Please support our sponsors Catholic Daughter’s of the America’s St. Monica’s Court # 2598 Meetings: 3rd Monday ~ 7:00 p.m. St. Augustine’s Parish Center ~ New Members Welcome Knights of Columbus Council 7273 North Country Endodontics Susan L. Zerrahn, DMD Langley Insurance Agency Since 1932 PO Box 598— 5 Davey Drive Peru, NY 12972-0598 Ph: 518-643-9052 Fax: 518-643-6640 [email protected] In the Heart of the Champlain Valley Growers & Packers of Fancy McIntosh Cortland & Honeycrisp 2731 Route 22 (518)643-9527 Fax (518)643-9509 2993 Main Street, Suite 2 / P.O. Box 343 / Peru, NY 12972 (518)643-8080 * (518)643-8484 fax BOULÉ/SPEAR FAMILY DENTISTRY Michael J. Boulé, D.D.S. Anne-Marie B. Spear, D.D.S. Plattsburgh: 518-563-3090 Peru: 518-643-8015 St. Patrick’s Oratory Meetings 1st Mondays 7:30 PM Non-Smoking Bingo Tuesdays 7:10 PM New Members Welcome—Peru, NY For Information 643-8813 3035 Main Street Peru, NY 12972 Visit our Sales Room for our Home Grown Apples Monday—Friday 7:00am to 4:30pm Our Parish Directory Bishop: The Most Reverend Terry R. LaValley Pastor: Reverend Alan D. Shnob Priest in Residence: Reverend Richard D. Demers Deacon: George Benson A Family Serving Families for Three Generations Daily Mass 8:00 a.m. Neil E. Hamilton 294 Mannix Road, PO Box 570, Peru, New York 12972 Peru 643-9055 • Mooers 236-4747 • Keeseville 834-7667 Monuments Plattsburgh Memorials 4875 S. Catherine Street Plattsburgh, NY 12901 - See What You Buy - November 16, 2014 Sunday Readings Cycle: Year A Weekday Readings Cycle: Year 2 Weekend Mass: Saturday, November 15, 2014 Weekend Masses: Saturday 4:30 p.m. Confessions 3:15-4:00 p.m. Sunday 9:30 a.m. Confessions 8:15-9:00 a.m. 4:30 p.m. William E. Hoffmann (2nd Anniversary) By: Wife & Son Parish Office 3030 Main Street ~ Peru, N.Y. 12972 Tel. (518) 643-2435 ~ Fax (518) 643-0960 9:30 a.m. Deceased Members of K of C Council #7273 By: K of C Council #7273 Rectory: Father Alan (518) 643-6759 Dubay Family Chiropractic Director of Religious Education Janice Morse (518) 643-2435 Email: [email protected] Dr. Steven B. Dubay D.C. (518)643-2463 89 Military Turnpike/Brand Hollow Rd. Warren J. Bennett, Ryan P. Bennett, Michael S. Bennett, Stephen C. LaPointe Traditional & Adv. Funeral Planning Monuments, Memorials, We Own Our Crematory Office Manager/Bookkeeper Deborah Purdy (518) 643-2435 Email: [email protected] Sunday, November 16, 2014 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday, November 17, 2014 St. Elizabeth of Hungary 8:00 a.m. Paul Calkins By: Florence Calkins Tuesday, November 18, 2014 Dedication of the Basilica of Sts. Peter and Paul 8:00 a. m. George & Margaret Frances Davey By: Roland & Rodney Davey Wednesday, November 19, 2014 Weekday Secretary Tony Andrews Tel: (518) 643-2435 [email protected] Parish Center Coordinator Rebecca Watkins (518) 643-8568 Prayer Line Sherry Demarais (518) 643-2660 Baptismal Preparation Every Third Thursday Karen De Boos (518) 569-1032 Ocean & River Cruising All-Inclusive Resorts, Global Guided Tours, Disney Vacations, Hotels/Airfare. Have your family or class reunion on a cruise Ship or at an all-inclusive resort! Julie & Gary Liberty Your Independent Vacation Specialists 25 Taylor Road, Peru, NY 12972 Call 518-643-5551 today to start planning your next Dream Vacation! Sign up for Exclusive Offers and Discounts at 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Weekday Director Russell & McCormick ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELERS AT LAW William E. Russell & Michael D. McCormick Andrew J. Russell 101 Clinton Street, PO Box 549 Keeseville, NY 518-834-7700 51 Patent Road, Peru, NY Organist: Khristina Heffernan Choir Director: Shirley Lareau-Kemp (temp) Emeritus: Lynn Wilke ~ Pianist: Catherine Bova Trustees Mr. Dale Clemons ~ Mrs. Angie LePage 8:00 a.m. For the People Thursday November 20, 2014 Weekday 8:00 a.m. Maryann Keenan By: Peter Keenan 9:00 a.m. Valehaven Communion Service 9:30 a.m. Apple Valley Communion Service Friday, November 21, 2014 The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 8:00 a.m. Walter Sutter By: Ralph & Crystal Harkness Saturday, November 22, 2014 St. Cecilia 4:30 p.m. Jerry LaBombard By: His Wife, Dawne LaBombard Sunday November 23, 2014 34th Sunday in Ordinary Time 9:30 a.m. Theresa Sheffield By: Diana & Marge Holdridge St. Cecilia This Week On the Calendar A Way To Reduce Your Taxes Nov. 8-9, 2014 Mass Attendance 318 Sunday, November 16 Confessions 8:15 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Mass at 9:30 a.m. Religious Ed. Classes 10:45-12 Noon Choir Practice 5:30-9:30 Monday - Saturday St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store Monday - Friday 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Thursdays 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Saturdays 9:00 a.m. to noon. St. Augustine’s Crate and Christmas Thrift Store Monday through Friday 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Saturdays 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Monday, November 17 Catholic Daughters’ Meeting 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, November 18 Bible/Scripture Study, Adirondack Room 7:00 p.m. K of C Bingo 7:10 p.m. Wednesday, November 19 Crafters For Charity 9:00 a.m. ~ 12:00 p.m. Soup Kitchen 4:15-5:45 Biggest Loser 6 p.m. Parish Center Thursday, November 20 9:00 a.m. Valehaven Communion Service 9:30 a.m. Apple Valley Communion Service 7:00 p.m. Baptismal Prep Bereavement Comm. Mtg. 6:30 p.m. Parish Center Friday, November 21 Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Following the 8:00 am Mass to 7:00 pm Saturday, November 22 Confessions 3:15 p.m.~4:00 p.m. Mass 4:30 p.m. Katherine Trombley Benefit 12-4 p.m. Parish Center Envelopes Plate Child Total $ $ $ $ 4236.50 364.00 4600.50 Thank you for your continued support and generosity. St. Vincent de Paul Open Daily 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Thursdays 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Saturdays 9:00 a.m. to Noon w/e Nov. 8, 2014 $936.26 Bring your gently used clothes to St Vincent’s. Your kindness and caring will help those in need. ♥ "Charity is certainly greater than any rule. Moreover, all rules must lead to charity." St. Augustine’s Crate and Christmas Thrift Shop Roger’s House 3034 Main Street Peru, NY $646.18 Open Daily 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Saturdays 9:00 a.m. to Noon We are always looking for gently used items for Roger’s house. Household, Christmas, toys, furniture, kitchen appliances, etc… Please consider donating them to the Thrift Shop. (drop off is at the car port behind the house.) St. Augustine’s Soup Kitchen This Week’s Meal Thanksgiving Dinner There is always room for you at our table. Please join us each Wednesday . It is a time of fellowship while enjoying a good meal. NEEDED We are currently looking for containers that would be used for ’to-go’ dishes. If you can help with this matter, it would be greatly appreciated!! Thank You and God Bless!! The sale of appreciated property generates a capital gain upon which you are taxed. However, if you make a gift to your parish, Catholic school, or other diocesan program or institution, you pay no capital gains tax. For more information contact Scott Lalonde at the Development Office at 315-393-2920 or email [email protected] 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time “Well done, good and faithful servant…” How are you called to use your talents? If Christ may be inviting you to faithful service as a priest or consecrated religious... Talk to your pastor or contact Fr. Bryan Stitt on Facebook, at,or at (315) 393-2920 ex. 1450 BENEFIT FOR KATHERINE TROMBLEY Saturday, November 22nd 12-4pm St. Augustine’s Parish Center $8.00 for Adults $5.00 for Children Katherine was one of the young ladies involved in the terrible car accident that took place near the Brand Hollow Road. The night will include the dinner, raffles, a 50/50 drawing, and Chinese Auction. ($1 each or $5 for ten chances.) For further information, contact Katrina at 518-572-9196. March for Life Pilgrimage If you’re in your 20’s or 30’s or even just older than 18 and out of school, consider joining