Document 424463

November 9, 2014
The Living Christmas Tree
Welcome to Hillcrest
500 Alberta St., Enterprise, AL 36330
334-347-2516 * Prayer Room: 334-347-5755
December 12, 13 & 14
Thank You
for Serving
Our Country
and Protecting
Our Freedoms!
VETERANS DAY - November 11
Tickets available now! (no cost)
Ticket forms can be picked up and returned
at the Welcome Centers or the Curch Office.
Packing Party
and Chili Cook Off
Wednesday, November 12
5:00 pm, Fellowship Hall
Acts 1:8 Missions (8/3/14-11/2/14)
Given to Date .................................... $11,811.20
Sunday School
November 2 Attendance ...............................656
Password for Wi-Fi:
Envelopes are available in the Sunday School folders
and at the Welcome Centers.
Wednesday, November 12
Men’s Prayer ...................................C100 8:15 am
Library, E204 ............................ 8:30 am - 9:15 am
Sunday School ..........................................9:15 am
Worship Service* .......................................9:15 am
Library, E204 ........................ 10:20 am - 10:45 am
Sunday School ........................................10:45 am
Worship Service* .....................................10:45 am
AWANA Clubs, E219 .................................4:45 pm
PS33 Bible Study*, FH ..............................4:45 pm
Legacy Adult Worship, WC ........................5:00 pm
Student Bible Study, SC ............................5:00 pm
LifeGroups .................................................5:00 pm
PS33 Worship*, FH ...................................6:00 pm
Little Blessings, Building F .........................8:30 am
Women’s Bible Study, FH ..........................9:30 am
Church at Home, C100 ............................10:00 am
OCC Shoebox Packing Party &
Chili Cookoff, FH .......................................5:00 pm
Praise Team Rehearsal .............................6:15 pm
Worship Choir Rehearsal, CR ...................7:15 pm
Monday, November 10
MOPS, Mothers of Preschoolers, FH ........9:00 am
OCC Packing Party Prep, FH ....................8:00 am
GriefShare*, F316.......................................6:00 pm
Cancer Share*, F312 .................................6:30 pm
Senior Pastor: ...................................................... Dr. Michael Mynatt
Worship Minister: .....................................................Rev. Jamie Baker
Soloist: ...................................................................... Mrs. Leslie Mynatt
Soloist: ............................................................... Mrs. Jennifer McNeal
Building Fund
Given November 2...............................$4,188.00
Given to Date ..................................$161,597.13
Order Christmas Poinsettias
for the Worship Center.
Sunday, November 9
Budget 2014
Given November 2 ............................$53,103.83
Required Weekly ..............................$44,159.97
Given to Date ...............................$1,886,003.02
Required to Date .........................$1,943,038.68
Thursday, November 13
Little Blessings, Building F .........................8:30 am
DC4K, F305 ...............................................6:30 pm
DivorceCare*, F312 ...................................6:30 pm
Friday, November 14
* Childcare Provided
Tuesday, November 11
Veterans Day, Office Closed
Our services can be viewed on Channel 4 (Time Warner Cable) each Sunday at 9:30 am. Our
services also can be viewed on WDHN Channel 18 each Sunday from 8:00 - 8:30 am.