Plymouth Roman Catholic Diocesan Trust - Registered Charity No. 213227 Parish Financial Appeal Monsignor Bart will speak at all Masses over this weekend about our Parish financial situation and how our expenditure greatly exceeds our income. Belinda or Margaret will be at the back of the church after Mass if you wish to sign up for planned giving either by bankers order or through the envelope system or need any further information. REQUIEM MASS FOR DECEASED MEMBERS OF THE PARISH THIS FRIDAY, 21 NOVEMBER AT 7PM IN THE CATHEDRAL This Mass, organised by the Legion of Mary, is offered for the repose of the souls of all who have died in the whole parish during the last year. Everyone is invited to attend . SPECIAL SUNG VESPERS FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY led by Bishop Mark to mark the 50th Anniversary of the Decree on Ecumenism (the Vatican II Decree on Ecumenism, Unitatis Redintegratio) will take place on: THIS FRIDAY 21TH NOVEMBER AT 4PM IN THE CATHEDRAL. Celebrate this important initiative with prayer for the unity Christ willed: ’that all may be one so that the world will believe’. Refreshments. All are welcome. GRAND CHRISTMAS DRAW, PARISH SOCIAL & QUIZ Saturday, 29th November 2014 at 7pm in the Cathedral Centre This is our main Autumn fund raising event, please take some raffle tickets to sell to your family and friends. Lots of prizes for the draw; First prize £100, 2nd Prize 2 nights accommodation and breakfast at Jurys Inn Plymouth, 3rd Prize £25 plus many other prizes. (Prizes kindly donated by; Jurys Inn, Copthorne Hotel, National Marine Aquarium, CBC Maiyas Salon, Duke of Cornwall Hotel, Rhodes at the Dome, Plymouth Albion, W H Joce Hayes & Finch, J Chandler & Co, Sainsbury’s, Ace Fire Equipment, Coleman Insurance, David Gridley Buckfast Abbey, Plymouth Raiders), Theatre Royal. Tickets for the social evening now on sale at the back of church. As you know we are hosting a FIRST WORLD WAR COMMEMORATION PROJECT in November. As well as having a book to record your family memories and stories we would also like any old photos, letters, etc. relating to the First World War, that we can photocopy and use for the display. Also any volunteers to help set up and present the project would be very much appreciated, please contact Liam O’Hara on 01752-338310 or else leave a message with the Cathedral Office. Thank You THIRTY-THIRD WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME - Yr A2 Psalter 1 - Mass Times & Intentions HOLY HOUR EVERY FRIDAY (including Novena to our Lady Untier of Knots) at 6pm in the Cathedral. All are most welcome to attend PLEASE PRAY FOR THE REPOSE OF THE SOULS OF Stephen Rohleder, Margaret Connaris, and all those who have died recently, and those whose anniversaries occur at this time. May they rest in peace and their family and friends be comforted. PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS sick and housebound: Fr Boland, Sister Catherine, Sylvia Butler, Sophie Kulka, Sarah Mahoney, Eileen Pott, Sarah Chave, Ena Fleming and her twin great grandsons, Rene & Bill Cotter, Baby Tyler Cripps, Peter Jarrett, Isabelle. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in the cathedral Monday - Thursday 9.30am - 4.45pm, Rosary and Evening prayer at 4.20, Friday: 9.30am - 7pm , Saturday: 10.30am 4pm. Cathedral is normally closed between 12.30pm—2pm Prayer for Vocations All of us have a responsibility to pray for Vocations to the Priesthood and Consecrated life. Every new vocation is a sign that the Lord continues to long for the souls of all men and women and by prayer for this intention we bring life and love to the Church and salvation to the world. There are some small booklets to aid this prayer, especially through the Rosary, available at the back of church. Please do take one and use it and maybe take one to a housebound parishioner so that they can join in this important ministry of prayers. Fr Keith has a few more if you cannot get hold of one. World War I exhibition November 17th 2014 – February 18th 2015 Funded by The In Flanders Fields Museum. Ypres Belgium. THE CATHOLIC CHILDREN’S SOCIETY… … are looking for runners (again)! If you didn’t fancy running a marathon in Rome how about the Paris Marathon on Sunday, 12 April, 2015? For further details please contact Claire asap 07783 156284 or email: [email protected] The Cathedral has been invited to host a unique touring exhibition to commemorate the centenary of the First World War. The exhibition consists of a specially commissioned book, and five chairs from Passchendaele’s St. Audomarus Church, Belgium. The Book: The book contains the names of 174.000 UK casualties who died in Belgium, along with empty pages. We would be pleased if you could visit The Cathedral and write your personal stories in the beautiful book. This is an opportunity for everyone in the Devon area to be a part of a very important archive, which will visit significant sites in the British Isles and Ireland until 2018. The Chairs: The five chairs from the church in Passchendaele Belgium, each represents a year of the war, and the loss endured by families and friends. Passchendaele was the site of one of the most terrible battles, where thousands of UK soldiers lost their lives. These chairs are like simple memorials to those who died as they bring a bit of Flanders to Devon. Missio Red Boxes are due to be emptied until the end of November at the latest. Please take them to your promoter or to Liz in the Parish Office. On the last day in November 2018, the five chairs will be placed in the empty market Square in Ypres, and will be joined by thousands of chairs from other countries, UK, Ireland and Belgium. The five chairs will take their last journey back to Passchendaele, and placed back in St. Audomarus Church. ADVENT RETREAT—BECOMING A NEW CREATION by FR KEVIN O’CONNELL, a priest of the Northampton Diocese St Rita’s Centre, Honiton.