ST. DOMINIC CATHOLIC CHURCH GO THE EXTRA MILE... Church Location: 5354 S. Hwy 85/87, Security, Colorado 80911 Office/Mailing Address: 331 Main Street ● Security, Colorado, 80911 Phone: 719-392-7653 ● Fax: 719-392-1651 Email: [email protected] ● Website: Pastor, Fr. Bill Carmody Parochial Vicar, Fr. John Stearns Weekend Masses Saturday: Sunday: Pastoral Associate, Cathy King, SFO Marriage Prep Please call the office 5:00 PM 8:00 AM 11:00 AM (Spanish Mass) Children/Youth Faith FormaƟon Dir. Sherry Staatz Youth/Young Adult AcƟviƟes Jill Hildebrand Social Ministries, Patricia Frank ExecuƟve Parish Secretary Evelyn Irving Assistant Secretary, Alicia Cortez Maintenance Walt Parsons & Les Hildebrand First Saturday: Saturday 3:00-4:30 PM or by appointment with the Priest 2:00 PM Daily Masses BapƟsm Prep/RCIA, Deacon Bob Cole Monday through Friday: ReƟred Deacon 8:00 AM Deacon Albert Kimminau Wednesday: 7:00 PM Music Director, Cyndi Haworth Sacrament of ReconciliaƟon Wednesday 6:00-7:00 pm Sacrament of Marriage Contact Priest twelve (12) months in advance Sacrament of Infant BapƟsm Please call the office and talk to Evelyn 8:30 AM Holy Day Masses (except Christmas, January 1 and when Holy Day occurs on Saturday or Monday) Day Before: 7:00 PM Day Itself: 8:00 AM 7:00 PM Pastoral Care for the Sick For Holy Communion, contact the Parish Office. For Anoin ng and Confessions contact the Priest. For Pastoral Visit at home or in the hospital, contact the Parish Priest For extreme emergencies, please call Fr. Bill Carmody at 719-651-7587 or Fr. John Stearns at 719-575-1715 Please pray for the Poor Souls in Purgatory. Accountant, Diane Olivieri If you are new in the parish, we welcome you and invite you to register at the Parish Center. If you are leaving the Parish, please let us know. ST. DOMINIC CATHOLIC CHURCH SECURITY WELCOME! We are delighted to have you with us! For your convenience, to register in the parish, registration forms are available in the Narthex of the new Church or in the parish office (331 Main Street). You can fill the form out at home and bring or mail it to the church. The parish office is closed on Saturday & Sunday. The office is open for parish business Mon - Fri, 8:30 AM - Noon, & 1:00 - 4:30 PM. Thank you. Fr. Bill. Sun: 8:00a The People of St. Dominic’s 11:00a Chris Ochoa rb his Family on his 42nd Birthday 2:00p † Guadalupe Alegria Morales rb Familia Colin on the 1st Anniversary of her Death Mon: 8:00a † Herbert Helms rb Michele & Vince Almeida Tues: 8:00a † Alice Hernandez rb Lita Hoffmann Wed: 8:00a Judy Tonnemacher rb Brian Krutka 7:00p † Rick Martinez rb His Mother Please Keep in Your Prayers Prayers are requested during the month of November for: David Herrera, Paul Goetzinger, Bob Thibault, Bonnie Valcik, Robert E. Valcik, Teresa Jaramillo, Ruth Tomb, Mary Cronin, Ruth Schwarzman, Julie Andrade, Glen Mendiola, Heddy Ogrodny, Dalton Johnson, Shirley & Rudolph Gallegos, Helen Falk, Mark Sellers, Wendy Adams, Rory Watson, James Snodgrass, Isidro Santos, Dr. O. J. Lucero, Rita Sanchez, Anna Worthington, Laura Mitchell, Joyce Hunke, David Kirwin, Jeremy Thompson, Jose A. Flores, Ingrid Carter, Paul Carter, Paula Gillette, B.J. White, Sandy Vaulton, Elizabeth Falk, Barbara Barnes & Family, Anthony Battiato, Charles & Lillian Katalenas, Christine Valverde, Patty Casey, Eddie Basterl, Cindy Otani, Allen & Annie Espinoza, Mary Yedinak, Charlie Hovasse, Christine, Dominque & Christian Nelson, Tom Lawson, Elaine Robinder, Richard Schauf, Connie Johnson, David Cullen, Tomas Herrera, Michelle Delgado, Loretta Kochis, Michael Lizama, Joana Eddy, Nancy McDowell, Tony Jensen, Alejandro Gutierrez, Mary Beth Dubuisson, Ell Urban, Jean DiPaola, Marilyn Hoperrichter, Tiffany Whitten, Michael Lemay, Garrett Thibault, Fritz Spies, Leon Falk, Mary Layman, Carmen Ruelas, Alice Hernandez, Fr Walter Smigiel, Divina Cain, Marie & Monte Hagen, Carolyn Cathcart, Richard Williams, Barbara Russell, Bob Peterson, Billy Cullen, Jasmine Rosemarie Garcia, Joe Gilson, Rito Marino, Bambi Venetucci, Jeremy Raney-Vicario, Helga Addiego, Warren Shippee, Madelynn Craven, Catherine Shulttz, Carol Blank, Ben Graves, Jeremy Johnson, Benny Lucero, Michael Lucero, Pat Singbel, Shirley & Howard Kubitschek, Steve Curtis, Brigitte Shonka, Mary Hayes (friend of Fran Reinhart) and Carmen & Sebastian Velasquez (In-laws of Joan Velasquez). Thurs: 8:00a † Burton Glaser rb the Jensen Family Fri: 8:00a For Living & Deceased Members of the Sauvageau Family rb JoAn & George Sauvageau Sat: 5:00p † Elida Gonzalez rb Rebecca Gomez Sunday: Sun: 8:00a † Dennis Hunke rb Joyce & Family Monday: Tuesday: 11:00a † David A. Gorton rb Medina Aquino & Family 2:00p The People of St. Dominic’s Sanctuary Lamp offered for: Evelyn & Alicia rb Lea Denton NOVENAS: The Mir aculous Medal Novena will be pr ayed Monday after the 8:00 AM Mass, & the Novena to the Sacred Heart will be prayed Friday after the 8:00 AM Mass. The Chaplet of Divine Mercy is prayed each week after daily Mass on Tuesday & Thursday & during Holy Hour on Wed. at 6 PM. RCIA INQUIRY CLASS If you want to learn more about the Catholic Faith, this class is for you. If you are Catholic but have not been Confirmed, come check out this class. It is set for Wednesday, November 12th, at 7:00 pm at the Church. If you have any questions, please contact Deacon Bob Cole at 392-7653. BAPTISM CLASS SCHEDULE FOR NOVEMBER The Baptism Classes are usually held on the last two Thursdays of the month. However, because of Thanksgiving, the Baptism Classes for November will be on Thursday, November 13th, and Thursday, November 20th, both at 7:00 pm in the Narthex of the Church. If you wish to attend these classes, please call the parish office at 392-7653 to put your name on the list. As a reminder, you must take both classes in order to complete the required class. Please pray for the repose of the soul of James T. Cullen (uncle of Bonnie Valcik). Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Next Sunday: READINGS FOR THE WEEK Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9; 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17; Jn 2:13-22 Ti 1:1-9; Ps 24:1b-4ab, 5-6; Lk 17:1-6 Ti 2:1-8, 11-14; Ps 37:3-4, 18, 23, 27, 29; Lk 17:7-10 Ti 3:1-7; Ps 23:1b-6; Lk 17:11-19 Phlm 7-20; Ps 146:7-10; Lk 17:20-25 2 Jn 4-9; Ps 119:1-2, 10-11, 17-18; Lk 17:26-37 3 Jn 5-8; Ps 112:1-6; Lk 18:1-8 Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; Ps 128:1-5; 1 Thes 5:1-6; Mt 25:14-30 [14-15, 19-21] Don’t Let Thieves Steal Your Christmas” Learn how to protect yourself from Identity Theft and Credit Card Fraud. A representative from the Colorado Bureau of Investigation Identity Theft & Fraud Unit will provide tips and strategies to stay safe from criminals who would try to steal your holiday spirit, your money and even your identity. Learn about staying safe this holiday season. Make your home, your car, your wallet and your computer safer and less attractive to the criminals. Presented by the Security Public Library and Fountain Valley Senior Center: November 13th from 11:00 am to Noon at the Fountain Valley Senior Center, 5745 Southmoor Drive, Fountain (719-530-6456). QUESTION: Speaking of Purgatory, exactly where is it? Look for the answer next week) THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA PANTRY CORNER The Mother Theresa’s Hands and Hearts Ministry at St. Dominic Catholic Church is temporarily closed as it is in the process of being relocated. Thank you for all your donations & support NOVEMBER 9, 2014 TIME AND PRAYER (Chapel Attendance — 10/24 - 10/30/14 (Friday to Thursday) # of People # of Hours 205 295 Total Possible Coverage 168 Hrs Actual Hours Covered 168 Hours Not Covered 0 Hrs Hours Needing Substitutes: 11 ANSWER TO LAST WEEK’S QUESTION: What exactly is “Temporal Punishment” for our sins? “Temporal Punishment” is what we carry with us into the afterlife. Every sin, even “venial” sin, contains an unhealthy attachment to people or things which must be purified, either here on earth or in the state we call Purgatory following our death. When all temporal punishment has been purified, we are then ready for the full rewards of Heaven. Special Opportunity for Ministers Do you want your spiritual life grow through your Ministry? We are offering an interactive evening dealing with the four “Non-Negotiables” of our faith: a personal relationship with God, a mellowness of heart and spirit, a sense of social