 am 4:45 pm 5:20 pm 6:25 pm 6:34 pm Sunday 11/2 – 9 Cheshvan Daylight Savings Ends Shacharit Mincha/Ma’ariv 8:00 am 4:35 pm Monday 11/3 – 10 Cheshvan Shacharit I Shacharit II Ramban on Parshat HaShuva Maariv@KBH Maariv@BKNW 6:20 am 7:45 am 8:30 pm 9:00 pm 10:15 pm Tuesday 11/4 – 11 Cheshvan Shacharit I Shacharit II Maariv@KBH Maariv@BKNW 6:30 am 7:45 am 9:00 pm 10:15 pm Wednesday 11/5 – 12 Cheshvan Shacharit I Shacharit II Maariv@KBH Maariv@BKNW 6:30 am 7:45 am 9:00 pm 10:15 pm Thursday 11/6 – 13 Cheshvan Shacharit I Shacharit II Maariv@KBH Maariv@BKNW 6:20 am 7:45 am 9:00 pm 10:15 pm Friday 11/7 – 14 Cheshvan Shacharit I Shacharit II Candlelighting Mincha 6:30 am 7:45 am 4:26 pm 4:35 pm From YINW Security If you see something, say something! Please remember to report anything suspicious to [email protected]. Take a Byte If you are interested in contributing a Torah Byte for a parshah/week of your choosing, or sponsoring a Torah Byte in someone’s honor or memory (18$/Byte) please contact Rabbi Septimus at [email protected]. November 1, 2014 Parshat Lech Lecha AROUND THE TOWN Friday Night Chaburah This week’s Friday Night Chaburah will be given by Gavri Butler at the Butler home, 936 Glenridge Avenue, at 8:45pm. The topic will be Learning Halacha from GQ. Shalom Task Force Event Shalom Task Force, an organization that educates about healthy relationships and supports women who are victims of abuse, is having an event on Tuesday night, November 11th at 7:45pm at Sephardic Temple. Come watch Naomi Ackerman in her dramatic performance of Flowers Aren’t Enough presented by Shalom Task Force. A Q&A will follow the show. Please register at for the show and support an essential community cause. Israel Update – Top Twenty Innovations – Digital Printing We’ve chosen 20 outstanding and diverse examples of Israeli innovation stemming from the military sector. Here’s number 11. Those 100-meter-tall images of Israeli supermodel Bar Refaeli—and, in fact, the entire large-format digital printing industry—are possible because of a mapping technology developed by the Israeli military for cruise missiles. The original company to make commercial use of that technology, Scitex Vision, specialized in producing equipment for large-format printing on paper and other materials. Scitex was sold to Hewlett Packard for $230 million in 2005, and the rest is history. Tuvia Book is a licenced Israeli Ministry of Tourism Guide. Click here to check out Tuvia’s blog which deals with contemporary issues in Israeli society and acknowledges important people in the Zionist pantheon. ADVERTISEMENTS Welcome to the YINW Advertisements section. There are two sizes to choose from. Listed to the right are the price amounts: Car Service – Safe, Reliable, Local David Kastriner 516-428-3662 [email protected] 8 Cheshvan 5775 Contact Information Rabbi Septimus: cell – 646.418.1633 email – [email protected] Alex Libkind: cell – 646.300.1936 email – [email protected] Rebbetzin Lisa Septimus: cell – 516.900.2109 email – [email protected] Note: The eruv can be checked on Friday afternoons by calling 516.295.0150. Refuah Shlemah Our best wishes for a refuah shlemah to: Barbara Agular Marlene Hoffman Jerry Agular Tehillim List Yehoshua Asher ben Baila Rivka Reuvain ben Zelda Luba bat Sima Dovid Yosef ben Sara Rivka Aviva Leah bat Esther Shulamis Ezra Aviel ben Hertzelia Shandel Yoel Moshe ben Hadassah Tzalya bat Miriam Hershel Tzvi ben Faiga Shmuel Meir ben Chayah Itta Shmuel Lemuel halevi ben Bayla Frimit bat Dreizel Sheina Beila bat Rachel Esther bat Margalit Sara Avigayil Yakira bat Rivka Leah Leah Tobah bat Hinda Dovid Meir ben Devora Malka Yaakov Leib ben Meira Yitzchak Moshe ben Malka Gittel Bayle bat Freyda Benjumin ben Lea Rachel Feivel Leib ben Sarah Reesha Ruchama Shaindel bat Henya Gittel Miriam Chana Tova bat Esther Shoshana Dov Ber ben Leah Mazal bat Leah Avharam Shmuel ben Eliezer Yosef Shmuel ben Miriam Bayla bat Esther Eliezer Yuri ben Esther Yenta Etel bat Malka Gitel Rachel Miriam bat Shifra Yenta Chaim Nachman ben Nechama Rus Advertising Price List Small Size Advertisement weekly$18 monthly$65 Large Size Advertisement weekly$36 monthly$130 Please contact Sarah Cohen at [email protected] if you would like to advertise in the Shavuon.
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