Tri-City Lodge #14 1915 West Shore Road, Warwick, RI 02889 November 2014 Volume 62 Issue 47 Exalted Ruler Mark Eaton, PER 738-8133 Leading Knight Charles Greaves 465-4141 Loyal Knight John Collins 265-3075 Lecturing Knight Robert Hartington 461-0172 Secretary Carol DeLory 739-7047 Treasurer Lori Eaton 738-8133 Chaplain Anne Marie Greaves 465-4016 Inner Guard Timothy Beaudry 822-1202 Tiler Dick Warner 921-5573 Esquire David Knight 641-6629 Trustees 1 Year Nick Rossi 473-6529 2 Years Anthony Cicione 463-6980 3 Years Cheryl Devlin 739-3146 4 Years Donna Warner, PER 921-5573 5 Years Gerald Lapierre 739-0239 EXALTED RULER’S MESSAGE Hello, Can you believe it is this time of year again. The Lodge had a Halloween party and I didn’t see as many of you as I had hoped, but those that did come had a good time with good food and a great band. I want you to remember that these functions are a lot of work to do the shopping, cooking, making tickets, setting up, decorating and cleaning up. At this time I would like to thank Lori Eaton for always setting up, making tickets and cleaning up; always doing something behind the scenes. I’d also like to thank Nick Rossi for always being there first thing to shuck the corn or anything that needs to be done; Bob Hartington for always being there in the kitchen helping in the prep work and always cleaning up, and that is a big job after a function like that. Thanks to John Collins we had some pretty spectacular life-size decorations; and to Lori, Carol DeLory and Diane Bannister Duquette for decorating the hall and for all of you who came and supported us at this event, thank you. Events like these are a good way for us to get together like old friends. This Lodge has become like an extended family for most of us. We must do this to grow in the way that we have also by leaving our problems and differences somewhere else. Lately, we have accomplished this and have made our Lodge a friendly place to be with nice people, good music in a clean environment. We have proved this by the growth in our membership. Our members are bringing in their friends and family who like what they see and our becoming members themselves. Remember, when you see a new face, say hi and make them feel welcome and wanting to become an Elk. Our Lodge has participated in many of the programs that make us Elks. We have Veterans programs, Hoop Shoot, Drug Awareness, Scholarship, Americanism, Special Needs events. This year the Lodge helped to sponsor a Challenges Baseball team with the help of Dave McGhee, Charlie & Anne Marie Greaves. Sunday October 19th the team came to our Lodge to enjoy a banquet put on by Charlie, Anne Marie, Dave & Maureen, John Collins and Cheryl Devlin. Along with the help of the many volunteers, this event went very well. Next year with your help, it will only get better and grow. Great job guys & gals. I would also like to thank Bruce Caldwell for taking pictures at our events and posting them so promptly on our website!! Well, on to the Turkey Trot. It will be held on Friday, November 7th at 6:30, fun starts at 7:30. Bring a friend. If you have come before, you know how much fun it is. I’d like to thank Deb & Noel Petisce for getting the mailing of the raffle tickets stuffed and ready to send to all of our members. We did mail out 2 booklets to each. If you can’t join us, please support us. Hope to see you there. Save the Date: December 13th we will have a childrens’ toy party. Two, maybe three, bands will donate their time for this event, and there will be a buffet of food for all. Admittance is for you to bring in a new child’s toy, unwrapped between $15 and $20 range please. Check the website or the next bulletin for more information. We are going to make some Christmas baskets up for the holiday. If you know someone who needs help and can use a basket, please let me know. The baskets can be filled with food & toys. Our Member’s Christmas Party will be on December 20th at 3:00 in the Lounge. Lounge 401-737-9510 Office 401-737-2196 Fax 401-738-1296 Lounge Hours Sunday 12:00 pm - 10:00 pm Monday - Thursday 3:00 pm - 10:00 pm Friday 12:00 pm - 1:00 am Saturday 12:00 pm - 12:00 am EXALTED RULER’S MESSAGE (cont’d) SECRETARY’S MESSAGE Lastly, I would like to say how proud of our Lodge I am for showing the support at the Drug Awareness Walk on October 19th. Our Lodge had the most participating members and friends walking and volunteering than any other lodge in this state. YOU helped me raise $5,500 towards a speaker and other needed things for this program. Hello All! We have 45 members who still have to send in their payments. Please do so as soon as possible. Thank you. Regular member dues are $67.00, Life Member, $37.00. If you wish to donate to the Elks National Foundation and the 365 Special Needs fund, please add an additional $13.65. Please have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving. Propositions for Membership: Name John Bernardo Beatrice Eades David Eccleston Ronald Niksa Kenneth Scanlan Francis Murphy (dimit) Janet Murphy (dimit) John P. Conway (dimit) Fraternally, Mark Eaton, PER Delinquent Members 6291 6389 9208 9400 9593 9714 11330 11551 11663 11798 11850 11953 11981 12219 12360 12451 12463 12475 12517 12535 12595 12601 12615 12775 12794 12924 12929 13024 13025 13040 13043 13049 13052 13153 13167 13193 13225 13229 13234 13259 13281 13285 13311 13322 13339 Proposed By Dawn Kidd William Gillis Chris Carcieri James Thompson Carol Luff Investigation: At the Investigation meeting held on September 29, 2014, candidates Catherine Albertson, John Bernardo, William Cilley, Chad Danusis, JoAnn Niksa, Ronald Niksa, Stephen Ryan, Peter Sacchetti and Mark Williams were all found favorable. Balloting: At the Lodge meeting held October 1, 2014, Catherine Albertson, John Bernardo, William Cilley, Chad Danusis, JoAnn Niksa, Ronald Niksa, Stephen Ryan, Peter Sacchetti and Mark Williams were elected to membership in Tri-City Elk Lodge #14. At the Lodge meeting held on October 15, 2014, Francis Murphy and Janet Murphy were elected to membership in Tri-City Elk Lodge #14 on transfer dimit from Coventry/West Greenwich Lodge #2285 and John P. Conway was rejected. PASSINGS Frank Gaglione Their names will be written upon the tablets of love and memory. Please visit our website at Thank you to Bruce Caldwell for working on our website and keeping it up to date. Our bulletin is now posted on the site along with photo albums of the functions we’ve recently had. Because the costs of printing & postage continue to increase, we will only mail a hard copy of the bulletin to any person who has contacted our Secretary, Carol Delory to request one. You can reach Carol at the lodge @ 737-2196 should you wish to continue receiving the bulletin by mail. Indoctrination and Initiation: The following were indoctrinated on October 14, 2014, and were initiated into membership in Tri-City Elk Lodge #14 on October 15, 2014: John Bernardo, William Cilley, Chad Danusis, JoAnn Niksa, Ronald Niksa, Stephen Ryan, Peter Sacchetti and Mark Williams. Life Membership - Eligibility for Life Membership is 65 years of age, 30 years as an Elk and 10 years with your present Lodge. Life Membership is not automatic; just send a note or e-mail me. The following members are eligible for Life Membership: William Brown, Peter Dietrich, Archille Eno, Lawrence Goldberg, Joseph Lupino, James R. McCaughey, Jr., and John Whiting. Elks National Foundation - To date, we have received donations totaling $3,731.00. Special Note to our members – When you were indoctrinated you were requested to pledge $100.00 to the Elks National Foundation payable at $10.00 a year for 10 years with your dues payment. Fraternally, Carol DeLory, Lodge Secretary LET’S PLAY BINGO! SAVE THE DATES Friday, November 21 and December 5 & 19 Starting promptly at 6:30 pm Saturday, December 13th Toys for the Kids in our Community Please contact John Collins for additional ******** Saturday, December 20th Members’ Christmas Party 3 pm in the Lounge Area Turkey Trot Friday, November 7th ******** Sunday, December 21st Children’s Christmas Party 1 - 3 pm 6:30 pm Dinner 7:30 - 9:30 pm Turkey Raffles Along with many other raffle items. The entrance fee is the purchase of 2 raffle booklets. Six (6) tickets for $5.00. All proceeds go to Elks Charities. ******** Saturday, December 27th Pre-New Year’s Eve Party ******** Sunday, January 11th Game Dinner (Put on by Steve McKindle) Neal & The Vipers w/Dave Howard Saturday, November 22 8 p.m. - Midnight Tickets $6.00 @ the Door More details to follow in the December and January Bulletins! Children’s Christmas Party Sunday, December 21st - 1 to 3 pm Presents, good food, and a visit from Santa Claus! The Giving Tree will be put up the week after Thanksgiving. We will add names of the kids as we get them. The sign up sheet will also be posted in the Lounge area. You MUST sign your child up by Wednesday, December 10th. This will give Santa’s Elves a little time to purchase the gift. You can leave a hint as to what the child is interested in for our Elves! When you sign your children up, please take a name from the giving tree to give back. The Lodge members’ children AND also the children from the R.I. Family Shelter will be on the tree. A sheet will be posted next to the sign up sheet so that you will be able to write down YOUR name and the name of the child you will be bringing a gift for. Please be sure to sign this so that we can be sure that all the children attending the party will have a special gift from Santa to open. We have a container in the lounge for non-perishable items. We would like to make up baskets for families in the community for Christmas. The items can include can goods and hygiene items. On-Going Events TEXAS HOLD’EM LEAGUE Thursdays, 7:30 p.m. $25 Buy In. Cash Bar. For information, call Tony at 463-6980. *** COUNTRY LINE DANCING Mondays - 7 to 8:30 p.m. - $6.00 Tami is the instructor. Come and have some fun. Have you forgotten why you became an Elk? This past Sunday I participated in the Drug Awareness 5K Walk in Buttonwoods Park. It was chilly and cloudy and it would