justice and a community of worship that helps pull it all together. All Lectors, EMHC’s or any other adult or teen who ministers in any capacity, are invited to join us from 7:00 to 8:30 pm, Thursday, November 20th in the choir room. This is an opportunity for spiritual enrichment and NOT a training session. Pr esenter s will be DeWayne Mayo and Bobbie Schauffele. We hope to have all our ministers participate! LADIES AUXILIARY OF THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS IN SECURITY The Ladies Auxiliary are having their annual Craft Fair on Saturday, November 15th from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm at the KC Hall. Come and taste some great food, find some beautiful crafts and have a lot of fun! THANKSGIVING IS COMING! This year we will be handling our Thanksgiving Baskets differently due to the fact that we have not yet moved. We will be participating , along with several diocesan churches, in the Wounded Warrior Project basket collection. All items need to be turned in by Monday, November 17th. We need the following items for the Baskets: Biscuit Mix Canned Sweet Potatoes Canned Corn & Green Beans Canned or Dried Turkey Gravy Mix Canned Easy Pumpkin Pie Filling Evaporated Milk (not condensed) Boxed Powdered Milk Boxed Instant Potatoes Boxed Instant Stuffing (Stovetop) Canned Peaches/Pears/ Fruit Cocktail Cranberry Sauce or Jelly And TURKEYS TALENT # of Donors Hours Donated Faith Formation Music Ministry Library Altar Linen Cleaners Money Counters Prayer Group Perpetual Adoration Ushers Greeters Extraordinary Ministers Of Holy Communion Lectors Praying in front of Planned Parenthood Office Help 35 25 4 1 4 5 205 20 10 105 53 2 3 8 5 295 20 10 63 12 75 12 10 4 10 15 Laity Engaging Laity (LEL) Need a break from the busy pace of life? Need a better focus in your prayer life? LEL can help. It is a Diocesan lay organization focused on personal transformation and spiritual growth though monthly mini-retreats. The 2014 LEL focus is forming a life-giving relationship with Jesus and others. The next retreat will be “With Jesus, Arise as a Child”, on Saturday, November 15, 9:00 am to Noon, at the Holy Apostles Evangelization Center (Mary’s House), 4925 N. Carefree Circle, Colorado Springs. LEL will also present an Advent Retreat on Saturday, December 13, 9:00 am to 2:30 pm, at the Holy Apostles Evangelization Center. The retreat will be led by R. Ron Raab, Holy Cross priest and pastor of Sacred heart Tri-Community, and will include Mass. Bring a lunch. Questions, contact Rhonda Bush at the Diocese at 636-2345. WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER The purpose of life is to get to Heaven, and to bring everyone with me that I can. What have I done to help bring me and my spouse to Heaven? The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends are at Glen Eyrie in Colorado Springs: March 6— 8 ; June 5-7 and October 9-11. For more information, or to sign up, visit or call Glen & Toni Gallegos at (719) 591-9045. ADVENT MISSION AT ST. DOMINIC’S There will be an Advent Mission at St. Dominic’s from December 9-11, 2014 to help us all slow down and focus on the depth, beauty and meaning of our preparation for the birth of Jesus. The Mission will be led by Fr. Larry Brennan, a priest of the Archdiocese of St. Louis on assignment in the Diocese of Colorado Springs. Fr. Brennan will help us all deepen our Advent experience as we prepare for Christmas; WEEKLY CALENDAR Sun: Nov09 7:30a KC Breakfast (7:30 am to 10:30 am) 9:30a Sacramental Prep Classes 11:00a Youth Mass—all Confirmation Kids are required to attend, then lunch 12:00p LEAF RAKE 1:30p Environment Training (make-up class) in the Family room 4:00p Spiritual Book Club Mon: Nov10 9:30a “Healing Journey for Women” 6:45p Bible Study: Scripture Study in the Narthex—Gospel of Matthew 7:00p Spiritual Book Club 7:00p Lector Training (make-up class) in the Choir Room Tues: Nov11 5:45p RCIC for Children in the Narthex 7:00p RCIA for Adults in the Narthex Wed: Nov12 9:00a Bible Study: Catholicism Series (Fr. Barron) in the Narthex 6:00p Holy Hour 6:00p Confessions 6:00p Alter Server Meeting 6:30p Choir Practice 6:30p Youth Group (6th-12th graders) 7:00p Mass 7:00p KC