PLANNED GIvING CnnrrrsaLnc.tcy lTロ コ Я :CI Wコ 巳И口 肉 EWD:REET!口 NS Since its lburdilg in l98l in two small donated lirm houses, New Directiorrs has hclpcd providc morc dral 40,000 adolcscents and drcir familics with thc tools drey need to reclaim t.Ilcir livcs lrom l,trr adolescelt trcatmel)t prograrns track client outcomcs, howcvcr rve do, tlrrouglt our rcsearclt pluxrership with Case Wcstenr Rcserve Univcrsity. Wc are proud tllat nearly 7096 ol-our clicttts rcmaiu drug ficc six mondrs post discharge (compared to 3596 rntionally) ard quality ol'lil'c issues, liom educatiotnl attairmcnt to improvcd I:unily rclatiotrships, are New Directions Treatment Outcomes 跳 酬飢飢研飢劉慨﹄ arl<lir{orr. l"rt>rn :r <lcmoustratiorr gralt program liom tJre Statc of Ohio, Ncw Dircctions ha-s grourr to bccome al award;urd notably eflcctivc trcatmel)t provider widr al accredited progriun! arxl a respcctcd roice amoltg Nortlreasl ()hio's rrorr-pn rlit orgarrizaliorts. lmpovgd Sdool No L6gEl lnpromd similarly positivc. 6 tlonlh Posrobch.tgo R.potts 12013. H.lping Ohe$ R€B.trch Fxnit Ctot l Irr 2012, uith thc irrput ol our slakeholdcn, ue cralied a stratcgic pl:ur that rcrnains a flexiblc plalrring <kxumcrrt ;urd ellcctire mcasurcment tool. One ol'its stratcgic goals is to divcrsili ;urd irx'rcase rcvcnue, including grorrdr r>l'endournent, ;urd tlc cstablishment ol'a plalrrcd givirrg program. Ncw Dircctions will be viably positioned to contiuue ils missiou rcgardlcss ol'fluctuations iu lturding. ()ur objcctive is to euhance futurc Itudiug tlrough cstatc plaruring commitments from ilrdividuals who value thc This "l will bo lorcver $ateful; New Ditoctlonsl gave ny daughter a chance et life."- John D., Parent stratcay- is orrc rneaus to cl)surc that seni<'cs lle providc. Thc hard rc:rlity is tlat therc is ro cud in siglrt to addictiou, ald its corxequences. furd as rvc have doue for more l.harr drrce decadcs, with the right rcsourccs il place, New l)irecdons u'ill contiluc to be a lil'c-changing trcatmcnt optiou lbr adolcsccnts :urd dreir lamilics. Alot.lrer hard rcality is that traditional sources ol lurdilB, except lbr pcmonirl corrtributious, havc chalgcd significaldy. l-or cxamplc, I-llited Way has rcl'iscd its guirlcliles;urd no krngcr lunds our rcsidcnt.ial t.rcalrne ut. Rcimburscment ratcs for Medicaid seniccs Iliuc "l don't hnow wher. l'd be bday it ny funtly remairrcd at tlc same lucl flor more thal 15 years, whilc tle cost to had not gotten me to New Dlr*tlons; that prolidc scniccs has riscn 4596. 'l'he bcst that c:ur lrc said about corurty was 13 ye,|6 ago."- 8pcky 8f//air, LPN, tomet Ai , arxl statc luuding sourccs is tlat drcy contirtuc to lrc il constalt llur. now enplopd dt New Alodions l)cspitc tlese finarrcial challerrgcs, drerc is lo abatemcrrt in thc number ol' adolcsccrrts arrd lhmilies in leed ol treatmcnt. Irr lhct, drc sha4r rise in heroil usc has addcd urgcncy to proridc featmcllt arxl I'amily scn'i<'cs to adolcscenls at grcatcr risk ol hamrlul conscquenccs ol'addiction arrd deatlr. Wc scek additiorral supgrrt for our endournerrt tlrrough immcdiatc gilts or matured cstate prolisior)s. l')rdowmcnt groutJr prorides drc fiIrancial rescne rrccessary to bridgc thc gaps that can occur wherr rcgulatory mandatcs, advarcilg tcclutologics, or ncw evidcnced-bascd practices dcmald it. "We can and do change lives lw fr,nilics; Diversilicatior of lurrding is a stratcgic priority uill securc our ongoiug ability thafs why we hope to naver fum away to providc adolesccuts arxl their lhmilies thc safe lurbor ol life-savirrg any clientwlu needs out hdp." trcaunellt. Your philaltlrropic sul)port ol-()ur mission, rron a'Ird in tlte fluture, - Mike Lltul€y, GO, NN DitEr,ions is Itcedcd ald lvelcomed- Treafrnent makes a difference. Recovery makes a life. rTtE auho(s) acknowledge(s) trat tre epoded rcsulb are, in whole or in pa( based on analyses of 0te HELP|NG OTHERS 0ATA SET. These dala werc colecled as parl ofa KOl M015137 grant a*ad to 0r. Pagano itun tE National lnstitute on ALoholAbuse and Alcoholbm National lnstitutes of Healtr, DHHS.' Adolescent Treatnenl outcomes Study, Demonstrdting '? fE Efectiveness of Substance Abus€ Treafnent lor You$, June 2005, Wl Bur. of l\renblHe6nh Substance Abuse Svcs.
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