Please pray for those who are sick

Please pray for those who are sick: Patricia Buckley, Lance Goodwin, Ursula Grocott,
Kathleen Smith, Aubrey Atkinson, Hollie Tomkinson, Caroline Lovatt, Cekeera Grocott, June Poulter,
Olivia Killeen, Frederick & Kathleen Blaize, Kate Parton, Gillian Bould, Holly Owen, Joanne Jones,
Roger Lakin, Shane Brouard, John Gibbons, Tiffany Porter, Alan Hambleton Sarah Stevenson, Barrie
Harrington, Dorothy Swift, Josie Coates, Arthur Rushton, Neville Mountford, Mrs. Burton, Edigio
Coronato, Jean Dawson, Michele Yon, Claire Coker, Dorothy Vasey, Ashley Morris, Julie Hunt, Gerrard
Pepper, Molly Blurton, Margaret Smith, Betty Walton, Jeremy Burslem, Margaret Stones, Mavis Mayfield,
David Molloy, Angela Barry, Vincent Coleman, Dorothy Tantrum, Josie Burgess,
RIP Margaret Mayhew
Anniversaries: Jack Devaney, Austin O’Donoghue, George Hector Barker, Irene Woodcock
Please pray for our parish seminarian Simon Baker
St Augustine’s are replacing the windows with double glazing that should help to keep in
some more warmth. The next year is our 80th anniversary of the foundation of the parish
beginning with the anniversary of the first mass back in Christmas 1934.
There are 20 windows of various sizes down the sides of the church, including the gallery and the
sanctuary and we are grateful for donations. Many thanks for all donations so far, and remember if
you gift aid we get a further 20% for the parish. £1000 pays for the replacing of a window and
decoration of that section of the church, so we need to raise £20,000 altogether.
St Augustine’s Christmas Fayre This is now set for Saturday
22nd November,
beginning at 11am. We really need people to get involved with the planning of this and to
begin to look ahead into the next year and organise activities for our 80 th year. Please start
talking to people about ideas and getting others involved to help, and we will meet again soon
after mass at St Augustine’s to make some clearer plans.
Chinese Night: This Sunday, November 9th 7:30 p.m. Fundraising meal at
The Arch, Newcastle Tickets £17.50 Lifts available
If you wish to attend please contact Gabrielle: 07764 245344, still possible if you want to
come along.
LIFE SHOP in Hanley
Always needing offers of things to sell, and offers of assistance
If you would like more information, please contact Annemarie Hawley on 01782 215200/07958568257.
SVP Shop in Hanley, St Vincent’s in Piccadily, all goods welcome for resale including electrical items
Interested in Becoming a Catholic or Exploring the Faith? Journey in Faith , at
St Gregory’s Thursdays 7.30pm
Youth Group for the Three Parishes at St Augustine’s, Monday at 6.30pm
Thank you, from Molly Goodwin for all the concern, gifts and care, love and
prayers from those in our parish family for her recovery from her broken leg
Funeral Planning leaflet and form from the diocese, from the Pastoral care
project, now available at each church, just ask the clergy.
Christmas Cards being sold in aid of St Augustine’s Windows fund
The Catholic Parishes of St Augustine’s Meir
St Filumena’s Caverswall
& St Mary’s Cresswell
St Augustine’s, (for Parish Office) 146 Sandon Road, Meir, Stoke-on-Trent, ST3 7DF
St Filumena’s, Blythe Bridge Road, Caverswall, ST11 9EA
St Mary’s, Cresswell Old Lane, Cresswell, ST11 9RF
Website: or
Parish Priest: Fr David Hartley
Deacon: Rev Trevor Borthwick
Tel: 01782 313734 Parish Office
Mob: 07765 931126
email: [email protected]
Tel: 01782 388416
Mob: 07961 347180
email: [email protected]
[email protected]
Deacon: Rev Peter Bowyer
Tel: 01782 393892
email: [email protected]
Administration and Social Events: Gabrielle Halliday 07764 245344
Safeguarding representatives: Barbara Kitson 07796 337075 (St Augustine’s & St Mary’s)
Fiona Richardson 07580 551894 (St Filumena’s)
St. Augustine’s School:
St. Filumena’s School:
01782 319504
01782 392367
St Thomas’s School, Tean (for Cresswell parish) 01538 722378
9th November 2014
Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
Parish Offertory for last weekend:
£336.39 of which £131.00 was Gift Aided
£347.24 of which £ 173.75 was Gift Aided
£224.80 of which £147.50 was Gift Aided
Johnson Fund