College Students and Young Adults from the Diocese of Ogdensburg for a 4 day – 4 night pilgrimage. The Pilgrimage will include the Vigil Mass for Life at the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception on Tuesday, January 21st with Cardinal Seán Patrick O’Malley, O.F.M. Cap., Chairman of the USCCB Committee on Pro-Life Activities as celebrant and homilist as well as the March for Life itself on January 22 nd. In addition to attending this Mass and the March, we will visit other important Shrines and Memorials, offering many opportunities for prayer, witness, and fun. The Pilgrimage will depart from the Diocese of Ogdensburg Tuesday afternoon, January 20th and will conclude on Saturday January 24th. The all-inclusive cost is $175 per adult. For more information, or to get a registration form sent to you, please email: Father Timothy Canaan, Diocesan Director of Campus Ministry [email protected] Space is limited. Registrations are only complete with payment and must be submitted no later than December 16, 2014. News from Seton Academy Parent Teacher Conferences Parent teacher conferences were held at Seton Academy and we are edified by the cooperation and willingness of the parents to work with the teacher so that their child can receive the best education possible. It is this kind of dedication that makes it possible for Seton Academy’s students to excel. The Gift of Gratitude Today, many doctors and psychologists advocate a “holistic” approach to health and healing. Jesus showed a deep concern for all of human life—physical, mental, social, spiritual. The one leper who returned to express gratitude to Jesus for his physical healing then received healing of mind and spirit. Your gift to an “adopted” student in gratitude for God’s blessings will enrich and bless his/her life— and, you own. Thank you. Diocesan Principals’ Meeting Sister Helen attended the Diocesan Principals’ Meeting on November 13. These meetings are always helpful and it’s good for principals to get together. Planning the May Gala There was a planning meeting on November 4 to plan the May Gala which will take place on May 2, 2015. Please save the date and plan to have an evening of fun! Box Tops for Education/Campbell’s Soup Labels Seton Academy continues to collect Box Tops for Education and Campbell’s Soup Labels (the bar code). Please continue to save them. Strategic Planning The first meeting of the Strategic Planning Committees took place on Oct. 28. The following committees are in place: Academic, Facilities, Technology, Student Life, Finances, and Development/ Advancement. This is an exciting time for Seton Academy and Seton Catholic. Chris Hay, Chairperson of the Education Council, led the kick-off meeting. Sister Helen, SSJ News From Seton Catholic The First Coffee House of the year was held Friday, November 14th. This is a great opportunity for the Seton community to share talents, poems and lots of music. A wonderful time was had by all. On November 21st, there is no school for students as teachers are available for parent teacher conferences. A huge thank you to Chris LeFevre and his crew at Northeast Irrigation and Landscape. They redesigned the memorial for our two deceased international students. We hope many of you will get the chance to see it. We thank Chris for his donation of time and materials. We are hard at work preparing the baskets and Christmas dinner. We hope you have marked your calendars for December 7th from noon to 5pm. Get in the spirit of the season. Come and enjoy a delicious turkey dinner with all the trimmings, basket raffle, wreath sale and baked goods sale. Take out is available. ADVERTISER OF THE WEEK Ocean & River Cruising All-Inclusive Resorts, Global Guided Tours, Disney Vacations, Hotels/Airfare. Have your family or class reunion on a cruise Ship or at an all-inclusive resort! Willow ~Sara LaDuke (Donating a Kidney to Alyssa Gallinger) ~Jimmy Frank ~Brandon Purtell ~Eric Laffey, recently deployed Serviceman ~Ingrid Marant, mother of Chris Marant and Oma of Zoey Mussaw ~Katherine Trombley ~Jamie Toohill ~Hugh Martin & Family ~Johnny and Gloria Sarbou ~Gary Liberty ~Deacon George Benson ~ Meegan Rock~ Shannon Kiniry ~ Paul brother of Elise Lester ~ Michael Newell ~ Carl Liberty ~ Noela Jozwiak~ Dick Jenkins ~Lita Stinecke sister in-law of Dave Soulia ~ Marion Perrotte ~ Stephanie Mack ~ Miriam Mandigo Friends of Elaine Smith ~ Dan Hickey~ Lillian Cook, sister of Peggy Banker ~ Susan Murray ~ Gracelyn Cayea ~ Sherry Barber ~ Catherine McCusker & Bill Gruttermyer, Friends of Elaine Smith ~ Donald Patnode, Friend of Marion Peters ~ Bill Patnode ~ Jimmy Coon ~ Kathleen Fornecker, friend of Patti Hamilton & Marion Peters~ Karen Darcy ~ sister of Cecilia Darcy Yelle ~ Michelle Fitzgerald ~ Angevine~ Ellie Durgan ~ Sarah Trombley ~ Deacon Ed Mauchowski ~ John Soulia~ Suzanne Coryea ~ Bill & Vonna Reid ~ Angel Wright, sister-in-law of Kathy Marant ~ Sandi Andrews ~ Roger Long ~ Evelyn Fuller ~ Father Peter Nabozny, Uncle to Joanne Forrence ~ Karen Stanord ~ Larry & Marge McSweeney ~ Lon & Patricia Coleman, Mother & Father of Kathy Siddon ~ Dan Froehlich ~ Mark & Justin Pulsifer ~ Eddie Compton ~ Myrtle Jabaut, Mother of Novalee Martineau ~ Bill McBride ~ Liam McDougal ~ Tammy VanValkenburg ~ Christiane Meier, Mother of Joanne Broderick ~ John LaFave ~ Robert Fuller Are you prepared for the return of the Master? What talents have we been entrusted with? Have we used our gifts or have we buried them or stored them on the shelf unopened and unused? Have we worked to increase our talents by using and sharing them? Our gospel today indicates that there may be some risk involved trying to increase our talents. We may fail or be rejected, but our gifts are not given to be buried in the sand. Our first reading shows us how we increase our talents: having obtained the raw materials of wool and flax, the good wife works with them, spins them into cloth, and shares her wares with the poor and needy. In the Church, we have been given the gift of faith, and through prayer and study and sharing, we can increase our faith, so as to let our faith overflow to those we meet. Let us use our talents and stay alert that we may be ready for the Lord’s return and will hear those words: “Well done my good and faithful servant...come share your Master’s joy.” Julie & Gary Liberty Your Independent Vacation Specialists 25 Taylor Road, Peru, NY 12972 Call 518-643-5551 today to start planning your next Dream Vacation! Sign up for Exclusive Offers and Discounts at Please support our advertisers on the back of our bulletin. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Schedule From the Halls of the St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store Volunteers come in many shapes and sizes. During this year’s Applefest, this young lad (who bears a handsome resemblance to Bob and Jane Woods’ grandson Jack) came by and helped out with the sorting and arranging of the clothes sold during the weekend. So, this proves that any and all volunteers are welcome to help. Saturday, November 22nd, ~ 4:30 p.m. S. Kokes, A. Torrance, G. Burdo, J. Tortorelli Sunday, November 23rd, ~ 9:30 a.m. M. Seymour, J. Mussaw, B. Manchester, K. McGovern, A. McGovern Lector’s Schedule Saturday, November 22nd, ~ 4:30 p.m. Peter Glushko Sunday, November 23rd ~ 9:30 a.m. Robin Downs Please join the Plattsburgh State Gospel Choir as they celebrate “Soulful Christmas 2014” on Sunday Dec. 7th at 4pm in the Giltz Auditorium on the SUNY Plattsburgh campus. The show will feature the 70 voice Choir, along with the Step Team and Praise Dancers. They are excited to announce that the featured guest is the PHS Select Vocal Ensemble under the direction of Mr. William Verity. For those arriving early to the show to enjoy the soulful jazz sounds of the PHS Jazz Band. For The Week of Nov. 16th-22nd The Sanctuary Candle is In Memory of Allen Brault by Bob & Judy Akey There are still spaces available for advertising your business on the back of the Church bulletin. The bulletin reaches over 200 families each week, in addition to our out of town visitors who will see your advertisement. Consider sponsoring our bulletin by