Document 406962

Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost
November 9, 2014
SUNDAY, November 9, 2014
8:30 am Worship/Fellowship
9:45 am Sunday School & Adult Bible Study
11:00 am Worship/Fellowship
2:00 pm Promise Place
Sabbatical Trio
Richard Winchell
“Praise to the Lord”
Lydia Holleck, clarinet Joanna Holleck, flute
Christian Holleck, violoncello
Tiffany Nicely Holleck, narrator
MONDAY, November 10, 2014
9:00 am Duplicate Bridge Club
9:30 am Yoga
12:30 pm Recorders
4:00 pm G.S. #75426
5:30 pm G.S. #81175 & 66038
6:00 pm “The Monastery of the Heart”
ELW # 678 *“God, Whose Giving Knows
No Ending”
TUESDAY, November 11, 2014
8:30 am Veterans Day Breakfast
8:30 am Church Walkers
9:30 am Esther Circle
5:30 pm G.S. #80847
6:00 pm Council
6:00 pm NAMI Course
WEDNESDAY, November 12, 2014
9:30 am Staff Mtg.
9:30 am Young At Heart Exercise
7:00 pm Girl Scout Leaders
7:00 pm Choir
7:00 pm Men’s AWOL
THURSDAY, November 13, 2014
9:00 am Men’s Quartet
2:30 pm Just Peace
6:15 pm Bells
7:00 pm NAMI
FRIDAY, November 14, 2014
9:30 am Young at Heart Exercise
1:30 pm Prayer Shawls
SATURDAY, November 15, 2014
10:00 am Finance Mtg.
SUNDAY, November 16, 2014
8:30 am Worship/Fellowship
9:45 am Sunday School & Adult Bible Study
9:50 am Blood Pressure Clinic
11:00 am Worship/Fellowship
Please be sure to update the Master Calendar
in the Copy Room so that your meetings
can be reflected here. Thank you!
“Dona nobis pacem”
arr. Irv Freimuth
The Sanctuary Choir Men’s Quintet
St. Peter’s
Lutheran Church
on Cape Cod
TwentyTwenty-Second Sunday
after Pentecost
November 9,
9, 2014
310 Route 137
Harwich, MA 0264502645-1361
PH: (508) 432432-5172
FAX (508) 432
Website: stpeters
email: [email protected]
1 Kings 17:7-16
Psalm 34:1-10, 22
John 1:14-18
ELW # 492 “Eat This Bread,
Drink This Cup” (Stoneridge)
8:30 a.m.
“The King of Love My
Shepherd Is” Healey Willan
11:00 a.m.
“Treasures” Robert Jordahl
The Sanctuary Choir
ELW #’s 790, *733
ELW # 823 “Praise the Lord! O Heavens”
Trumpet Tune in C Major
Henry Purcell
*Asterisk indicates a member hymn request.
Assisting in Worship:
Altar Guild:
Jan Voelker and Sally Cronin
8:30 a.m.
Prayer Leader:
Coffee Host:
11:00 a.m.
Prayer Leader:
Coffee Host:
Karen Beggs, Evie Sherwonit
Glen Strojny, Scott Steber
Ursula Wanko
Karen Beggs
Butch & Ursula Wanko
Available for host
Joan Burgert, Edie Peterson
Debbie Scott, Barbara Kamens
Tom Christensen
Aline Glifort
Joan Burgert, Aline Glifort
Cheryl Nixon
Flowers are placed at the altar
to the glory of God
by Kathy & Jack Candito
in loving memory of Kathy’s father,
Robert W. Denninger, on his birthday,
and by Kate Fournaris
is loving memory of Kate’s parents,
Ed & Helen McCarthy.
The Rev. Christian G. N. Holleck, Co-Pastor
The Rev. Tiffany Nicely Holleck, Co-Pastor
Rodney Schuller, Minister of Music
Lois Thomas, Parish Administrator
Diane Stauss, Administrative Assistant
Rebecca Catron, Custodian
Lou Meyer, Transportation Ministry
Large Print bulletins are available; ask an Usher.
“Sound Enhancer” aids are available in the back of
the church. Ask an usher for assistance.
Please be sure to turn the aid “off” till it clicks and
the red light is off, when you finish using it (please
don’t rewrap).
FIRST AID materials are stored
in the Narthex Kitchen.
The AED is located on the wall by the elevator.
Loaves and Fishes Pantry
Pantry needs this week are:
cold & hot cereal, canned soup, baked beans, pasta,
cocoa, tea, Spaghettios, salad dressing, pancake
syrup, bar soap, deodorant & plastic bags.
Sanctuary Art
We are exhibiting “Eden to Eternity” in the
Sanctuary, which features stunning molas
from the San Blas Islands. These tell the story
of the Bible, from the Garden of Eden
to the Ascension of Jesus.
Stuffed Quahogs & Clam Chowder
to Benefit Cranberry Fair
Holleck-Michaels Lutheran Clams
is still accepting orders for stuffed quahogs
(freshly made and then immediately frozen,
quart size bags with 4-5 quahogs per bag, $7).
We are no longer taking orders for clam chowder.
Please see Gayla Bergman or Edie Peterson
to place orders/render payment.
Orders must be received by TODAY.
All proceeds will go to St. Peter’s Cranberry Fair.
Cranberry Fair Workshop
Save the date ~ November 17!
Please join us for our 2nd workshop
on November 17 from 9:30 a.m. to
2:00 p.m. Lunch will be provided.
Please sign up on the signup sheet in the hallway.
All are welcome!
In the Narthex today: Fair Trade
coffee, snacks, chocolate, and tea.
Also grocery food cards available.
5% of food card sales are donated
directly to Homeless Prevention Council.
Network Deadline
Reconciling in Christ ~ Promise Place
Join us today at 2:00 p.m. The speaker is
Erica Kay Webster, creator of Promise Place,
Cape Cod’s new home and school for youth who are
homeless due to their sexual orientation.
Submissions for the December issue of
“The Network” are due by November 15.
Submissions may be emailed to
[email protected]. Thank you!
Veterans Breakfast
Veterans and their loved ones are invited to join us
on Tuesday, November 11, from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m.
for a breakfast and time for singing and prayers.
Please sign up on the signup sheet on the
bulletin board in the hallway.
Esther Circle
Esther Circle will be meeting this week
at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, November 11.
We will meet in LUKE.
Youth Group
We are working to re-establish
St. Peter’s Youth Group.
See the pictures on the kiosk in the narthex!
Brentwood Consort
The Brentwood Consort’s performance
is being postponed.
Cranberry Fair Preparations
2015 Altar Flower Chart
Money boxes are needed for the day of the fair.
If you are able to loan us one, please put your name
on it and pick it up after the fair.
The altar flower chart for 2015 is posted in the
corridor outside of the office. If you would like
to provide flowers for a particular Sunday in 2015,
please sign up now.
We are collecting gently used items to sell.
Please contact Diane Stauss for date and place
to bring your items. Thank you!
Fair Trade Coffee & Food Cards Available
Gingerbread Lighthouse Kits
Girl Scouts Troop 80807 is selling Gingerbread
Lighthouse Kits to raise funds for their trip to
London. There is a signup sheet in the church
hallway if you would like to order one.
The cost is $15 each.