- Saturday, 29 November 10.30am-4.30pm 10.30am Coffee/tea for 11.00am start. Lunch: 1pm. Mass at 4pm. Cost £25 including lunch See poster/ application forms at back of church or 01404 42635 Parish News: The year of Consecrated Life 2014 –2015 The Diocese of Plymouth will mark the opening of the Year of Consecrated Life with Mass in the Cathedral on Saturday, 6th December 2014, at 12 noon. Everyone is invited to join the Consecrated People of our Diocese in joyful thanksgiving. Meet your Religious and see the work they do. Come and share our Joy! Cathedral: Fr John Garry sent sincere thanks to all who contributed to the recent St Patrick’s Missionary Society’s mission appeal. Would you like to be a reader at the 6pm Mass on Sundays? If so, please see Terry or one of the priests or leave a message at the Parish Office. Would you like to be involved with arranging and caring for the Cathedral flowers? We would like to form a Flower Group and maybe have a rota. If you are interested please contact LOUISE for a chat 01752 222046 No previous training or experience required, Louise is very happy to work with and help any interested people. APOSTLESHIP OF THE SEA CHRISTMAS APPEAL Christmas is now only a matter of weeks away, and again we would be most grateful for any signed Christmas cards and any small gifts (wrapped if possible), you might have for the ships/trawlers we will be visiting over Christmas and New Year period. Bars of chocolate, socks, woolly hats, handkerchiefs and toiletry are always much appreciated by the seafarers. Some of the tankers we visit have up to 22 crew members so boxes of sweets and biscuits always go down well! I will leave a box at the back of the church/ Cathedral for any gifts until Fri 19th Dec or I will come and collect from you if that is easier. Christ the King: There are still a few books of parish raffle tickets at the back. Return all monies and counterfoils to the Sacristy by Saturday 22nd November. St Joseph’s: We need new Red box organizer! Anyone interested please speak to Gerald, Mike or Lindsey. There are still a few intentions’ dates for December. JAYNE O’CONNOR, SHIPS VISITOR, PLYMOUTH 01752 500479. As always we are so grateful for all the super knitted woolly hats and donations towards phone tops ups we get from you all throughout the year. Many thanks. Raad Binham (07816 542349). SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION Baptism Preparation Programme In the Cathedral Centre, date: tba Confirmation will begin on Friday,21st November 4.30-5.30 in the Cathedral Centre Young people who will be 13 years (by 14th June, 2015) are eligible to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation First Holy Communion Courses Tuesday, 18th November, 4.30 –5.30, in the Cathedral Centre (term time only) RCIA Fridays at 7.30pm, In the Cathedral Centre. Next meeting 14th November. To enrol on any of the Sacramental Preparation courses, please contact 01752 662537 or [email protected] with your name, address and tel. number. UNIVER SITY CATHOLIC CHAPLAI NCY; facebook: plymouthcathsoc; twitter: @PlymouthCathsoc. Weekly activities include: Sun 11.30am Mass at Christ the King Church PL1 2EN (near The Hoe), Wed 6pm Mass, food & fellowship (at the Chaplaincy on Campus), Fri 2.15pm Rosary: 3-4pm Evangelium.Father Ian is available for pastoral support and spiritual direction. [email protected] and 01752 266523 ARE YOU INTERESTED in joining a pilgrimage to Medjugorje, flying from Bristol? Saturday, 16 or 30 May tbc. Spiritual Director: Fr John Delaney ofm cap. Cost: £439 (+ Single room supplement) with early discount until 1 Dec (£539 thereafter). Arranged with ’Joe Walsh Tours. For further details Tony Albright 01736 362925 asap so that date can be confirmed. MATT 25:14-30 Our word ‘talent’ has its roots in Jesus’ familiar parable of the Talents. The word originally referred to a silver coin whose value is uncertain but at its lowest valuation was worth several thousand denarii (and a denarius was the usual payment for a day’s labour). It has, of course come to mean ‘a natural or acquired ability, aptitude or skill’. The Parable of the Talents has many different layers of meaning. The Scripture scholar Joachim Jeremias has, for example, suggested that that the parable was specifically addressed to the scribes and Pharisees of Jesus’ day who withheld from God’s people their rightful share of his gifts in order to further their own interests. Like the servants in the parable, having been entrusted with much, they too would be required to render an account of their service. Jeremias also sees in the return of the master an underlying reference to the return of Christ, who will, at the final judgement, judge us all. If we ask the Holy Spirit he will bring us into the deeper meaning of this parable, We too must examine ourselves to see if we have a defective understanding of God because it can prevent us from being creative, generous and productive with the gifts, abilities and talents the Lord has given us. If we ask the Holy Spirit he will bring us into the deeper meaning of this parable, but what is clear is that the servant who buries his talent, producing no return on his master’s investment, does so because of a defective understanding of his master. Lord God, may I serve you with all my talents, all my gifts, all my abilities, all my love and all my strength.
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