placing your ad. For more information contact the Parish Office at 643-2435 and speak with Debbie, Tony. or Janice. Find Pope Francis on Twitter! “Work is so important for human dignity, If anyone is interested in volunteering, please contact Jane Woods, at 518-834-5324. WILLIE SAYS!! The Diocese of Ogdensburg is organizing a pilgrimage for young adults to World Youth Day 2016 in Krakow, Poland. In an effort to raise money to help offset travel expenses for our pilgrims, we are sponsoring a fundraiser with RADA Cutlery products during the month of November and products can be purchased online! For details, see For more information, contact Marika Donders at 49th ANNUAL KEESEVILLE-PERU ECUMENICAL CHOIR CONCERT The Keeseville-Peru Ecumenical Choir will be performing two concerts. The first concert will be Saturday, December 13, 2014, at St. Augustine's Church in Peru at 7:30pm. The second concert will be Sunday, December 14, 2014, 7:30pm at St. John the Baptist Church in Keeseville. Admission is free. Peru Health Mart Pharmacy specializes in serving the community with fast, friendly, professional service and the highest quality medicines and health products. And now they will deliver them straight to your door at no additional cost. Learn how we can help today! For this edition of “Willie Says” please refer to the insert in this week’s bulletin. There will be a Bereavement Committee Meeting on Thursday, November 20th at 6:30 PM at the Parish Center. If you have any questions or concerns, Deacon George Contact Information!!! Deacon George is still in Fanny Allen Rehab undergoing acute rehabilitation therapy. Anyone who has had to deal with lengthy healing processes know that kind words and encouragement help the patient, and families cope. Please feel free to drop him a line at: Fanny Allen Rehab—Room 2030 790 College Parkway Colchester, VT 05446 Or call him at: 802-847-9503 Visitation is Mon-Sat 4-9 p.m. or Sun 10am - 9pm. ALL SOULS CONTRIBUTIONS YOUTH MINISTRY NEWS Some more contributions came into the office after the bulletin was printed last week and, unfortunately, they were omitted from the listing. I apologize for the oversight and would like to recognize the following for their generous considerations: **Mr. & Mrs. Lee Santor and Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Burdo, Sr. **The Fornecker & Darrah Families by Mr. & Mrs. William Fornecker **Patti & Jeff Provost and Elizabeth Facteau **The Shortell & Summers Families by Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Burdo by Mr. & Mrs. Donald Provost by Mr. & Mrs. John Shortell Generous Donations by: Mr. Henry Jarvis Mrs. Sally Kokes To Mr. Paul Dumas for the turkey and chickens. The Soup Kitchen will be turning them into delicious soup!! PRAYER IN MOTION The Catholic Daughter’s of the Americas, Court St. Monica #2598 will be raffling a basket starting this weekend and will continue until the weekend of November 22-23. The basket was donated by the Peruvian (South America) Delegation back in July. Tickets are being sold $1.00/ticket or $5.00/6 tickets. The winner will be drawn at the 9:30 Mass on November 23rd. Anyone who would be interested in doing “Prayer in Motion” for the 4:30 Christmas Eve Mass, please contact Julie Burdo at 563-2796 or see her after 4:30 Mass. She would like to start rehearsals soon. ADVENT RETREAT “Nurturing a ‘Mary’ Heart in a ‘Martha’ World” Presented by Sister Bethany Fitzgerald, SSJ This retreat will explore ways of developing a contemplative heart amidst our everyday activities. Saturday December 6th 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Cedarhaven in Morristown, NY Suggested Offering: $25 Option for extended retreat time to Sunday 10:00 a.m. (Inc. lodging, dinner, breakfast, etc. for addtl. $40) To register: Call 315-212-6592 or email [email protected] WHAT IS A VETERAN? What is a veteran? A “Veteran”, whether active duty, discharged, retired, or reserve, is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America” for an amount of “up to, and including, his life.”
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