Gold Wing Road Riders Association REGION WEBSITE: Region Directors Terry Huffman [email protected] Cheri Huffman [email protected] Assistant Directors TBD Region Educators Mike and Lynn Briggs [email protected] Instructor Coordinators Motorist Awareness & COY/IOY Coordinators Mike & Janet Turner [email protected] [email protected] Region Trainers Dave & Sheila Chavez [email protected] Membership Enhancement Garry & Maxine Alexander [email protected] Treasurers Dianna and Fred Borke [email protected] Region Ambassadors Region I Communications Coordinator Doug and Donna Deskin [email protected] Webmaster Mark Bridge [email protected] Newsletter Editor Marla Muirbrook [email protected] News and Views for November 2014 Directors’ Corner November 2014 What a month, better yet…what a weekend. We just got back for the “Region I Strategic Planning meeting”. It really makes us feel good to see so many people travel so far to be there. There were a total of 53 energetic members all sharing ideas and working in teams to get the strategic goals for their Chapter, District and our Region as a whole. We came away feeling great about all the good things we saw happening, and everybody we talked to were excited about the direction the Region is heading. There was a ton of enthusiasm in the room and what an honor it was that Region I was selected to kick off this wonderful way of planning…it is a totally different way of running the annual meeting. In the past it has been all about what we have accomplished in the past, what the Director, or Program Director wants to see happen…but what about what the members want? Isn’t that what we are all here for? I think with the help of Anita, JR and Joe Price, Region I is going to get to the next level. They gave us some amazing tools that we all can use to improve the Region, our Districts and Chapters so that we can provide more fun for our members. All said and done, I think that the focus of each of the Districts, and Region are in alignment and will dovetail very well…with Region making sure that they are there to support the Districts. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Idaho District’s 2015 Goal – Unification through support Montana District’s 2015 Goal – Participation through enthusiasm Oregon District’s 2015 Goal – Teamwork Washington District’s 2015 Goal – 110% Wyoming District’s 2015 Goal - R&R (Rebuild & Redesign) Region I’s 2015 Goal – Training – Everything, Everywhere! We have challenged our officers to make that happen. In the upcoming months we will begin implementing a program to provide training to every corner of our Region, not District by District…but neighborhood but neighborhood. Those are some lofty goals and it will take focus and energy to get us where we want to go…and we will be looking for participation, teamwork, support and cooperation from each of you to get there. Region Helper Alexia Velasco Vendor Coordinator Mary Hunter [email protected] Couple of the Year ID District Directors Don and Sharon Weber [email protected] m MT District Directors Chuck and Betty Bonnett [email protected] OR District Directors Mike & Joy Bean [email protected] WA District Directors Reggie Porter [email protected] WY District Director Rich & Dalene Goetz [email protected] NATIONAL WEBSITE: GWRRA Directors Ray & Sandi Garris [email protected] GWRRA Deputy Directors Anita and J.R. Alkire [email protected] So is that all we did at this meeting…of course not, it just wouldn’t be a GWRRA event without a little fun. Ask anyone who attended if they ended up taking a few aliens home with them…or where they got those cool dice hanging on the rearview mirror. Is that a disco ball I see you wearing around your neck? Hmm…guess you should have come to the meeting. All of these interesting bits of fun lead up to the announcements of the 2015 Rallies. Idaho District Rally – July 2nd - 4th in Kamiah, Idaho Montana District Rally – July 23rd – 25th in Deer Lodge, Montana Oregon District Rally – July 10th -12th in Hood River, Oregon Washington District Rally – July 16th – 18th in Port Townsend, Washington Wyoming District Rally – July 10th – 12th in Buffalo, Wyoming Region I Rally – August 6th – 8th in Lewiston, Idaho Now as you can see, it looks like all the Districts have next year’s rally planning well under way and that they all have exciting places for us to travel to. Not to be outdone, Region is planning to move space & time…and allow you to move to the past or into the future to find the decade that describes the real you! Join Region I, and “Team Incredible” as we go “Retro Riding” and Roll back the Years. Check the website for the Rally flyer and registration…this is one you won’t want to miss! Well, as I always say, “it’s not only about the place, it’s the ride getting there”. So now that we’ve filled you in on the Annual Strategic Planning Meeting, we’d like to take a minute to wish you all a VERY Happy Thanksgiving. There are many things that Cheri & I are thankful for in our lives, not the least of which is our Region Team, our District Directors, their teams, and the members of Region I…without all of you wonderful people standing with us to make the organization a better place, we could not be successful. Thank you for all of the hard work, dedication