have been very easy to stay under the covers for an hour longer, but I went. I was surrounded by Elks and friends despite my getting there early. Everyone was in great spirits and you know what? It was fun. I left the camaraderie of that State Elk event and went directly to the Challenges Division banquet. When I scheduled this, I knew my crew would be there and I hoped that maybe some others would show, hoped. What happened next was amazing, we had tons of help. I was for the second time that day surrounded by my friends, fellow Elks, who with no begging and with no fuss, came to help. I can’t describe how touched I was by this. That, my friends, is why you’re an Elk. Miss that feeling? Come back to the Lodge and get involved. You matter to us, and we miss you. Charles Greaves Leading Knight Memory Bricks are Available They will be placed outside near our “Golden Pond” You can donate one in your name, a loved one or another Elk friend. The cost of the Bricks will be $50 for a 4x8 size and $75 for a 8x8 Please ask the Bartender for a form to place your order or download a copy from our website ( You can leave the form along with your cash or check made out to Tri-City Elks with the bartender. When we have 20 brick orders, we will be able to place the order. You will be notified when the brick is done !!!! Kindly support our advertisers as their support allows for the publication of this news bulletin. This advertising space is available at a rate of only $200 for six months or $300 for a year. Won’t you join our many business friends who already advertise with the TRI-CITY ELKS and become a proud advertising sponsor today! Call us at 401-465-4141 for further details. We look forward to servicing your advertising needs. Exalted Ruler's Message NOVEMBER BIRTHDAYS Fraternally, Mark Eaton Exalted Ruler 1 2 3 4 5 7 9 10 11 12 13 16 Paul Furtado Gary Perry Maria Amador William Dame, LM William Mills, Jr., LM Kevin Brown Wayne Larned Kimberly Link Bradford McCaffrey Agnes King Kenneth Salzsieder Michael Muksian, LM Elizabeth Manning Robert McCall Carol Minear Richard Kittredge Robert Radock, LM Arthur Simonini, LM Janet Ward David Crawford Harold Jackson, Jr. Joan Lowder Timothy Conrad Erik Andersen 17 18 19 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 Tracey Rose Carol Luff John Mattos, Jr., LM Nancy Brutzman Paul Delpape Thomas Moore George Lemieux, LM Marie Spellman Eric Cloutier Thomas Maziuk, LM Roy Alsfeld, LM Larry Bastanzi Charles Edwards, Jr. Melanie Flamand Edmund Kubiak, LM Vincent Arakelian Eugene McCaffrey, Jr., LM Linda Charron Annette Pepper Edward Beliawsky Robert Canavan Robert Kelly, Jr. Joseph Martino Booster Rate Information Won’t you please join us in our continued effort to bring you the most up-todate and fresh news about the Tri-City Elks by becoming a proud Bulletin Booster? A one-line booster for a single or couple’s name is $20 for 12 monthly issues. Fill out the application below, mail it with your payment, and become part of the ever-growing and proud list of Tri-City Elks Bulletin Boosters. Bulletin Boosters Yes! I want to be a Tri-City Bulletin Booster for one year. Enclosed is my check in the amount of $______________________. PLEASE PRINT Name(s) ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Return this form with your check to Tri-City Elks Lodge #14 1915 West Shore Rd. Warwick, RI 02889-4239 Contact Jane Caron for Hall Rentals @ 340-5250 $115.00 upstairs / $215.00 Plus $50 for the bartender downstairs (prices for TriCity members) Bulletin Boosters Roy & Carolyn Alsfeld Jane & Ernest Battey Maurice Bisson William J. Brown Dick & Margaret Bugbee Anthony & Joan Carcieri Diane E. Carley John and Pat Carr, LM Thomas Ciliberto Paul Collette Mark & Lori Eaton Archille Eno James & Dottie Felton Louis Ferretti Tom & Linda Fraccola Felix E. Gill Ruth Goyette David & Mickey Joly Richard & Carol Kittredge Frank & Debra Knight Terry Leal Kenneth Lusignan William A. McElroy, LM David G. McKay Doug & Renee Pariseau Arthur Parrillo Gary Place David Plante “Fireman” Bill Reynolds Kenneth Smith Dick & Donna Warner, PER Frank & Elaine Williams Ray Wynne OCTOBER ELK OF THE MONTH Richard DeLory If your birthday was in November, redeem this coupon for a complimentary beverage. NAME_______________________________________ BIRTH DATE_______________________________________ MEMBERSHIP NO._________________________________________ Tri-City Elks Lodge #14 1915 West Shore Road Warwick, RI 02889-4239 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED k d El lk! o o A G ctive E A is an NOVEMBER 2014 SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Trustee 6:00 Lodge 7:00 Texas Hold Em’ 7:30 Hi-Lo Jack! 7:00 Bingo 6:30 pm Neal & The Vipers w/ Dave Howard 8 pm 26 27 28 29 Country Line Dancing 7—8:30 pm Country Line Dancing 7—8:30 pm Country Line Dancing 7—8:30 pm 23 24 30 Country Line Dancing 7—8:30 pm 25 Trustee 6:00 Lodge 7:00 Texas Hold Em’ 7:30 Hi-Lo Jack! 7:00 Texas Hold Em’ 7:30 Hi-Lo Jack! 7:00 Turkey Trot 6:30 pm
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