You are always welcome to stay for Tea or Coffee after
Sunday masses at our churches
DEANERY REQUIEM MASS for deceased clergy at Holy Trinity, Newcastle 11th Nov
at 12 noon. All very welcome
FRI 14th NOV in the school hall after 7pm MASS
Thursday 18th December, Carol Service by the children from St
Filumena’s School, for the parishioners, 7.00pm
St Augustine’s half and half draw for November
1st S Gibbons, 2nd M Mountford, 3rd P Bekalo
St Filumena’s Tote May 1st S Shepherd 2nd Andrew Williamson 3rd M Davies
June 1st F Campbell 2nd B Davies
3rd M Bennett
July 1st M Cadman 2nd H Rice 3rd C Kelly
August 1st G Woolgar 2nd T Cadman 3rd R Killeen
Preparation for children to receive Confirmation, or First Holy Communion, who are
NOT in Catholic schools. Please contact the clergy or Gabrielle Halliday, with sessions
Saturday mornings, 9.30am in St Augustine’s Presbytery
Fr Hudson’s Society, 3 Parishes Afternoon Club, ‘Young
Next meeting Tuesday 18th November
at Heart’
Raffle prizes are always useful.. Do call if you need help to get along, or know someone else who does,
For offers of lifts and any other offers of help including transport, please call Matt Ford, on 07587034299
St Filumena’s Tote,
Many thanks to all who support St.Filumena's Tote. Please see Fiona Richardson
or Anthony Williamson if you are wanting to join the Tote for the next twelve
months, with your name and multiples of £12 for the year from September
RED BOXES – please return your Missions collecting box to be emptied.
Rome Pilgrimage, February
you can still join our pilgrimage to Rome,
15 -20 February in half term week, 5 nights/6 days, including Assisi for a day. Mass in St Peter’s,
Papal Audience on Wednesday, etc. Please give your names to Fr David or talk to him if you are just
£749.00 (£200 deposit soon to secure booking)
Bible Study, Thursday evenings at St Augustine’s, 7.30pm
Cleaners for St Augustine’s. Many thanks for a few offers of help
Friday mornings at about 9 a.m. Call Mary Owen on 07791 590987 if you need more information
Rosary, usually first Fridays 2pm 7, Combe Drive, Meir Heath,
Prayer group meets alternate Tuesdays, 2pm in Forsbrook
See Sylvia Wright or Deacon Peter for details
Mass Intentions One diary for mass intentions is kept in the office at St Augustine’s , so please hand
in offerings in envelopes with offering and clear information about which church, names and
intentions, your name and contact number, and preferred dates, so that they can get to the diary
Mass stipend usually £10 For Sundays we are usually booking about 6 weeks in advance!
Day of Prayer for Vocations at St Mary’s Saturday 6th December, beginning at
9.30am with Exposition, 10am Mass, followed by Exposition until 3.00pm
Also a meeting for Extraordinary Ministers at 11am until 12 noon please
CAFOD appeal for Ebola outbreak in West Africa
This weekend, and if you want to Gift Aid we have some envelopes available from
the Harvest appeal.
Blessing of Graves, Cresswell after mass on 9th November about 12.05pm
Calendar for the week of
9th November 2014,
Ordinary time week 32
The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
St Augustine’s, Sandon Rd, Meir
Saturday 8
6.00pm for John Scott RIP
Vigil Mass
Tuesday 11th
for B & E Johnson RIP
Thursday 13th
for Jesse Thomas RIP
Friday 14
Saturday 15
Bible Study
EXPOSITION of the Blessed Sacrament
for dec of Beasley family
for dec of Lockett family
usually before Saturday evening mass,
5.15 - 5.40pm
St Filumena’s, Caverswall
Sunday 9th
9.00am for the People of the Parishes
Monday 10th
Tuesday 11th
Wednesday 12th
Thursday 13th
for the Holy Souls
Word & Holy Communion
7.00pm Remembrance service in St Peter’s Anglican Church
Word & Holy Communion
Friday 14
Saturday 15th
Sunday 16th
Word & Holy Communion
EXPOSITION & 9.30am Holy Communion
for the People of the Parishes
Confessions Sunday mornings, 8.20am-8.40am
St. Mary’s, Cresswell
Sunday 9th
11.00am for Sarah White RIP
Wednesday 12
Saturday 15th
Sunday 16th
followed by blessing of graves
for Forgotten Souls
10.00am for private intention
11.00am for Leonard & Mary Byatt RIP
Confessions at St Mary’s, usually after Saturday morning mass
Fr David’s usual day off each week is Wednesday