and the commitment you have all made…you are all part of what we are thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving to all! Until next month….Live the Adventure, Ride Safely!!! Terry & Cheri Huffman Region I Directors GWRRA Leadership Training in the Region As I write this newsletter article, the Region Operations Meeting has just concluded, as of Saturday, October 25, 2014, in Missoula, MT. As I am certain that Terry will point out, the meeting was very well attended. District Directors from each of our Districts attended…as did many of their respective staff groups. For a significant part of the day, the group was afforded some excellent training presented by Joe Price, our new National Leadership Training Director and Anita Alkire, Deputy Director for Region F & I. Based primarily on Joe’s “Lead Like you Ride” training program, the training was excellent and very heavily involved group discussion and teamwork. The training also afforded an opportunity for respective Region and District staff groups to accomplish some important brainstorming and planning exercises. In terms of actual “operations reports”, for the benefit of the members not able to attend the meeting, my presentation/report is listed just below in outline format. Discussion Topics Observations / Perspectives LTP Program Goals & Objectives Observations Availability of Leadership Training in Region limited 1. Region Convention a. Annual but somewhat affected by venue b. Sufficient incentive/reasons to attend? c. Other activities at Regional gatherings – competing? When convenient & available interest/attendance higher 1. Region Convention Venue a. Easy access classrooms, e.g., Pendleton as example Perspectives Leadership Training should be made available to membership 2. 2. 1. 2. Build on District Leadership Workshops concept (base models: Washington and Montana) Nurture potential new leaders Perspectives - What is Mentoring? A mentor facilitates personal and professional growth in an individual by sharing the knowledge and insights that have been learned through the years Is a partnership through which one person shares knowledge, skills, information and perspective to foster the personal and professional growth of someone else Perspectives – Adult Learning LTP Program Goals Install a District Leadership Trainer for each District (certified in at least LTP) LTP Program Objectives District Leadership Workshops: Washington & Montana a. Open to all members - distance a deterrent? b. Attendance and interest more focused at both Notification / Advertising a. Would advertising or “selling” the classes make a difference? Focused Workshops could provide avenue for nurturing / mentoring potential leaders Responsibility to mentor as well as teach/present new information Creates a one-of-a-kind opportunity for collaboration, goal achievement and problem-solving More focused - Annual Leadership Training Workshops at the District level would help accomplish this Establish Annual District Leadership Training Workshops in all Districts in Region I a. b. c. University Trainer Development Workshop (UTDP) Opportunity for new University Trainers (UT’s) District focused Timing a. b. Review existing UT’s across Region Must exist within District without current Trainer Willing to take on responsibility of District Trainer In last month’s Newsletter, I reported that Washington and Montana Districts are the only Districts that present specific Leadership Training Program (LTP) Workshops on an annual basis. One of the goals that I have set for myself is to assist in the development of similar workshops within each of the other 3 Districts at some point within the next year or so. Again, with a Region as large and expansive as ours is traveling long distances to attend leadership training can be challenging, as well as expensive. Self-development is always worthwhile; members just shouldn’t have to travel miles and miles to continue learning about or honing leadership skills. The key to achieving this goal is to have a member (i.e., within a District that does not currently have a District Trainer) that is or can become a GWRRA University Trainer (UT), certified in at least LTP, willing to become a District Trainer for their respective District. To reiterate, current UT’s in such District’s that may be currently certified in Rider Education or MEP, and are interested in being considered for a District Trainer position, should contact me as soon as possible. Based on discussions that took place at the Operations Meeting, and will continue over the next several months, consolidated workshops in certain Districts combining RE and LTP seminars may actually occur. However, a University Trainer Development Program (UTDP) Workshop will still be scheduled somewhere in the Region in the relative near term. GWRRA members that are interested in becoming a University Trainer will have an opportunity to become certified, so stay tuned for more information. As always, if there is a particular leadership topic you would like to see presented in the future, please do not hesitate to let me know. For now, keep those “learning caps” on and ride safe whenever on the road. “The more you know the better it gets” Dave & Sheila Chávez Region I Trainer, SUT From Our