NOVEMBER12,2014 NOVEMBER12,2014 VOLUME16,ISSUENO.47 VOLUME16,ISSUENO.47 Fundraiser Paint Party for Relay for Life November 15, 1:30 p.m. Fellowship Hall Cost: $25 per person (for ages 15 & up) REV.D.J.BENSON,PASTOR REV.D.J.BENSON,PASTOR REV.BRENTBENSON,COREV.BRENTBENSON,CO-PASTOR PASTOR REV.TROYHOBSON,MINISTEROFYOUTH REV.TROYHOBSON,MINISTEROFYOUTH REV.ERICBENSON,MINISTEROFMUSIC REV.ERICBENSON,MINISTEROFMUSIC REV.KEVINULMER,MINISTEROFCHILDREN REV.KEVINULMER,MINISTEROFCHILDREN REV.BOBKENDRICK,MISSIONARY REV.BOBKENDRICK,MISSIONARY NOVEMBER12,2014THRUNOVEMBER19,2014 NOVEMBER12,2014THRUNOVEMBER19,2014 CHURCH OFFICE HOURS Monday – Thursday: 8:00 a.m.– 3:00 p.m. Friday: 8:00 a.m.– 12:00 p.m. Phone Number: 601-763-7571 A TIME TO SAY THANKS The Bible Exhorts us to be a thankful people. Offer unto God thanksgiving; and pay your vows unto the Most High: and call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me. (Psalm 50:14-15). Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms. (Psalm 95:2) It is so easy to take our blessings for granted and fail to be a joyful and thankful people. We can fail to thank the Lord for our salvation, our health, our occupations, our home, our loved SANCTUARY CHOIR Choir Members, work is going well on our Christmas cantata, Christmas Is Jesus. It will be presented, Sunday, December 21st during the Morning Worship Service. Please mark your calendars now and don’t miss out on this time of praise to our Lord! Thank you for your faithfulness and hard work. Our attendance has been great the last few ones and friends. In all our forgetfulness we can forget that Christ built us, His Church, in which to worship and reach the lost for His glory. their personal Lord and Savior. To some in our church this is a special time of Thanksgiving because they have recently received Jesus as Lord and Savior. Before, they were not able to thank God for the gift of salvation in Christ. To us who have known the Lord for a long time we will too have a special thanksgiving because of Him. The Lord is even good to those who hate Him for He could cast them into hell ahead of their time. Even the demons were not judged until their time. While the demons’ judgment is fixed and cannot be changed, the lost We Love each of you, have this time of grace in which to Bro. Benson escape the wrath of God to come by receiving the Lord Jesus Christ as weeks! 16th. We will meet in the sanctuSunday morning, we will be ary @ 4:45 for a final rehearsal. singing, Power of the Cross. For He Alone Is Worthy, ORCHESTRA Bro. Eric Orchestra members, you were a great blessing Sunday morning as you played, In Christ Alone. Remember, this coming Sunday morning we will be playing, Jesus Messiah. Hope to see you Wednesday and Sunday as we prepare. YOUNG ADULT ENSEMBLE We will sing, Forever this coming Sunday night, November Discipleship Training each Sunday. Encourage those you may know that don’t attend regularly to be here each week. There’s a class & a place for everyone. Let’s continue to be in prayer for one another and encourage one another to grow in our daily walk with Jesus and learn to be disciples together. Hey guys & gals, it was good to see all of you in church Sunday. Some really inspiring messages came from the pulpit during both services that I believe spoke to a lot of us. What a day! We missed those of you that were absent and hope you will be Serving Him with You, here Wednesday night. Don’t forget about Sunday School & Bro. Troy NOVEMBER 12, 2014 VOLUME 16, ISSUE NO. 47 Page 2 Revelation 21:4 – He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, a n d d ea t h s h a l l b e n o more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” (ESV) Have you ever really looked forward to something? Something that you just feel like you just can’t wait another minute for. Well here’s a passage that describes something that I just can’t wait for. Won’t it be great when He will wipe away every tear from our eyes; when death will be no more; when we will no longer mourn; when we will no longer cry; and when we will no longer experience pain! All those things will be passed away. They will no longer exist. Wow! That is something to look forward to. Sometimes we don’t realize what we may be taking part in regarding the work of the Lord. Have you ever considered the impact that the shoebox and clothing ministry has on the people of El Salvador? We only see the initial stage of the work. The desired result for every item sent is to be a tool to be used to share the love of God with someone. We must take every opportunity to share the love of God. The greatest need of every man, woman, boy or girl is that they meet Jesus. Let’s do all we can to help them meet Him. a tool in His hand, Kevin Announcing the birth of William Wyatt, 7 lbs, 7 oz. Born to Emily Thornton. He is welcomed by his proud grandparents, Ralph & Dora Thornton. If you did not receive offering envelopes in the mail, please contact the church ofThank you to pastors, staff and members of Salem Heights for fice. the wonderful expression of your love by the offering we received. It was such an unexpected blessing but one that truly was representative of the caring church you are. It was such a blessing to see many souls who have had a great influence on our lives during the past 32 years of ministry. If we may in any way be of a service to you please ask. You will continue to be in I. Sunday School our prayers. S.S. Enrollment With much love and aloha, S.S. Attendance Tullos & Libby Jones S.S. Average SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2014 CHILDREN’S CHURCH & PRESCHOOL ASSIGNMENTS THREE YEAR OLDS: JAY & CHELSEA BLACKLEDGE FOUR YEAR OLDS: OLDS HEATHER HARPER K– 2nd GRADE: GREG & REBECCA REIHER 3 & 4 YEAR OLD SUNDAY NIGHT ASSIGNMENTS PAM DAVIS & SHANDRA BENSON BACK @ 8:45 FOYER @ 9: 50 LATRELLE & DENISE HOLIFIELD MIKE & LINDA WOOD PAT TATUM LADELL HILL VOLUME 16, ISSUE NO. 47 517 D.T. Enrollment 620 D.T. Attendance 193 D.T. Average 186 III. Budget/ Offering Budget Needed Each Sunday: Designated Giving: Building Fund Given: NOVEMBER 12, 2014 514 II. Dis. Training GREETERS SCHEDULE FOR SUNDAY NOVEMBER 16, 2014 Budget Given Today: NURSERY @ 8:45 1146 Building Debt Remaining Balance: $19,210.98 $23,332.00 $2,759.00 $445.00 $782,958.39 Page 3 Non-Profit Org. US Postage Paid Laurel, MS 39442 Permit No. 388 GLORY HILL GRANDS DAY TRIP TO JACKSON NOVEMBER 20. WE WILL LEAVE SHBC @ 10:15 A.M. SAVE THE DATE WIDOWS’ CHRISTMAS TEA DECEMBER 9, 5:00 P.M. AT BOBBIE JECOAT’S HOME Salem Heights Baptist Church P. O. Box 2758 Laurel, MS 39442 Return Service Requested SATURDAY NOVEMBER 15TH 1:30 PM Relay for Life Paint Party Fundraiser SUNDAY NOVEMBER 16TH 8:45 AM Orchestra Rehearsal 9:00 AM Sunday School 10:10 AM Worship Service 5:00 PM Discipleship Training/ Choir 6:15 PM Worship Service TUESDAY NOVEMBER 18TH 9:30 AM Ladies Prayer Meeting 10:00 AM Bible Study WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 19TH 8:00 AM Mother’s Morning Out 5:15 PM Fellowship Meal 6:15 PM Prayer Meeting/ AWANA/ Youth 6:15 PM Preschool 6:45 PM Bro. Brent’s Bible Study Class 7:45 PM Orchestra Rehearsal
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