Meeting 7:00p RCIA Inquiry Class Thur: Nov13 7:00p Baptism Class in the Narthex 7:00p Life in the Spirit Seminar in Day Chapel Fri: Nov14 9:00a Prayer Group 6:30p Spanish Charismatic Prayer Group in the Day Chapel Sat: Nov15 7:00a “My House” Men’s Group is meeting in classroom 3 8:00a Confirmation 2 Retreat at Ponderosa 10:00a Alzheimer’s Support Group-parish hall 3:00p Confessions Sun: Nov16 Ponderings of a Parochial Vicar My Dear Parishioners, In last week’s column, I discussed indulgences. I have had a few questions about indulgences so I thought it would be good to talk about them. “An indulgence is the remission before God of the temporal punishment due to sin whose guilt has already been forgiven. A properly disposed member of the Christian faithful can obtain an indulgence under prescribed conditions through the help of the Church which, as the minister of redemption, dispenses and applies with authority the treasury of satisfactions of Christ and the Saints. An indulgence is partial if it removes part of the temporal punishment due to sin, or plenary if it removes all punishment.” (CCC 1471) (see also Enchiridion Indulgentiarum: Normae et Concessiones, Apostolic Penitentiary 1999, N1 – N3) Think of it like this. You are playing catch with a friend and the ball goes through the neighbor’s front window, breaking it. You go to the neighbor and apologize promising that it will never happen again. (This is like going to confession). The neighbor forgives you and tells you he isn’t mad, and is happy you came to him to apologize. (This is like the absolution received in confession). However, even though the neighbor forgave you, the window is still broken and someone has to pay to fix it. (This is the temporal punishment). An indulgence is like having insurance to help you pay for the window. By completing the indulgence, some or all of the punishment is taken away (like some of the cost of a new window is taken away by insurance). I hope that you have found this explanation helpful. Let us remember to pray for each other and, particularly during the month of November, let us pray for our deceased relatives and friends. If you have additional questions, please ask me. As always, any questions that you may have about our faith, history or Holy Mother Church that you would like to see in my column, please e-mail me at [email protected]. 7:30a KC Breakfast (7:30 am to 10:30 am) 9:15a Bible Study: The Study of Acts of the Apostles in the Family Room 9:30a Sacramental Prep Classes 11:00a Confirmation 2 Retreat at Ponderosa returns in time for the 11:00 am Mass 12:15p Franciscan JPIC Meeting Your servant in Christ, Fr. John If you are in grade 6th-12th, please join us at youth group every Wednesday from 6:30-8pm in the Narthex. TREASURE (weekend of November 2, 2014) # of % of Total % of Amt Amt Given Families Families Given Given $00.00-$00.00 1681 82.20% No recorded income $00.01-$25.00 203 9.93% $ 3,096.00 19.33% $25.01-$50.00 82 4.01% $ 3,437.00 21.46% $50.01-$75.00 22 1.08% $ 1,471.00 9.19% $75.01-$100.00 27 1.32% $ 2,500.00 15.61% $100.01 + 30 1.46% $ 5,508.90 34.41% $16,012.90 Cash (unknown contributors) 2,942.51 TOTAL Weekly Income $18,955.41 Stewardship Thought: Stewardship is a life style which involves a deeper understanding of our relationship to God, to ourselves, and to others. It is a free and joyful response to the Gospel invitation to recognize our responsibility over God’s many gifts. Amount needed for basic Expenditures Amount collected last weekend $25,000.00 18,955.41 Total Income for September 2014 Total Expenses for September 2014 Mortgage Debt Payment for Sept. $ 2,227.00 $ 15.00 ********************************** Last week’s parish tithe: 4% goes to Catholic Radio Network and 6% to other Charities mandated by the Bishop. ********************************** Shortfall . . . . . . . . . . . ($ 6,044.59) Building Fund Donations Received For the Mortgage Payment ONLY Mission Sunday Donations ************************************************* Total deposits Bank to Bank for Sept. $ 6,435.00 Total receipts Credit Cards for Sept. $ 1,370.00 Overage or (Shortfall) $86,182 ( 94,922) ( 16,038) ( $24,778)
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