Rider Educator As I am writing this article we have concluded the Region I Annual Meeting. I believe that this has been one of the most informative, learning experiences that I have ever attended. For years we have talked about working as teams. While we have approached it positively, up to now we haven't been proactive about working as teams. In other words, we walked the walked but we didn't talk the talk. I believe the biggest reason for this is we simply didn't have the tools and the knowledge to know how to behave as teams. Yesterday, we were learned the tools and how to use those tools. This will help us to function as a team. As a region, we established a vision for the region. The vision is "Training, Everything-Everywhere". Once we determined this vision we worked on identifying and writing the goals that will be the path to achieve the vision. It was refreshing to work as a team and realize that we all had been on the same general thought process. The region team believes that integrating Rider Education, Training, and Membership Enhancement seminars in a "neighborhood" workshop philosophy will be the best way to bring services to the members. We will be working through our goals to support our district counterparts. We will do this at the neighborhood workshops and supporting, coaching and mentoring our district leaders. Moving forward, University Trainers will be identified, trained and certified (this has already started) so chapters can be training locally. The districts had an opportunity to talk about their rallies for 2015. It was pretty exciting to hear each District Director promote their events! We are looking forward to attending as many as we can. I can say that it was a rewarding energizing weekend and we leave with high expectations for the future. Take the Long Road /:\ Mike and Lynn Briggs Region I Educators Region I Communications It’s a struggle sometimes to come up with an idea for an article. I was reflecting on friends and family members who are ill and those that have passed, I thought about how our life is just a wave that comes to shore and then its quickly gone therefore we must make the most of each day, hour and minute. I guess my point is that none of us know how much time we have on this earth, so enjoy every minute of it and hopefully when it is our turn to leave this earth we leave it with friends that miss us as much as we miss those that have gone before us. What does this have to do with riding a motorcycle and Communication you are probably asking? Life is so short; don’t lose the chance to tell someone you care. One form of communication is Newsletters. In my many years in GWRRA I have always stressed the importance of sending newsletters to chapter members near and far either it be snail mail, email or a pdf online on a website. Newsletters are an important communication between National and Region; Regions and Districts; Chapters and chapter members. It is exciting to read all the past and upcoming information passed along to chapter members. It is informative to read about others’ travels. At times it brings back memories of your travel in that area or it makes one interested in traveling there ourselves. Sometimes there is important information passed on about dealing with a motorcycle breakdown or maybe a good experience one had along their journey. Newsletters also inform others about anniversaries, birthdays, the birth of a loved one, the health of others. It is part of the MOU you signed as an officer to have a newsletter every month. I read the following poem recently. I think it is so fitting of many of the articles we read and how life affects all of us and how we deal with it. Life is an opportunity, benefit from it. Life is beauty, admire it. Life is a dream, realize it. Life is a challenge, meet it. Life is a duty, complete it. Life is a game, play it. Life is a promise, fulfill it. Life is sorrow, overcome it. Life is a song, sing it. Life is a struggle, accept it. Life is a tragedy, confront it. Life is an adventure, dare it. Life is luck, make it. Life is life, fight for it. Author Unknown The more you do, the more Fun you will have! Donna and Doug Deskin News from the district directors Washington District News I would like to Congratulate Linda and Pete Goetz for taking over Washington Membership Enhancement Coordinator .We just finish Washington leadership training and must we say it is great. We have such a strong Assistant’s and Chapter Directors we are going to have fun this year. Maxine is feeling a little bit better; she is having a lot of pain in her chest. Thanks for all your support Garry Alexander Assistant Washington Director Montana District News Montana District The Goldwing riding season in Montana is soon to be closing. The trees are turning yellow and gold and some are already shedding their leaves. The days (daylight) are getting shorter and the mornings have been getting a lot cooler. The higher mountains have new snow on them and soon all of our Goldwing’s will be sleeping the winter away, with dream of new chrome to come. We have a few Montana District members who have already signed up for the new 2015 Reno Rendezvous. Though it is considerably more expensive (about twice) than Wing Ding, but Reno is a lot closer than Huntsville AL! The 2015 Montana District Convention will be announced at the Region I Ops meeting in Missoula on the 25th of October. Betty and Chuck Bonnett Montana District Directors From the Oregon District Director’s Desk As GWRRA members, rider safety is important and that is why our members take ARC classes and range, even on a hot September Saturday. This was the first time for four members of the class and each felt they had learned new skills and want to take the ARC class again, but on a day that is a little cooler. The range portion had spectators to support and encourage the riders. Everyone left the class with new skills to practice. We want to thank instructors: Mike Briggs, Tom Denny, Mark Lewis and Mike Messenger for coming from Washington; Bob and Dawna Hitch for securing the classroom space and the range location; and all the members who participated. The 2015 Oregon District Rally will be July 9, 10 and 11th at the Hood River County Fairgrounds at Odell, OR (7 miles thru beautiful scenery from Hood River). Please mark these dates on your calendar now and plan to be there! If you weren’t able to go to the End of Season Campout, you missed a fun weekend, with chili served on baked potatoes, hot dogs or alone and lots of side dishes on Friday night. Saturday breakfast was biscuits and great sausage gravy; scrambled eggs, fruit and sausage, with coffee and juice. The day was filled with riding, Cribbage, Mexican Train and lots of conversation and laughter. The fun continued through a delicious dinner of meaty ribs, chicken, salad, potato salad, corn on the cob, two types of cornbread and a cobbler baked in cast iron kettles in the large outdoor fireplace and served with ice cream. The weather was good and everyone had a good time. The District would like to say “Thank You Chapter H”. We are looking for an outgoing couple or single who would like to be more involved in the Oregon District. Ride Safe! Mike and Joy Bean Oregon District Director Wyoming District Directors It is October 22, Dalene and I are packing our suitcases getting to leave in the early am hour to head to Missoula MT to attend the Region I fall training and many thoughts are traveling across out cluttered minds. As we looked over some of the information that was presented to us in preparation for this day long outing, we could not help but notice a few key words in the letter. Let us share them with you one at a time, and see what you think may come out of some of your thought process as you read these words. Fresh Thinking; well that says one thing to us, new ideas, new processes, get the heck out of the box, your starting to get cardboard rash and open your minds. As the letter said new direction is in order we are a great organization we just need to put a new twist on it and let people know who we are. New Direction; well let’s see what might that mean to us leaders. It means get out of the ruts you’re driving in your going to get stuck when it fills with water. More importantly it means we need to change the game we are playing. Sometimes the newness wears off and you start to die as an organization. Open Mind; throw out your idea’s you never know what might be a great, margin, or bad idea. But think about why does it matter; some of the best idea’s never got to be a great one until discussion fueled other options within your idea. Don’t be afraid to put on your thinking cap throw it out there and see if it sticks you have nothing to fear but fear itself. Great Attitude; I will sum it up the best I can; no one likes people with poor attitudes. It’s like a cancer with in your organization, it only fuels negativity, be positive you will enjoy life much more, besides I have another great saying I use a lot. I woke up this morning, went vertical, starting breathing and told myself the big guy upstairs gave me another great day, I’m going to enjoy the best the world will give me. And lastly FUN; as my family will tell you I live by this one statement, Hang your toes over the edge, you will never know until you try. Personally I have had way more great experiences than I ever had bad ones. Friendships are a wonderful thing reach out and find some new one. If you ride late this fall be careful there are a lot of hazards out there. Rich & Dalene Goetz Wyoming District Directors NOVEMBER MILESTONE GWRRA ANNIVERSARIES 34 YEARS DENNIS E NEIL DIANNA L NEIL WA-V WA-V 31 YEARS 26 YEARS RICHARD L MALES MAXINE MALES WA-Q WA-Q 25 YEARS RAY E CHESNUT MARION S HARTER WA-C WA-V HELENE L. O'NEILL DON W GAROUTTE HARVEY E SEABROOK PATRICIA R SEABROOK WA-V WA-V 20 YEARS 28 YEARS JULIA L BOWCUTT OR-I 27 YEARS DEAN E JOHNSON OR-J WA-B WA-M ROBERT E WHITWORTH MELVIN H RESNICK WA-A WA-M BARBARA BERREMAN JAY A RALSTON WA-O WY-E 2006 Goldwing with 2011 Lehman Monarch II Trike Kit with 3% Rake Low Mileage, CB, Heated Seats and Grips, Set up for Gerbing heated clothing, Utopia backrest, Trailer Hitch, Triple Ring of Fire, Driving lights & more. Low Mileage 38,000. No problems with fit and finish. Maintenance kept current. $25,000.00 Cargo trailer with new chrome wheels and new tires. $695.00 Mike Bean Oregon District Director 503-951-2668 Communication is the key- let’s talk. Page 9 of 9
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